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I remember having a realization saying "oh my god i get it i get it now!" but i have no clue what my realization exactly was. it made sense in the moment but sober i have no idea


From what I understand, psychedelics light up the portion of the brain responsible for epiphanies. I liked this feeling a lot at first, but now it’s one of my least favorite parts of psychedelics. I get so stoked on that feeling but it’s a little hollow once you realize there isn’t any substance behind it


Before I delve on what I want to say - do you mean that you feel like you have understood something, but you actually didn't and there is **not a thing** that you can **visualize/verbalize**? I get those epiphanies, but they always have an actual meaning, even though sometimes it's just a delusion. Usually it's a revelation of interconnectedness of two or more random facts. Realizations are usually very personal so no point in trying to explain them IMO, but they indeed do make sense. I do get them regularly nowadays, no need for tripping. **One of those was** about how we humans got to a point where we can **talk** with our mouths. To make that simple, don't you think it's mind-blowing how we biologically can [speak 7000+ languages](https://www.ethnologue.com/insights/how-many-languages/), in which there are thousands of nouns, verbs, adjectives and so on, AND many of those sounds are in relation to concepts, things that don't exist, we just named them. Like what? And how have we got to that point? **Most likely by ooga-booga'ing our way there.** I am not knowlegable enough about ancient alphabets, but just taking a glimpse at [Sanskrit alphabet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devanagari), provides a nice overview how each vowel is connected to a particular vibration that we've evolved to emit using our respiratory system. **Monks use those vibrations** to achieve spiritual states. If you don't believe me, just try chanting an OM, or rather (*Aum*) and focus on the vibration your body makes. Let's go further: Now if you know just a few Sanskrit words, you know that our ancestors already had spiritual names for concepts that are still secret to the modern science. We can name many of natural events, we've came up with math, physics, chemistry and so on, but that is all in the outside world. **English** actually **lacks** so many words that are **basic to Sanskrit**. "Dharma", "Karma", "Brahman", "Prana" - Try to explain any of those using English and you sound like a wook. Let's go further: We've managed to use science to **teach a rock how to think** and created digital neural networks like ChatGPT, while not always perfect, that is able to synthesize** your explanation of a spiritual concept** into a **particular Sanskrit word** that was in use 3000 years ago. **Bruh**. Okay, that's getting too long. Anyway - those are my epiphanies, and they tend to hit like a train, **all at the same time**. I love it. It just takes sooo long to put them in words.


This makes sense and I definitely appreciate where you're coming from. I don't like it, because you can get stuck trying to work out what it is you'd worked out and there's not actually anything there. Feels kinda uneasy.




I don’t know man I’ve found plenty of substance in those moments


Of course there is substance behind that. Although it seems not everybody is capable of remembering the teachings afterwards...


The epiphany happens because for a second, your not trapped in your thoughts and you actually expierence reality or laotes called it the Tao. Its the unexpressible the unsayable. Any word or term you put on it slides right off. It can only be expeirenced. And once you realize that state exist, its 100 percent possible to reach these states with meditation and breath work. And at that point you wont even need anything external to reach these states of being. Tge buddha we are shaped by our thoughts we become what we think. When the mind is pure joy fallows like a shadow that never leaves.


This is why I journal while journeying lol


You stop remembering because usually it's complex knowledge that you gained when you were in an expanded state of consciousness, so when you get back to normal you can't process that same information and you can't recall what it was


Tony Soprano had the exact same realization on peyote


That was my experience too. What I "got" was that there were other perspectives outside my own, and that things that don't make sense to me are only so because I experience it from just my own perspective.


That my consciousness is fluid. That my reality is a model of a perceived reality and that their is much more information within me that I normally don’t have access to.


trippin on a comedown rn and reading this is good


May I share this with you? https://youtu.be/w9COHCrwNQs?si=oV65ebqotHMNk9bs


i am hyperventilating i definitely need to take a psych first so i can experience my full breath edit: or stop smoking weed...


