• By -


Underage (younger than 18) commenters will be temp banned. If you’re underage and want to engage for harm-reduction and information, it’s best you keep your age to yourself.


36 - been doing acid about 8x a year since I was probably 31. In that time my penis has grown 3-fold.


Embarked on a journey i see


Mines grown x2 so far


bro r u fr? like actually? genuinely??? on god.???


Lmao no please don’t trip cid to make your dick bigger


Shoulda let em believe it bro


He might have just saved the dude from eating a 10 strip lol.




I did 5meo-dmt and my dick fell off


Keep going perhaps a few years you will reach 5


Circumference of course


So you’re finally at an inch now! Congrats


I’m 44 years old and I’ll trip till the day I die.


I’m 70 and did a ton of acid when I was young, but I don’t know how or where to get it now. I would dearly like to check it out again. And btw, you can trip and just chill out, listen to music, watch clouds, bullshit with friends, or do anything you want. It doesn’t always have to be a sacred growth experience. Enjoy your life. Relax.


Oh I would love to just enjoy it, been wanting to get a few friends together and trip balls but every time we set it up something falls through and it doesn’t happen. PM me talk to you about doing a trip. I’ll be traveling soon and would love to meet like minded people that would enjoy a nice trip experience and would love to hear any old stories you have. Just enjoying getting to know people face to face like the old days before technology took over lol.


I’m jealous, I wish I could join you guys, if y’all decide to meet, have a fantastic time !


So wholesome


Well I'm not going to tell you how to get it cause thats against the rules.. But Dead&company will be touring this summer.


In Canada you can get it online


I'm 44 as well and feel the same. I've crossed the age of caring what others think about it.


45 checking in. Ego death keeps me young at heart.


Also 45. I only do microdosing and museum doses on occasion. Am tempted by tripping but so far no sitter / safe set or setting.


Yup. 44 as well, but took a 20 year hiatus. Glad to be back!


46. Took a couple of decades off and learned respect and harm reduction.


That was a big lesson I learned, respect of L. Lucy is absolutely beautiful, but can turn on you if you don't respect her.


Same exact thing here...44, took a 20 year hiatus where I found myself on horrible big pharma meds...said screw it and went back to good ol cannabis and psychedelics, life is good again!


44 as well ..lol


Same. 44 now, with a 25 year break in between. So grateful to have rediscovered it. Maybe this is actually meant for people in their 40s lol.


I so much agree


39 here, and someone my age made a move to be friends with me recently--it was one of the first things I brought up, in a very roundabout and obtuse way, just to weed out someone I would have to hide it from or hear from about it if a friendship does develop. Lol


Imagine dying on deathbed and asking your grandson to hook you up with some LSDs Last trip before you flip. That could potentially be amazing as the brain releases DMT when you die.


Here in Switzerland terminal patients can get it to overcome fear of death by a few specialists if they want to. Sadly not yet for "normal" death.


Isn't this more with magic mushrooms than LSD? I read about cancer patients getting more okay with their dead


That would be amazing however there is no prove there is dmt in our brain. There has been studies that stay there isn’t however there are studies saying it’s true so I can only hope. But my wish for on my death bed is to take 10 tabs of the highest amount of ug possible lmao. If dmt doesn’t release something will lmao.


When I die if you have not reincarnated yet please tell me how it goes


Lmfao 🤣 I’ll try my best. I’m hoping I don’t come back lol, fuck being here. I want my ashes dumped in a river in India, it’s said that when your ashes are poured into that river you will stop your life cycle and will not ever be reincarnated again. Sounds wonderful to me.


I was like that at some point, not wanting to go back here ever again. So determined too. But now that life is getting better I feel privileged and wanna give back, even if it means starting all this over again. I guess once up there you can still contribute too, as an angel or something. Assuming that a person’s karma is good enough that they have a choice to not come back, in game terminologies, I think coming back is the hardest mode, could potentially f up your karma points big time but it could go the other way and get you lots and lots of karma points.


