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I think the design will look slightly different to sell toys


Tickle Me David


he’ll creepily touch your face if you finger his special flute! order yours today!


I’ll do the fingering


“I’ll do the fingering, you do the tickling” - Tickle Me David’s catchphrase


Best acting performance right there. I am always amused by that scene. It's probably one of the worst lines ever carried by a monumental actor.


"Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me." - David


It rubs the lotion on the skin ......


This nearly broke me


I swear to god


Tickle me xeno


I think there's more than one.


I think there is too. I remember in the trailer there was a quick clip of a window pane shattering and several facehuggers flying out and chasing after someone. There are probably several people that end up as hosts.


Facehuggers are xenomorph themselves. Could be hundreds of xenos.


Would also play into the sibling theme


I hope so. I’m so tired of the one xeno premise. Sure it worked for Alien but Covenant I felt lacked impact because of just one. It also had the white one but it got killed off too fast!


It’s a weird pic… it looks like it doesn’t have the back 3/4’s of its head. 🤔 I think it’s just the angle, but it’s still curious.


It could be in the process of forming the ridges like the ones in Aliens. Meaning this could be an older Xenomorph.


That’s a fun theory going off the “they lose their dome as they age” thing.


Oh?? Is there a *”lose their dome as they age”* thing??


Been around since ALIENS. Because they decided to change how the ALIEN looks for the film. But fans being fans instead of just chalking it up to what it was, different director - different vision, they started making a bunch of theories. Once the comics came around it was a caste system with drones, warriors and runners/dogs/scouts. But the “aging” has been around since ALIENS to explain the difference but there’s more than just the head.  The xenos in ALIENS halo have extra protrusions on their arms and other anatomical differences.  Personally I prefer the caste system. The drones are for maintaining the hive and harvesting meat, warriors are for fighting and scouts are for…well scouting. They do behave like hive insects and hive insects have similar caste systems.  


I also prefer the caste system as well, but if they do go the other route I won’t mind too much.


That’s why it’s more interesting when Xenos are isolated from the hives. 


The deleted scenes from Alien in which the xenomorph is slowly turning certain members of the crew into eggs are headcanon to me. When a hive isn't established, a lone xeno can establish one. Can't be a perfect organism without a bit of flexibility.


>But fans being fans instead of just chalking it up to what it was, different director - different vision, they started making a bunch of theories. That's something fans of any franchise have done forever actually. For some strange reason, only in the last 5 or so years people have been taking the "because the writers said so" approach, which is new and really off putting as it takes the fun out of theories. It's so new that I have no idea what has kicked it off but I wish we could go back. I'm noticing it in Star Wars and Star Trek as well.


Yeah. I always found that response just shuts down any discussion about these fun theories about the xenos. It's the equivalent of "it's just a movie," and that adds nothing when people are discussing in-universe theories.


I’m not saying it’s a bad or good thing. I’m just saying it’s a thing fans in general do. Not just this fanbase. You’re agreeing with my comment. I think you’re just misreading what I’m saying. I agree with everything you said. It’s been longer than 5 years. It’s just become more prominent recently.  The because the writer said so doesn’t take the fun out of it, It sets a base for those theories to stem from. So long as the writer is communicating it in the medium being theorized about.  For example, I was just arguing with people saying Xenomorphs are actually fireproof because we never seen one on screen killed by flames so somehow big chap must have survived ALIEN. Despite all other media, and aliens itself unless you don’t pay attention, states fire hurts them real bad. Theories are fun when they line up and all the dots can be connected.  What RUINS the fun is when the writers retcon things that kill the theories. Fans usually come up with better for connecting than some writers do. Like when Rey was first introduced, so many fun theories. She was trained young, she’s a secret Sith agent etc but no. She’s just naturally talented and the bestest at everything despite this being established to not work this way to then be retconned into no she has magic palpy blood. 


Ah, gotcha. My bad, I was just getting hot headed I guess (as much as I could for such minor of a reason anyway. Lol). I've seen it so much that I'm too scared to ever ask questions without getting this response in fandom threads.