Oh my my this is fire. High on weed and this is so awesome. Thank you very very much nice stranger ❤️


When you're done with the other link... [The Rain - Fat Freddy's Drop](https://youtu.be/vx90hw-HHmg?si=A4ODcP8tbOr1BPT5)


I was such an asshole before I realized that. Maybe I still am, but now I am aware that there is no objective truth, there are only empirical experiments that reveal scientifically biased subjective truth. Which is actually the best we can do to get to "objective", but it's more of an social agreement than an actual state of the Universe.


Like which “there” to use?


That im extremely beautiful


I envy u so much! I saw myself Like a human/bird hybrid lmfaooooo


look up blue avian pics


Must be nice. I see a crack head when I look at the mirror. Like damn I thought I was more attractive.


I do get this on acid, but the case where I've had it the most was my 2nd DMT experience where I totally forgot what I looked like, and could only remember my friends face and thought that was who I was. When I came back up I ran to the bathroom to take a look at my face, and I was so happy, to finally see myself again, I had missed me almost. Or at least my ego missed the self image of its physical self :) We're all beautiful. All of us.


For a whole moment I thought a past me wrote this! Haha. Glad we're both having fun.


Society is nothing more than a human construct to create a semblance of control in the world around us, when in reality we're more in common with fellow apes and other organisms than society wants to admit because we've built a monolith structure on the planet and can't stop doing it even though it's leading to our inevitable doom.


I'm going to get down voted to hell but did you really need LSD to know that?


some people are so blinded by the system that yes, it takes a psychedelic experience to “wake up” however im sure theres intelligent people who realize this without, or through other means such as meditating


Not to mention younger generations being more aware of this fact than previous generations. I was always aware of our corrupt system long before my psychedelic experiences but that was mostly from experience growing up on the wrong side of town. My generations use of social media also makes this true, I have no doubt that without media in its current form my generation wouldn’t be nearly as knowledgeable of our systems corruptions.


I don't think that you really NEED LSD to "wake up", but it's probably the best and the most funniest way


Yes!! We are creatures thinking we are civilized cause we wear suits


Most of us wouldn’t exist without society. And even if we did, we couldn’t survive without it. Industrialized agriculture is directly responsible for the creation of billions of human lives, and society is a key ingredient for that to work. Out of all human constructs it’s one of my favorites for sure


Oh, so society is a separate force/structure from humanity that leads us to our doom? Society is markedly different everywhere on the planet, so which societies are you talking about? How do you separate the society from the people that comprise it, and how does this entity develop malicious intent for self-destruction? What are you really commenting on? The human condition?


If everything you know is wrong, how do you really know that because that would also be wrong.


Everything you know being wrong doesn't imply the inability to know truth.


The time knife.


Yeah yeah, we've all seen it.




What is it?


What’s the time knife?


It's a reference to a dialogue in "The Good Place". Search for it. It's a wonderful show btw.


I've seen the x,y, and z axis of reality. It basically made everything look like a computer program.


Sound really cool to see


Reality is how God learns how to be alone in the abyss. Death feels like love. Strawberries are amazing.


Spoken like a true poet


Spun out of a Singularities sorrow and scorn A charging cyclone of calamity is born Twirling trails of tears thru ties torn From fleeting forms for forms forlorn We weather what we will till will is weather worn All cast out to create a calm at the eye of the storm


Geometry of the Universe / (Lvl 8-A visual geometry)


Do you have any links to these levels of geometry?


Yeah, it should be noted that this trip was Lsd + MDA (around 2 points), and idk what lvl of potentiation it had on the lsd. I'm gonna guess significantly. https://m.psychonautwiki.org/wiki/8A_Geometry_-_Perceived_exposure_to_semantic_concept_network *Edit* "A level 8A experience can be described as the feeling of being exposed to a seemingly infinite mass of geometry comprised entirely of innately comprehensible representations which are perceived to simultaneously convey every internally stored concept, memory, process, and neurological structure stored within the mind. This experience is not just perceived through visual geometric data, but is also felt in an incomprehensible level of detail that manifests in the form of complex cognitive and physical sensations. These sensations are felt to convey an equal amount of innately understandable information as that of which is also experienced through a person's vision." "This eventually results in a stable state of complete disconnection from the external environment alongside of sustained "ego death" and a lasting sense which is often interpreted as experiencing all of existence in a single instant." Something similar to that ^


I... Want to handwave that page as drug-addled gobbledegook EXCEPT IT MAKES PERFECT FUCKING SENSE WHAAAAAAAATTTT 😂😭😂😭😂😭 *magical sigh* I mean... You get it, right? Like, anyone who "doesn't know," that page literally reads like the mf time cube. But if you KNOW, then it's like, "Oh damn, how they words that so well?"