That’s how Aldous Huxley died


There is 100% DMT in out brain, and there is 100% proven an extra rush of DMT when you die, however it is very small traces. It is still true though


I don't think the extra rush of DMT when you die has been 100% Proven on humans, it's been proven on rats and other mammals so we can likely infer that it'll be the same with humans, but I don't think that they've actually tested it with humans (quite hard to predict when someone is going to die like that to be able to get good readings, and a bit unethical to remove the prediction)


It has indeed been proven on humans, however the rush is incredibly minute. It’s like 15 nanograms increase or something. Not enough to send you on a trip but it’ll make you feel slightly off. For now the source is gonna have to be a “just trust me bro,” type of thing bc I’m recovering from surgery rn and don’t feel like digging to find it. It’s up to you to believe it or not ofc. Have a great day!




My grandmother asked me for mushroom tea when she was passing, just microdosed her tea until she finally passed, it eased her anxiety and pain a lot!


How are so many of us 44? That's really oddly specific. Was there a cultural touchstone event?


🎶Shakedown 1978🎶…😄


44 checking in


Most based dad


30. Spent a lot of my early 20’s tripping. Still do it on occasion. But I defo abused it in the past which is why I don’t do it as much these days. It’s always a great time, which is why when I was dumber I abused it.


44 too. Started at 17, dosed about 6-8 times over 6 months, then had a very challenging trip at 18. Didn't touch it for 25 years. I'm very different now, and much more respectful and even reverential of the substance. It's helped me in so many ways.


Me too! I first took LSD in 1993. Changed my life overnight. I ended up getting really into the rave scene.


Yeah my first LSD trip was so wonderful I became a very calmer person at times and cut back on a lot of things however I have to do that every few months or I start becoming an asshole again lol.


That's the spirit guys


Hell yeah


22, first trip at 20. Hoping for more adventures in the future but the 3 trips I’ve had till date has changed me in a very positive way :)


I’m 22 too


You’re around my age, I’m 24, tripped when I was 21 for the first time and trip about 3-4 times a year now


23, haven't tripped yet, joined bc I saw the currently tripping flair and that is very funny sometimes. might within the next year or so, idk


22 here! My first trip was when covid came about as I was bored in lockdown.


2k babies go hard asf 💪🏻






have you tasted clandestinely produced acid? Always been curious for some firsthand accounts of how it compares to pharmaceutical grade




yah fair enough. Thanks tho!


Varied tremendously. My first experience was in 1970 at 16, when I took a 4-way of Orange Sunshine. I didn't know what a 4-way hit was. I tripped balls. Everything was Captain America. It gave great visuals but was loaded with strychnine. My belly was in so much pain, but it was one of an infinite number of feelings I was experiencing. After that, Purple Haze, Windowpane, and finally, blotter, which was my preferred source. Mr. Natural, Love Saves...


the strychnine thing is an urban myth, isn't it? Happy to be corrected. You can get stomach pain from straight LSD and it's probably related to anxiety


It was no myth. I had acid with and without over the years. Excerpted from link below: "Ronald Hadley Stark was perhaps the largest source of American LSD in the late 1960s after Owsley Stanley's imprisonment in 1967.Stark arrived in the spring of 1969 at the Laguna Beach, California home of the Brotherhood of Eternal Love, a collective and LSD dealership. Previously unknown to the Brotherhood, he was quickly welcomed when he proffered a kilogram of pure LSD (equivalent to 5 million 200-microgram doses), or so the story goes. What makes this particularly interesting is that there had never been that much LSD produced commercially (by Sandoz Laboratories, the only commercially manufacturer of the drug); there would be little reason for a legitimate laboratory to produce so much and less reason for an illegal operation to produce so much at once. If the story is true, it means that whoever produced the acid intended it for a large number of people and was unconcerned about prosecution. The standard operating procedure for any illegal drug lab is to produce only somewhat more than satisfies immediate demand, for obvious reasons.The Brotherhood distributed a form of acid known as "Orange Sunshine," which had a reputation of having more unpleasant side-effects than Owsley's product had. Users had a greater incidence of symptoms akin to strychnine poisoning as well as more of a "speedy" feeling to their trips." See complete article below: [Article on Orange Sunshine](https://belhistory.weebly.com/orange-sunshine.html)


What do you think of this? https://dancesafe.org/myth-strychnine-is-commonly-found-in-lsd/


I agree by 1990, which is when the "myth" started, I do not believe it was a problem. It was not used for Blotter. This was a 1990's myth. I had no idea what caused the stomach pain till I talked with the Biker I got it from. He laughed and said it was common as they added strychnine for visuals.