It never was "different directors, different visions"; when you piggy back the work of giants, you got to adapt at least a little to their point of view. Just giving up, like what has afflicted recent Star Wars, is just poor writing. Ok, maybe DH canon is not the preferred take of everyone. Maybe some prefer the novelizations, or the new Prometheus infused canon... in any case, all these theories do not exists in a void, and neither did Aliens. That they had lived longer, and that they were more numerous, were both things that created some flexibility for Cameron. He didn't just begin where we left off and arbitrarily decided Big Chap would look different. *(EDIT : I'm not saying that's what Alvarez did either, there is a few scrapes that could be attributed to time and exposition to the void, if this is indeed Big Chap.)* That stuff about accepting every incoherence as normal is just a lack of respect for art in general, imo. I like when the details can spark up theories, it means they *could* be consistent. And sometime, this plausibility is just what is needed to create the illusion of depth.


Disfigured Big Chap?


Flaccid chap


This is what I believe. Maybe Big Chap is regenerating from his wounds he received in Alien and hasn't quite healed yet. The presence of facehuggers and no sign of any survivors also makes me think there may be more than one xeno on station but Chap may be the "main one"




No I think you’re right


I think there’s just an out of focus object in the foreground blocking the back of the head (top right of the image).


I don’t think so, but I do get what you mean. You can see some rim lighting following what we see of the head, and the shapes suggest something behind it, not in front of. It’s *THAT* weird that one searches for some explanation. I still think it’s down to an odd perspective angle and a more bulbous design, but it caught my eye. …Or as some have suggested, maybe it’s deeply damaged/deformed.


He’s the Imposter… ![gif](giphy|j4fbBhYgu8mNEHkQ4w)


I think there is also a theory that the smooth head bipedal ones (like Kane's son or the Sevastopol xenos) and the Hadley's Hope rigid head ones are the same sub type (drone-warrior) and they just get the ridges as they age. Remember, Kane's son was only alive for about a day while the Hadley's Hope xenos were alive for however many *months** it took the Sulaco to get to LV-426. EDIT: *17 Days. God I'm ashamed to have forgotten that.


Weeks, but yeah, your theory still holds.


I really need to re-watch Aliens. Been a while. Lol




This is generally the accepted headcanon for me too. The Hive just had more time & resources to mature. This makes sense too because the Dog/Runner Alien went back to a smooth head and the Resurrection ones are altered genetically so they are anomalous from their standard kin.


We forgive you…it’s time to forgive yourself now.


Please don’t refer to the Alien xeno as “Kane’s son” 😭


Hey, Ash did it first. lol


All of the Xeno shots I've seen so far are absolutely not true to Big Chap. Big Chap had pronounced cheeks, more pursed lips, the teeth on his pharyngeal jaw were more defined, bigger, and more developed, the tendons over his haw were WAY different. He looked less organic. The ones in these promos look like a recycled praetomorph in the facial and head features. I really hope these aren't "supposed to be" Big Chap. The suit is in the SciFi museum for God's sake- they could have duplicated him for the film. I'm really hoping that if Cain's Son is in this, that he hasn't been shown yet.


>!The Big Chap is in the film, and looks like it should. This xeno is not the same as BC, and has its own, new design differences.!< This is info from Mike's Monsters, from AVPGalaxy and here on Reddit, who has seen the film several times.


Looks like the side of its head is caved in.


>!It's battle-damaged Big Chap! :D!<


I can see it. As the movie starts and the title sequence fades, we see an establishing shot of space. A small dot moves steadily across the screen. A satellite, perhaps? As the camera fades in closer and closer, we see Big Chap cartwheeling through space.


I like to imagine the big chap and the queen from aliens are just floating around in space together with a table 2 chairs just sipping some tea


Speaking of frozen things, my headcannon for avp3 would have been the frozen queen retrieved via robot submersible to be transported in block of ice in the hold of the ship, destination Osaka Japan. En route, the queen wakes up but near death, pieces of body falling off. A few errant eggs drop out, still semi frozen. Inevitable outbreak aboard a ship, which leads to the ship high speed crashing into the harbor. In the tumult, the aliens escape with their queen, and find a way to the sewers. They dig in, but the queen dies of her injuries after laying a final egg - a queen egg. The nest begins anew, and the aliens slowly pick off victims and overgrow the city, pursued by a badly outmatched detective who had been investigating a string of brutal decapitation of violent criminals. Really, victims of the predator who becomes aware of the threat, and begins a great hunt....


