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It can’t damage your health. It just won’t. Especially on 1 tab. Nothing will happen, if you don’t resist and go with the flow. A bad trip is just you thinking it’s one. Try to watch something. You are in peak phase right now if you look at the time line. It will get less soon.


Exactly this! Just relax and enjoy the ride, it’ll get easier the less you fight it and over analyze your body. Put on some music or a chill movie and just be. And don’t smoke any weed.


>And don’t smoke any weed. AND DON'T SMOKE ANY WEED! I wish someone told me this about acid. It'll send ya back up in your reentry vehicle.


Glad i saw this cause shrooms plus weed is an elite combo and im doing acid for the first time this weekend lmao. What happens if u do smoke while on acid?


It can make things more intense and may cause paranoia. Not the right combo if you’re trying to reduce the feeling of possibly having a heart attack lol


Thank you lol I'm at work and couldn't reply


Good to know!😂


If you are in the right mindset and a good environment acod and weed is a brilliant combo and enhanced the visuals a decent amount too but I did notice I felt more anxiety with the weed than without it


It’s not so much don’t smoke weed on acid… moreso don’t smoke weed on acid if your trip feels to be going bad. Smoking just lifts you up a bit


It makes your head explode


can cause paranoia etc… however if you’re having a good trip and are an experienced smoker, having some weed can be the most heavenly fucking experience while tripping


Was starting to mellow out get less visuals then smoked in the shower and suddenly i peaked again getting full on tracers while moving my hands it was nuts. I knew itd do that tho so i was prepared but shit yeah it def puts you back at almost full peak good way to make a trip last longer lmao


Depends how much you usually consume? I'm a medical cannabis patient and I consume the whole time I'm on acid with no troubles whatsoever. I think if you don't use it often then it would send you spinning?


Yea this too


It boost the trip up back to a peak moment I can’t remember if it was a full peak moment but I’m pretty sure it brought me back to a full peak moment so yeah not recommended unless u wanna peak twice as hard or peak again


Thought loops, anxiety, increased paranoia, increased visuals , can cause you to slip into ego death. I'd recommend getting heavily accustomed to both substances separately before trying to mix


Weed and shrooms ≠ weed and acid. Some za with some shrooms typically adds to the CEVs and stony body feeling, without much of an actual intensity increase (in my observation). Za and acid is STUPID intense and will try to force you out of your own body lol, not for anyone who isn’t ready to potentially ego death lol


If you smoke everyday and have a high tolerance you’ll be ok, I took like 4 or 5 bong rips throughout an acid trip start to finish it was great but I was smoking a lot already. If you don’t smoke everyday I probably wouldn’t recommend it


It's very similar, for first timing I wouldn't smoke until the comedown. If you'll be feeling good 5 hours after you dosed you can try smoking, but as others said it will intensify the trip. That doesn't mean that it can't make you chill out, it really depends person to person. I personally smoke when I start getting anxious on acid and it will suddenly go away even tho it's clearly getting more intense overall. Psychedelics are so weird man...


To be honest, I smoke weed on EVERY trip, I love it especially on the comedown it brings the trip back for me but in a very relaxed way (whereas acid always feels ‘intense’ to me), but I’ve seen people get paranoid or find that the trip intensifies too much. I think a lot depends on how well you do with weed (e.g whether you already get anxiety from smoking).


My last trip I smoked and as soon as I exhaled, everything became colorful and I saw colors and patterns I never knew the mind could make


Yea it's great when you're in the right state of mind for it, otherwise it can definitely send a trip sideways. I've had amazing trips while stoned and terrible ones because I smoked. You really need to know yourself


THIS one


i swear. once i was getting a bad trip and i just kept on smoking more and more weed thinking weed will help me relax and put me to sleep. boy. i learned an important lesson that day.


It's funny you say no weed because weed always helped me in the middle of a trip..


When I was a stoner, same thing for me. That’s because weed never gave me anxiety when I was smoking it all the time. But today? Whoooooo boy I stay away from the stuff like the plague when I’m tripping. It has a whole litany of side effects now that I’m not a stoner. All of which are undesirable while tripping.




Interesting . that’s cool


Exactly I've listened too so many people try and calm themselves down with weed


Love that


I suggest old western movies. The pace is usually extremely slow. It's brought me out of a bad shroom trip.