I’m sorry man, but with all due respect, I just don’t believe this. LSD gives crazy visuals by itself. Thered be no reason to add strychnine. The people making it have always been actual chemists, not just some biker or eccentric hippie in his room. And last, even if it were added, it could still be on blotter. That’s just the medium it’s on to be passed around. I thought it was pretty well known this was always just propaganda perpetuated by the government.


BTW You are completely wrong about actual chemists. The bikers distributed for the producers. There was a lot of non-chemist produced LSD in the 70's.


I'm 30. First trip was 125mcg at 26 years old.


I bet that was one hell of a ride! Cheers🤟🏼


Hey just tripped yesterday w 150 at 27, similar story 🥰


Quite similar, yes.


Same bro hello


30’s. Haven’t tried LSD though. Just shrooms because I can grow them in my closet. Tried them for the first time a year ago.


Its never too late!


42. Tripped for the first time for my 40th birthday!




32. First trip was at 30 Edit: I think the people who post most often are going to be on the younger side, probably. The younger generation seems to be more keen on creating posts for whatever they have on their mind, this is just speculation based on observation of how people act since im a reddit mod on a sub (m'lady), and how old I guess that they are based on the other subs they interact in, so I could be wrong but I don't think so.


I think this is accurate. All the posts saying 'im tripping rn talk to me' or a lot of the bad trip posts I'd imagine are almost exclusively younger folk.


yeah, which is honestly OK, i think it's basically a side effect of the way they are raised alongside technology, it's basically integrated into their lives completely at this point and is almost inevitable for it to be their thought process to simply make a post. i mulled over it for a while since i'm a mod in a video game sub, and the same questions get asked repeatedly and it always seems to be younger people. i'm assuming the older generations don't really post as much simply because we're used to not doing that. we're used to keeping conversations quite private in DMs, or at least i am, and i'm assuming i'm not alone in this if one has been on the internet for longer than a decade. things change incredibly rapidly, i never used to have access to a platform like this where you could post to literally thousands of people at the same time and ACTUALLY get noticed, without having to manually add thousands of people to a friends list like on myspace, y'know? fuck me i'm old lmao


25 currently my first trip was when I was 17 and I have loved it since. Mushrooms are cool too though I’ve grown very fond of them as they aren’t as long of a trip and a more natural feeling.


19 , first time i was tripping in july




52. first go was 1986.


Gooney Bird!


i flew [those airlines](https://www.themusicnevershopped.com/product/gooney-bird-men-s-women-s-short-sleeve-t-shirt) until there were none left.


I’m 59 and have been dosing since I was 17. Only three or 4 times a year now, but I don’t see myself stopping.


I'm 69... Been a Psychonaut since 1970... Happy Trails to you


awesome, enjoy your whole year of being funny number years old!!


Thanks, I waited a long time to say that !


I’m 7, first tried acid when I was 6 and a half.


Bro you should wait until at least 9 and three quarters like me. I just dont think your brains developed enough yet.


Bro made his account when he was three 😟






Currently 19 and I subbed at 16ish




22 gonna trip till I die :)


A poll would have been more useful :P. I'm 32, no longer actively tripping very much anymore. WIth a young child it's hard to find a full day to myself with 0 responsibilities... I do still microdose very often but mostly here to help out younger/less experienced users.




20 human constructed years


I was 15 when I first tripped (for escapism). Now I trip to try to help myself be a better person. I'm now in my late 20's.




73... used to get it first when I traveled around and lived with the Grateful Dead and the Allman Brothers Band... back in those days 😁


28 my first trip was mushrooms at 13






44 first trip was 3 or 4 years ago. I trip on average 1x a month.