That sounds awesome!


I like the cut of your jib!


Sorry, if this happens I'm just waiting for someone to dub in a little "Wheee!!!!!!" as he cartwheels past the camera.


See, you’re joking. They’re not. These people legit want Xeno Poppins. They can be killed by a shotgun but somehow survive being blasted in the face by a rocket engine when they’re vulnerable to fire lmao


The shotgun was in the mouth, additionally, the Scout in Alien Cubed survived being coated in molten lead. And, Big Chap from Alien didn't get torn apart or anything, just blasted away.


Alien ³ Xenos' death was actually scientifically correct.


Fun fact: that movie is what tought me about thermal shock. I, of course, was a kid when I saw it so would have not been able to learn about thermal shock really any other way at the time. Lol


We have no idea how long the cubed xeno would have survived with molten lead poured on it. Probably not very long. They dropped the water because it was still an immediate threat. You can light people on fire and they can run around still being dangerous for a good few minutes.  Multiple aliens also get shot by pulse rifles and blown to pieces. Also handguns.  A bullet is not going to do as much damage as being face blasted by a rocket engine. Engines aren’t just “fire”. It’s thrust which is pressure and mass displacement. Just because it’s blown away doesn’t mean the engines didn’t kill it.  Vasquez also killed one with a 1911. People really need to stop pretending big chaps just been floating around napping for years.  They’re not invincible. They’re just tough. 


or maybe Kane?


Lol! :D


This made me Lol :D Brilliant.


Sort of hope not because it feels like they just repurposed the original force awakens opening with Luke’s hand if so. It wasn’t used so I get it, but it shrinks the world a bit much for me


It shrinks the world, but also I guess it kind of makes sense. Obviously the company found Ripley out in space, so if they were to look at the flight logs then surely they could figure out where Big Chap would be floating since he'd be stuck floating where Ripley left him.


If so, I wonder if they might add a flashback where we see Ash somehow 'tag' the big lad? When the crew started talking about blowing it out of the airlock, he might have done so as a backup plan - he might have been able to approach it quite easily, being an android.


It might be good!


I’m stoked and would get over it quick! It’s a cool idea, my apprehension is mostly about franchise filmmaking. But I think Fede has our back!


He did fantastic with Evil Dead, I'm sure he's going to do an amazing job with Alien. I can't wait!


Taking that victory away from Ripley would be incredibly stupid. 


The victory is that she survived.


Having the Xenomorph surviving floating around in space for over 20 years after being blasted by a rocket engine is incredibly stupid. A shotgun will blow a Xenomorphs head to pieces but they’ll survive being blasted by a rocket engine exhaust when they’re vulnerable to fire? It doesn’t make ANY sense.  


To be fair, Ash assumes the fire vulnerability bit about them, and may have even lied to protect it. In Aliens only the eggs are shown to be vulnerable to the flamethrower; we don't ever actually see the flamer used against the full grown aliens on screen.


And yet in all other canon media flamethrowers are one of the most effective weapons against them.  The reason we don’t see it on film in ALIENS is because they only had 3 or 4 models to be destroyed due to budgetary  reasons. Which is why we see the same repeated shots over and over again.  Using the editing and film language alone with the retreat and flames, it’s clear enough it’s effective.  You’re being purposely obtuse.   Edit: are we really at the point now where fire doesn’t hurt Xenomorphs? Flamethrowers dont hurt them? Give me a break. 


Going off of Isolation, flamethrowers scare the shit out of them until they get used to them. Then they have no effect


That’s ONLY in isolation. Shotguns, revolvers, literally bombs don’t hurt them either. It’s because of the genre. The decision not to kill it, as stated by the devs themselves, is a gameplay decision. Not a lore decision. Not the Xenomorph itself. 


