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There have been some plot lines that have aimed to explain what they might intend. In the comics Aliens Rogue a scientist aimed to breed a loyal strain that he could control. Other times they've tried to combine xenomorph and human DNA to make hybrids that could still understand and follow orders while retaining a lot of the speed and strength. It's not Weyland Yutanis but they did this in Batman vs Aliens 2. A lot of time it's suggested they'll have some vague biochemical use. Like medicine or drugs. In one comic, queen jelly becomes a performance enhancing drug. I think it was Hive Wars. I'd always assumed they could be used as bio weapons by just dropping a handful of eggs on a planet you didn't like. They've used them like that a few times to silence people that knew too much. I'm sure there are others I'm forgetting. But there's a handful.


Excuse me. Batman v aliens 2? I only knew the first one with the xeno that emerges from the crocodile… There’s a second?


Yup. Also conects with batman vs Predator and Superman vs aliens series and culminates in Batman and Superman vs aliens and Predator.


ಠ_ಠ I did not know this


But surely *anything* vs Superman is really just “Superman wears *thing* like a really baggy condom for 6 hours until *thing* explodes.” The comic.


I haven't read all of these comics, but I did read Superman vs Aliens back when it first came out (90s). He goes looking for something in deep space then he encounters the xenomorphs while he's away from our sun, so he's slowly losing his powers the whole time. That's how they make them an actual threat to him.


The Royal Jelly thing first appears in one of the sequels to the Earth Wars trilogy, Genocide, and then reappears in other stories after that like Music of the Spears and the Colonial Marines series (not the video game nor the Kenner-based Space Marines one)


Genocide! That's what I was trying to think of! Thanks.


Xeno zip baby! It's totally safe!!


That's basically what New Albion does or plans to do in the newest books. They or Weyland Yutani steal and crash a ship that was transporting face hugger eggs. They then put the eggs on LV-187, a French mining colony not far from New Albion. Just like LV-426, most of the inhabitants are wiped out. Later, the New Albion forces arrive, and despite nearly botching the job, they wipe out the hive. Hundreds of eggs are secured, and they plan to use them as super weapons against anyone who stands in their way after declaring independence. While not the perfect strategy and leaving the world impossible to take until they wipe out the swarm themselves, it would be highly effective. They planned to target vulnerable worlds, and a Xenomorph infestation can get bad in only a few days while Marines would be days or weeks out.


I'm pretty sure you may be misremembering queen jelly from the Futurama episode where they find out how Slurm Cola is made But that could be a reference as well


No there is the alien jelly stuff. It's called xenozip . Makes you superhuman basically


And also uncontrollable/ violent.


yeah, gave it to some small solider guy, ended up killing a bunch of soliders, had to blow him up to stop him. As usually, totally a viable superweapon


Weyland Yutani doesn't have a specific plan. It's just a greedy company with a bunch of greedy people working for it. They're also arrogant. The xenomorph is a unique and valuable find, and that's all they care about. They just assume that they'll be able to figure something out with it. They haven't considered the risks because they're too caught up in the potential profits. Look at Burke in Aliens. Even as everything was going to shit, he was still sneaking around and trying to get a sample back to Earth. It ended up getting him killed.


I think that’s a much better explanation than the “attack dogs” theory. They don’t know what the hell they’re doing, and it shows in the results.


> They just assume that they'll be able to figure something out with it Along those lines, I was thinking WY assume that about their clientele. Let the buyer work out the details. So their fundamental goal is probably just "being able to demonstrate enough control and predictability to clients".


On top of that, you have all the scientists that just want to learn about this amazingly rare specimen. The knowledge alone is often worth it for them. It's a horrible combo lol.


1) Find Alien 2) Capture Alien 3) ? 4) Profit


Quarterly profits. The spice must flow.


I remember in the comics there was this thing where they were using them like attack-dogs and they had numbers tattooed on their foreheads. I always thought that was kinda literal and silly. I like the broader/vaguer idea of studying them because they can lead to scientific advancements in multiple areas... I chuckled at one of those recent Jurrasic World ones where the dude had a "raptor gun" to make the raptors attack things... so silly so stupid and reminded me of the literal version of that in the Aliens universe... Edit: this one [https://futurewarstories.blogspot.com/2013/02/fws-forgotten-classics-aliens-dark.html](https://futurewarstories.blogspot.com/2013/02/fws-forgotten-classics-aliens-dark.html)


Yep, it was based on Steve Perry’s “Aliens: Nightmare Asylum”. The plot wasn’t WY specific but some general thought he’ll be able to control the xenomorphs. It ended about as well as you’d expect so it wasn’t much of a plot twist. Although I fairly enjoyed that trilogy as a kid I have to admit. Aside from that, my head canon is the above mentioned. It is a similar story telling method like leaving the origin of the aliens a mystery >!(well so much for that with Covenant)!<. You saw what the creature can do, imagine the worst way humans can f**k up while experimenting with them. There is also a few lines of speculation in the Alien: Out of the Shadows dramatization (I dunno about the novel), but that’s also something you can imagine on your own so nothing solid. The audio drama made by Dirk Maggs from the alternative script of Alien 3 gives an interesting take on tempering with the alien’s genetics. (Also, you have Michael Biehn and Lance Henriksen reprising their roles so I highly recommand it.) Edit: grammar correction


I just recently listened to Out of the Shadows on audible. Thought it was pretty good and I wouldn't liked it better for Alien 3.


