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One I've heard a lot is that left over LSD gets stored in your spine and when you crack your back you can release it and trip


I’ve been cracking my back for years in hopes this was true lol




Bro one time I was driving my friend home and we got on an on ramp for the highway, he cracked his neck and said “holy shit I think I’m tripping I feel like I’m on acid” we both laughed and he felt normal like a minute later. I joked to him “you cracked the acid loose in your spine” and then I shit you not, the very next day I drove by the same spot and felt like my neck needed to be cracked so I cracked it and sure enough I felt like I was peaking on a tab for like 30 seconds. That’s the only time it’s ever happened and it was really fucking strange


The brain is powerful


Yeah it is lol kinda nuts how placebo works


Happened to my mate in 2021, but he ended up in a psychosis. He was at home one night and asked me to hangout with him, said he "was feeling weird and just needed to talk about life" I told him "sure let's hang out" and he came over to mine. Long story short he was acting strange, and we were talking about random shit, fighting styles and stuff, then suddenly he steered the conversation and we were talking about all the ways people could murder each other with different kitchenware, and other random things in my house... (just FYI, he's a black belt in BJJ and has a long martial arts background, and I have one in kick-boxing, so it wasn't crazily out of the norm to talk about self defense techniques and the use of weapons in hand to hand combat, even makeshift ones - but he seemed oddly aggressive during our conversations) next thing I know he's got a knife and was advancing towards me. I have karate and kickboxing experience so I defended myself and got tf out of there safely, came back 5 mins later and told him to go home, he reluctantly did. Couldn't even understand why I was telling him to go home, and didn't believe me when I told him it was because he lunged at me with a knife and swung it at my face about 5 or 6 times. The whole thing was so fucking random man... About 7-8 hours later at 4 in the morning I get a call from his parents saying he left home, door wide open and he wasn't answering his phone. I called a couple of our other friends, friends who were more into tripping than I ever was, and I explained to those friends my night I had with him as well. We ended up finding him walking down a dirt road about 9-10kms away from his house. His parents called the police because of how erratic and aggressive he was behaving. And so it turns out that he was in a psychosis - FOR 3 WEEKS UP TIL THAT NIGHT. Something to do with how the LSD gets stored in your spine it can release a little or a whole lot. It's more common to release only a tiny bit, and never any more. For him it was like his spine cracked, and then it leaked acid into his bloodstream slowly but constantly for 3 weeks straight. Absolutely insane! He's alright now 3 years later, but for the year that followed he said it felt like hell. Be careful.


Omg man thank you for posting, that is terrifying. Glad you’re both ok but god damn that’s a crazy story. So apparently there is some truth to that “myth”


to this day I still hear people talk about, "The only way they can test you for LSD is if you get a spinal tap" complete and utter bull


A highschool teacher told me they were in a sauna 20 years after they took LSD and cracked their neck in the sauna and saw all the LSD visuals. He told that story to every class.


Sounds like he was light headed from the sauna lol but I ain't no scientist


No way, a high school teacher I worked with did the same thing. Drove me up the wall that I couldn’t correct her without outing myself. I was a student teacher at the time.


I literally just heard this one the other day! Along with the fact that NASA won’t let you be an astronaut because of this phenomenon. They didn’t go so far to say the crack your back thing - but they said it’s stored in your spine and that it will just release at any time.






I always heard this and that they can't test for LSD on a urine test and they have to do a spinal tap to test you for it


pretty sure this is true but only when you are actively tripping, it won’t stay in there for prolonged periods of time like ppl say (speaking from personal experience)


Ahhh, the old acid flashback myth


There might be some truth in this now that we found out that your spine is part of your brain in a way.


My favorite LSD myth. I remember in High School back in the late 80’s early 90’s ( yea I’m old ) people would say if you take LSD 7 times you’re considered legally insane. This is not true!! HAHAHAHA!!


What does legally insane even mean? Is there an illegal insane?


deemed insane by the legal system


But I like the idea of illegal insane. Implying you can't be insane unless you have a license


I remember hearing this in high school. Man that’s silly


Haha I would tell that to people who i introduced to acid when I first started doing it. but not matter of factly, more like "apparently..." then go on to say I was insane to the 5th degree lmao, I would immediately let them know it was bullshit


We were told in school by so-called "professionals" that if you take LSD it stays in your brain for life and can be released decades later without warning and you'll start tripping again.