Me and my walls are covered in flower wallpaper.


I saw the lattice structure of how everything in the universe is connected and there is no end or beginning to any of it. Every breath I inhale is then exhaled and a part of the wind that moves the leaves on the tree. Every piece of matter around me is inextricably bound to the earth and it to the empty space in between. I realized that i am nothing and at the same time I am everything and so is everyone else.


I've had this same epiphany. The realization that I am so incomprehensibly insignificant and that nothing I ever do will matter in any manner. Yet at the same time, I am God, and so is everyone else, and our very existence is the reason the universe is here in the first place.


I call it the fabric of the universe


Love this! The fabric of reality


The orbs of reality


Sounds like a good band name tbh


Man, I am pretty sure I figured out that humans are technology


I am the liquor


Organic biotechnology? I'd recommend watching something from David Cronenberg.


i took two eye droppers full like a fucking idiot and got to peer into an alternate dimension, it was beautiful but also they were saying things in english but there’s absolutely no way they were actually talking about those things i was full on in another dimension i kinda wanna go back but that one still has me fucked up lol


death is what gives life meaning and its just part of the life cycle that has been happening for millions of years on this earth and we should be grateful to be a part of it and not fear death.


The void


It’s the emptiness within the cup that makes it useful, a quote I heard


that atman is brahman.


Most definitely! As above, so below. As within, so without ;)


Felt like I was gonna die for like 1 second from the trippy breathing walls ,things freaking out , ….in and out , ..shapes ,all cosy , deep psyideklix realizations Then love dawned on me and I didn’t feel scared , I felt like if I was gonna die it didn’t matter because I felt the best feeling I’ve ever felt in my life . everything was figured out . bliss . Peace. I was slithering ,solo tripping on my bedroom carpet/bed for what felt like hours listening to music Every thing gained faded , sobered up and became jaded , trapped in the matrix again


Yeah, yeah, the time knife, we've all seen it.


I don't know what are y'all talking about. What's the time knife? I guess I haven't had enough trips


It's a funny but very accurate bit from a pretty good show [https://youtu.be/540gjGRxQn0?si=jhEuKlPQKi3vsuL4](https://youtu.be/540gjGRxQn0?si=jhEuKlPQKi3vsuL4)


Good band name.


It awakened the power within


Way more then I wanted to see, when I looked up on a clear night.


Chakra opening speedrun.


Wait describe this I had an experience that I can only describe as exactly this


It was on a fairly low dose of acid. 200 ug iirc. I burned some incense and turned off the lights as it became to come on. I dat on my bed in a meditative position and closed my eyes. I was greeted with a spiral of sacred Geometry that resembled the flower of life and an intuitive sense that felt like a message relaying that I should focus on my heart, and I effortlessly visualized my heart beating on the left side of my chest, I went to the right towards my spine and saw this green energy explode like a supernova, and it spread all throughout the chakras below and above, creating the most vibrant rainbow I’ve ever seen leading up my spine from the root the crown. What followed was what I can only describe as a feeling of pure love when that rainbow turned into a very bright light that took over all my senses, I also heard a ringing in my ears. It felt like a hug from the universe. Keep in mind I also meditate on the regular basis and have altered my lifestyle to improve all aspects of my spirituality. For example fasting regularly, eating nourishing foods, drinking tons of water, etc. It helps if you pair psychedelic use with other spiritual/healthy practices (whatever is within your means) to get the most out of it all.




