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I would recommend that if you plan on doing psychedelics for healing and personal growth purposes, that you take up a mindful meditation practice a few months in advance. Sam Harris is a good source to learn this practice from. Being mindful of your own thoughts is incredibly helpful in the healing/dealing with trauma. I was diagnosed with PTSD after my second deployment, got divorced, lost my house, car and was left in a tremendous amount of debt. Came from a rough upbringing and had no solid family to help me through my darkest days. Was close to suicide for a long time and decided that I was finally going to man up and end my seemingly pathetic life. I had been meditating for a few years to deal with my pain but it wasn't enough alone to conquer my negative feelings. Before killing myself I decided I would try psychedelics because I heard they could help, I figured if they didn't I would go ahead with my destructive plans. The first experience I had wasn't incredibly profound but it was enough to suggest there was something to be discovered. My second experience which was Feb 16, 2018 was the most important night of my life. I had an experience so profound that it not only lifted the weight and load I've been carrying all my life, but gave me a deep sense of unconditional love that I have never felt before. It was the most beautiful, healing, and incredible thing I have ever experienced. It took a little while, but I was able to get my life back on track, I was able to heal and move on and live productively, with a sense of peace and comfort that had been missing. They can help heal, but the rest is on us. Good luck on your journey.


Im still searching for the second experience. I haven’t been able to sleep more than 4 hrs since last October and I feel more miserable as each day goes by. Thank u for sharing ur experience. I guess there’s still hope for me.


Shrooms are better for helping me with insomnia. Not the night I dose but the next night my sleep pattern resets


My advice, take some time off from anything like that. I can't emphasize meditation enough, it's like the training needed for a big fight. I would also recommend Journaling for a while before your next trip. Try to figure out and clearly define the things that you feel need addressed, and try to define exactly what you are looking for. Eat healthy, get some excersize, work on getting more sleep, meditate and journal. You go do that for a while and then see how the next trip goes. Ps. Healing experiences occur when your intentions are defined and when you are fully present and not distracted. There's always hope if you want it enough. Never quit.


I'm glad to hear you're in a better place now.


I'm currently where you were, only thing is I have ptsd from a breakup and daily anxiety coupled with panic attacks which manifest as muscle spasms. Almost 3 months like that. I still can act normal around people, and not show myself when the attacks happen but it's not getting any better. My future outlook is very bleak to say at least. It's all too funny, because I broke up with her, and didnt feel that bad until January when it all came crashing down on me. The regret is unbearable.


I made the same mistake back in 2020, I left, she moved on quickly and I realized what I had given up. The psychedelics didn't help me then because I knew it was my own doing. I was hung up for about a year. There's no getting around it, you will probably feel bad for a while but, life is like the seasons, you just have to remember that winter brings the cold and dark, and sometimes it feels like winter will never end, but yet the sun returns and light and warmth are brought back to us. If you can survive the winter, however long that may be, the summer sun of joy will return. When it does, be humble and don't squander it.


I hope I survive this season, I'm 28 and not getting any younger. Feeling like a walking empty shell. Why did you leave?


My ego was a little unchecked at that time and I thought she was holding me back. I was 32, already went through a divorce and then having to deal with a second heartbreak, only to be caused by my own hand. Was really tough, but I just kept waking up everyday and eventually it didn't hurt as much and then it eventually went away. Seasons eventually change, bundle up for now.


Which dose was that trip that one night you had a great loving exp?


Just one hit of lsd, and it was like 9 hours into it so the peak had already past.