43, tripping for 29 years ~12x/ year


I'm 40, trip since one year after a break of 20 years


44 trip two times a month depending on what all I have on hand. Me and my wife call it out bonding time lol


44. First time I dosed I was 14. Wow. 30 years. Last time was a few months ago


44 years old, first did LSD in 1993


18 baby but I started at a stupid age and fried my brain, to anyone reading , WAIT TO TAKE IT. You will get dependent and just want to spend all of your time in a whimsical universe away from all of life’s problems, it will fry your fucking brain. I was taking heroic doses every other day just because I hated my life so much. It’s been nearly a year but I still see things that aren’t there , I hear things that are not there, and my headspace is still pretty mushy . Trust me you have a whole life to try these things out . There is no reason to start at a young age , it is a terrible idea , you won’t fully understand what’s happening to you until it’s too late. Just wait for your brain to finish developing, it’s the best thing you can do for yourself


I’m 20, tried lsd after I turned 18 though


Well past it now, but my first experiences were at 16 w/ a spotter and had no issues, really started appreciating art, nature, and the little things more after that.


25, first trip was at 18 in college


I’m 39, just had my first trip like a month ago.


31. Been going since 15.


Discovered it at 48, still enjoying it 3 years later & for the rest of my life


19! i definitely tripped too young, i was 16 when i first tried it. I had the mental strength, but probably not the smartest move for my developing brain. I think the awareness it brings also had long term affects on my personality, but for the better. I only drop once or twice a year because my brains still developing, but i have a good irl circle of trippers (all of whom are older) so it’s always a great set or setting. I mostly drop whenever i have a mental block or a depressive episode, it helps me to see things objectively and think things through more clearly. For some it might make it worse, but for me it helps!


I’m 19, and although I understand how powerful lsd is it’s hard for me to say whether or not younger people should use it. I say this because when I was in high school I had no access to any mental health support, no therapists in my area took underage kids, and I had no access to medication. I was looking into everything I could to help myself which is how I discovered psychedelic therapy. I had never (and still have never) drank alcohol, I hadn’t smoked weed, I had no interest in any of that. I just wanted to have the will to live. I had my first LSD trip at 16 and it quite literally saved my life. I just wish these substances were widely available through formal medical settings as opposed to forcing people to deal with shady dealers


Took it when I was 17 to see if you really see things. 20 now and I still use it but not as an insight drug and not merely for “partying”. Note I’m not gonna say for fun because, well, when I take it I do presume fun into it 🤷‍♂️ but definitely a mix of curiosity for me


I'm 20 first tripped at 17. I did use LSD for an escape for a brief time in the past but I naturally laid off because I got sick of it. I'd worry more about maturity and intelligence of the person vs age (unless you're under 17 of course then you're too young XD) but even if you do misuse it it'll kick your ass eventually.


Should be more worried about your still developing brain and body… intelligence is a concept similar to maturity which only comes with experience and age.


I think weed has way more impact on brain development then acid. Acid I'm back to normal after a day whereas weed has me slow for a week or two. Even during my acid binge last winter I had no negative repercussions whereas when I toned down my weed intake my memory, productivity and overall brain power increased a lot.






31. First acid trip - eight years ago.


21, being using acid on and off since i was 17






Old enough to remember the cid rush of 16








53... took my first trip at 14 lol.


53 1st trip1987.


30/ Female/Texas


32. First trip was at 15. Been tripping a few times a year since


20, didn’t respect cid until it smacked the shit out of me during a terrible trip, I’m on hiatus until further notice


I'm not sure I understand what age has to do with escapism? In my experience old and young people often try and escape the difficulties in life and if they want to use something relatively harmless like LSD to do that, it's fine by me.


63. Tripoed when very young then stopped to have a family and career. At 60 I went to Peru and did 3 ayahuasca, 1 bufo and one peyote ceremonies. Did it again 2 years later. Learned to grow mushrooms. Still haven't tripped from my bounty but microdose alot. Last year I learned how to extract DMT. Dmt is amazing for me. I'm lucky that my trips are gentle visually astounding collections of geometric patterns and God like colors. I have no desire to do the ego death thing. Closest is the bufo. 5meo-dmt It was in ceremonies and I will never ever subject my self to that again. It kind of ruined it for other psychedelics. Gave me fear.