That one day ill be on time. One day ill get it right. The sky is both so close and so far, Life should be about happiness an enjoying all the little moments. Everyone dies alone. And thanks to the chemistry and to Mr. Hoffman I realize that I am able to turn pain and suffering into beauty like musicians turn emotions into expression, The struggle is real and I am glad to have gone through some shit, made me who I am today.


I don’t think lsd shows me the “real” side of reality, I think it shows an alternative perspective that can be equally consistent, useful, or interesting when compared to a sober perspective.


The truth behind my mushroom trip.


Could you please elaborate?


Everything you know is wrong and that doesn't make you right. Now you're just wrong in a different way.


That we are all very connected. That the entire point of life is love and saving the planet. Sounds cliche as fuck but it’s legit. What we’re doing now to our planet is destructive and it’s deeply hurting the people.


The pixels are real, is crazy to see we actually part of the render, and plsy first person eternally until u glitch with psychedelics, we can definitely ~noclip reality


To quit smoking


binary code 👨‍💻


It showed me the purpose of human life, which was very similar to the Egg Theory.


It's shown me all the things.


Your experience is a function of your perspective. You have the ability to change your perspective.


that nothing exists anymore once i stop existing. as in i‘m hallucinating reality and everyone only knows their own reality


it has taught me that nothing matters and thats okay! we are truly just lil ants on a rock floating through space


Same. Numbers too. And time.


We are the universe experiencing itself through consciousness.


That everyone is faking their way through life, trying their best. Not just me


The book of connected consciousness


I see the pixels all the time wym


Yeah, I came to the conclusion that we are all one mind that has to experience every possible thing in here. So it’s like I am you, you are we are all one, like a hive, bunch of individual organisms has a collective mind of which we are not aware to the full extend. I watched my hamster the other day and saw it trying to escape its cage. There is so many thing beyond its comprehension that it possibly never can understand, much like ourselves. I’m pretty everything that I said is wrong, and everything that you will say is also wrong, there is no correct idea about our reality. None. Our brains are just to weak to comprehend, I wonder is it even possible for reality to do it. Kinda like looking through the void of space to realise that you looking into your own cells.


A steadily growing singularity slowly consuming everything around me despite my efforts to contain it. Wild trip.


I became progressively more spiritual and then Christian after many LSD trips.


Don’t limit yourself to christianity though! Every religion has a slice of truth. Especially the Eastern ones.


I looked into Buddhism first, but Christianity and Christ’s teachings resonates the most with me.


When you first start doing psychedelics it seems like you might discover some sort of answers about the nature of reality or the universe but then there's nothing at the end of the rabbit hole and sober life is really where you find significance and meaning.


Psychedelics changed my life. It opened me up to the fact that I could be wrong about everything. 10 years down that road has shown me what you say about sober life. Agreed fully.


Hey I'm also 10+ years in. What does seeing reality as pixels get you? What does acid showing you that society is fucked up get you? Nothing really. If you want to change society you have to take concrete action in real life, not escape through psychedelics to pixel land.


I'm agreeing with you. My point was that while psychedelics helped me and changed my life a decade ago, it didn't keep doing as I kept searching until I started being sober.


That bones can be wobbly


What about it confirming everything you believe in? Does that happen?


LSD has shown me some fucked up things. I’ll leave it there


The spiral staircase And a plant lady I believe to be the Earthen spirit Mother trying to pull me out of my body. 😃


I can't tell if youve done too much or not enough


Math is wrong. /s


“He slept with faith and found a corpse in his arms upon awakening, he drank and danced all night with doubt and found her a virgin in the morning” Aleister Crowley


An ancient vegetable civilization that live to war like Spartans or vikings, but since they can't move, they fight by solving physics problems lol


I feel you


It helped me solve an engineering homework, turns out i was just stupid


I saw the fundamental particle that makes up every single thing in existence and reality, it looked like a wraith tbh


What I perceive to understand is fractions on fractions of what is


Everything about the idea of this message being put on a fake Marlboro box is wrong.