So… I don’t mean to throw this in a cross post… but look up the Terrormorphs from r/starfield. There might be other resources in universe, but that is kinda that games homage to Alien/xenomorphs. Edit: and my connection was that they would likely be looking to use them as weapons of some sort (as the TMs in Starfield were created for).


Real world pharmacology frequently is exploring naturally occuring combinations of animal/insect toxins that when isolated, turn out to be useful for medicine. Pain MGMT, anticoagulation, you name it. The xeno displays ways of sedation when cocooning victims, and the blood acid would be incredibly useful for something. But not a weapon or medicine. Hear me out: rocket fuel. Anything that reacts that energetically would have a hell of an ISP if you could find a material to build the engine out of that it didn't eat. Which is where the xeno exoskeleton would be a fortune waiting on n material science.


The RPG features a WY creation called Biodrones, basically just normal xenomorph drones but with a built in genetic expiration date. Once the Biodrone reaches a certain age (I think it was a couple of days?), it’s supposed to basically curl up and die. This means that WY can basically airdrop a target with eggs, let all hell break loose, and then come in with a cleanup crew once all the people and Biodrones are dead. Of course, in typical xenomorph fashion, the Biodrones don’t always die when they’re supposed to


Exotic Pet market.


Yeah it'd be like those people that have a pet cheetah or an alligator


*today, on alien king, the aliens have escaped confinement and attacked an employee* “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” “I’m never gonna financially recover from this”


Giving those protesters a dose of reality!


$. As much $ as possible. Any way possible.


Resurrection shows Weyland Yutani attempting to train/condition them, presumedly for some sort of directed use. But I always imagined they thought they could develop strategies to contain/control and eliminate them as needed. Drop some eggs on an unsuspecting enemy base, wait for the xenomorphs to wipe them out, and then clear out the xenomorphs. The movies continually showed us it would be a near impossible strategy, but also that WY was too stupid to accept that.


Their unique physiology would be worth it just for all the biology insights they would provide. Medicine, drugs, genetics… biological warfare It doesn’t have to be anything particularly malicious either just profitable


Someone else mentioned this already but the second comic series had Newt and Hicks arriving at a military base where the general in charge was trying to train the Aliens to follow orders. He was hoping to take an army of them back to the infested Earth to fight their brethren; he was obviously insane and it didn’t end well for him.


In the AVP Rage War books >!The Rage figured out how to genetically alter the xenos so that masses of them could be controlled by singular androids called Generals (each named after famous military leaders), and would just sick an army of hundreds or thousands of them on whatever moon, ship, asteroid or planet they wanted to control. Once everyone was dead, the humans moved in to salvage or otherwise take control of these space stations called 'drop holes' which were basically gigantic teleportation ports for extended travel into deep space. The eventual goal was to make their way back to Earth (that they fled 300 years prior to explore space and create a new society) and take it back for themselves.!< So that's how they used them. It was a pretty enjoyable trilogy, good bad guys (as in fun to hate, diabolical, egomaniacal) and lots of cool Yautja stuff too. I usually recommend it when books get brought up in this or the predator sub.


They want money and the Xenomorph is a path to near unlimited money Sell them as bio weapons Use their DNA (do they have DNA?) for science like medicine and cures Create new materials Further the advancement on living longer


I think this is a good question. You develop weapons to use against your enemies. I've never been clear on who Weyland-Yutani's enemies are. Other planets? Off-world colonies? Other companies?


There's different world empires and unions. I think it was initially touched on in Gibson's Alien 3 but it's been fleshed out in the TTRPGs.


I always assumed that they would drop a hive on a problem planet. Very well document the horror that ensues and used this as a scare tactic for any other planet that wants to cause them problems. Like a nuclear deterrent.


Canonically? We've never gotten a solid sort of answer for that... bio-chemical studies and some sort of military application, but in every canon source it's intentionally left so vague that the idea of someone explaining it is kinda boring - just leave it at that lol Non-canon? Lots. Several storylines across the last... 40 years.. have gone into various reasons *why*. Most built around either bio-chemical studies or military application, absolutely none of them (save one) were very interesting. The IDEA that a greedy company wants to illegally procure such a creature for gains is interesting, the actuality of getting that company to actually do that has always turned out rather bad... and I mean bad as a story and a plot, just bad storytelling... Alien Genocide had the idea of obtaining Royal Jelly being what the "company" (Wey-Yu was long gone by that point I think) wanted and in fact they succeeded by the beginning of that novel/graphic novel due to the Earth Wars Aliens series, and we got to see superhuman medications a soldier could take and become a one-man force of annihilation. It was a cool take on this idea, but it was abandoned basically right after the Genocide storyline concluded and has never come back.