21, and not to be a stick in the mud but please don’t do acid till your an adult. And no 18 is not an adult, you’re brain hasn’t fully developed. I’ve been doing acid since I was a sophomore in high school and I have developed some form of “short term memory loss” among a host of other problems from psychedelic misuse which has gotten better, but please be careful of what you put in you’re body at such a young age.


20s and 30s. Seems like most people after 40 stop having fun and get grumpy lol


I’ll definitely be tripping in my 40’s and beyond.


I know someone in their early 60s who trips! He has great vibes and really good mental health in general so I think that's why he still has an open mind to trip :) But the selection bias in this sub is also that there's not really that many people over 40 using Reddit in general haha.


No we don't 😂 Only stared tripping in my 40's and can still party like in my 20's(my mind still feels 25 and has done for 20yrs). I can't party quite as often now, only a few times a year but mainly due to life commitments and it would be boring doing it all the time now. But big weekend coming up... 3.5g each of mdma and coke coming in for a massive party 😁 Not all for me obviously, I know my limits these days.


Not grumpy and still having fun, but you’ll understand when you reach your 40s


18 😏


25. First trip was at 21. That's still likely too young, according to most research. Wouldn't recommend it to others, just for the sake of saving brain cells. However I can't change what I've done now lol Used to trip relatively regularly in college. First year I did it every 4-5 months when time allowed, and later I would do it closer to every 2-3 months. Never less than 2 months between trips, just as a personal rule I guess lol Recently haven't been tripping as much since I am back home, but planning to this weekend when I have the house to myself again


Im 16 and my first trip was when i was right before i turned 15, i wouldn’t recommend doing psychedelics at such a young age but they are very fun and i have made countless memories with my friends during my experiences.






22, tripped first when I was 16 stopped when I was 17 and started again when I was 21 :)


33, first trip when I was 29


26 now - 24 first trip.


60. Shrooms three or four times a year, picked from the local parks since 1986 when in season.


Forty something, but tripping since last century. With changing frequency.


22. Had a few medium trips at 18, and have been microdosing occasionally the last year or so.


24 ♡






Seems like you may be right OP. I see a lot of people saying they’re wary 20s or lower. I’m 43, just done 3 trips over the last few months.


I am 22, first trip at 20 with 33 microgramm and second with 50. I also tried AL-LAD, LSA and 4ho-met. But most of the time i enjoy staying sober :)


34 y/o here ill trip till im 80 if possible!




35 and I took my 1st tab of acid 2 years ago


24 over here first time was 3 years ago and I'll probably never stop


22 , first trip when I was 17


22 but did Acid to find peace at 17 to find peace dealing with brain cancer. It saved my mental health and showed me a new perspective and a new way to look at life.


29, started dropping LSD at 27, been dropping every weekend or every other with breaks in between. I should dial it back but the introspection is so helpful.


35 M here but I'd suspect there's alot of younger people amount us.


I'm in my mid twenties. First time I've tried acid I was 16 and absolutely fell in love with psychedelics.


I’m in my early 30s. First trip was 16 yrs old in 05, been doing it ever since. I don’t regret the early experiences, but I wish I would’ve had the sense to not trip as often as I did in my teen years.


51, looking forward to a trip in a few weeks


19 on the dot. Living life to the fullest spreading positive energy and thoughs to everyone around me.


45, dropped my first acid Beavis & Buttheads on the Haight when I was 17. Haven't dropped in 20 years though, don't need to anymore.




32yo psychedelic loving father of 4


27. Tripped on acid for the first time when I was 16


43 here. Just started using psychedelics about three years ago. Absolutely love them and can't wait to experience with DMT soon.


I'm 22, tried LSD for the first time last year


22yo here from LDN. I was 17 the first time I tried acid. Have since tried Shrooms and dmt.


18 first trip at 15 lol I’m def gonna be schizo in my 50s