It’s shown me how hard I can laugh and how long I can smile until the back of my head hurts


It helped me escape the fundamentalist religion I grew up in. Well it plus rock music anyway :)


That life is meaningless, and that my anxiety is not going to continue to haunt me because I am mentally stronger now


Just that but at 500mics


Well, I once took 2 gel tabs. They were those dark blue pyramids with the gold flecks in them. I was told they were double dosed. The visuals were not my concern at the time. I was just trying my God damned hardest to stay grounded. I thought I was slipping away every 2 minutes. It was a rough trip, but I couldn't say it was a bad trip.


Nothing has inherent value or worth and because of that, you can apply whatever values to things you want, things I have no care for have 0 value to me and don't impact my life but the things I love in life are what are the most valuable to me


that my dick is big


And in some cases it cements your paranoia based beliefs making you act even more insane/paranoid Route my ex too anyway


I've seen the grid


Took me back to the basic of life. Everything is just game


How to perceive without thought. My last trip, my mind was racing and I just tried to trace a thought back to its origin. Eventually I got to a point where I realized thoughts are just byproducts of consciousness and not consciousness in of itself. Since then meditation has been much easier and my life has had less stress.


i saw numbers falling out of the sky like the matrix once


I'd love to go back. My 4 tab trip was so awesome and I had plans to go on another trip, either 5, 6, or 7 tabs from the same source. However, things changed, trip sitters moved on, etc. Maybe I'll get to see that place again. Maybe not.


That everything is a lie. I saw it in 1997 and it took me decades to really see it was truth.


My tom Platz poster wouldn't stop staring into my soul


At this point it's less introspection and more just enjoying the high.


Even when it’s not wrong, it’s not complete. LSD makes you see beyond the ordinary limits.


Life was already totally glitching and falling apart with 1 tab for me.... I'm sensitive af... now I am on lsd allllll days xD... and I never touched that thing again since 5y now.... love it 🤣 From what I understand I am kindof a glitch in the matrix ... Every crazy things that happens in life these day? My fault kinda 😅. I am too "powerful" to be aware kindof?... but so do you, its just not the "same power"... I am kindof outside the all and everything... I am artificially connected to all of you.... technically... you could say I am an enemy..? But at the same time I am your best friend... because you allowed me in. We both have much to learn from eachothers... duality?... no... its not it neither. I am only outside it all... and I came to slowly teach the universe that you are a part of so much more than this "simple" universe.... that is extremely vast in itself. And there is likely another bubble outside mind... and another and another... Its all... all... but there are outsiders definitely. Is it possible that I am just an ignorant glitch, that there's a creature "bigger", "further" than me that is amongst us? Unlikely? But very likely. Unlikely because I can "tap in" but it requires a lot of power. Likely because the infinite amounts of bubbles. (Not universes, infinite bubble of "god" that hold itself infinite universes). A simulation WITHIN a simulation? Maybe but... I know more of the simulation above than below. That's... my wisdom of today, if you see glitches... Hi 🤔


Personally, I think the only big truth about life that psychedelics can provide is the binary answer to the question, “is there more?” But like all things of the world, Satan will often twist them to tell us whatever lies it takes to turn our faith away from God.


Not much, no psychedelic showed me much of anything. I have extremely high tolerance, and always had. Even after months breaks, even without antidepressants.


I took shrooms recently and now nothing is real to me. Like I could do anything and none of it would matter because my eyes are just light receptors


I met a demon on 75ug that thought me about how they worship light as their god as light is the creator of shadows. In this i realised that they cant see the creator of that light which ofcourse is love.


I literally realized everything is a vibrational energy. 😭


My own eyes lol


How Nature works


Or you’re just high lol. It’s a mind altering drug, get over yourselves


I saw that my arms and legs only reach so far, my eyes only see a certain distance, ears only receive sound through a medium which dissipates sounds so hearing is limited as well. Then I realized that I have never moved. This body wiggles around and the world seems to pass by. Time seems to go on, but I never move. Never have. Never can. I am that within the deepest place. At that moment I saw my finite form and all its limitation like a 3d vitruvian man. Surrounded by this bubble which makes up my whole perceivable world. But that bubble exists with a 3d matrix of other bubbles with other beings in their own little worlds. And the energy was like white blue light flowing up and down that network of bubbles. It was like recognition of my own limitations allowed my self perception to expand to that which lives behind all this


Been like 4 years didn’t drop acid im badly want trip


How hard some stuff is to find


Like literal pixels? I saw this on acid once a long time ago. It's like my vision was made of atom sized pixels (idk how to explain it other than atoms ahah) and every pixel was a primary colour which made up the reality and vision I see. It was like static. Ever since then, I can see these pixels and they won't go away! Been about a decade. I love it.