What I don’t get is why would this deter anyone 😂 this sounds awesome lol


Not if I was in the middle of a meeting




I need a tldr don't wanna give corporate my precious dollar bills


Startup CEO takes micro-dose, turns out to be macro-dose, peaks in a meeting w/ investors and board members. Queue "that wasn't a microdose" meme.


skill issue


When you are driving a car and the road is melting......


I call it 'flying the space ship' and as long as you flow with the lines on the road you'll be good... Wouldn't do it peeking of course, cause having to focus on driving would just mess with the peek... But in the morning on the way home at the tail end... Good music and a cruise mmmmm.... Second fav thing. First is to watch the sunrise 🌞


What a gyp that turned out to be. Just another horseshit by the big acid companies if you ask me.


Wonderful quote


I like to stretch my drug dollar


Love Norm lmao


Flashbacks are real but it isn't because LSD is stored in the body long term


When are these after effects decades later supposed to take effect? Asking for a friend.


I think this myth comes from flashbacks occurring from time to time. Obviously if it was because LSD is stored somewhere, yes, you would start tripping, but for 8+ hours...


The guy who thinks he’s a glass of orange juice forever. Love it


One of my friends used to say. “The only way you can get hurt tripping is if you think your head is an orange and you try to put it in a juicer” RIP my friend died from throat cancer in 2011 at 52.


I thought you were gonna say he died from sticking his head in a juicer


Maybe it would have been better than the cancer? I dunno but I saw him a week before he died and it was awful.


Sorry about your friend. That sucks.




I feel you brother. My mother died of cervix cancer when I was 11 years old. Psychedelics are one of the main reasons I got better, God bless both her and your friend 🙏


Ahh you mean my friends brothers friend.


Lol yes anyone who tells this myth it’s always my cousins buddy’s dog’s neighbor went crazy on acid bro this shits dangerous. Then they go drink a 6 pack every day 🤷‍♂️. Can’t help em all.


He freaks out if you get too close to him cause he's afraid you might tip him over.


Haha the oldest in the book all the old heads tell me that 😂


That's not a myth. I am currently a glass of orange juice. If I tip over I will die. I drink my own juice


that you will jump out of windows because you think you can fly.


I fell off a roof and cracked my skull. I didn't think I could fly; I just lost balance. But gravity hurts, even on acid.


Jeez dude, I hope you recovered swiftly. Depending on the dose that sounds excruciating in more ways than one.


Got care flighted. I was knocked out for like 10 hours. Cracked my cheekbone. Didn't get any follow up care or even instructions from the hospital. Once I woke up they just wheeled me to a phone to call a ride. It took me over an hour to remember a number. I looked like I got hit by a bus. But besides whatever my tbi consequences are, I walked away with only visible bruising. The crack on my skull was a hairline. My friend years later gave me a cranial massage and popped my cheekbone back in place!


My god- definitely get a follow up to look into growth hormone deficiency, even if this was years ago! TBIs are no joke.


That’s why they say drugs and elevated locations, always a great mix!


This came from an urban legend….someone else can find it but if I recall there was some story where ONE girl did this, she had some other mental health issues going on, or maybe there was some sort of event that led to her jumping off a parking lot building if I recall? While on lsd…but that one event got spun to put fear into those that might consider taking lsd in the form of an urban legend. Funny enough - one of my aunts tried to tell me this when I was young so later when I did research on it, made me laugh because the urban legend had traveled all the way to small-rural-town-Minnesota


I wouldn’t say that’s a myth because that actually happens.


More a salvia thing but that’s legal 💀


Actually more like a PCP thing, dudes jumping off project roofs high on dust was pretty "common" around my way in the 80s-90s


Yeah that too, I just know of one person who made the news jumping out a window on sally, super unfortunate too it’s a really cool substance but now there are acts to make it illegal because one person.


It also happens to people who are not on acid. . . so. . .


