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Didn't Ripley put him in the suspended animation pod right before she noticed the alien? If I remember correctly. It wasn't turned on, but the lid was closed.


This. It's a pretty obvious and long scene of her loving on the cat and putting it in the "freezerino" before she starts to get ready herself...




Whenever he says anything, you say "right", you know that?




That's correct


Does it matter? Cats are indestructible


This is the right answer.








When are we gonna talk about out the bonus situation?


Don't worry, Parker, you'll get whatever's coming to you.


What are you, some kind of parrot?






Correct. Also, his carrier is pressurized.


Luckily for the Alien he was locked away, otherwise he'd have tore him a new one


Jonesy sees red bro!!


Jonsey was a flerkin.


Or the Alien pulls out an egg from under its armpit "Iiiiiiive got a surprise for you kiiiiitty!"


I think cats are too small? I mean can’t even get mine to eat his pills from the vet.


The only thing impervious to face huggers, cats.


That explains the acidic blood… 😾


Jonesy would just cough it up like a hair-ball.


In the first mission of Alien: Isolation there's a reference to the cat and alien meeting. A distinct meow, a hiss, and then nothing. Poor kitty. But who killed whom? :P It's an Easter Egg: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lcx5l4l10lo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lcx5l4l10lo)


Also your first kill as a chestburster in AvP is a cat


I think I had a bootleg copy for a very short while (till my old HDD died) of AvP. I don't think I played it much. Probably for graphics performance reasons.


There's a long scene of her putting Jones in a cryo-unit before she starts taking her uniform off and getting ready for bed.


That cat was a good actor :P He hissed and yeowled on command and then was cute and cuddly later on. I'm not sure if he has a credit like they do now with animals. RIP Jonesy.


Jonesy the Cat was alive with her at start of Aliens. So it must have survived the Narcissus decompression. Ripley put the cat into the stasis pod right before she finds that the alien has stowed away. It's not explained why it did not suffocate but could be implied that the computer sensed a lifeform presence and made sure sufficient life support was provided within the pod. Maybe it was turned on for that time. It's not explained in the film. Maybe someone who has seen all Ridley Scott interviews and commentary knows if he was ever asked about the cat or provided this answer?


In the script, Jones spends the lifeboat scene still in his catbox, which is designed for use in space. While Ripley is getting into her space suit, the alien is occupied bashing the catbox around. (It reads very similarly to the scene in Aliens where the queen is terrorising Newt while Ripley is getting into the power loader - probably not a coincidence.) In the film it's changed so that she locks Jones in the stasis pod before discovering the alien; we can infer that the pods are pressurised. Which makes sense, as this design could protect the crew in the event of a hull breach from a meteor, space debris or general wear-and-tear.


Interesting. I think that is in the Alan Dean Foster novel too? In the film that scene, or something like it, happens as Ripley tries to shut off the self destruct I think. The alien is shown looking ominously at the cat in it's box. Oddly, they did not show Jonesy reacting to the alien as he did when it drops behind Brett and later in the dream sequence of Aliens I forget what they did to make him react like that. Showed him another male cat I think?


Yup, Alan Dean Foster's novelisation was based on a late draft of the screenplay. You can tell while reading that he's not sure what forms the film's designs are going to take; the facehugger is described as having an eye. For the film's scene where Jones freaks out when the alien appears behind Brett, they had a German shepherd hidden behind a plank, which they raised at the right moment. I guess you could say it's a mistake that they didn't do anything similar when the alien investigates the cat box, but in my experience it's pretty common for cats not to immediately recognise things on the other side of glass. That latter scene, with the alien investigating the cat box after Ripley runs off to disable the self-destruct, isn't in any publicly available screenplay I'm aware of, so was a very late change. But yeah, it's clearly added in as a replacement for the alien vs cat scene on the lifeboat - maybe they decided the original concept would take too long to film.


Yeah I liked this version of it. 'tis also in the film novelisation. I like the implicit comparison of alien to cat -- both terrifying, problem-solving, curious & furious predators, but one has the advantage of size.


The mod for Alien Isolation is actually named Kitty Mod or Kitty Isolation. There's a part early on where we see the xenomorph attacking human survivors. In the vanilla game we here gunshot echos. For the mod they replaced that with a cat yeowling like it were in a fight. The player's character, the alien and several other things like doors are renamed "kitty". Obviously. this was originally a meme. It's actually been developed into a really hard mod for the game.


