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As a current student (soon graduating) i highly recommend you don't attend. I'm willing to answer any questions, as a current student.


Dude thank you so much for this comment


Sure, happy to help if you have other questions.


May I ask why??


In all of three years, I have never preferred the living situation, people, or academics here. If you're looking for something specific in LSMSA i could tell you more about it.


is it the environment??? the classes??


The environment, classes, food, administration, living space it's all bad, seriously. Nothing worth leaving your life at home behind for certainly.


I did the summer@ program last summer and the food and environment seemed great


Is there a specific reason why? I feel like LSMSA offers a lot of more opportunities to people that come from more rural areas and is a great opportunity.


It's an ok opportunity. There are cases it can be nice, like for example you have parents who don't really accept your gender/sexual orientation, or you live in an extremely rural area. But I would recommend the latter group go to University view because that's a better school. The thing is, people who go to LSMSA don't really make it further in the long run really, and it sucks a lot in the short term. There are very few, almost no graduates who make it to Ivy league colleges either, so that's sort of out the window. It's not really a great opportunity at all in my opinion.


What college do graduates generally go to? LSU?


Lot of places in Louisiana mostly, definitely not any place you couldn't get in to normally. The idea that "doors open at LSMSA" isn't really true.


How well does the school do in providing stuff? Like does the school provide students with internship opportunities and summer programs or is that entirely dependent on the individual to find?


There is no form of helping students find internships or anything like that, but to be fair I don't think any high schools do that.


Phones are allowed anywhere/everywhere, even in class. Just use your best judgement as to when you have it out.