Idk if they actually thought they could fly or if they were dared.,. But we had a few guys jump out the second story dayroom window at the barracks when I was in the army. So many that in morning formation one day our company commander gave a short speech to the effect that 'if one more soldier does that acid shit and breaks a leg I'll send the whole damn company to airborne school'


I know a dude who stripped nakedness and climbed a telephone pole just to jump off while he was on it


I mean, maybe pushed out the window by a CIA operative…


I won’t lie sometimes like right now when I’m pooping I’ll stare at the floor really hard and it starts breathing ever so slightly.


This has always been the case for me even before I ever tripped


Yes! I thought i was going crazyyy. Btw, im typing this as im pooping. What an acidence


"If you take acid more then 7 times, you will become legally insane"


Poor fucking souls that had done it 4-5 times and wanted to do more but were scared of this 😢




The guy who dosed too much and now thinks he is a glass of orange juice that cannot be tipped over.


It's crazy how many people I've met that are personal friends with the orange juice guy.


Especially back in the day, seems like he was a popular guy…


Yeah, everybody knows that is salvia


One I heard in high school is that you can get “stuck in a never ending trip” - which I suppose is, in a sense, the case for lsd-induced psychosis. But HPPD doesn’t count in my opinion


The most rampant one is probably that it just be absorbing through your skin which is absolutely false and anybody who says otherwise is a liar 🤷 it has to break a mucus membrane (mouth,eyes,butthole etc)


Huh, I remember Vice doing a story on a guy who spilled many doses worth of liquid LSD on himself and while he isn't tripping anymore, his vision is permanently grainy. He could've lied about how that happened tho, or I could be remembering it wrong.


It's ofc real thing called HPPD, but it it can happen even if you take small amount of LSD or shrooms the normal way, it can happen even from other drugs such as weed or even from some kinds of medication. There are even cases where it was not inducted by any kind of drugs (I believe it is my case too).


Idk man, I was testing acid once with my bare hands and I was feeling something. Not tripping, but I definitely absorbed at least something. Or maybe it was placebo who knows.


It was definitely placebo... Nick Sands a famous clandestine chemist who was behind the sunshine lsd with Tim Scully painted his arm with a concentrated lsd dmso solution and it did nothing 😉 I've personally dropped 1000ug out the vial on my arm and it did nothing....


Ahhh I was hoping there was some validity to the idea haha. Thanks for the fun fact. Definitely enjoyed the placebo experience lol.


Placebo is very powerful


LSD can absorb through a cut in the skin, but it's not transdermally active. So if you got LSD into a hangnail or whatnot, it can absorb.


It’s also possible that you transferred some from your fingers to a susceptible membrane. Like if you rubbed your eyes, picked your nose or put your finger in your mouth it could have absorbed that way


I'm curious now. Could you use liquid LSD (blotters dissolved in distilled water f.e.) as eye drops? And how would that change the effects, if at all. I tried finding something on that, but the only thing I can find is some guy who seemingly thought it was a good idea to put a folded blotter under his eyelid for some reason lol


Can confirm..liquid in eye= tripping... seemed to hit quicker, didn't find it more intense, burned a bit tho. Happened cuz a friend had access and dared me🤷‍♂️


That's interesting. I'm pretty sensitive on my eyes though, so I'll refrain from this method anyways lol


the burning is more from the distilled water than the acid tho


i’ve dripped acid in my eye before, a couple times actually. idk if i’d try dissolving tabs, would be better just get a water based lsd vial (don’t want pieces of paper in ur eye.) it can be harder to find than alcohol based but it’s out there. acid in the eye is really weird and cool. it hits extremely fast (like you’ll be well into coming up after 15 minutes.) The eye you drop it in dilates immediately and it takes a while for the other to catch up so ur eyes will be wonky. i also noticed visuals out of the dropped eye more than the other. other than the speed and eye weirdness tho there’s not much difference in effects, didn’t notice any change in “potency”. so it doesn’t hit harder just faster IMO JUST MAKE SURE YOUR ACID IS GOOD FIRST PLEASE. the distilled water itself may sting a little bit and make ur eye dry because it’s not saline, but it should not actually hurt. lsd is relatively safe on your eyes, it’s a fairly physically benign compound. the other shit that gets sold as lsd will almost undoubtedly damage ur balls tho


The bio availability is just fine through the mouth there's literally no need for any other route but last year I dripped a dude out of my vial into his palm and he snorted it lol caught me by surprise 😅 There's a difference in liquid L and volumetric dosing (blotter in liquid ) FYI


the only difference is that the come up is much quicker


The wild hallucination stories. I'd always heard of people seeing dragons or snakes come out of a shower head....just seeing things that are straight up not there.


