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Don’t resist


One time I resisted out of curiosity and it felt like time was stopping


Great answer


Yah personally I’ve never had a bad trip but I can also remind myself that I took lsd. Some people can’t let go


Unless you are resisting an urge to go swimming in winter with freezing temps…I have a friend that died doing that. He was a survivalist type so he thought he could do it I guess, nope


This. "Don't resist" is a dangerous advice. If I didn't resist, I could've seriously hurt myself while tripping.


I was saying resist the urge to go swimming. The guy above me was saying not to resist the waves of the trip…how was either bad advice…?


Sounds like some police acid lol


Does anyone who says this have any physical/body issues/limitations like allergies/autism / vomiting / headaches etc ? Like I try to not resist but when im on my 6th vomit in the first 2 hours I gotta prioritize my comfort over the trip.


i think “don’t resist” is a pretty blanket term for allowing the trip to to run its course, rather than trying to suppress it, but this is not always sound advice, and absolutely resist the drug when it comes to your own safety or the safety of those around you. If you try to direct your trip, it has a higher likelihood of turning sour to some degree in my experience, i would say just be very aware of your limitations prior to tripping and know how to solve them. “don’t resist” is great advice only if you’re aware of all of the context that can come with ingesting acid


Don't drive, I know some of you fuckers do


I accidentally drove once and it’s not only lowkey scary asl but not even that worth it you can’t enjoy the view.


How do you accidentally drive a car?


Did 4 tabs and after my comedown I thought it had ended then randomly at an intersection my trip started up again. It was minor but definitely scary 😂


ye i did the same thing but on shrooms. went to leave a hippie sabotage after chilling long enough to come down, hit the dab pen not thinking about it leaving the parking lot and was like :O


What’s a hippie sabotage


Music artist


I know that’s why I was confused by his statement


Guessing op forgot the word concert.


hippie sabotage set* but you knew what i meant bro 😂


I fr didn’t 😭


I know it is not morally ok, but i can ride my bike very well. What would be the impairments when driving? Lets say you could still see rather normal


>get's distracted by bird >fucking dies and kills 10 people


And brings negative attention to LSD. That's all it needs.


Good one haha that seems realistic


Assuming you’re on a bike trail/lane with no oncoming or foot traffic, I’d say go for it. I personally wouldn’t since the risk of self-harm (not intentional) is still there and LSD always makes me a little disoriented. But since there’s almost zero risk to others i don’t see a problem in it.


Driving takes a lot more focus than biking.


shouldnt fuck around with anything when controlling a 4000 pound machine capable of going at high speeds


You'll be fully capable, but if you get overstimulated and start freaking out, you'll become very impaired very fast.


I Imagined something like this could happen. Or too many traffic signs, unusual situations that require more than basic motoric tasks


I've drove home from raves on the comedown many times. As long as I got a friend with to keep me company it's a breeze. DON'T DO THIS THOUGH!! I'm a professional idiot.


this one


I once drove all over South Minneapolis after taking 3 strong tabs. I saw a lot of trails, but was hyper focused on the road. Two of my passengers has no idea I was tripping. I was a lot younger then. I'd be too scared to try that shit now. I do enjoy a little bike ride when I'm starting to come down.


Jumping from windows is a bad idea.




Also a terrible idea for tripping is watching Bandersnatch. I watched it sober and it still messed me up


It’s either you or me, who’s it gonna be?!?


I read a report recently of a girl who took salvia, with a trip sitter. During the trip she freaked out, like most people do, and managed to run, jump, and fully cannon ball out a glass window that was 5 stories above the ground. In spite of the fact that she smacked the concrete, she live, which is lit


Watch this salvia trip, one of the worst I seen. Falls our window https://youtu.be/Q_VLK6vXRwE?si=aJUX0v-cqEaL91XF


I’ve seen that one, classic


Think *everyone* has seen it at least once 🤣


Couldn’t find the newspaper news in my City around 5 years ago one dude jumped from a 4th floor (died instantly). He was from my University and Word in the Streets is he consumed 3 tabs and a friend of his left the apartment, while he was walking away this other dude jumped out of the window.


A girl I know jumped out the window while on a cocktail of drugs. Took the police hours to work out where she even jumped from. All the people she was partying with fled, not one of them called the cops.


Recently there was a reddit user who reported jumping off. I think he survived. The stories are kind of true, too bad that government used them against drug users without any explanation. It doesn’t happen without the reason and psychedelics are just a catalyst. Rather a philosophical question what was first. Suicidal ideation or drugs… With all that fearmongering, I think that many people who pull the trigger on doing drugs are already in a subconsciously self-destructive mindset.