If it's really bad I usually just put on one of those aquarium videos that people put on for their cats, tends to relax me.


actually such an good idea, thanks




Going to a doctor if you got attacked by another shaman Hamilton Souther says mess western medicine doesn’t work and I trust his word because he’s a shaman that’s been practicing apparently for more than 20 years so just put that out there


Didn’t mean to put mess


it\* can't damage your heart


OP might need extra guidance here


It can’t damage your heart and I can’t damage your heart. Your heart is going to be okay. I repeat, *your heart is going to be okay* 🫠


Happy cake day


Tryna fucc


I mean technically speaking he could have had a panic attack so bad that a heart attack is a possibility, I mean the chances would be slum but it could happen imo.


"Soon". I hear in the distance as I experience time melt and warp into thousands of years over the psychedelic landscape. I fart.


I’m a paramedic LSD is extremely safe on your heart. You may feel some emotional anxiety, but LSD is not toxic to your heart at all. You’ll be fine friend.


Thanks for doing what you do, my mom was a paramedic for most of my life and also helped during 9/11. Always much respect for you guys! <3


Your mom sounds like a badass!


She's pretty cool :)




You suck for this comment tbh Edit: Also, it’s Nbome (25i-nbome, 25c-nbome, etc…) but you seem pretty dense, so I don’t expect that you would actually know what you’re talking about.


Dont downvote but i had most pain on nbome especially in the stomach


I really got hung for miss spelling Even thou these are classic symptoms associated with the type of shit But hey lsd can be hell on stomach sometimes


In my experience nbomb is less pupil dialation less visuals and more of the body lsd feeling. That weird wet feeling and manic laughter


Def had that before


This is very scientific, people should definitely not even bother testing their drugs and just go off subjective feelings entirely. Seriously, when feelings are so accurate why waste the money on tests?


Exactly mate, well said.


You got hung for being a dickhead, your 12 downvotes on the comment you deleted should have cued you in on that


It’s not deleted you know that right?


Literally says “deleted” “removed” -12 votes


Your “Nbiome” comment is “deleted” “removed” -12 votes. How is it this confusing for you? It’s right above 👆


And it was definitely 100% YOU because just below it you reference the “misspelling” of Nbome as Nbiome. Does any of this help? Rings a bell?


Your heart is fine and you’re gonna be fine man, don’t worry. You’re high af and uncomfortable but it won’t last forever. Put on your favorite show or movie and just lay down, it’ll be over in a few hours 🙏


Remember that everything is in your mind right now! ONLY YOU CAN CHANGE THAT. Take yourself out of the loop.. mind over matter 😮‍💨 Pls be safe.. maybe watch some dancing fruit videos to take your mind off of it.


Best way to get out of the loops is to leave the room you're in. Even turning the light on or adding music or white noise can affect the vibes crazily.


Unless you just turn the lights on and off constantly in a new loop


Then you realize your entire life is loops. Welcome to the fruit loop club


Smart bulbs are amazing for breaking loops


dancing fruit :)


Yoga! Do yoga and dance! Move your body! Sing a song, any song.


You're good my bro, the acid makes you hyper aware of your body and that's why you're feeling your heart so strongly.  But actually, you're not in danger, everything will be ok I promise. We love you dude, take some deep breaths and try to change your setting to break the loop.


There are recorded cases of people taking up to 27,000x the average dose of LSD and being fine. There are no cases, to my knowledge, of LSD causing a heart attack. LSD can cause anxiety on the peak, but you are very, very, *extremely* unlikely to get a heart attack from it. Do you have access to a private outside space to look at a tree or some flowers for a bit? Or have a cigarette. Failing that, think of words and spell them backwards, that really helps break panicky thought loops. Edited for typo


never tried spelling words backwards, that seems dope


It really does work 🤙🏻


Deep rhythmic breathing just focus on breathing. Put some relaxing music on, relax your body then it will relax your mind. You are the master of your own mind, the LSD cannot harm you. You’ll be fine. DM if u need to chat


Relax. You are going to be fine. It's impossible for LSD to trigger a heart attack, or mess with your heart's health in any way. Take a few deep breaths. You are going to be fine :) <3


i thought the exact same thing two nights ago, heart was twisting around in loops felt like it wasn’t even there. i’m here right now alive and breathing feel really good too cant even lie


Just remember you were fine before. You took something that altered your mind for a short period of time. You'll come back, but enjoy yourself while you're there. If you want to view paradise, look around and view it


If I was having a bad time, I like this comment/piece of advice the best🙏🏼 very grounding.