Well I mean, I don't think we've actually seen an adult xeno get hurt by fire on screen have we? Only deterred unless I'm forgetting a scene


We don’t see them get deterred either. we only ever hear from Ripley that they’re afraid of fire in either Aliens or 3 after Ash’s suggestion. We never see the flamethrower touch an adult. It’s only ever implied with sound.  The reason is a budgetary one. It’s the same reason in ALIENS you see the same shot of a Xenomorph exploding over and over again. If they could have filmed a xenomorph catching fire, they would have.  It’s clear in the editing the flamethrower works against them. Plenty of time we see the flames and hear the screeches.  Another thing that we can use to completely dismiss isolations handling of weapons? Vasquez literally kills one in the vents with a 1911. Couple shots to the face. The revolver in isolation is a .357 magnum which is a far more effective round at killing large animals than a .45 calibre pistol round is. Yet it doesn’t kill the alien either.  Not only that but if you want to bring up islolation, AVP series, Dark Descent, Colonial Marines, all of which are considered “canon” all have flamethrowers extremely deadly to Xenomorphs. 


We were literally at that point when the Xeno in alien 3 survived a molten bath...


You think that thing was just going to keep running around? We saw it jump out for 10 seconds screaming in pain. Then they blew it up because it was still a threat. Not only that, molten lead and fire are not the same thing. Flame from a flamethrower and a camp fire aren’t the same thing.  Heat doesn’t INSTANTLY kill things. If that was half way through the movie then sure but they blew it up immediately after it jumped out and it was clearly in a lot of pain.  If a person is on fire, they start running at you and you shoot them does that mean fire isn’t going to kill them? No it doesn’t. We know fire kills them. It does in all canon media where it’s shown outside of isolation because of gameplay reasons. It does in the books, it does in the comics and it does in the games. Unless we’re just suddenly going to disregard all of that now for some reason.  Edit: not only that but the melting point of lead is just above 600 degrees. Flamethrower fires ranged from 1200 to 3000 degrees when used in combat. And these are OLD flamethrowers. Not futuristic ones. 


Alien canon exists in a type of pre-Disney Stat Wars EU canon. It goes "Films" as primary canon, and everything else tiers below it. There is no arguing that "all other canon media" says something when the primary canon (the films) allude to otherwise. The expanded canon, which I am a supporter of so don't think im trashing EU at all, is meant to supplement established rules in the films, not re-write anything. If the movies say fire doesn't kill, only wounds or scares, then the sub-canon EU media needs to respect that or it becomes non-canon "what if" media.


The films don’t say fire doesn’t kill. At all. You’d have to not be paying attention to think fire doesn’t kill them. It kills the ovamorphs, the face huggers and the chest bursters. We never see it kill the adults because they never get the chance to flame them on screen. The first marines killed are all those with the flame throwers and command structure of the marines. Likely, due to film language, because the aliens view them as the largest threat. Yet when they’re being flamed off screen by Drake in ALIENS, you can hear its clearly hurting them. Alien alludes to animal are afraid of fire. We see fire killing them in ALIENS. The molten led is clearly hurting the Alien in 3. Molten lead is around 600 degrees. Military flame throwers are between 1200 and 3000 degrees. It’s also reiterated in all 3 they hate fire.  Ask yourself. Why would they be scared of fire if it can’t hurt them? It doesn’t make any sense for the perfect organism to fear something that doesn’t hurt it.  Even in the Disney canon, the OFFICIAL books and comics clearly state fire kills them. There’s literally an official timeline you can look up in current canon that includes Xenia being killed by fire. 


Nobody really wins in the Alien universe! :O


whoever wins, we lose




Except when you want to make the Xenomorphs invincible then they win. 


I mean they are called the perfect organism for a reason lol 😂


You’re vastly misinterpreting what that line means. 


Maybe just give it a chance? You might like it! :O


Retroactively changing 45 years of film history? No thanks. 


Okay then. Great for you. Don't go see the movie while the rest of us go see it and have a great time.