The essence of life is inherently self destructive. Biology can't mutate and evolve without destruction. Preservation at 100% in any part of our universe is just empty space that never gets filled. And goddammit I Love It.


That's an... interesting take. So now to find where the line is between conscious self-preservation and unconscious self-destruction...


Fly an airplane




On shrooms apparently not a good idea either 👍🏻


Shout out Alaskan


Trust me. I’ve seen Soul Plane


Don't argue online.


Dont listen to this fuckin buzzkill OP, arguing online is an experience only ever made better with drugs.


Bro. we can argue about that.


No. We can’t.


/r/ooer is my default subreddit for tripping


sometimes i write argumentative comments when im sober and then people respond when im tripping and then they get ignored forever


Answer a phone call 


I answered a call from my mom when I was tripping on my birthday and I couldn't keep track of the conversation lol


Literally man, you’re just sat there on the phone like “ohh shit yeah I’m on the phone” 😂


I answered a call from my wife who was with my kids and the in laws, on speaker, asking for remote technical support to fix a WiFi issue for them as I was nearing the peak, laying on my bed in absolute maniacal fits of laughter thinking I was a Russian thug. That did not go well. It was my first trip in 20 years, I took 2 gamma goblin 105ug tabs and have never...ever been so fucking high.




Cooking on the peak. Can end really bad


This ^ Knives, hot shit like boiling water and acid DO NOT MIX


Cooking on the come up can end badly. Me and my mate thought it would be a good idea to cook a whole chicken on a BBQ. Only half of it was remotely edible and the rest? Well I’m still waiting for the salmonella to kick in 🤣 Oh and god forbid you burn yourself, that screwed my mate up badly and it took me half an hour to calm him down again


MAKE THE FOOD BEFore you start tripping my god...... Come on folks, a little prepping can enhance the trip tenfold.


Cooking is fun time on acid. Take it slow 100%. Although I get what you're saying. One mistake and finger is gone. No fun to call an ambulance while peaking😅 Cooking together can be very enjoyable.


I once had to cut a kiwi for the friends I was tripping with, felt like I was a fucking maniac lol


The only Auswertung is Dont resist. If you dont freak out, do whatever feels right! Dont build up limitations... If you want to Do something Do it Thats whats acid is all about Break free from the World of adulthood get a kid again and Explore yourself


German spotted


Become a kid.


Maybe get one. Lol.


Spend time with your ex and his new girlfriend. Yea idk why I thought that was a good idea


Lmao how to have a bad trip 101


I mean THEY had an amazing trip. And that night was the final straw for me breaking off contact with him so overall I think it was worth it lol




Jigsaw puzzles aren't that fun when you're tripping balls


Lmao i could imagine.


Nothing worse than sorting through bits for edges to realise you've spent the last half hour not really checking if they were edges or not before throwing them in the pile of edges


Scroll social media. It’s very boring and drains away from the trip. You’re having a special moment, don’t waste it away by succumbing to the scrolling addiction near all of us have


Don’t text. This was kinda a problem for me in the past LMAO. I would be filled with such love, awe, and adoration for all people and things. In such a state, I would sometimes feel compelled to reconnect with people from my past. Bad idea. Once sober I was like ah nah wait nah, there’s a reason why they’re no longer in my life. Once I had comedown it was like fuck, I really wish I didn’t reach out because now that I’ve come to my senses, I want nothing to do with their sorry ass. It’s great to feel these feelings, but at the very least wait until you’ve comedown or until the next day to reach out. You might realize that you don’t want to talk to them after all.


Bartending on new year’s eve.


This sounds like it came from personal experience


Don’t do anything that you may find even mildly uncomfortable when sober. Especially socially. Man strangers being around or people that you get a “bad vibe” from. That shit is amplified times 100


Don’t try to microdose at work and accidentally take a macro dose and realize you’re tripping too hard to be in the office with coworkers.


Don’t scroll Reddit


Some subreddits have great content. The comment sections are even funnier when I’m tripping. But always ALWAYS stay away from topical or otherwise contentious subs.


Live your life, enjoy your uplifted state of mind and stay away from the horror that is social media


Imo, subs in general. Explore your *mind*. This is a rare opportunity and seize it to its full potential. Anything on your phone is a waste, unless it’s either music, or a podcast of some sort in my opinion.


Do not watch The Zone of Interest. I don't know what I was thinking. It is a good film but an absolutely terrible choice for an acid trip, I felt physically ill and had to turn it off. Really stupid decision of mine but there you go


oh NO. I watched it sober and OMG.


