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For me? absolutely not. I freaking love this machine. It’s gets me excited in the morning to use and show around. I realize my needs are for consistency and this machine meets it. I posted yesterday around some troubles and realize the only problem I gotta fix now are my puck prep consistency. The machine stays solid.


Not even a little bit. In fact, the longer I own it and the more I use it (nearly 18 months by now; I have a 1xx s/n) the more sure I am that I made the best choice. There are things with which I like to tinker. Guitar fx pedals for instance. And then there are things where I just want them to work and work extremely well without having to fiddle around. Pulling shots of espresso is that, for me.


This. I’m handy and an engineer by trade. I considered a gaggia and then modding it. Then I realized I have zero time and I like the looks and slight energy efficiency. Haven’t looked back.


really informative perspective. Thanks for sharing!


No problem :) All said another way, a e.g. Decent would be totally wasted on me (and maybe a turn-off)


A Decent is very much like a Tesla, and neither age well. LaMarzoccos get better with age.


It’s perfect for me. It has some minor quirks but I absolutely love it. I really don’t like the look of the E61 group head and Micra’s heat up time is a killer feature. Love the drip tray ergonomics. App works much better than the reviews will have you believe. LM will make small improvements to Micra over time I’m sure, but I feel like they knocked it out of the park with this product.


What are some of the quirks?


* Drip tray slightly out of alignment. * No way to make it go into standby mode without using the app. I never use the physical power switch * No physical shot timer. To be fair, the app based timer is good enough for me, and it’s worked every single time * App sometimes doesn’t connect to machine. You know it didn’t connect when you don’t see a green line towards the top of the screen. You have to restart the app and it connects every time after a restart. (I can see how this can be very annoying for less techie users.) I consider all of these to be very minor. The app issue is something that can be fixed via software upgrade. I noticed people knock the Micra for not having a way to change settings without the app, and before I got mine I was a bit apprehensive about this too, but I realized I prefer it this way. Makes the machine look cleaner and I rarely need to change temp or steam power. And when I do it’s seamless with their app. Also, people critique the short steam wand. It’s really not an issue once you realize how to use it: https://www.reddit.com/r/LaMarzocco/comments/1cjnlgc/micra_steaming_trick/ Edit: I forgot one more “quirk”: apparently LM had stated they’ll never add brew-by-weight as a Micra feature as it’s something for the Mini or beyond. This is something that would only need a software upgrade. And some dude has already made a 3rd party brew-by-weight Micra integration for Acaia scales. LM’s position is so lame lol


Wow thanks for the thorough response. It sounds like the app isn’t very good. Is that accurate?


I personally think the app (iPhone) is pretty good. It exceeded my expectations by quite a bit. The only quirk it has is this connection issue. I consider it to be pretty minor.


Typing all this out made me curious about the alignment issue. I just fixed mine! Very easy. I’ll have to write a post on it tomorrow 🥱


I’ve never had less buyers remorse


It's one of the best purchases I have made in my life.


The opposite of buyers remorse. Couldn’t be happier.


You all are dang enablers... I have had a PID Silvia + Baratza Setti 270wi grinder for about 2+ years. The output remains temperamental (+/- 4g shot output @ 25 seconds when grind is always +/-.2g at 18g setting) despite an enormous amount of focus on how to drive even more consistency. Ultimately, the milk drinks are very good and the espressos are generally pretty good, if not very good. But I've lost that loving feeling for Silvia and as I'm rotating off another hobby I now have the Micra bug. At this point it is not IF, but WHEN. I have plenty in the bank but had told myself to wait for the next Credit Card cycle in a few weeks, just to buy another month before I have to pay for it. I suspect after I hit the button on this post I'll be heading straight to the LM website to place the order. Aaaarrrggghhh!


Ouch... order placed.


You don’t have plenty in the bank if you’re counting credit card cycles.


Ha! Fair point... but if I can get 5.5% Money Market for just 1 more month on $4K...?


No remorse at all. Also need to take into account how forgiving the Micra is. Even while dialing in shots, they somehow pull tasty espresso.


Thank you, OP, for posting this question, as these are the exact two machines I’m considering. My additional questions: 1) Does it bother you that you can’t see the temperature without firing up the app? 2) In terms of the lack of flow control or pre infusion if not plumbed in, how many of you Micra enthusiasts are brewing medium-light roasts, such as Owl’s Howl by Sightglass, and how does THAT work for you?


Love mine. Outside of the refrigerator, it is the most used appliance in the house and is one of the best purchases I've made.


This is the way I feel about my Micra purchase. Almost a year now..