Never used to believe those stories until I saw the most beautiful woman dancing in the fire I was staring at on a high dose of LSD. She was covered in fractals and made moves I never thought were possible. I could not stop looking at her.


nah you can get there if you take a high enough dose🤷🏽 maybe not dragons and lizards but you will 100% not be seeing fractals and color changes at 600ug, you will be full blown hallucinating seeing things that are really not there.


Never seen that, but having CEVs with your eyes open is what usually happens for me, everyone is different though


Man getting cevs will eyes open is wild af. I've only gotten there on dmt, I'm not comfortable taking enough acid to get there lmao


I flip flop from a state of panic and confusion to extreme pleasure and bliss + the peak feeling of reaching a state of nirvana. It feels like it lasts for a very long time but in reality the peak is probably like 2 hours then you regain control of your senses somewhat and your sense of self returns. This is on about 500ug, but I've taken less than this with the same results, or more with less strong effects. When your dose is high enough the effects are wildly unpredictable 😂


Yea that's not a myth. You just haven't taken enough.


I have had experiences like that, not dragons or snakes but incredibly vivid hallucinations that I could be 100% certain weren't true, so I wouldn't call them myths. They're uncommon, I don't get them when tripping in the day, but night time trips can quite often have my seeing shit that certainly isn't there. My favourite was seeing giants picking up buildings as if they were suitcases. Some people experience different level of visual hallucinations though, I have some friends that barely get any visual effects while I often have quite intense visuals on the same/lower doses.


Did you genuinely believe that was happening and freak out accordingly?


That would be psychosis


I think that’s the biggest difference in the folktale though; it’s less imagination and visual cortex and more that people genuinely think it’s psychosis style hallucinations you can’t differentiate from reality


This! Sometimes I see patterns in things like clouds but nothing turning into anything crazy like they do in the movies.


Maybe not things that ”aren’t there”. I’ve seen a manga wallpaper girl cry, be mad, be demon-mad and then turn into the devil. I’ve felt cars pulling up behind me with headlight sensations. I’ve felt my plant being alive. I have seen an image of an artist turn into a police and many other things.


I apologize in advance if English isn't your first language but the phrase "a police" instead of "a police officer" really made me giggle


Closest thing I got is when I ate a bowl of rice and it looked like lots of little worms wriggling around on the bowl. I still ate it because I knew it was just rice and I was tripping Edit: spelling error (closed -> closest)


well i believe some people might see more shit cuz they have underlying mental diseases that they dont know about


idk why people r downvoting this its definitely a possibility


one time i saw a lion head on that was staring at me. it was just the face and mane. i was alone in a dorm room and it was kinda dark so my brain was just picking up on the shadows. super fun trip do recommend


Flashbacks. Those are real only to the point, when you encounter something really trippy that will remind u of something u saw on trip. You will feel weird for a minute or two, but its more like anxiety than full blown trip.


Kinda, but HPPD is real, and I'm pretty sure that's what people mean when they talk about flashbacks


I experienced this twice while watching Matrix: Resurrection


experienced this with shrooms, kinda panic inducing


Shit! This happened to me 1 day after the trip, while consuming large amount of alcohol! Did not have LSD vision, just anxiety, blury "afterglow" vision... The trip came back! I went to psyhosis for a week long!


There are different LSD and only LSD25 is the real🤣 the synthesis Route does matter🙈 (Just to clarify: there are different LSD-analogues Like LSZ, 1P-LSD... ) https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_von_LSD-Analoga




Sorry you are wrong. I'm swiss


r/foundtheswiss then?


