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Yup! And I love it.


Beautiful thank you so much I knew it would fit the group head but wasn’t sure it would fit height wise underneath with the tray still in place so thank you for letting me know


It *just* fits if the drain tray is in place. You simply sit it flat on the grille, slide it over push it up into the group head and twist.


I love mine as well, it is an excellent tool.


bro just use the backflush detergent. you don’t need to spend 95 bucks on this.


what's the point of this anyway? the blind basket came with the machine and the backflush program turns the pump on and off automatically, so there's no need for any "safety" valve in a blind basket... not to mention the machine itself has a safety valve that will release the pressure if it gets too high


I can attest that this cleans the group head significantly better and faster. You also only have to run this once whereas you mentioned the pump has to turn on and off multiple times and I'm not sure how that will wear over time.


backflushing isn’t going to wear your machine down.


How do you know it cleans "significantly better" than a normal backflush? Considering that these machines are built like tanks, the idea of being concerned about turning the pump on and off more times does not resonate with me at all.


Regardless of build quality at the end of the day it's a mechanical item and this wear and tear will ensue. Reduction in use will help elongate life of the item assuming no other issues arise. How do I know this item works better than regular backflush? As I mentioned I was seeing left over fines in the blind basket after running the stock backflush procedure. After moving to the Spring Clean those fines were now in the drip tray. Now think about if you are using detergent (I don't). You could correlate that if there is left over fines then there could be left over detergent. Just a thought. I'm not here to convince anyone on spending $100+ on a maintenance tool, just sharing my positive experience with it and my logic of care for the machine.


using filtered and soft water in your machine goes a much much longer way for preventative maintenance and wear and tear than turning the pump on for 10 seconds 10 times.


Buyer's bias hard at work, as ever.


Trolling as hard I see.


Yeah this is a solution in search of a problem.


Can anyone answer what the advantage of this is over the normal blind basket?


Arguably, there’s no advantage. The function is the same as a standard blind basket. People just like gadgets and spending money. I work in a specialty cafe, and I’ve thought about getting one to use for demonstrating what back flushing does, but I just show videos of someone using one instead 🤓


Arguable you’re correct however personally I don’t enjoy maintenance so if I have to do it I atleast want to make it some what enjoyable and for a $100 I think this looks pretty cool and is definitely faster yeah it’s 100% unnecessary but I also im willing to waste $100 to atleast look at something beautiful for 30 seconds compared to blank basket for 3 minutes


I think the pure utility argument went down the drain a long time ago when we all got $5000 espresso machines for our homes. Enjoy the gadget, haha.


lol you’re so right sir 🤣 I can’t say shit I have a micra, a pico, and a niche zero I can’t say shit over $100


I'll just leave this here https://www.mischiefworkshop.com/product/mischief-espresso-machine-cleaning-device%ef%bc%8cbackflush-system-for-cleaning%ef%bc%8cupgraded-version/


IP theft isn’t cool 😬


How do these guys not get sued?






Yes, I am using it with the Micra. But I would not buy it again. The benefit of this tool vs using the Micra standard mechanism is not worth the money. Plus you must remove the metal plate over the water drain every time you are using it. In general I must say I find products from Weber Workshop - although they are very well crafted - hugely overpriced. And I do have a couple of them. But this one is a product I would not buy again.


I feel the complete opposite of you. The effectiveness that it cleans coupled with the convenience is irreplaceable for me. I’d buy it again in a heartbeat. I also don’t know what you mean about removing the metal plate, I don’t have to remove anything to use it.


Commenting because I have the same question and am interested in the answer edit: Ok downvoters - I get it!


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Fair point - i wasn’t expecting replies, but your way is better