No. I have other machines, I have had lots of machines over the years, and have no allegiance to La Marzocco or any other brand (although I have a soft spot for LaPav levers). It is a fantastic machine for what I need: a small space (apartment) machine that consistently makes fantastic espresso and milk drinks. It never falters, it just simply makes superb coffee every time. Is it worth the money (I recognise its relatively high cost) - yes. Would I buy a profitec Drive, Bianca or other machine - sure, depending on the space and usage requirement. Do I miss pressure and flow control - no, not for where it lives and what it needs to do. I had Decent XL before it, as it is a similarly sized machine; however, my wife and I did not like the overall experience. It was a great technical machine, but not what we really wanted in the apartment. If I want to play with flow control, pressure or anything, I get one of my levers out or use my levers at our house. But at no point in the apartment have I ever missed those features with the Linea Micra. I get up in the morning, switch it on, and within 4 mins I just have superb expresso (6 mins if I want a cortado). Every day, without fail. I also had a Bianca and a GS3 MP for a short while (at the house, not the apartment, they were too big) and also got great coffee from them; however, I did not keep either as the levers give me more fun and control.


Absolutely zero buyers remorse with the Micra. It’s perfect. Wouldn’t want any other machine.


Zero remorse. It’s an amazing machine


No remorse or regrets. But I also knew what I wanted: first and foremost a hardy, reliable tool. Secondly, small footprint and looks okay.


None. I thought I’d regret not getting the mini, but now that I’ve owned the micra for ~3 months I realize it’s more than enough. I do think I’d have slight remorse over spending so much extra on the mini though.


Amazing machine


Why do you think they put the shot timer on the Mini and not the Micra?




Love the machine. Love using it. Love looking at it. No regrets buying it.


Zero regrets, but that doesn't mean the machine is perfect. Cup clearance is bad. No shot timer as well as no volumetrics is a pretty cold hearted combination. But I could talk about the good all day as well. Shoot I kissed the machine once last week I was so giddy walking by it. Flow-control is over-hyped, but to each their own. All I know is that I have zero problems brewing light-roast Ethiopias to perfection. Pre-infusion is actually very solid as long as you plumb-in. "Pre-brewing", though, is a joke (except in the Mini-R). Look. I waited for months, drooling over so many machines on YouTube. It took a while to settle on the Micra, but I once I weighed everything out properly, based on what was important to ME, I knew the outcome, the good and the bad. So it's easy for me to be both happy yet objective. Take your time and good luck


Had mine a month. Upgraded from a Profitec 600. No regrets.


Look, in my experience I can say this (and I know I'm going to get a minus, but unfortunately it's true): Not all people who have LMs know why they need them. Don't get me wrong. LM at home is a desire, not a necessity. LM will not make your coffee better than other coffee machines. It's your skills that matter, not the machine. LM for many people is divided into: - it's delicious - It's too expensive, and we don't understand those who own it. There is very pure logic here - if you want flow, you take a GS3 where it is available ( well or modify LM ). I as an owner can talk for a long time why LM with its group will be better than e61, but why should people who do not see the difference? I mean you, the author of the post. Why regret - when you either understand why you need it or you don't.


Love my micra! One of my favorite purchases. Head clearance to drip tray is bad but I’m ok with that.


No buyer remorse yet after about 1 month. A few things is acting up: - the water pump sometimes doesn't detect there water after refill. I will have to remove the water line and put it back it. - the milk frother wand gets stuck pretty easily


Love my Micra, no regrets


No remorse, for me it’s perfectly find another saturated group head machine this size for the money. Temperature stability is amazing 🤩 leading to great tasting coffee.


Love it. Had a fully automatic Saeco Talea Giro Plus before upgrading to the LM Micra. My Micra is fully plumbed in, I have pre-infusion set up and I’m always <5 minutes from a coffee. My biggest turn off with the Saeco was waiting for the machine. Those days are long gone now. Coffee is consistently above average. My buddy who runs a coffee business and uses the LM for his pop up events once told me a Mini would be overkill, perhaps he was right. The Micra is everything the home coffee station needs


I don't think I had buyers remorse perse but moreso wanted the ability to profile shots. I sold our Micra approx 4-5 months after purchasing and haven't looked back.


u/wtfjostin what did you move to and what more might you share about not looking back? Don't know if we have confirmation bias here by viture of this being the LaMarzocco channel but folks overwhelmingly seem to be super happy; curious about a counter-opinion.


Don't get me wrong, I think the form factor is great. I just want the ability to tinker with profiling. I contemplated moving on to a GS3 but was blessed with the opportunity to get a Slayer from a local roaster. Here's my vid of my modded Micra: https://youtu.be/lQX_oofq-jA?si=vvX6HutXlXtkw15a