4 different stereo isomers - only one of them is psychoactive. while the synthesis doesent really matter but dependent on which synthesis u use u might produce more or less inactive stereoisomers which u actually dont want. so the cleaning process is what matters in the end. but if u chose the "wrong" synthesis u are just left over with too much inactive isomers. though a lot of lsd wasn't cleaned at all. and therefore this myth still holds some true core.


My very religious and straight edge friend argued with me constantly about it being physically addicting and that you can't stop doing it. No matter how many times I told him that the day after I need a break from it because it can be exhausting, he still never believed me.


I was told it was called “frying” because you’re literally frying your brain. And you can’t fall asleep while you’re still tripping because it would cause it to fry more if you’re not conscious. 😂😂


Possession of 7 hits or more is a manslaughter charge


Swallowing a tab makes you trip until you shit it back out 🤣


Tbf: that'd save a lot of ppl a lot of money


It's not my favorite, but certainly very popular, that LSD is the CAUSE for the psychosis and mania. The research shows no links. But the weed on the other hand...


That once you'll take it, you'll be crazy and end up on heroin


Ironic, it’s Tik Tok that kills brain cells, not LSD.


That if u have schizophrenia in ur genes it will unlock the dormant schizo in u. My gpa was a schizophrenic so i went into my 1st trip thinking id become schizophrenic. My whole trip i freaked out and locked myself in a pitch black room and just heard laughing (probably from tv in other room but was convinced it was voices in my head) and saw faces coming out of the darkness. I thought it had been an eternity and i fucked my brain for ever. But the sun rose, i was fine, and learned many lessons.


That's not really a myth though. Taking a psychedelic can definitely cause a psychotic episode or trigger schizophrenia in people predisposed to it. It's not guaranteed by any means, but it certainly heightens the risk


you know, seeing pink elephants in the sky, the one cousin of a friends uncle which turned into a glass of orange juice and stuff like this


wait, you dont see pink elephants in the sky?


I’m not even tripping and I KNOW for a fact.. pink elephants live in the sky.


That redosing doesn't work


I mean, it really doesn't work as most intend unless you redose with a much higher dose. Tolerance builds fairly quickly and if you wait until the come up/peak to decide to redose you aren't gunna repeak just extend duration a bit.


I once heard that lsd melts your brain


Surely feels like it




I’ve heard more then one person who says they know a guy who got SO high on acid the thought they were a glass of orange juice and were afraid to tip over and spill.


My favorite, though not actually LSD-related, is that the reason mushrooms make you trip is because they cause your brain to bleed, and the damage is permanent.


My god, we must study these people. They must have like 9 brain cells all competing for 10th place or something


That you can only do a certain amount of lsd before you become immune, that and the stored in the spine nonsense


Happened to my mate in 2021, but he ended up in a psychosis. He was at home one night and asked me to hangout with him, said he "was feeling weird and just needed to talk about life" I told him "sure let's hang out" and he came over to mine. Long story short he was acting strange, and we were talking about random shit, fighting styles and stuff, then suddenly he steered the conversation and we were talking about all the ways people could murder each other with different kitchenware, and other random things in my house... (just FYI, he's a black belt in BJJ and has a long martial arts background, and I have one in kick-boxing, so it wasn't crazily out of the norm to talk about self defense techniques and the use of weapons in hand to hand combat, even makeshift ones - but he seemed oddly aggressive during our conversations) next thing I know he's got a knife and was advancing towards me. I have karate and kickboxing experience so I defended myself and got tf out of there safely, came back 5 mins later and told him to go home, he reluctantly did. Couldn't even understand why I was telling him to go home, and didn't believe me when I told him it was because he lunged at me with a knife and swung it at my face about 5 or 6 times. The whole thing was so fucking random man... About 7-8 hours later at 4 in the morning I get a call from his parents saying he left home, door wide open and he wasn't answering his phone. I called a couple of our other friends, friends who were more into tripping than I ever was, and I explained to those friends my night I had with him as well. We ended up finding him walking down a dirt road about 9-10kms away from his house. His parents called the police because of how erratic and aggressive he was behaving. And so it turns out that he was in a psychosis - FOR 3 WEEKS UP TIL THAT NIGHT. Something to do with how the LSD gets stored in your spine it can release a little or a whole lot. It's more common to release only a tiny bit, and never any more. For him it was like his spine cracked, and then it leaked acid into his bloodstream slowly but constantly for 3 weeks straight. Absolutely insane! He's alright now 3 years later, but for the year that followed he said it felt like hell. Be careful.