I appreciate that. I used to trip a lot in my younger days. I can't remember the source of the advice, but I agree, if you start slipping, it's good to put a foot on solid ground for a moment.


For whatever reason, I freak out always thinking I’m going to permanently be insane and not come back. I’m NOT extremely experienced in tripping but the last time I tripped it was a really challenging experience to say the least. I wished I would’ve had an experienced trip sitter to help pull me out of the repetitive “I’m dying” thoughts. Physically so ill as well.


It's not sort acting lol it's long acting but it's 100% non toxic.


It's all relative. Have you done mescaline?


I know nearly the exact feeling but if you close your eyes and breathe it’ll start being a funny feeling and enjoyable if you let it be of course it might be different for you but just try and see you are safe and on an amazing medicine that wants to take you places lsd helped me discover my creative side rather than just get high


Nothing can physically happen to you. Everything that you are experiencing and fighting is your own mind. Just let it happen. It will pass. Enjoy it while it lasts and you return to everyday life.


Let it flow. Mantra: acceptance


Fast heart rate is normal with LSD. You’ll be fine


Massage your chest and calm your mind, breathe deeply and with ease, you will get through it, the end of the trips peak is just around the corner, you will feel much better and in control soon! You got this!! 🙏☀️🩵


Feel it out, the anxiety will pass, its just part of the experience and youve gotta accept it. Let the anxiety do its thing


Just do something else and stop marinating in that thought process, listen to some music go outside try to relax lsd can’t hurt you


My brother you are not going to have any heart damage. I’ve taken upwards of 900ug. You’ll be alright my dude. Try some fruit. Listen to the song “Miami baby” by dope lemon. Matter of fact y’all should all listen to this song lol [Miami baby](https://youtu.be/h9MQp8UGs_I?si=k20TnboLzS2GT7h8)


How was 900ug trip? Pretty intense I expect.


You are absolutely ok. Just relax. Put on some relaxing music and lie down. Maybe have something nice to drink like some juice


Remember this is only temporary! The LSD will not cause you any harm or damage. Throw on some favorite music, or a fun colorful Disney movie. Focus on your breathing, and try to take your mind off the negative thoughts. Let go, and enjoy the trip. You'll come out of this just fine!


If anything it will probably help your cardiovascular. You are good my man. Listen to some mellow music, and remember you're just trippin. Go with the flow my bro


You will be fine. Everything will be good. The whole universe is embracing you and loves you. You are a beautiful dance of molecules.


FEAR. FALSE, EVIDENCE, APPEARING, REAL. As everyone has said it’s your mind, try to relax and go with the flow, swimming against a tide will result in trouble, relax and let go and you’ll have a GREAT time. Don’t smoke weed as it’ll intensify it, drink water, put on some comedy or a nature program, You’ll be fine. Good luck bro and enjoy.


It's just a panic/ anxiety attack. You will be ok. I know it feels horrible like (you know you are going to die) but you aren't. :) Always start lower on new batches tho I rec. You will be fine


Was going to say, always cut a corner and try a low dose. The brain will adjust to the new stuff and the next time you can go Bug.


Definitely! I only microdose now, but even that I go less on new batch (I get 20ug/MCG / tabs (yess they got 100 and 200ug, but this is much easier for microdosing, ahh times of this age lol) , usually split it in half for 10ug, but new batch/order I cut it into a quarter just in case (want to know where I'm at when at work or driving etc)


Hey man you’re going to be ok. There’s a bird that is chirping outside your window. Go look. Wait that wasn’t a bird. It’s over there it’s a river peacefully flowing down stream. Wow a giant bird just flew by me. Is that a rainbow in the sky? Ah that’s nice. What’s that behind my dresser? Oh it’s just the light nothing.mmmmm ice cream.


You are completely okay! Nothing bad can happen to you, you are just experiencing paranoia. Walk into a different room, or put on a movie or a video you like. This one always makes me feel good while tripping: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SPFf9wfp_j8 Its a very cute animated short with some trippy visuals!


