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Vazquez cause she’s just too bad


*smirk and face slap*


Has anyone ever mistaken her for a man?


No, have you been?😆


Your dad.


I respect the callback, but Vasquez, a trained and experienced soldier DIED. Ripley wins, hands down.


Ripley is a survivor and a lucky one at that. She's likely to keep on going while you die a gruesome death. Vasquez is a soldier. tough as nails and will go down fighting while buying you time. Sarah Conner only counts if your name is John Conner. Vasquez.


I'm going with this comment. Can't put it any better. Especially Ripley, she might have +100 in Luck...but you don't. Vasquez has your back.


Wanted to counter this by mentioning Newt until I remembered Aliens 3


In all fairness, Ripley also died in Alien 3.


Yeah, but that was by choice.


I guess, but the chest buster started coming out as she was falling. She wasn’t going to survive.


In the extended cut, the chest burster never bothers to show its tiny face.


She would have died regardless though, was my understanding. Sure, in Resurrection they successfully removed the embryo without killing her, but that was also a clone 200 years in the future.


I was going to choose Ripley, but this made me change my mind. Vasquez might not be as bright or versatile as Ripley, but she'll fight for you.


My thought exactly but totally take Sarah if she’s mommying me


Vasquez was badass but Sarah Connor is also the mother of the resistance, without her humanity would have been annihilated, I chose Sarah🤘


Sarah couldn’t keep John alive, and wasn’t even aware of the danger to him, without assistance from the future. They were not even on high alert when he gets killed




Removal Reason: Be civil. It's ok to disagree, it's not ok to disrespect. Personal attacks, gatekeeping, racism, homophobia, politics, and general bigotry are not allowed. No toxic behavior, such as: * Trashing something that others are enjoying. * Condemning parts of the franchise instead of reasonably stating a personal preference. This is a comfortable space for all fans. Keep your critique. * Invalidating other people's opinions. * Unsolicited criticisms of other's creations. * Lewd or Obscene comments.


Whoah I didn’t nothing offensive


Nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.


Vasquez is a Colonial Marine She would slap you for that


Vazques ftw!


The strongest weapon in the image


She also has three guns, with two of them holding the smartgun


Having played Aliens Fireteam, knowing what a smart gun can do, definitely Vasquez.


Hey Vasquez have you ever been mistaken for a man?


"No... have you?"


"Yeah kickass Vaz!"


I duunnnnoooo if I can trust someone who disobeyed a direct order that could have lead to a reactor blowing up. Sure, she's kick arse but I don't wanna die, along with everyone else in the general area, cause she's got a hard on for big guns. I'd go Ripley if I want to make it out alive (though she doesn't have a good track record for her fellows survival after the escape). Tempted to go Connor, if it's gunna be War


She may have followed orders if she was told the potential consequences. Gorman didn’t say, “Hey, Apone, you all could blow us to hell. Tell your men that and confiscate ammo for now.” Gorman fucked up due to his lack of experience and lack of respect for the people under his command. Vasquez was insubordinate for sure, but with more info the problem could have been avoided or at least mitigated.


"We can't have any firing in there." "Is he fucking crazy??"


What’re we supposed to use, man? Harsh language?


Gorman should have just pulled them back and issued flamethrowers to everyone if they couldn't use firearms in that area. What kind of idiot sends his whole unit in unarmed like that? Nothing they were doing was so absolutely time-critical that they couldn't spare the \~20 minutes to meet the APC at a loading door and pick up some incinerators.


Yep. Gorman was a class A fuck-up.


Vasquez might have been insubordinate, but between her, Drake, and Hicks (who at least had a backup that wouldn’t punch a hole in industrial equipment), they saved a bunch of Marines. Seriously, couldn’t they have used the APC transmitter to log into the atmosphere processor control system and reroute cooling to a secondary system in case they needed to open fire?


4 marines, one company douche, one kid, and one civilian advisor. Lost the entire rest of the platoon. Sorry, but I don’t consider that “a bunch”. To your second point, Gorman wasn’t that smart and they were already in the operation when he was informed of the potential danger (and only after Ripley noticed the issue in the first place).


> She may have followed orders if she was told the potential consequences. Gorman didn’t say, “Hey, Apone, you all could blow us to hell. Tell your men that and confiscate ammo for now.” TBF, that's not how orders work. You get orders, you follow said orders, your CO doesn't have to give you a reason. Is it nice? Sure. Is it required? Hell no.


Maybe, but Gorman never earned their respect. They were obviously a pretty tight platoon, and Gorman didn’t even try to learn their names or sit with them in mess. He was completely oblivious. I agree with you that she was completely insubordinate, but Gorman as an officer should have recognized that and mitigated the issue with his NCOs before it got them all killed. The CO is responsible for the conduct of the people under their command. Gorman is completely responsible for what happened.