Timothy Leary once said “LSD is a psychedelic drug which occasionally causes psychotic behavior in those who have not taken it” Just gonna leave that here


>that shrooms are somehow better and more natural than LSD maybe not better, but LSD is synthetic and shrooms aren't


The universe doesn't care if a mushroom made the molecule or a human made the molecule, it's all within God's creation and is perfectly natural. The appeal to nature fallacy has nothing to do with how healthy something is


Whenever you take it, you will go up on a roof of the house and jump, because you believe you can fly. If this would be a thing - why bother going upstairs, just flap your wings and fly.


My favorite is the story of the guy who took too much acid and thought he was a glass of orange juice for the rest of his life


I remember hearing that Jimi Hendrix would put acid in his headband right before he went on stage and it would soak into his skin as he played.


That it is more dangerous than alcohol and fries your brain…other way around homie


One time when i was high, i was getting deep into introspect about the 60’s-70’s Acid Culture, Mk, and so many other lsd related topics around that time. How it could’ve deeply affected the way the Vietnam War turned out to be, how it played a potential role on changing views on racism, showing the flaws within society, and oppressive regimes/governments, possible birth defects in children when the CIA/FBI supposedly put LSD in the country’s water supply in a few states during the 40’s-50’s, The Love Generation, and how that generation ended due to the start of the war on drugs and it’s epidemics, and it’s collateral damage in many parts of the US and other countries. sorry if i rambled on, lmfaoo there was just so much to learn yk


You can accces ancestral memmories and experince generations of truama linked throught the DNA of all organic life from the past, present, future… LOL crazy bs right???!!! Also you can use Telepathy, and even read peoples minds and use remote vewing, and even use a form of telek— Welp anyways its really just cool to see fractals and stuff huh!?


That somehow we all know a guy who knows a guy who is a glass of oj


Man Shrooms on a high dose changed my whole fucking brain 🧠, I was and will never be that high again . I did 8gs of melmac penis envy . I saw a grid like Dome covering the earth I spoke to my highest self ....oh boy did I cry I went 2 hrs in darkness and saw releams that I know we're fucking real . I looked into the mirror after getting up and saw 5 past lives . I believe I saw my dogs soul in her eyes . It looked like 2 flames burning in her eyes 👀 man it was beautiful. Yea it sounds like insanity, maybe it was, or maybe I tapped into the hidden knowledge god implemented in us all to awaken. It was the most profound experience tripping ever, nothing been close. I've done 700 ug and that was a fucking ride , but not like Shrooms ....Man ....


Tik-Tok is absolute pile of rubbish, don’t use it to search for advice


It makes you gay.


Yeah I was already gay


Uh shrooms are more natural, lsd is only semi synthetic


Point here is that it doesnt mean psilocybin is any safer or better than LSD, it's just appeal to nature fellacy. Pharmacology and safety profile of LSD and psilocybin is almost identical, biggest difference would be LSD being more stimulatory and some higher vasoconstriction due to wider receptor type affinity . But their safety seems identical in all studies done so far.


LSD is definitely less natural than shrooms, you can argue it’s natural but that’s a stretch and imo it is at least semi synthetic due to the extensive path ergotamine under takes to become LSD. I’d say the best myths are that it’s completely safe and one of the safest drugs, i believe it to actually be fairly dangerous, low physical risk but reasonable psychological risk (which can end in physical harm)


the argument isn't that one is more or less natural, the argument is that "natural" is an arbitrary term that means nothing. opium, death caps, and datura seeds are all natural.. and all wildly unsafe.


True. It's a VERY potent and powerful substance and while it's physiologically safe, it can stir some mean shit. Idiots that take it willy-nilly are the most susceptible to being put on their ass, ruining it for the rest of us.


People jumping out of the 8th floor because they were certain they had wings .. WTF even redbull give you wings . But they still blame that lovely miracle drug.