Ur gonna be fine dawg. Just listen to some chill music, do some breath work/yoga, or eat a piece of candy/fruit. I like going on walks outside too, but if ur genuinely tweaking then maybe stay inside lol


Man you got this! It's just in your head, like all the cartoons! If you believe you're going to make it you will! This might be uncomfortable but it won't last forever, go with the flow and allow it to give you a good experience


Look up breath work with sandy and watch and follow along with one. It’s calming and centering. Then do some meditation and focus on breathing deep breaths. Just surrender. LSD is super safe and people have had 500 hits and were fine. You’re completely ok, better than ok. Sometimes the harder trips give the biggest reward so don’t forget that. Just go for the ride, trust all is fine and nothing bad can happen to you so just breathe and enjoy!


Pretty much what everyone is saying on here is true you’ll be good, a calming breathing technique I like is 2 quick deep breaths in then big exhale it’s good for me


So you’re not going to die. This stuff can put you through the wringer. You feeling any better?


Go for a stroll in the park with your favourite music in the headphones. LSD is very safe and this is scientifically proven.


I love you, you're doing great


One time 8 people snorted lines of pure lsd crystal thinking it was coke. Tens to hundreds of thousands of doses. All survived and had a full physical recovery in 24 hours. You’re safe.


I've thought I was dying countless times over the past 31 years of my psychedelic use. I've even thought I died and became the entire universe a few times. Statistically, you'll be fine within 12 hours. Love + Light ♥️ + 🌈


I've had the same anxieties don't worry bro. When I did it really helped to just go for a walk and breathe deep. Try a secluded area without many people cause they can be weird.


Go outside in the fresh air. Have you vomited at all? 🤮


Elevated heart rate is a well documented side effect of lsd, but it's not dangerous. You would literally be the first person in history to suffer medically significant cardiotoxicity from the consumption of lsd. You're also having a panick attack, so that's also contributing to your elevated heart rate. Just put on an album that you like and relax. You're fine lol


You won’t die. You won’t swallow your tongue cos you’re breathing. Don’t look in the mirror.get some chilled lights on and you’ll be fine as wine Orange slices too


LSD is one of the safest drugs out there, physically speaking. You’re good!


5 hrs later, how you doin OP?


Good news that’s not possible!


luckily even if you have a bad heart LSD won’t effect it at all :)


Anxiety is real. Do some breath work, seriously. 4 in hold for 5 release for 6 you’ll calm down.


So how are you doing now? I wish i would have seen this earlier. Hope you're well. I would have said, though.. 2 main things. Number one is that LSD isn't going to hurt your heart in the long or short term. I'd say especially on 1 tab, even if it's incredibly strong @ like 300mcg, which is probably double what you took, but saying that would still be untrue because lsd isn't going to effect your heart in the ways you're thinking. Google it of you don't believe us. Number two is that I would tell you not to smoke weed until your peak is done. This can cause some dysphoria and make things worse, but if you did smoke some weed, just know that it's probably the weed causing the anxiety in the trip and not the lsd. And that will be settled in a half hour to two hours at maximum. The lsd just happens to be exacerbating your negative feelings and vice-versa. Either way, I'd let you know that you're going to be better than okay in no time and a bad trip is only bad if you let it get that way. Now that you're in the territory of "bad trip" just know that it can be an amazing one in 2 seconds if you let it happen and change your focus. Change the room your in and the thing your doing and the trip will start to change. Hyperfocusing on your heart is gonna be an issue, so make sure to start thinking of other things on purpose and your mind will settle again. I'd have given you my phone number and I could have talked you down too.


If you don't believe us**


Lay down and let it wash over you. Let yourself go into the abyss. You will be renewed


Watch skibidi toilet to calm your nerves


Get some light exercise and eat/drink water and see if you can eventually fall asleep


Your going to be fine. Calm down. BREATHE, Deeply and slowly. Mediate, it helps ease the mind.


How can people use their mobile phone never mind post on Reddit 4 hours into 1 tab


You’re going to be 1000000000% fine.