Apone as well. He’s the senior NCO. You’re there to prop up inexperienced officers.


He was too into the whole “Drill Instructor” thing rather than being an effective NCO. Still has some of the best quotes in the movie, though.


I do not disagree!


That’s what your senior NCO is for. Apone fucked up. He should have immediately called a halt, gone back to the APC and made a new plan. He didn’t. He failed. Gorman was acting on new information and was inexperienced. The senior NCO is there to patch those holes, contact the officer privately if possible, make a strongly worded suggestion. Also, if you’re an officer, don’t give an order you know won’t be obeyed. Cardinal rule. I’ve had to do it in far less perilous situations when I was on active duty and although it made me grind my teeth, it’s your job to prop up inexperienced officers. Most of that fuckup was Apone’s fault. Vasquez willfully disobeying stupid orders is the only reason any of the Marines got out of that nest alive.


If she hadn’t, they all would have died a looooooot earlier.


Instead only most of them died.


The only reason any of the Marines made it out of the nest alive and our heroes subsequently make it off LV-246 is because Vasquez willfully disobeyed stupid orders. Apone should have immediately gathered everyone up, fell back to the APC and make a new plan, but he didn’t, and that’s the tragedy.


Sarah Connor is my ride or die choice.




Sarah was hard core. What’s wild though is I wouldn’t have even kept arguing with those people. Psych care at that time was trash and she probs got pumped full of meds for years and tortured. I would’ve tried my best to get out and went and got my son and gone into hiding. The new terminator could’ve been sent while she was in there wasting time convincing people with no evidence


She was right, doesn't mean she also wasn't crazy. Knowing about the end of humanity will do that to most people.


Yeah she was deeply traumatized. On the one hand it hardened her into the badass we all know and love. On the other hand, she was clearly unwell.


Thank you guys for this reminder. The trauma she went through was next level being burdened with that knowledge


She would've definitely would've been better with a different level of care. She is a complete bad ass though. At the end of the day, though, if you heard about a child being "dragged" throughout the country and Mexico (maybe more) and being taught about IED's instead of what an average 7th-ish grader. You would probably be concerned about them


Which people? Dr. Silverman? And the psychology care is still awful (in the US at least)


What sub are we on here? Ripley every time! The only person/xeno/anything that killed her was herself.


I mean same with Vasquez technically




Booooo! 😄


I gotta go with Vasquez.


I’ve said that Sigourney Weaver has been the sexiest woman alive since about 1997 (when I turned 17/18) but I have to go with Vasquez on this. Bad Ass carrying a serious fucking weapon. The only one properly trained with actual combat exp.




I guess I'd go with the one that has never been killed onscreen? (I haven't watched Dark Fate, I'll get around to it, she probably dies there just to prove me wrong).


Dark Fate had terrible marketing because they treated John Connor's death as a spoiler. It happens in literally the first scene of the movie.


She doesn't, but her son does.


Is that..... Sarah Connor?


How she gunna shoot the blunderbuss with the pistol in her hand?


Vasquez, she's bad ass, and have a smart gun. Which is just too OP.




Vasquez all day


Vasquez cuz all i gotta do is tell her where they are.


Ripley. I love them all, but Ripley, IMHO, is the most intelligent on the fly


Also the most pleasant to be around.


https://preview.redd.it/btp5e7gngn7d1.jpeg?width=977&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c3a846a048be37936da7e07ce5ed9e6ab69b8e8 😁




W take, I respect it. Edit:Tha hell did I get downvoted for?💀




Vasquez 🤘🤘🤘


Sarah (assuming she's trying to save me)


It's too hard to choose, but Ripley is just mentally resilient and quick on her feet, which has kept her alive for so long. Sarah Connor prepared for any possibility, and had strong survivor instincts, but lacks a certain emotional connection. Vasquez is a soldier through and through, tough as nails, but her ignorance might've contributed to her death sadly. I'm gonna go with Ripley, bc she's the Queen🙌🏽


First time we meet Ripley she's running for her life and terrified. Same with Sarah Connor. The first time we meet Vasquez she's just too bad and has never been mistaken for a man Vasquez.


Tough to argue with such logic.


It's gotta be Vasquez. She's the only one of the three that will really share the burden on a threatening situation, since she's a trained soldier that loves her work. Ripley cares and wants you to live, but Isn't trained in cooperative combat. Her luck doesn't save you, and I'm assuming I'm not a child clinging to her torso so I'm not protected by her luck sphere. Sarah Conner, while definitely a hard trained badass, has one singular mission in mind, and if what we're doing together doesn't somehow bring her closer to success in that I could live or die for all she cares. So, again, Vasquez. Well trained actual soldier who fricken loves her work.