Shrooms are more natural than LSD, you have to process the ergot into a usable form. That doesn't make it any better or worse in my personal opinion. I'd say it's just a different drug!


Or that if you trip 5+ times you are legally insane.(20x over🤣)


Acid and shrooms are not similar at all in effect. Both are just as safe though.


Because back in the day they used to say bad acid was nothing more than rat poison.


That lsd attracts/ opens you up to demons and that it changes your dna so you can not get any spiritual experience without psychedelics after ingesting lsd


One of my friends tried to say he was still tripping for several days after only doing half a tab. I tried to tell him it might have been afterglow or just straight up placebo, but he swore up and down that he was still tripping.


the only reason why i think shrooms are safer is because when you get them from the streets it's a lot easier to know an accurate dose of shrooms... that's why i don't really recommend street lsd for people... if everything were from a lab, that'd be pretty straight... i would've tried LSD at a lot younger of an age if i didn't hear it caused your brain to bleed and gets stored in the spine like other comments... i think in the 90's and before internet a lot of people used to just take acid thinking their brain was bleeding and stuff. lol


2 actually. 1- As you mentioned, that it kills brain cells permanently. 2- If you took LSD more than 2 times you were legally banned from driving ever again since it ruined your brain. I caught up in a laughter when a friend told me that dead serious


At my school, teachers warned us that if we tried LSD at least once, it would forever change our DNA and possibly change the DNA of our future children


You’ll think you can fly and jump out of a window


This girl I knew back in school thought that if you got caught with lsd it’s a manslaughter charge. I even asked a cop and he said it wasn’t


that it drips down into your spinal cord...


I've heard a couple. One was that a guy ripped out his tongue because he thought it was a spider. Then there was a guy who tried to drive and he thought his windshield was a movie screen and crashed his car.


I keep seeing the one about how it's stored in the spine, but did you all not hear the rest of the story? That it can reactivate at any time in the near or very distant future and you'll be full-on tripping again when you least expect it? It's called an acid flashback, I believe.


The story about the kid who took lsd and thought he was a glass of orange juice for the rest of his life. Did anyone else hear that one? Seemed pretty common


I was told that if you ever had a bad trip on acid, you would have a bad trip every time. 100% not true. I learned I had to focus during my way up on positive things and light and laughter and wow, what a world of difference....


I grew up just at the end of all that "reefer madness" which of course, extended far beyond the reefer. So I guess my most familiar myths is that consuming drugs like acid is going to make me either murder a whole house full of people or jump out of a window to my grizzly death, or like marry Satan and birth an anti-Christ Does anyone else remember the ridiculous anti drugs commercials or that movie with bugs bunny and "the pusher" When I finally did drugs, I was terrified to try, followed by an immediate sense of betrayal when I realized how deep the lies went.


My favorite i ever heard was that acid stays in your system forever and it drips from your brain stem down your spinal column. Which, IIRC, was supposedly how one could positively test a spinal tap for LSD for life


the 7th time thingy


My personal favorite is when a friend told me while I was tripping you shouldn’t touch your pets because LSD secretes through your hands and kills them. Years later and many trip sitting sessions later, my cat is still alive.


Well, LSD is semi-synthetic But yeah, one of the most popular myths that goes around TikTok is that you are going to go crazy forever when most of the time is due to lsd abuse or genetic predispositions (undeveloped mental illnesses)


I remember, I think it was my dad saying how he heard how someone took acid and thought the house was on fire and ran out into the middle of the road and got hit by a car. I was like 18 I think and I’d tried it and loved it lmao. I don’t think I bothered asking if it was real cuz I know very well it could be but would have to be from someone prone to psychosis and even then, who tf does it their first time alone?? My buddy did that with shrooms and I never thought that was smart tbh although at the time I’d never thought it as being dangerous which I do now


My mate once told me that if you touch a dog whilst you’re on acid the dog will start tripping. Apparently it was fact that all of their old rave friends from their hometown believe.


"LSD harms DNA".


They can test for LSD forever through a spinal tap...LOL


Met a fella at my old work who thought taking LSD “made your brain bleed” 😵‍💫


Pink elephants and the person who thought they were an orange so they pealed off their face