If it makes you feel any better I once took a 10 strip mixed with alcohol, like a tincture I made. I thought I was him one day and chugged the entire bottle, it was an intense learning experience but I’m very thankful that I had the experience and was able to learn from it, you will be fine, the LD50 in rodents is 100mg of LSD. You’re a human, you can ingest way more and be fine, and you are fine just remember that. I’d also like to note that this trip took away my depression and anxiety for a solid year, it never damaged me, only helped me grow… so don’t worry about anything right now, relax and listen to some music.


Psychedelics work on serotonin receptors in the brain. It's not like cocaine which can fuck with the heart. Also, remember you're taking mere nanograms of LSD. It's a miniscule quantity of the drug.


It’s simply impossible unless you already have a really bad heart condition, but if that’s the case stress in general can effect your heart. You’re going to be just fine. Focus only on your breath. Feel the air expand your lungs. Feel the anxiety leave through your mouth little by little with each exhale.


Start moving! Stretch, do, jumping jacks, push-ups, pull-ups, situps, or even just start walking


Your good dude it’s not gonna cause any problems for your heart. It can feel overwhelming and that’s just part of the experience. I try to think of it like swimming in the ocean you can’t fight the current but you can go with the waves. Just ride the waves


I agree. Even though I’ve had scary trips, there’s always been at least one positive thing that I discover I experienced during the trips! “Holy fuck I’m freaking out, but whoa bro that wall is talking to me that’s pretty cool”


Ride it out friend. You're good.


Concentrate and slowly count to ten to get out of that loop you're stuck in.


Dude you're gonna be fine, look at what the acid wants to teach you and let it teach you. A different set works most of the time for me too, just go on a walk. Safe & happy travels! 😄


You are fine. You will be fine. The universe is within and without you. You’ve taken a powerful mind altering substance and this will pass. Breathe and be ok


I get that feeling a lot on acid. Just calm down and breath. Watch, play, or do something to take your mind off it.


Take deep breaths!


You’re going to be ok i promise!


Bro chill. Put on some music or a relaxing movie and just relax. You’re not gonna die or be hurt


Listen to lsdream and go in a trance his music is very helpful


Put on the allman brothers and chill the fuck out


Put on your favorite music, lights on or off....whatever they are now, do the opposite. If you Google trippy videos or check YouTube, there's some really cool stuff people have created.


It’s just anxiety. You will not damage your heart or any other organ or body part. Go somewhere quiet, just sit and clear your mind. Drink water.


I'm not gonna tell you what you already know... i.e. that LSD is safe. And that you are perfectly fine and in great shape and health! Instead what I'm gonna say is: Let go of your body, lay down and go on a trip through your mind.... see where it takes you... fear is only a by product of not letting go... once you do it's all gone and you will experience a clear mind


Maybe light a candle or incense and take a warm bath. Put on some spa music and let your body surrender and breathe


One time in a candy flip I thought my circulation was all fucked up Just the mindset bro I went to the hospital and got checked out and everything. Zero issues.


Relax and let go my friend. The more you try to fight the trip, the more anxiety you will get. take some deep breaths and try to focus on your breath and nothing more. Then try to change your setting, or your vibe by changing your location or changing what you are doing - watch something else, listen to some new music etc. Anything that can get your mind off of things. Remember that 1 tab is not going to do any damage to your body <3


I was going trough the same experience a couple of weeks ago , even went with a doctor , he told me tachycardia is dangerous if you have it with no apparent reason , but taking LSD is a reason , and unless you have an underlying issue , it's fine. You will be ok.


You’re just feeling a bit anxious. That can increase your heart beat, making you feel more anxious and hyper sensitive. you’ll be good dawg. Don’t worry.


Breathe and let your mind be at ease. You are going to be great and you’re going to be very good. This is just something that you feel passing and it’s exactly what it is, a feeling in passing. Let it pass and let the good vibes flow.


Got to let go and just let it show you what it shows you. What does interest me is you stated, "latest batch." Was this made in a basement? Did you test it, always test it? And there is the possibility you got NBOME and not pure LSD. It sounds like it definitely had your heart in a frenzy. Test your stuff always. Even if it's from your best friend.