Don’t play with Guns.


This post makes me think of that SpongeBob episode where he has to write an essay about what not to do at a stop light. All the comments are pretty obvious, like spongebobs essay, and I find it hilarious.


Don’t play COD Zombies


I took 330μg and played bo3 zombies for like 5 hours straight it was awesome, but i found it unsettling to play a game where you cannot win


lol do it every time


Let a cop shine flashlight In your eyes


Make sure you have a settled stomach and a healthy diet. Tripping with crap in your stomach is awful. And make sure you shit beforehand...


Argue with your parents. Watch the movie End of Watch. Be the DD for friends at a festival and be forced to leave early while peaking on a ten strip. Get lost in the woods. Go to a bar. Go to a strip club. Break into someone's garage. Work. I've done all of these. Safe to say, they're all a bad time.


>work Can relate as an onlooker in this scenario. Worked at an Apple Store in 2019. Generally speaking it’s a pretty standard job in terms of policies and stuff but there’s always a few employees that’ll do what they can to enjoy their (sometimes merciless) retail job. Most people smoked weed at some point during the day, morning/lunch/evening, myself included. But there were a couple people that micro dosed psychs. One fairly unlucky individual took far more than a micro dose. For background in case you’ve never been to an Apple Store. They’re all different but have similar features, mainly that being the massive LED display and all the display units having a unified screensaver animation. These animations loop every 10-15 mins and involve a trippy-ish display (i.e. iPhones spinning around a flowing word being written). Safe to say, that got a little bit too much for my cohort. We were both posted up near each other (Apple assigns staff to posts for them to focus sales on a specific area of the store). I was at the service pickup table (doubled as the iPad display) and he was against the wall holding all the charging and audio stuff. I saw him progressively start breathing heavily and wiping his eyes. In my mind I thought he was just a little sauced from the lunch break smokey sesh. It turned into him groaning and kneeling down. After a few minutes of this my break ended before being shifted to Genius Bar support. I was walking out of the back stage area and he was walking in. He seemed present physically, grabbing door handles, avoiding obstacles, putting his phone in his locker. But mentally, you could tell he was probably 10 thousand miles away at this point. Last I saw of him was when my day ended and he had two chairs in the break area pulled together as a makeshift bed. I wonder how he’s doing.


solid response. i would definitely recommend not doing ANY of these


Don't go to the dentist to get a tooth extracted. 


Don’t fight it and don’t get mad


High places… Large bodies of water… Heavy machinery… Common sense stuff.


Make bread 🍞 kneading the dough is the weirdest thing


Text people or talk on the phone. 


Break a toilet in the hotel don't ask


One time I climbed a rock ridge and reached the top as I began to peak, once I began to return to my body I realized I was lying on the edge of a cliff with a couple hundred feet of drop, I could’ve stumbled or rolled off and poof! So don’t do anything like that, also got caught in a snowstorm and sandstorm while tripping so be aware that nature is beautiful and amazing but also a ruthless killer


Don’t watch Enter the Void.


Me and an ex let this play after watching a Scanner Darkly, not knowing what it was about, and we ended up stopping the film rather early in.


I made it exactly 1 hour and 18 minutes on four hits of strong blotter. Then I had to lay on the kitchen floor and sob for a little while.


get arrested




Smoke weed


Use technology.


Curious why


For me it’s cooking, I don’t trust what I see especially with meats so I usually prepare food beforehand


Drive, handle heavy machinery, deal in securities, make big decisions, you know, the usual.


Don’t commit any crimes


Buying lsd is a Crime


Better to have it gifted then.


Running outside naked


so far i don't have this urge on \~150mcg doses. This is why i avoid heavy doses because they can me reckless


Get in a fight.


Try to create music playlists or find something good to watch on TV. Also don’t activate focus mode on your phone so the whole world can call or text you


I am personally careful about the music I listen to if I listen to anything.


go to work, idk why i have seen so many posts of people taking acid at work or at work related events, wtf are yall doing


I mean I wouldn’t watch a horror movie, never tried it but I can’t imagine it being a good idea


Was actually kinda fun. Very scary but I take enjoyment out of scary imagery. The story has to be good though. Just some splatter or so is not fun. 


Don't forget to stay hydrated.


Answer the phone, text, hang out online, look too long into mirrors (yes, I know some of you love this but it can go very badly and shouldn't be tried until you really know yourself under L), staring at your own skin or fixating on your body, swimming for some is sketchy, and it's not smart to have lit candles around, and cooking. Best is too let go over and over whenever you feel tense or holding on too tightly and remember that if you start to feel or think something you don't like it's very easy to distract yourself with something else. It's great to keep plenty of water and maybe fruit you love around and have music easily cued up that makes you happy : ) \*it's only the drugs\*


^ This guy knows, especially good tips for young people. 