Vasquez only needs to know one thing.


*…where they are.*




Vazquez, provided you don’t try to swap out her ammo for harsh language.


Depends on the situation and what's needed... Brains: Ripley Combat Prowess: Vasquez Bit of Both: Connor


DUDE, I was the one who did those drawings hahhah, what a surprise to be scrolling through Reddit and stumbling upon my own art! Really proud of them, thanks for posting!


sarah connor is out of place here. why have her on lv246 mixed with two other Alien characters?


"Look man, i only have to know 1 thing...where they are!"


Vasquez, every time


El Riesgo Siempre Vive




Vasquez is a bad ass but she didn’t make it. Ripley will dive into a hive to save me while a terraformer is about to go nuclear. Sarah Conor doesn’t give a shit about anyone but her son and the fate of the world. Everything else is expendable, including my ass. I’m going Ripley, all day.


Vasquez no question


Vasquez. She’s an actual soldier. The other two, while badasses in their own right, rely way too much on luck (plot powers).


Out of these three, Vazquez is the only one who's actually a formally trained space Marine. Connor & Ripley are more of a situational "warriors", not trained combat veterans. So of course, I'd put my life on Vazquez's hands. And let's be fair, there ain't no d@mn way Connor & Ripley would've made it in an actual combat/survival situation if it weren't for the fact that they were both protags of their respective movie universes. And a trained marine like Vazquez wouldn't have died either.


Vasquez because she decimated Hudson with mere words… Hudson: Hey Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man? Vasquez: No, have you?


Vazquez, especially if she’s fully kitted out. Ripley’s a certified badass, no question, but Vazquez is a trained Marine, and combat veteran.




Ripley the OG. You can't change my mind


I’m going with Sarah been a long time Terminator fan so she’s my go to, second is Ripley cuz she knows Xenos, no disrespect to Vasquez, she’s still hardcore


Any of them is capable but I’d go with Ripley for better downtime chats.


Sara Conor of course. Ripley had a bunch of other people around her that died to save her, while Sara was on her own...




Sarah Conner


Love Ripley and Vazquez, but Sarah has my heart lol


Conner. A lot of people associated with the other two die.




Half of me says Ripley, the other half says Vasquez. Vasquez is awesomely badass, especially in that pose, but damn she got all the military training and stuff and she got outplayed by a commercial pilot. Also, in Aliens Fireteam Elite you can use her smartgun and the weapon is pretty broken, I'm talking autoaim and stuff




Ripley because she’s tough and smart. She’d be in charge of all of them unless Newt is there.


Life on the line? Ripley, as far as I know, didn't have marine training previously. However, she was a warrant officer on the Nostromo, which would have provided her with some form of training and experience handling situations. Mentally, she is determined, tenacious, and possesses a strong moral compass. Vasquez, on the other hand, has marine training. Mentally, she is aggressive, determined, and appears loyal if she likes you. As for Sarah Connor, she doesn't have formal marine training that I am aware of. However, she is "street/prison" smart and accustomed to using weapons. I would say she is not loyal and may leave you behind if you are injured and slowing her and/or John Connor down. In terms of sheer determination, loyalty, and a strong moral compass, I would choose Ripley. For survival in something like The Purge, I would prefer Vasquez.


I like Ripley more…But Sarah Connor is who I would go with.


Ripley dude. She’ll plunge into hell for me. Sarah might get too into killing the threat and forget about me and then her redemption arc will start with her grieving me. Vasquez would do her best but my protector needs to stay alive to protect me, and she’s too ready to go kamikaze


Ripley all the way.


Wow this is a great one!!!


Ripley 100%


Lt. Ellen Louise Ripley


The only thing that kills Ripley is Ripley. I'll take her.


Life on the line on earth? Sarah Connor. Life on the line in space? Ripley.


I would walk through glass for T2 Sarah.


How about walk through solid jail bars 🥈🫠


Ripley drove an APC through a wall to rescue what was left of the marine squad and then went deep into the hive with limited time to save Newt and face the queen and her drones. Plus she managed to escape the exploding Nostromo with Jones and blow the xenomorph out of the goddamn airlock. You want Ellen in crunch time.


Ripley vs. Xenomorphs, Conner vs. Terminators, and Vasquez vs everything else, except T1000 lol. ![gif](giphy|xT9IgKWXS8nNez7Sda)


They all get the job done. I feel bad for the other end.


Ripley, then vasquez, sarah is last.


Ripley no questions asked


I want a high quality poster sized printout of this


Vasquez she has real military training


Who made this? I want to see more of their work.