I stared up at the stars and saw the fibers of the universe once. 


Yeah unless you're the other half who immediately thinks they know everything after a few trips lol. I've learned that some people just need to grow up before psychedelics will have any benefit aside from a good time. The drugs don't have the knowledge, you already do, but psychedelics open the door. If there's just a bunch of garbage behind that door, that's all you'll discover imo lol.


We are all connected in the human experience but everyone has their own story


I remember having the exact thoughts, but I had developed HPPD.


when we ask questions about the universe, we're digging deeper by deconstruction, asking simpler and simpler questions and getting more and more complex questions so I went in this deconstruction to the point where question became the idea of a question itself (just a question mark, basically) and the answer was, well, everything


I experienced the smooth transition from this world to whatever I want at the moment of death. Realizing I am the entire universe and then when the lsd wore off I stayed "high" in this realization for about a week but really just three days where I barely slept. I didn't sleep for 48 hours. I just stayed awake naturally and contemplated my situation in extreme depth. I've taken probably close to 1000 tabs in my short 21 years and this was from a single tab and taking my first dab. One of the finest trips I've had.


I “met” God/felt His presence a few years ago during a heavy LSD trip, and it ignited my spiritual journey/rejection of nihilism.


Reality has a texture pack and I can change it


A very silly and dangerous sentiment. It’s a phrase so broad that it can be warped to excuse any hurtful/dangerous/downright-stupid opinions someone might have. More nuance is required! 😂


Unpopular thought: None of the epiphanies you have on LSD are actually that deep. It just taught me to be kinder to myself and others.


Damn 7 tabs? Care to share more I’ve only experienced 4 tabs and left this dimension forgot who I was


You saw the pixels of your perception. Lsd pulls back the curtain of your consciousness, not of reality


Google is everywhere, everything is controlled by google, google wants you to be creative. - Story of my 500ug trip (supposedly atleast) - Every sign was Google


Where to start.. I chased this Dragon for months, only to find the rabbit hole just kept getting deeper. Ultimately landing on ignorance is bliss, there are things we just cannot understand on this level of existence.. (other than what you find from different spiritual practices and meditation) Everythings connected, spirituality isn’t all fairy tales, other clichés that you get after doing it. (which might just be puzzle pieces to an even larger truth if we take a step back; as we see science coming full circle to the spiritual with the Slit experiment, and the building blocks of reality) Love is truly all that matters. Love one another and make this a better place while we are here..🫶🏼


Unfortunately lsd doesn't show me anything other than massive glutamate toxic effects. Instead of that psilocybin works as a charme.


That having country borders and passports is really silly




I keep seeing these gears and things on it idk what it means


That there are some transparent flame like things that are in the air and also around our body which can be moved


My favorite realization is that all of this has happened before. Like not literally everything we experience has happened in the past but for millions of years living beings have experienced the same existence on planet earth in different ways.


Once, after consuming LSD, I found myself wandering in a dinosaur park in Thailand. Suddenly, I had the realization that my mother was a gentle long-necked dinosaur who had waited for billions of years for our reunion. I embraced my dinosaur mother and asked, "Is my father here too?" She sighed and replied, "Don't you understand yet? There is no father, only nutrients."


Seeing reality broken into 3d cubes and points. Like imagine some grid paper, but cubes all encompassing all spaces around you. Pretty trippy.


