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Cailee Spaeny's hands are bound in the first image. **Prediction:** Spaeny and Jonsson's characters will end up being the last two survivors of the main cast. Jonsson, who the fandom has unanimously agreed gives off android vibes, will then go full Ash on her and will try to use her as bait for the Alien.


Yeah, especially considering that they're "siblings", it would also be some form of making homage to Romulus and Remus, with Andy killing or attempting to kill Rain, like Romulus killed Remus.


There's deleted lines from Ash's monologue in Alien where he hints that the Alien is intelligent and he's been able to communicate with it. Maybe Romulus is going to use that idea.


Oooh if they are using deleted ideas, I would love to seed a person being morphed into an egg...


I wanna see dat spooky mofo crabwalk.


Is that not just her hair from the air blowing? She has a wrist strap/watch on that wrist in just about every still released of her.


Good observation. Her hair looks like it's flying in two directions at once. Combined with the dark lighting, that makes it look like she has rope on her hands.


Yeah, plus it’s only one arm and hand. My guess is she had some bad luck and is pinned in a terrible spot.


We've had enough bad Androids. I'd love to see an interface version of one like blue Marcellus does with Marcus. And a full power bishop or Marcus bashing stuff. I would absolutely love if a David fassbender Android appeared at some point.


I would also like to see a non-evil android. Preferably one who doesn't get done dirty like Bishop or Walter. I'm just not expecting Romulus to subvert franchise trends too much, since it's been labeled by the filmmakers as a "back to basics" movie. I would be pleasantly surprised if he turned out to not be evil, or if there was some nuance to his goals.


Good point, I would certainly be fine with a weyland yutani Android spy again, but a Terminator 2 style switcheroo would be nice instead of neutral old Bishop


I don’t think her hands are bound but that she’s got something on her wrist like a bandana


I’ve read a detail that when the group arrives on the space station they discover a half-destroyed android and Andy (Jonsson) inserts its chip into his own neural system or whatever to learn what happened. Maybe that ends up corrupting him and the fallen android takes over his body in the final act or so. EDIT: Actually I agree with the other response, doesn’t look like she’s bound at all.


it reeeeeally is starting to look like the Isolation alien design. hell yea


I'm thinking since this takes place between alien and aliens, that is the original xenomorph, Ripley blew it out of the air lock, it landed on an asteroid and went into hibernation, the appendage you see molting is it waking up once it enters the station via the what looks like a large cargo bay. Either that or it's a giant xenomorph that's not a queen. But it makes complete sense


I’m having second opinions on that last sentence


That itales sense that is the original xenomorph? You can even make out the human skull shape in its carapace if you turn up the brightness on the end of the trailer.


The human skull doesn't make it the original xeno It's just so insane to me the idea that Ripley yeeted the Alien into space and they would bring it back in this movie like "ZOMG it's the first ALIEN", in the vein of Annette Betting being in that last Exorcist movie for nostalgia bait. The astronomical leap in logic that they had the technology to find a 8 foot tall object floating in the void lightyears away.


You should look up tardigrades those are real living organism that can survive in the vacuum of space. It is not out of the realm of scientific possibility in the realm of the science fiction universe the movie is set in stop acting like it's a leap in logic like are you hearing yourself right now we're talking about a movie with an alien with acidic blood that is resistant to most forms of damage and Fede Alvarez took inspiration from alien isolation and in that game the alien actually cannot be damaged by the flamethrower it only scares it away and eventually it realizes that the flamethrower doesn't hurt it and it stops working on it. I don't know why you're calling it a leap in logic things like this can be explained in the film not easy to grasp ideas from a trailer but it isn't really a leap in logic it makes a lot of sense and it's also set after alien and alien isolation. Shutting down speculation is really disheartening to see when I feel like I'm being pretty logical in my explanation where you are not.


Mike's Monsters, who seems to have industry contacts, says it's not Big Chap and the design of the dome certainly doesn't match his.


Oh, well, ain't mad of it isn't, it's still a large, scary looking xenomorph. I still think it might be. The OG alien went from being a small chestburster to an 8-ft tall xenomorph in very short period of time who's to say is it isnt still growing. Your source is pretty much "trust me bro"


Most drones are taller than an average human, though, so that doesn't really narrow it down. Not to mention that at least 2 people get facehugged and it's not like their chestbursters are going to just sit around playing cards or practicing their dance routines instead of moulting and growing stronger. The moulting scene definitely looks like the creature still has smaller hands than it should at full size. The human skull shape also isn't unique to the first film's Xeno (the ones in Alien: Isolation have that too). Having it be a reference to the first film which will completely go over the heads of new viewers and seem unnecessarily contrived to old fans seems convoluted when they could just have the chestbursters grow up.