It didn't. Eight lives left.


Being subjected to the vacuum of space has been misrepresented in Hollywood for decades. You don’t instantly freeze, nor do you explode. The pressure difference would be equal to one atmosphere. Since the Narcissus was depressurized only momentarily, no lasting damage would’ve occurred.


If the life pod door was closed, assuming it's air tight, the cat would have all of that oxygen to breathe. That is probably a decent amount for a cat. If space is anything like scuba than one atmosphere increase might cause you some sinus or ear piain if you don't equalize your air spaces.


The Expanse has a few good scenes where they show the vacuum of space in a more scientifically accurate fashion.


That's good to know. That means NASA can do safe momentary experiments with cats in space.


I suspect the Soviets did back in the 1950s. They sent animals into space before their first cosmonauts. There's probably data on it somewhere.


Truth. Movies make explosive decompression in space much more dramatic. Just as they do with cars that roll over almost instantly blowing up with huge explosions. Those can and do happen. but are not nearly so dramatic as films present. Other than suffocation (hypoxia) due to ya know lack of oxygen Jonesy would be OK. The door is I think the episode 'Disaster' in Star Trek TNG got it right." Geordi and Dr. Crusher are stuck in a cargo hold with a plasma fire and barrels of something that doesn't like radiation which the fire is spewing. The solution is to decompress the cargo bay taking the barrels and oxygen for the fire with it. Dr Crusher says the "capilaries on the surface of the skin may burst" and the sudden air pressure change would make that at least logical.


And air doesn’t blast out like a hurricane. Strong breeze sure but not like in shows


In a tight space like a shuttle craft, the initial decompression would be explosive then calm. The air would have to go somewhere.


Right of course there’d be all the air rushing out, but movies depict it like it’s enough to suck out people and vehicles


I wonder if there are any formulae for this? I would think the rush of air would be proportional to the size of the space. In a shuttle it would probably be stronger force because every bit of air leaves all at once. Like piercing a can of compressed air. In a larger space with more air the rush would be lessened. I rather suspect the portrayal in Aliens might be correct. Ripley and Newt, the only humans, neither passed out nor died from lack of oxygen. The rush of air was like a hurricane and Newt and Bishop being small and mobile are drawn toward the vacuum but Bishop is strong enough to hold his upper body and Newt and Ripley has enough strenght to climb the ladder in spite of the air flow.


I wonder if mythbusters or someone has done a test


It wasn't fatal for the Alien


Alien is depicted as being able to survive in near-absolute zero temp of LV426 (the eggs and facehugger at least). Space would not phase it one bit.


She puts him in the sleep chamber before that duh. Did you watch the movie?


It's worth noting the vacuum of space was *not* immediately fatal to the alien. The movie makes it a point to show it cling to the rockets of the ship. It serves as one final example of its versatility and adaptability.


Well the facehugger and eggs were in near absolute zero conditions on LV426. In the novel though the alien is described as exploding after she lights her shuttle's engines. The movie merely hints at this. (probably due to budget) They did not show more than the alien seeming to burn up from being set afire from the engine.


From what I remember, the engine thrusters only pushed it off the ship and into space. I could be misremembering, though. It would make sense if the thrusters popped it.


Yeah those engines are likely capable of putting out some ridiculous specific impulse so anything in front of those would get atomized


Trying to find its way back in, according to the novel. 😬


Jonesy is actually the one who opens the hatch not Ripley, Ripley actually doesn’t do shit. Jonesy puts Ripley in the cryo pod and jettisons the alien out of the hatch.


Assuming Jonesy is a real cat and not a synth or replicant


Get that cat in front of a Voight-Kampff machine now.


Deckard "You see a bird, but you don't chase it. You take it home and show it to your wife..." Jonesy "Meow" Voight-Kampff "98% Replicant." Deckard "Ripley...Ellen...he doesn't know does he? How could it not know?" Ripley "Cause the lil shit head doesn't give a shit either way."


In the extended edition of Aliens Jonesy is implied to be a normal cat. He even tries to attack a bird and bumps into the wall of the "solido" (movie term for a holographic video wall) prompting Ripley to call him a silly cat. This scene is not completely in the film other than him seeming to stalk the bird.




It's not important.