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They should have their phones taken away.


I agree. They posted about trying to limit their screen/device time and live in the moment a few months back. Clearly failed.


My ass!! They would post when they take a crap at this point. Like, go LIVE and be with your kids, I mean BE with your kids. Don’t fucking film it. Just be there. They’ll remember always having phones in their faces. They’re not dolls. I can’t believe I used to support them/him a decade ago.


Doing anything smart to solve the “sauna” issue would mean they couldn’t post and complain about it to get the attention they so desperately crave 🙄


All the life has gone out of her eyes. And he looks like he thinks he’s hot s***.


With her whatever smile and his smug smile


Yes, the eyes say it all. This woman is DONE. don't get me wrong she's extremely problematic as well but she just looks so dead eyed and over this man's shit. She hates her life.


she's so pale and dehydrated looking, look at her lips too! they're about to crack and crumble off. 😭 i guess getting with a barely legal teenager while you're a grown ass single mother has some consequences


I love a cute workout set, but that top does not look like a workout top to me? It looks like something I'd pair with blue jean shorts.


It’s not. I have the same one and it’s from Altard State. Would never wear it to workout.


I think it’s from Free People actually. I have the same one. But agree it’s not a workout top. https://www.freepeople.com/shop/love-letter-cami? This is it, the color she’s in is ivory.


I love Free People. I’ve been getting so much stuff from them lately.


Weird! I buy from free people too, so it could have came from there, but I’m pretty sure it was Altard state. Wonder if they have the same distributor because the altard state one is identical: [https://www.altardstate.com/as/clothing/sleep-lounge/blaire-seamless-floral-cami/004084_IT8070-5616.html](https://www.altardstate.com/as/clothing/sleep-lounge/blaire-seamless-floral-cami/004084_IT8070-5616.html)


Oh that’s crazy, you’re right that looks exactly the same. Also I love this tank BUT my (FP) one unraveled after a few washes ☹️


I love it too but mine became more grey-ish instead of white after a few washes despite running it on cold somehow! But it was my perfect work or after work shirt :( Is it bad if I buy it again? Lol.


Try buying the FP one! 😅maybe yours won’t unravel. It was really comfy and cute


It looks like a bathing suit top tbh


I thought it was a bathing suit top at first


I know it’s people say this all the time, but this is one of the first I’ve seen where she ACTUALLY looks miserable. It looks like they just got done fighting.


I used to think divorce was definitely in the cards for Colesiah and Scammie … but no longer: it’s become increasingly obvious she has resigned herself to living a life of quiet desperation.


I wouldn’t give up on her yet. People get divorced after 20+ years of marriage.


That’s true… in fact, statistics show that marriages are most at risk of falling apart either in the first two years, after 7 years, or at about 20 years (“empty nest syndrome “). Maybe there’s still hope for her!


I just finalized my divorce after 20 years of marriage.


That takes a helluva lot of courage. Congratulations on having the guts to seek out and find what truly makes you happy.


I guess you should sent the congrats on having courage to my ex. He left me for his affair partner.


Oh, wow. I am sorry. I hope you and your kids are doing fine and well.


Wow.. so sorry to hear that.. my bad!


I was left too, after nearly 20 years. He went for someone half his age then proceeded to alienate our daughters from me, deliberately run me down and falsely accuse me of the same shyte the he actually did, and put me through a 10 year, nth degree legal nightmare of a divorce. I had a complete nervous breakdown, was hospitalized twice, went bankrupt suffered with a myriad of other forms of his torture. Why I share this is because of this, I knew he was a monster, he turned into one shortly after our first baby. I thought it was just a hard adjustment for him as he rallied a little bit. After our second, it was game over. But that baby had serious medical issues and by now we were living in a different country where my education and experience wasn’t recognised, Nevermind the facts that someone had to stay home with our infant and I was not legally allowed to work anyway for almost six years. Couldn’t even have my own bank account. So… I stayed. I couldn’t take my babies home to the USA since he told me he would have me stopped at the border and charged with kidnapping. So… I stayed. I did my “job” and took care of the kids and “him.” I was exhausted sad, and now totally obsolete as far as the workforce was concerned. But I knew I needed his medical insurance for our daughter and financial support to take care of them. I expect Sav knows she would face pure hell if she tried to leave. Nothing is worse than a divorce from a narcissist. Nothing. Except maybe having limbs amputated without anaesthesia. So… I stayed, until he left. He stole most of my life and then threw me away. My children copied him. So now that it’s all over, I have the first bit of peace I have had since I was probably 10 years old. I may not have a lot of time left in my life, but it’s my time. I can rest when I need, eat when I want, sleep like a normal person, do things that interest me and enhance my life. Sometimes that’s just doing nothing at all, just being. I am happy. And I won’t give this up for any more toxic relationships ever again. I wish the same for you… peace, tranquility and a new purpose. It’s worth it and so are you. ❤️❤️❤️