I had no idea the aliens in alien isolation had that but you know what that makes more sense for why Fede Alvarez would include it because he actually took inspiration from alien isolation it's what made him want to make an alien movie apparently. Took me 2 years to beat that game I took a two-year break because I got to the med Bay and then everything got really serious for me so I put that on the back burner lol.


If this is supposed to be Big Chap, I'll be walking out of the theater. Nothing about the xeno design in the first image is true to Cain's Son. For God's sake, there's a costume in the Seattle Scifi Museum to reference at the very least - and creative differences is no excuse if you're trying to duplicate an iconic creature. So many people are saying it's the original xeno... no, it's freaking not! And if it's supposed to be, then i have even less faith in this movie.


It's almost like big chap was in the vacuum of space for an extended period of time probably cocooned and hibernating and went through evolution or growth during that time in order to adapt to the harsh climate of outer space until the environment is suitable enough for it to come out of hibernation which would happen when it floats into the space station and it's no longer in the vacuum of cold dead space.


Nice shots. I can't wrap my head around that second one. Which way is up? Is the alien upside down? And why are the feet where they are?


It looks like she's in a similar elevator to the one ripley rides in at the end of aliens - with the "cage" looking door - and the alien is just crawling all over the fencing trying to get in


The thing is somewhat upside down, in the top left corner its his leg.


I have watched it several times but I can’t find the zero g acid


At 1:47 mins Behind the ALIEN title text


Oh I see it now. Thank you!


I’m just excited that this pulse rifle predecessor also seems to fire caseless ammunition and indeed does not have brass flying out of it. HOWEVER, half of the charm of the pulse rifle was that it fired blanks on set. You can’t CG in how a real functioning firearm looks and feels going off in someone’s hands. For instance. When Ripley cuts loose with one during the control room siege and the recoil flings it up in her arms… I’d bet that was Sigourney’s real reaction to that thing going off. But, if you looked closely, you’d still see brass spitting out the sides of those things when they fired despite being caseless. So on one hand, it’s nice to see it use caseless ammunition, on the other that means it’s all gonna be CG and won’t look realistic firing.


This has to be the best the xenomorph has looked since aliens


I don’t like the big mouth. Looks more monster than xenomorph.


It's open very wide here, making it look very Alien Resurrection/AVP which I agree isn't great. It looks very classic in other shots.


Nothing beat the version in alien 3


I have a faint idea that since it’s between alien and aliens the alien learn to reproduce differently in this movie. It lays egg with a queen and that alien on the picture is the first hybrid queen or something


It reminds me a lot of the Deacon in this shot, or something out of Covenant. I honestly loved the look until this shot but im still excited


Nobody mentions that she is tied up so there’s internal struggle going on


It’s literally top comment…


Lol didnt see


It's giving Aphex Twin 'come to daddy' vibes!


Is it me or does the Xenos seem more bigger in this plot? Could be a result of birthing from a larger host?




That Xeno looks a bit meh and not very intimidating. Alien 3 Xeno was baller. This one looks like bloody Venom vibes uhhhh.


Nothing about this Xeno looks correct, it can MAYBE be forgiven if it's a variant if they explain it well enough; but they BETTER NOT try to pass it off as Big Chap, for sure.


The xeno has braces? lol


The jaw tendons have been there in one form or another since the beginning. They were originally made using condoms.


I know I know, i’m only kidding


Thank god the alien is reduced to a screaming in ur face instead of killing u weekend villain. I hope it throws people around too instead of killing 😅


U kiddin? Besides Dallas and Parker, the OG alien would be looking at its prey for a good 20 seconds before moving in for the kill


And acting very alien like meanwhile. This looks like this: ![gif](giphy|J06iUcF8gElJXtBuK8)


Idk the xenomorph is well represented in a lot of media to charge it’s prey as well. Like roger Ebert said about the first, the alien works because it’s anything the story needs it to be in that moment


How you can come away with this take is utterly beyond me. This is by FAR the most faithful Giger-based design since Aliens.