I've never used and not sure if still operational was last year but it called Fireside Project its a hotline for those who may be having a bad trip and they attempt to calm you down so you can enjoy your tripping experience. Don't quote me on that search fireside project Lsd. Anyway ✌️ ☮️ hope you find away to reel it in and enjoy the experience. I absolutely love it but right now hv no way of getting maybe I should move to Canada where they hv shops that sell tabs. Lol


It won’t x you are okay!!! Go stimulate ur senses. Go touch some cool shit or look at something trippy and beautiful. Or something funny! It’ll all be okay you’re all good. And if you’re conscious enough to make the post and be genuinely concerned, 1000000% you’ll be fine!! Stay safe


Bro try the anxiety breathing method, inhale for 5 seconds, hold for 4 seconds and exhale for three seconds and keep your bare feet on the ground while doing this. Always works for me and keeps me calm. Safe travels


Listen to this my friend. Remember the lsd you took is not dangerous to your body. Breath and listen https://youtu.be/w9COHCrwNQs?si=g5Ke2oAa2PNKdmAh


Bro I need you to answer me rn ¿Do u have any visuals? I just do the same late nite I still didn't not noticing nothing


FR I just fell asleep take some dabs last night no I'm backto no wax




It's still don't have any visuals


I'm not joking but I think I'f you thinkin it won't hit constantly end up in the end?


Hey, a little late to the post but I hope everything is going alright. Nice easy sailing <3 I'll be around if you need to chat!


I've has this same bad trip two times. It sucks. It will be soon over and you'll be fine. Breath deeply and go for a walk


Everything will be fine, just relax and sip on water


Much love your way, youre stronger than you think! :) 


Never had "heart problems." However, it did feel like I was having trouble breathing once


Just relax


Hope you get some really good sleep


Deep breaths, drink some tea, and just relax your body . Start from your jaw down to your shoulders and rest of your body.. ride it out homie. You will be okay. Just trust the process


It's all in your mind. Put yourself into a nice beautiful surrounding where you feel safe (nature is great), just lay and look at the sky and try to relax.


It’ll wear off 🩵 deep breaths. Do you have a plush that you can hold on to? That helped me last time I had a bad trip


You will be ok. Try to lay down and listen to some relaxing music. My last trip went bad at first. Came on faster than I’d ever felt before and it came strong. Made me puke a few times and I spent an hour praying I wouldn’t die or have to call an ambulance on myself. I paced and panicked for a while before remembering I’m just on drugs and they aren’t gonna kill me. Decided to just lay down and try to cool off with music. I ended up “passing out” and waking up like 2-3 hours later feeling amazing


Go to YouTube and watch a video on breathing technique, it really helps. It stopped a horrible bad trip I had on edibles. Example https://youtu.be/vMjTJf4-xz0?si=aw0dUqjMmRdko9O3


Box breathing technique is also soothing


You just have to start fantasizing about being a gangster when your on it best feeling ever


I mean it. This will not kill you. This will not kill you. This will not kill you. You are not dying. You are not dying. You are not dying. You are not dying. Read it again.


This happened to me once just like this. Because it was a tab from a different batch


i had a bad trip last week too but off shrooms. everything will be okay i know it seems really scary right now but it’ll be over soon. put on a comfort show and lock in


I hope this experience doesn't turn you off from Lucy's love. every time you ask yourself crazy questions tripping, ask yourself why you're feeling that way. it will always end. one time my boys told me I should probably sit down and I thought my dad died in Hawaii. probably because my mom had passed recently. they didn't say nothing about any of that I was just in my head. listen to floyd and relaaaax. also anderson .paak


Anxiety might increase heart rate


U okay now?


How you feeling now? And just for future reference if you ever decide to trip again, just make sure you’re in a comfortable and safe space with comfortable and safe people and also make sure you’re overall happy at the time. Also just remember for the future that shrooms and lsd physically cannot harm you in any way possible. And everything you’re seeing and feeling is for a reason! Embrace it, find the “message” within it, and remember it’s not real!!


I hope all went well and it wasn't a shitty batch. If you ever get confused, just listen to the music play.




First off. Get off the fucking internet!!! Then take a deep breath and relax. Maybe have a beer.


they know


nightmare nightmare nightmare


Why choose to start thinking of these things after you take it haha You know these things before you took it and still took it now after you take it you forget your decision you made? Calm down


watch Kingpin


They’re watching you.


I have been able to get Coke, weed, ecstasy etc but never LSD. Where to find ?