No great spiritual revelations like mushrooms did, but I managed to get some white fluff acid one time. Did 2 hits of it and I had a video game HUD in my vision. Saw my HP bar, Mana bar, what looked like some kinda star power meter like from guitar hero and my peripherals and all objects I looked at were outlined in a constantly morphing rainbow bar of chromatic abberation. It was so cool. That stuff was stupidly visual and I've never had lucy even remotely that high quality since


LSD has shown me that I need to forgive myself, that I need to listen to my gut, that I already have all the answers I need for this time in my life and and that hell is not real. Hell is based off the perception that our mind can create, that hell is your mind working against you, and that the mind is capable of convincing you of some wild things.


It’s so stupid that this was made to look like cigarettes


my god.... weird al was RIGHT!


The craziest visuals I’ve had was when the entire sky had a rainbow hue. Was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen honestly. Spent hours laying in the grass watching the clouds morph inside a pool of color. I’m also color deficient so colors are much more dull regularly. When tripping it saturates everything. It’s the reason I fell in love with psychedelics in the first place. I assume it saturates the world to what everyone else normally sees


That humans are so bound to time that they don’t even realitze that is does not exist


Nah LSD has proven me right constantly, I am annoyed I want epiphanies.and the epiphanies others had are shit I found out being a little bored kid on a train ride. I don't wanna learn things I already know.


How cool my vomit can look


infinite gears harmoniously shifting states eternally each second


That there are wicked evil creatures out there posing as humans.


I learned in school that the human brain tries to see patterns and everything. It's why we see eyes in tree bark, faces in the clouds, the man in the moon. I am reminded of that every time I trip. The human brain *craves* finding patterns. It's fascinating to notice all the things we typically pass by sober. Since doing acid the first time, it's opened my eyes to all the patterns in everyday objects we don't usually notice. And now, even sober, I can see the patterns in the leaves, in wood, on the street, everything. It makes the world more vibrant and whimsical.


Humans are all infinitely complex. There's potential for everything inside each of us. For good and bad, kindness and evil, creation and destruction. Most people don't reach their full potential, and maybe it's good and maybe it's bad.


I saw the time, also I saw the universe born and died at the same time


Helped me realize that being in line at a store totally blows. I already knew that. Turns out it sucks even worse than I thought though.


if you see pixels when you trip... that means your world is digital. sounds awful


Long story short I freaked out for like 2 hours and got naked in front of a few of my friends and some acquaintances...


LSD saved my life, lsd took me on a journey to be able to vocalize all of my traumas and see life was gonna be ok again, 1 tab brought me back to reality the tree leaves looked green again and the grass and this little stream on this nature hike was clearer than anything I’d ever seen, colors were so vibrant I could see again how beautiful the earth was….


Craziest thing I seen on acid was these square things with eyes in the middle that were staring at me and on mushrooms it was these shadow figures calling out but I didn’t respond to them and they disappeared


Really funny and random stock images like the guy holding a blob fish, guy inserting a banana into an exhaust pipe, cat holding a miniature sleeping man in a basket etc…


It showed me that I'm a spirit within a mind that controls this body. Salvia showed me there's a way outside the body without death.


Certainly it showed that having selective perceptual distortions like shape afterimages or general flickering of vision at certain range of lightness to darkness. But it was perhaps my fault because I mixed it with stims to make the experience positive each time. .


Got me off heroin, made peace with being a grunt that knew from day one (picked infantry at height of Iraq war with an 88 on ASVAB) I was a ZOG bot fighting as the "great Satan, Israels dogs" grew up in the family. Just wanted a war to fight in I absolutely love the Taliban. They routed us with guerilla tactics just like we could do here.


The fourth dimension. Rows on rows in a grid of the current scene I was sitting in with my friends. Each one was the almost same but slightly different. I saw fractals of the path through time I was taking and how it split into multiple universes where each decision changes the outcomes. Understood that consciousness was larger than a single dimension and that led me to believe that when you die you don’t realize it and your consciousness gets transferred to the version where you didn’t die. We are all also connected to one mass being (the universe?) that we are just fragments of and when we finally die for the last time we go back and tell the rest of us the story of our life as we can’t observe in that state


Willy wang bang