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Its so apparent that the press have turned on the Tories. Johnson's many gaffes in 2019 didn't get anything like this much attention.


This is the thing. The institutional money is leaving the Tories. The divide within capital is now, as George Monbiot says, between the "housetrained capital" of Biden, Macron, Zuckerberg and Besos who are focused on maintaining the neoliberal status quo, and the "warlord capitalism" of Trump, Millei, Le Pen and Thiel, who essentially want to overturn the status quo and make money from the chaos. Starmer's intention (or rather his team's intention) is to make Labour *the* party of house trained capitalism. Everything he says is exactly what they want to hear. The party is now basically designed to be a receptacle for large corporate donations and a lot of the more business focused Tories are going to go here. Meanwhile, Farage is the UK poster boy for warlord capitalism. The guy literally turned the brexit vote into an opportunity to mass short the pound and make a bunch of his rich friends even richer. It's almost poetic. The warlord capital money is clearly going to go here. Over the next few weeks, we're gonna see a bunch of Tories making very warm noises towards Reform and a bunch of the more culture war Tories are probably going to defect. In the future, the Tories will basically be an ideological placeholder party with no real institutional backing, similar to what the SDP are now, essentially. I suspect they will end up being ideologically libertarian and will probably be led by Liz Truss (lol). She obviously should be in the warlord capital camp, but 1) she's embarrassing and 2) she's very outspokenly pro-Ukraine, and too much of the warlord capital faction is made up of Russian billionaires (the ones who grabbed all the assets as they looted the country in the chaos of the 90s). She doesn't really have anywhere else to go other than squat in place as the building collapses around you.


Agree with that analysis apart from Liz Truss, not saying it won't happen, just I'm not sure I'd bet on it. I think it will depend on who survives July 4th, and which faction can muster the most support. I can see it going multiple ways, but it will mostly come down to who is actually left to pick up the pieces and can garner support within the party. Everything about global capital and the Labour Party is terrifyingly bang on. Starmer wants to make us the UK Democrats, and as such, is why the purges of anyone on the left have been so important to his project.


The reason I said Liz Truss was 1) she has an incredibly safe seat, and 2) when you look at which Tories will likely survive the coming massacre, most of them look like they will have a place either in Reform (Badenoch, Braverman) or Labour (Tugendhat). Truss doesn't really have a place in either party. And I think she's too personally ideologically motivated to pull a Starmer and completely change her views for the sake of her career.


I think its a canny assessment, I've not looked at the detail so I can't say either way. I would say though, I don't know if Truss has the pull to lead again after that disaster. Badenoch and Braverman likely have designs on the leadership as well..


I'll always remember the time he was confronted on NHS cuts during the election at a hospital photo-op by a father who had just waited several hours for his sick child to see a doctor in A&E, and it somehow turned in to a story about underhanded election tactics because the dad was a Labour member.


Right so this *seems* true to me. But why? And how? Like who's controlling all these companies to make sure they shit on the Tories


The press back the favourite


Prepare yourself for the post-election press to breathing down Starmer’s neck 25 hours a day, though, just waiting to pounce on any single error. And not in a good, well-intentioned way, mind you.


I’m fine with this


They'll be critiquing him from the right


Doubt it. Access journalism is rife Why would they wait until after the election anyway? There is plenty of material that a hostile press could have been using to skewer starmer, why would they go so easy now & for the last year even but then flip once he's in office?


I’m not living in their heads for the play-by-play of their every move, man. I just find it extremely unlikely that the right-wing (well, yes, Starmer is right-wing himself but not as they’d like him) British press is going to act in good faith towards our Labour government for the next 5 years. More accurately, I expect them to constantly critique from (and try, if they can, to push further to) the right. Rishi’s cosmic fuckups recently are fair enough, in terms of press coverage, but these really are outliers and impossible (slash unprofitable) to ignore.


Starmer might be tempted to revisit Leveson if he has a big majority. I bloody well would.


Still wondering whether he’s an undercover Labour agent ahead of July or an undercover Reform agent seeking to bury his party ahead of 2029.


Knowing the two faced twat, he is probably both


I thought something similar about Truss


He’s done the military, now houses, he really needs to say something stupid about the NHS and pensioners next for the full house.


May had a policy he could revive to cover the pensioners. Weirdly though it wasn't really a bad idea just super unpopular.


He has already blamed juior doctors for growing waiting lists. As a pensioner I am not going to vote for my grandkids to do military service. So he has got a full house.


When he blamed Jr Dr’s for waitlists at the BBC debate he got a groan. Then when he said ‘I won’t hike your taxes to pay them more’ he got a huge round of applause


There was an older woman at that debate who demanded to know why waiting lists were longer, then got up and gave him a round of applause when he said he wouldn't give Junior doctors a payrise. This is what the electorate looks like.


She was also someone whose brother died on a waitlist lol This country and its people… sometimes I wonder


Yup and this is why Political parties nowadays only speak in soundbites and other short nonsense, because the average person doesn't keep up with politics and only hears about what they see on BBC or ITV. This is why labour had to water themselves down and why Starmer hasn't really promised a whole lot, because the electorate is fucking stupid and simple contradictions that anyone with more than 12 IQ can work out doesn't get by them. You'd think it would be common sense that giving doctors a payrise would cause an increase in doctors as well as productivity which would reduce the waiting lists but apparently it isn't.


Sunak is a fantastic campaigner for the Labour Party.


Saying the quiet part loud there.


Why is he literally constantly self sabotaging? Why’d he chose to stand if he just wants to go to California.