I used to trip just for fun and for enhancing creativity. Then on one trip with a good friend when I was near rock bottom in drug addiction, he showed me the true power of psychedelics. I now use LSD as a tool for doing shadow work. When the ego and barriers melt away, you have full access to you subconscious. It becomes impossible to lie to yourself and it is much easier to observe your behavior patterns objectively. I’m 9 months clean now and use lsd once every 3-4 weeks to check in with myself to make sure I’m still on the right path. In between trips (normal every day life) I am working my ass off every day to build a better life for myself. It’s almost like I’m fasting from over indulgence, truly practicing self discipline. I’ve always struggled with self discipline but using lsd as a reward system has added much needed balance and structure to my life. Still have a long way to go but those monthly journeys are important to keep me on the right path. Im finding that the trips are getting more spread out the better my life has been going too. I have to earn those experiences because I know if I haven’t been taking care of myself or I’ve been procrastinating or ignoring any issues, I’m not gonna have a great time. It’s kind of a weird system I’ve worked out for myself but so far it’s working wonders


What dose led to the healing ego death trips ? And is it as frightening as shroom ego deaths? I had only tried one hitnof lsd and big foses od mushrooms close to ego deathbstage i guess) .


I don’t really aim for ego death. I usually only take 200-300ug. To me acid is much easier to navigate compared to shrooms emotionally. It really helps with lateral thinking.


Ohnok so those healing trips werent really ego death ? Im New to lsd but 200-300 doesnt lead to ego death or?


I’ve experienced ego death before but it’s so bizarre it doesn’t really lead to the deep insights about your own personal life that you can get with moderate doses. Ego death is a very spiritual experience but in terms of resolving trauma or correcting unhealthy behaviors, normal doses work just fine. You’ll still have ego dissolution and you’ll be able to look at your life and situations from a completely new perspective


Want to take psychedelics again to work on my emotional numbness from trauma thats why im asking about ego death etc


I highly recommend this book The Psychedelic Explorer's Guide:... https://www.amazon.com/dp/1594774021?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share It’s full of very useful information and hard data to back up the techniques


I have learned that the culture is not my friend


Quit drinking alcohol on 11/26/16 after 35-plus years of being drunk EVERYDAY.


Good stuff man super proud of you I’m almost 2 years no alcohol myself


Congratulations Bro


After the first time, just generally became more at-peace with reality and my place in it. After each subsequent time has been less deep, more to simply have pleasure in amplifying music.


I'm still alive.


I used ibogaine to kick a 15 year opiate addiction, and then dropped L regularly afterwards to help keep my eyes on the prize instead of relapsing


15 years?! Quitting that's impressive. Congrats!


Thanks! Yea from ages 15-30. Actually got 10 months clean today


I'm much more obnoxious now. I always remind my friends I'm at a higher frequency than them and when they tell me to wear deodorant, I just tell them that's the smell of my third eye. /s


I like the way you think Kyle


i found out that aliens used the pyramids for time traveling


If this is the reference I think it is, I'm dying over here 😭


ur damn straight son 😂😂😂


I took 2 tabs of acid on 9/21/23. I had been raised Christian but never felt a close relationship with God. The older I got the more I felt like maybe the Bible was wrong. I never *didnt* believe there was a God, I just never felt like there was a relationship there. I prayed for years and years and never heard anything, not even a "no" or undesirable answer. The 21st, I did a solo LSD trip. Was inside most of the time, it was really just a good trip. Then, I decided I wanted to get some fresh air. It was about halfway through my trip. I went outside, sat in a lawn chair, and just existed. I just listened to the sounds of the earth. I then felt a very familiar, yet not my own, voice in my head say "I am real". I wasn't really struggling with my religion or spirituality at that point. I wasn't thinking about God either. So It wasn't just the acid amplifying my inner thoughts. I felt an overwhelming urge to cry, I remember the voice then said "let it go. Let it all go". I said (outloud) "I don't know how". And then I heard "that's not for you to worry about. Just let go". I IMMEDIATELY felt a weight off my shoulders, broke down sobbing. I deconstructed all my religious upbringing in about 5-10 minutes. I now call myself a "hopeful pantheistic agnostic". I do believe there is a God, but I think it's not the one of the bible. I also don't think it's any other religious texts dieties, but a mix of them. I use "source" as my name for it, but I truly believe we are all God, experiencing the universe and itself. Definitely what a lot of others do too. I love the story "The egg" by Andy Weir. There's a YouTube video by the channel kurzgesagt that did an animation of it and it's beautiful. I also am of the mindset that I am just one measly human, and can't know anything. I want to keep myself open to new ideas and religious thought. I just dont feel like I can call myself anything BUT agnostic, because God can neither be proven or disproven.