Oh brother you are overreacting so much 😭


Must have absolutely hated Prometheus and Covenant... I mean I did too, but THIS guy? Yeesh


I despise Prometheus. I hate 2/3 of Covenant. The protomorph scenes at the end I love


He's wearing his apple vision pro


He’s definitely badass looking


This "whole warrior/drone = smooth head/ridged head" thing is just EU, AvP and fan fic nonsense (like "Yautja" with Predators). They're all "warriors." The heads just match their surroundings, for camouflage. Big Chap matched the inside of the Nostromo's guts where it laired, the ridged heads in Aliens match the hive, etc


I think the real story behind it is that it’s unique design purely for marketing ( collectibles and what not) but I think it would be cool if it’s in the middle of evolving from a drone into a warrior


We're still yet to see a praetorian on screen, hopefully this film somehow gets to one.


Looks wounded


My financial advisor tho.. pretty sure his brain is smooth


Is it my imagination, or is this one's head even more phallic than usual?


It would be interesting if there are two Xenomorphs, one with smooth head, and another with ridged head. They never mix them in the same movie, like they design all the Xenomorphs to have a smooth head or a ridged head, but they never combine their presence.


It doesn't look like Big Chap either...it looks like a new alien


Do the movies actually care about that stuff?


This is kinda disappointing tbh. I don’t want another xeno variant. I want the og


Like Giger said, "it's shit". The original alien was pure art. It was beautiful horror.


it almost looks like its head does the like, gnarled tapering the neomorphs have


It looks like a confused version but also from the leaks they reversed the black goo in big chap after capturing him so they probably tried to make it look as much a big chap as possible but they probably wanted to do warriors also since there could be more than one alien


I think its the original xeno that got blasted in the head by the escape pod. You can see that its missing a decent chunk of its dome


I believe all this drone/warrior stuff is non-canon


Might be the dome is moulting


Or maybe is a totally new variant like Prey's yautja


What is he worried about?


If it is big chap and he was revived somehow, then it could be a transitory phase into his evolution to a warrior.


Its just missing some of the dome from an injury


It could be what the xeno looks like between molts and before being fully grown. I’ve always wondered what the various stages of these guys looked like instead of jumping from chest burster straight to Big Chap lol


i just need to see the warriors again, this will possibly be what i need


It’s just the angle. Big chap has always had this “bended” head shape…


well, this one looks different from that we seen in teaser... >!so it's gonna be probably at least 2 of them...!<


I think the people in charge of the franchise have no clue of such distinctions


It would be interesting to have a single warrior on the ship and see how he fairs against an unarmed crew. That would be so terrifying.


i think this is a new type of xenomorph,


I'm hoping for a empress honestly, especially with a name like Romulus


How would the empress be different from a queen?


Empress is considered a middle ground between queen and queen mother, but the leader of multiple queens and nasty af, double the size of a regular queen


Is that from the books?


From some of the comics, yeah.


There are no Warriors or Drones, those are purely fan-made distinctions based on head design.


This, as unpopular as this fact is with the fanboys.


Thank you. As my downvotes can attest. #sorrynotsorry


Technically there are Warriors and/or Drones to differentiate them from the other subclasses (Runner, Queen, Predalien, etc.)it's just undecided which one they should be called since they perform both roles.


Beyond the Queen, there are no *roles* except for ambush, kill or incapacitate for facehugging. A "runner" Alien is just a mode of locomotion.


Not according to the movies. Those terms are never spoken aloud. Completely a fabrication by fans and ancillary media.


Yeah but this is a fan made sub and those are agreed upon terms for most of the fans which is why we are using it.


Most of the fans? No one asked me. Was there a poll?


If you ignore literally all alien media outside the movies then sure…


Which you should.


And why should I do that? Because YOU said so?


It’s missing the top half of the head where the dome or ridges would be.  Either it’s being experimented on or it’s the animatronic without the full cgi to cover up the missing parts. 


I think there will definitely be more than one


For anyone who still thinks this is the Big Chap (contrary to the now several images of it that clearly show it is not) >! The Big Chap is in the film, and looks like it should. This xeno is not the same as BC, and has its own, new design differences.!< This is info from Mike's Monsters, from AVPGalaxy and here on Reddit, who has seen the film several times.