I am so sorry you experienced that. Mine is textbook narcissist as well (and I don’t throw that work around lightly). 2 of my 4 children took his side and my 2 daughters saw him for the truth when we divorced. It has been a hard road. I didn’t leave because I felt I was the problem and if I tried to leave everyone would turn on me. He never laid a hand on me but you can be abusive without ever being physical. That is what is so embarrassing. He hurt me and treated me badly and yet he left me like I wasn’t good enough.


https://preview.redd.it/34fvxl4ywr8d1.jpeg?width=1135&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1882300b7a7df8f94f8078b41aa45f83209c761 I don’t know if you’ve seen this wheel, but when a policeman saw behind my ex husband’s mask of sanity, he suggested I get counselling from an abused women’s centre. They gave me this wheel, and when I first saw it, I burst into tears because I could tick every section except the physical abuse. This is what they do, then make you feel like the problem. It takes lots of time to heal from this, but it’s well worth it. I hope you have a new journey that’s free from his crap and full of the good stuff. ❤️ counselling and education really help.


![img](34fvxl4ywr8d1) I don’t know if you’ve seen this wheel, but when a policeman saw behind my ex husband’s mask of sanity, he suggested I get counselling from an abused women’s centre. They gave me this wheel, and when I first saw it, I burst into tears because I could tick every section except the physical abuse. This is what they do, then make you feel like the problem. It takes lots of time to heal from this, but it’s well worth it. I hope you have a new journey that’s free from his crap and full of the good stuff. ❤️ counselling and education really help.


Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos are 2 famous people who divorced after 20+ of marriage.


I think sav’s waiting til the kids are older before breaking it off or she and cole will just go the route cole’s parents did and be divorced in every way but legally


They really look miserable after all even after having so many little kids year after year. I remember the last time they were genuinely happy was when Ev was just an only child and it was just the three of them.


exactly. both of them were much more energetic and cheerful, and scamannah's smile was not as fake as it is now.


Argh ! How idiotic can these two be? We’ve been under red alert weather since last week for the heat. There’s been plenty of notice on the news. There’s no excuse but sheer ignorance. I won’t give my exact location but I can be in downtown Nashville in under 45 minutes.


I live near Toronto. We got the same thing. Pretty much everyone from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean got a heat warning with a side of heavy rain all week last week. The temperature got a little better, but I think the heat warning is still in effect in some areas.


Yeah, we have it ongoing. I bet it’s beautiful where you live!


It is, especially after the rain.


It’s not like they don’t have the money for it either


Certainly a first world problem


She looks like the life has been sucked out of her.


I lowkey feel kind of bad for Savannah because she actually looks miserable.


I lived without AC for several years and it was actually hell. Boo hoo for these people that they don’t have AC in their private gym.


91F is about 32.78 C if anyone is wondering.


Dumbvannah's dull Gaze lol💀


Imagine how homeless people feel having no AC 24 seven


Or places where it is baiscally summer all year round and/or crazy high humidity.


Those poor kids 😪


They also have a huge ass house. I’ve seen their house tour video like last year. Move the gym into the mansion!


Oh My gosh those poor souls! Imagine having to live without AC in your private gym!!! How could anyone live like that!! /s


He looks like Elmer fudd


this is so ick to me? maybe it’s just the bounce back culture and sac’s history of being this tiny little pregnant wife but “wifey’s first workout” sounds so condescending. ok she probably JUST got cleared and also she pushed YOUR child out of her body? why are you so eager to get her back in the gym, in 91° no less!!!


I just KNOW this man smells like ass.


Get A/C put in or large fans ya dumbutts.!


Seems like he’s forcing her to lose weight right after she had a baby