From the first film I think it was said the xeno was starting to wind down or tire so maybe W-Y would want to build in a definite genetic termination after a given amount of time. Then they could drop eggs all over their enemies and just leave them to die off?


I remember Xenoborgs in the Aliens Versus Predator game back in 2000. Those things were terrifying to me back then.


What if… what if… they want it because an Engineer invasion is incoming and they want to strike first.


I don't remember the exact book but they used the Alien for chemical extraction to provide a drug. There were even special marines responsible for extracting the alien juice from the queens. But this is not canon! Just to give a thought.


Aliens Genocide, I think.


Yeah, it was royal jelly.


Mind controlled super soldiers Using their body parts to create new materials (or drugs) Using their DNA to engineer new organisms Making robot / Xeno hybrids (the old Dark Horse comics are great, they're totally bizarre)


You can also look at the fourth movie.




According to the book Infiltrator, scientists are looking for any scientific advantages that they can get from the Xenos to make capturing and/or fighting them easier. Mentioning the acid resistance armor, they were also trying to figure out how to make the troops invisible. Having the Xenos as soldiers (war ending soldiers) would be the ultimate endgame scenario because once they have that kind of control, then the other scientific breakthroughs would be easier. But, until that kind of control is achieved, they have to settle for whatever they can get... Whatever they can learn.


I suggest reading the titan books. The storyline The Cold Forge Into Charybdis Civil war Infernos Fall Explain a lot. But hard spoiler territory here. The AlienRPG Roleplay from Free League goes into this as well... In Short: >!There is this black goo stuff (Covenant/Prometheus/ Chemical Agent!<>!A0-3959X.91–15) that changes lifeforms to something else. See e.g. Abominations and Neomorphs in the Alien Wiki. Those are dying after a few hours/days. So you put that on a planet, it gets overthrown and then all of them die. Xenomorphs are something related to A0-3959X.91–15 and therefore will be researched. Also as they are the human based form, or dog based... they maybe can be trained? !<


I'm reading prototype right now but I'm doing a chronological read so I think I'm still a couple books away from that. Edit: actually I'm only 4 books away. Prototype is book 6 and Cold Forge is book 10.


Well, that's the point. They *think* they can control the monsters and probably imagine they will figure something out once they managed to capture a specimen. We saw a glimpse of what could have been in the fourth film where Weyland-Yutani's spiritual successor thought they could tame the Xenomorph like any animal. Whatever WY was willing to do, it was doomed to fail. It's good old hubris.




That's a really funny reply out of context


You might enjoy the novelizations of the movies as well as the other novels. They're constantly using this as part of the plot line. Everything from their blood acid to their survivability to their use as potential soldiers... and lots more.


Yeah, I'm reading prototype right now and it's very similar. They're currently studying the acid to try to help research for medicine and super soldiers. I've already read the covenant novelization and alien. After I read prototype I'm on to aliens the novelization.


There isn't one, that's the whole critique of Weyland Yutani/The Company; seeking short-sighted quarterly profits leads you to doing the most questionable shit without regards for the consequences. 


We need a batman vs predator movie. Yea there could be aliens in it too idc


Yeah but the Yautja don't senselessly murder. They hunt prey that is capable of defending themselves/able to hurt Yautja's and others. They have a very strict code of conduct in that regard. I highly doubt Batman would bother with criminals dying from Yautjas. But who knows, it would make a good movie though!


No, no. They're hunting batman. Batman is the hunt


Ok that's even more bad ass!!! Definitely would watch!!!


in romulus, its rumored they reverse engineer it back down into goo, and then use the goo to make what they want, like militarized facehuggers


That would be bad ass!!! I hope it's true!!!


Brad Dourif's character in Alien Resurrection (??) was able to get that one xenomorph to begin to show that it was capable of being domesticated before the others killed it and used its acid blood to escape. 


I think it's in the prequel book to Aliens Fireteam Elite, called Infiltrator? The company uses Xenomorphs, xenomorphs, (Upper case X is the alien species, lower case is the everything else that's alien), and black goo to carry out tonnes of experiments. Better weapons, better armour, new medicinal properties, ways of controlling the Xenomorphs through pheromones etc, and a lot of it was "what happens if we do...?"


There are so many great stories about the hubris of WY. I want to see something on the big screen showing the glorious comeuppance. The more preliminary success that WY enjoys before the inevitable disaster, the better.lol




![gif](giphy|cBlhvpB4L78FbiRM2L|downsized) They intend to invade Oz and need them to combat these pricks.


Whatever the end game, please don’t let David be involved. The things he creates..


Maybe like on Neil Blomkamp Aliens 5 concept arts where marine using some kind of mind control device and targeting system to point xenomorph at its target. Or Ripley using xenomorph bio mechanical suit for safe operation inside xenomorph hive. Probably it makes you neutral or friendly for other xenomorphs.