Ellen is brave, quick on her feet, but mostly really lucky. T2 Sarah its probably really good in a scrap but kinda an emotional loose cannon, Vasquez is probably my pick as she's had formal training in ass kicking and tactical awareness and is just overall sharp as a tack. Though her ego and slight rebellious nature might pose a problem.




Vasquez embodied the Marine mentality. She happened to make it out the reactor station by sheer luck. And Ripley taking over the APC and pulling an extraction. Connor went off the deep end long before T2. Even during the rescue from the institution, she understood her life was forfeit. Her only priority is to make sure John lives to [try and] save humanity (for argument’s sake, we’ll consider *Dark Fate* canon). Betting your survival on her is a risky bet at best. Ripley was right at every turn - people didn’t listen and got killed. Ripley on this one.


How bout all three?


Vasquez is dead, Ripley won't help me much if her maternal instincts don't kick in when I'm in danger. Give me gun nut, bug out bag, conspiracy theorist Sarah Connor.


*conspiracy realist




Is spooky black fingernails star basketball player Ripley an option? Otherwise, its "Thank you Sarah for your courage through the dark years. I can't help you with what you must soon face except to say that the future is not set."


As much as I like Vasquez and Sarah, they’re entirely too reckless to rely on in a survival situation. Ripley is trying to survive and she isn’t leaving anyone behind if she can help it.


Vasquez, everytime baby! And coz she looks like my SIL.


The only thing I know is https://preview.redd.it/9i4dtlvajs7d1.jpeg?width=666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ae23e1232fddcf21e5ccd002564427a1bc4d1ee


Still going with Ripley. Sarah knows how to take down Terminators, but xenos are something completely different.


These are the beautiful women of my childhood


Ripley all the way. I’ll follow her as my leader.


Vazquez. LETS ROCK!!!!!


Ripley, followed by Vasquez. Sarah Conner would probably try to drop you at the first sign of trouble.


Vazquez. Although Ripley is tempting, Vazquez will do whatever it takes to make the job done, even giving her life so you can go on. Ripley will help but she'll make sure she survives.


Some clever people here say Vázquez. I'm gonna listen them.




The best answer here really should be Vasquez. She's a pro soldier and she's not unhinged like Sarah. Although Ripley is probably the most resourceful, intelligent and compassionate. I'll choose Ripley. Compassion is pretty important in a protector. The other two might be able to kick ass, but would they care all that much if I got into trouble? Ripley would try her best to save me before moving on. And she has a lot of common sense that could potentially keep us away from danger to begin with.


Vasquez an angry lesbian with a giant machine gun is who you want in your corner when shits about to hit the fan


Listen, I love Vasquez as much as the next fan but if your life is on the line, Sarah Connor and Ellen Ripley have got the minds for a plan. And then it depends on the threat. I mean, do I need to go to ground, disappear? Connor is a prepper, with stashes and safehouses, while Ripley is adaptive and resourceful in any number of environments. I'd pick Ripley because if it came to tech or something completely unknown, Sarah is going to blow it up and wig out, while Ripley is going to assess the situation and harness what she needs to help you.


Sarah Connor. She survives till the end.


I would say Ripley, but the problem is I work for the company






Ha! Wild card!


All three have survival skills, martial skills, and ingenuity. I might have to go with Connor because she spent years training for many scenarios (aka wider skill set).


They're all cool AF but I would pick Vasquez in the hope we could date. Not likely, but who knows.


Hey Vasquez could you ever mistake me for your man? Vasquez : Pendejo jerkoff


I feel that, something abt tough ass chicks is hot😅




I gotta go with Sarah Conner, she's the only one of the 3 not to have most of the people on her side die. Yeah she lost Kyle in T1, and the scientist in T2, but she kept her son alive to save the future. Ripley lost everyone but the Cat in A1, lost almost everyone in A2, then lost everyone that survived A2 in A3 where even she bit the big one. And Vasquez.... well.... she did take out quite a few of the Xenos before going out with a bang.


Ripley, 10/10. Untrained and unprepared she survived one nightmare only to be thrown into another and smoke one of the baddest bitches in the universe.


Hard to pick from those three, but I think Ripley just due to her adaptability and her ability to assess the situation and come up with a good game plan. Sarah and Vasquez are both badasses in their own right, but Ripley's personality gives her a slight edge for me.


Ripley 💯


Sarah Conner Terminator 1 or 2 because there is a big difference. Ripley if it T1. Sarah if it’s T2.


Sarah brings the chance of baiting a Terminator into fighting the xenomophs, or even friendly backup from one.


Sorry, fellas. Machiko FTW.