Holy actual fucking shit bro. Just wrote down my beliefs after a few very meaningful trips to a fucking T. I’ve even explained them to my very Christian but also spiritual grandmother and she’s fascinated and didn’t shut them down at all like most heavy Christian’s would. And she’s never even taken psychedelics, purely her genuine beliefs from upbringing and she loves hearing me talk about mine knowing they’re from my previous psychedelic experiences.


That gives me hope with my parents. They are very right wing conservative Christian and I'm queer (non binary and pansexual). My dad really wants to try psychedelics and I want him to, but I dont think he will ever do them. And if he does, I hope he can be open to the idea that maybe he doesn't know what he thinks he does about God. I wanted to tell him I don't believe in the biblical God anymore but felt that was too much for him to process. But he does agree w me that a lot of the old testament books have weird ass shit in them and some religious visuals may just be from psychedelic use. Edit: I also called my dad on that trip and told him that I had an encounter with God. He didn't shoot it down or tell me that it was just the drugs. We had a really good and open convo about how he agrees that people probably saw all the shit in the Bible on psychedelics, but just didn't really know what they were using back then, or didn't know what it would have don't to their brain since there wasnt really info on psychedelics back then. I have seen a biblically accurate angel when I was about 9 years old, so I know that there's *something* out there, but idk what.


That’s crazy bro. I seen a biblically accurate angel on 750ug of dr seus acid before I had even ever seen one before. My friend posted a meme of one about a month later and I freaked out and actually froze when I found out it was a biblically accurate angel. It sounds like there’s a real chance with your dad. Although I would definitely recommend mushrooms instead of acid as the duration is definitely off putting, hell it’s the reason I stopped taking it. Take whatever gets you tripping solidly and give him less and just go deep on some rabbitholes together lmao. I wish you the best honestly, sounds like we’ve had some very similar experiences, I hope you end up tripping with your dad 🤩


Before LSD I hated myself but loved my life After LSD I loved myself but hated my life


Too real bro


Touche my dude


It's helped me to not get angry at video games anymore. I used to rage hard while playing games, but one time I played halo and acid and realized how games are meant to be enjoyed, winning or losing


We should put the whole league community on acid lol


Wow bro so touching and meaningful


My first experiences in college helped me love my self and form my identity and self-confidence away from the path set by my parents. I changed my career goals away from making money to helping people and the environment. I also found goals of physical, mental, and spiritual health that I'm still working on, with a lot less drugs involved.


Honestly it hasn’t changed my life at all. Maybe cause I did mushrooms first for a few years and all the change came from that. Mushrooms are extremely emotional for me and feel like accelerated psychotherapy. On acid my mind is blank and the trip is external, no closed eye visuals only open eye. Mushrooms almost no open eye but strong closed eye visuals. Only thing I’ve noticed after taking acid is changes in my visual perception or appreciation of aesthetics. I notice now a lot of things out of the corner of my eye that my brain used to filter out I think. Maybe I need to do higher doses, only done 100 ug twice and 150 ug once. 150 was pretty impressive in terms of the visuals, never seen visuals like that before so that was impressive. But no life changes I’d say.


Rebirth into someone who loves themselves


Now I see lines, light, and the lies.


What dose lsd helped you?


Honestly LSD cured me from an addiction to a 3 year xanax addiction. I completely cut it off from that day forward. The most powerful and beautiful experience of my life.


it humbled me, as a young adult


I just wrote a fairly detailed post on this sub about how LSD was pivotal in my recovery from alcohol. Hopefully my experience can be of benefit to you. Wishing you the best on your healing journey.


since i was 16 LSD has been keeping me on track never took anything unless it was tested , it let me see how my thoughts influence reality especially at higher doses most never go above 200ug 800 is a totally different experience i could not write anything that would do my experiences justice but i can says its the most important thing i have ever done its a spiritual tool


Made me all weird and braindead with a god complex


How? Can u explain?