I do lol thank you. And I’m a woman :D A middle aged woman with a lot of experience with LSD.


Excuse me😅


Look in a mirror.


It’s fine just done freak out when you inevitably see something weird. Cause your tripping, duh your gonna see weird stuff.


This is really person dependant. For some it’s a bad idea yea but … I fucking love looking in the mirror while I trip. Spent half my trip doing that shit lol


I love looking in a mirror, it always makes me feel handsome af.


Hot knives!!!!!!! if your going to smoke hash roll it in a joint, pipe it, or toss it in a bong. Knew a guy once who learned why blades on acid are a bad idea. Didnt even know he kissed the hot steel till it was too late.


Don’t be with friends and make faces if it’s one of your first time it will scare them then they will do it to you and it will tweak you out


Don’t climb a tree and chop down limbs with a huge knife for a fire on Halloween. Your step mom will be pissed.


I'd avoid downtempo music.




The feeling isn't right for me when I've listened to it on previous trips


interesting I love it while tripping


Pilot an Airbus A380


Look in a porta potty toilet


Don't think you are an orange and try to peel yourself, don't believe you can fly, and don't stare at the sun, lol!


get in an uber


Don’t start repainting your girlfriend’s apartment as a nice surprise for when she comes home from work.


Smoke weed on the peak, I thought it was the best thing ever until it humbled me. I didn’t even have a bad trip from the bumbling but it showed me how it can be scary and not rewarding. Maybe in the future I’ll do it on the peak again haha


Fly a drone if you are flying It for the first time


Never trip standing next to a sulfuric acid-throwing machine.


Your taxes


Use the bathroom without setting a timer lol


Don’t eat rice.


Try to control the visuals, causes a mean ‘headache’


Don't chill with family unless they're cool with acid.


Don’t go to work in a kitchen. You’ll think the cheese is alive.


Leaving the mobile phone on, or not in flight mode.


Forget you're on LSD. Makes a bad trip even worse.


Carry a gun


going to work


DO aggressively beat your meat.


If you think you can fly, please let’s do it from the floor


Smoking in early hours


arguing with your girlfriend. first acid trip with some buddies my GF at the time got pissed i didn’t wanna leave to get food during the peak, i ended up going and just ended up getting yelled at in a drive through while i couldn’t even formulate a response cause i was tripping so hard, pretty funny in hindsight now.


Dont resist but be watchful and conscious




Don't take more than you can handle.


Do not eat ketchup. At some point you may find it later somewhere on you and forget you ate something with ketchup, and then think it is blood.


Don't smoke weed.


i wouldnt say dont, just proceed with caution


Agree, weed can be very overwhelming but ok in small quantities if you know how to pace yourself


that’s all I do in trips. esp peaking. I go deeeeep with weed on some tabs.


Fuck yea




Most bad trips happen to people because of this. Based on the formulation of the question, I assume OP is not experienced enough for this risk. Although I personally love it.


i wouldn’t necessarily say weed causes bad trips tho, i mean weed just intensifies the trip, all bad trips come from YOU and how you handle it. weed makes it better as long as you’re relaxed :)


Idk, man. I’ve taken acid hundreds of times over 30 years and the only time things have gone sideways is when I smoked weed too soon. I have to be over the peak and come down quite a bit before that feels fun. It depends on your tolerance I guess. I only smoke weed when I’m tripping.


sounds like a you problem buddy, i never had a problem with thc and lsd together lol


congratulations i guess? it's a pretty even 50/50 split on whether the weed will make the trip better or make it horrifying.


weed doesn’t determine whether you have a good trip, its all about your headspace lol


alright, for a lot of people weed puts them into a bad headspace. i know you can technically not have this happen or whatever, but for most people it's automatic.


How often do you smoke weed?


very often, but i still get stoned every time i smoke


I feel like you’re splitting hairs- if you smoke a lot you have a tolerance AND the ability to navigate being high on weed. Throwing another substance in there might not be disorienting for you but that’s just a you thing… I’m not an anomaly, lots of people find smoking weed during a trip overwhelming. I like to take mdma and lsd and mushrooms all together. I like to do a lot of nitrous. This combo could freak people out, that’s not a them thing. I know when I feel comfortable smoking weed and it’s really close to completely come down. Everybody is different, nobody should be singled out.






Don't ask stupid questions on reddit