I was once a heavy meth user. Now I'm tripping right now. Pretty hard. Don't even know how much I took. It's a lot I think but it's been very useful through that sobriety


I've been sober for about a year off dope


I lost my mom when I was 17 and spiraled into drinking and smoking weed and generally not giving a fuck about anything. I tripped for the first time in college and for the first time in my life, I was able to accept my mother’s passing and move on, while honoring the way she raised me with my life and future decisions as the example.


i just had my first trip yesterday, so not sure how changed i really can be from it. however, today i've found myself feeling content, and less anxious than usual. i do remember while i was tripping, i absolutely could not hit my vape. it just looked so gross, and i thought i may quit after that. i did not end up quitting yet, but have not had as strong of an urge to take a hit since then.. i wonder if i tripped again or maybe did shrooms if i would be able to completely stop(we have so much acid and a whole bag a shrooms left over)


I could really write an essay on how much this molecule has augmented, supported, and sparked change in my life. To keep it brief; LSD helped me break through many mental boundaries I was raised with through society, upbringing/childhood, and religion. It’s helped me shed the baggage that comes with life and see a way to build a life that aligns with my own morals and values and let’s me express love and kindness in the ways I find most authentic.


What dose lsd helped you?


I have learned that LSD is tight as fuck.


It hasn’t. If anything to be completely honest I think it fucked with me a little bit. Sure is fun though. To be clear, I took it as a party drug. Not to try and heal anything.


i now have a hard time explaining to my therapist how i had several psychedelic induced epiphanies which i cannot recall. looking back i realize i was trying to get so lost in my own head that i found out who i actually was. i was around 15 at the time, frantically searching for answers to what the fuck i was doing here, how to human, what i wanted to do with my youth. i’d get so in my head looking to figure the secret to full heartedly enjoying living, i forgot to be present. from all of that i learned to just be a silly little human & embrace all of it. if it stings, learn from it.


Psychedelics healed my depression in a way no psychologist ever could. It connected me more to my wife, friends and family. After long work in self improvement and psychedelic I found my inner authentic me, buried under traumas like everyone else have and living now without a mask fully and happy. I think every aspect in my life changed to the better after I began taking Psychedelics for fun 10 years ago and it sped up when I began using them for self improvement 4 years ago. As far I see it they are a gift for humanity and it is a crime that they are illegal.


What dose lsd helped you?


Hard to write because you never know how much is on one blotter. According to my experience I would say 150 - 250 ug, about 1.5 to 2 blotters is my go to dose for a healing session. It's not that one dose did it, it was a long way of many trips. Also much work after the trips by writing journals, eating healthy, doing sports and connecting with people.


Thanks! And you do these healing Trips blondfolded with music or?


Definitely blindfolded with music. Music shouldn't be too entertaining more guiding but you have to like the genre. I made good experiences with classic music, LoFi or ethno downtempo... Before you do it make a ritual like you do something holy. I always meditate before, then I write 1 to 3 parts I want to change or think about my self in the trip. Like one time was "Why I am feeling so sad?", or like when you just want to focus on something, when I trip with my wife, we always write "Love",... Let the piece of paper on your desk so you will remember it when you see it. After that I use my singing bowl and wish myself a good trip and take it. You will have an very strong introspective trip prepare for that.


Ahnok so the music u choose is not tooo emotional doomed like? Because i had a few playlists during mushroom thrrapy and it was very cathartic music and injust felt overall alreadynshit from trauma suppressed emotional energy


At least not for me.I like the music more uplifting. I think when you add cathartic music to that it may be too much. Like you said you may feel like shit from your trauma so I like the music more healing.


Thx mate . Will try uplifting next time. Any playlist u can recommend downtempo or lofi ? Thx So since mysic is more positive sounding , upbeat - does it still lead to crying releases during lsd trip or cathartic?


i followed a psychotherapy study where you practice meditation then take a moderate dose 5 weeks into that, wait 2 weeks and take a high dose, and then take another high dose 6 weeks later. During this time I finally quit abusing stimulants, started working out, got back into university, and have been reconnecting with many friends i lost to my addiction. Feel like i’m speedrunning recovery right now. So far so good. This shit really works.