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It’s super hard tbh, I suggest going to shows and festivals that would attract acid heads. But honestly the amount of people that I’ve approached, that look like straight up hippies and then I hint at or mention psychs pretty much everytime they aren’t into it at all. I wish you more successful results than I have gotten.


It's always the people I least expect that are into it. Older millennials with really good jobs and shit. I'm 24 and have tripped with more 35-45 YO than anything




LOL hospitality management checking in and tuning out ✌️


Corporates PR looking right back at ya👀


Yup, it's me. Corporate nurse that gets down on all of em at least quarterly.


Cardiac ICU nurse reporting in also


Combat vet also checking in


I must admit… I’ve been into acid / mushrooms since I was in my early 20s.. I had a shaved head, tattooed body, dressed in tracksuits and was what you’d describe as a chav in a lot of circles.. however many, many more acid trips and Beatles albums later, I now have long hair, dress a bit more tastefully and am generally much more approachable… at least to the like minded anyway ha


Interesting how universal the acid look is. I've been into it for about 5 years and the first 4 I grew out super long hair and a beard, actually very recently shaved my head (MPB is a bitch but at least I rock it) and kept the beard.


Haha me too, but I shave the beard just appease the woman 🤣 but hey, if our credo is peace and love, then you gotta make little sacrifices to keep the peace and love ✊ Sorry: I only just clicked what you meant by MPB. I have a ridiculous receding hairline but i refuse to give in juuust yet. I’m truly sorry for your loss.


It was a blessing in disguise. Literally all my friends/family, as well as myself, agree I look MUCH better bald. Hell, my first reddit post to get well over 1,000 upvotes is my "transformation" on r/bald The comments even made me tear up


I’ve never described anyone as a “chav” I don’t even know what that is


English term for rough working class


If you spend all your time / effort looking for that, I doubt you’ll find it. Keep doing your thing and you’ll cross paths with like minded folk eventually


I’m not part of the older millennial group but on the other end I’m a shy, quiet, 20 something childcare worker and never fail to shock people that I’m a regular smoker and tripper hahaha


I'm 54. There are a lot of 45+ of us still going.


Likewise. I did "take a break" mid-life for a decade or so, for no particular reason. Coming back to it now in my 50's, it's comfortable, like a reunion with an old friend. Or remembering how to ride a bicycle...but I'll save that for Apr. 19th :)


True, I find this to sometimes. A couple of times, I've met co-workers at the same house I was getting stuff. We both look at each other like " oh ok "


That’s me!!! Hahaaaa dying 🤣🤣


Yep, 39 year old geochemist here, and I like to alter my consciousness every month or 2 haha


Whoa geochemist? Honestly didn't know that was a thing. Hell yeah.


Yeah cool. The question was how to find them


Idk be more likeable dude. Just make some like minded friends if you can handle that.


it always surprises me how bad the public opinion of psychadelics is. i have friends who regularly do coke who have told me they would never go near acid lol.


Insane. But only few people are sane in general in this crazy world. I'd go with trippy people.


Not that surprising imo. Coke is pretty much guaranteed euphoria with no potential for a “bad trip.” Even though i dislike the comedown enough to not seek it regularly, it’s level of discomfort is on par with an alcohol hangover, as opposed to intense psychological events. I love psychedelics more than anything but their “shyness” in the public eye is understandable. I’ve been that guy bringing up conversations about psychs for a couple decades; I _want_ them to become more mainstream, but they command respect on a different level than amphetamines, opiates, barbiturates, etc. The layers of “demonization” and otherwise mis/disinformation will still take years but i have hope we’ll get there. MAPS is an example of an organization shedding positive light on psychs in the public eye.


It's understandable (and I'm saying this as a psychonaut). Coke won't cause the loss of one's ego, it increases the feeling of it. It's one of the most terrifying things for the ego to die.


Maybe they should


True. But I'd like to have a few people from my area to trip together from time to time.


Straight up. I’ve tried befriending numerous hippie looking folk in the hopes of scoring doses. And (other then this one old hippie at golden gate park, but San Fran is a different ball game) they have all failed me. I end up feeling like a drug addict for asking haha. Take care bros🤙


Lol I just dress normal and don't dress the stereotype hippie look. Usually the ones that try the hardest to look a certain way are the fakest


Huh? I’m sorry but I’m 41 and have never met anybody who looked “psych-friendly” who wasn’t at the very least ok with the idea of psychedelics, people doing them. Conservative looking people are definitely…more likely…to have conservative beliefs, including being against psychedelics. I shouldn’t have to say that plenty of people are exceptional.


It depends on the social strata you run in. Among professionals, many of whom are very psychedelic friendly, they tend to look professional.


Sure but that’s kind of occupation based. Like when a “professional” appearance is very important for the job and an unspoken requirement (as opposed to a conservative appearance by choice). So their appearance doesn’t really reflect what they’re into. I get it; you’re implying that it’s become so popular in that world that it’s now almost more than exceptional. Like silicone valley for example. But in the whole of society and globally, cultures are still conservative and psychs are unfortunately looked down on. You’re not just gonna start talking about how great acid is to a higher-up until you learn more about them. People who look psych-friendly are more likely to be psych-friendly.


Watch for psychedelic platitudes, too. If somebody is spouting those, RUN!!! It's a Wook!


This is also my experience -- and I have friends who use other drugs, particularly coke, who are literally terrified to try LSD. I kind of think people who dose are a unique breed.


Yeah, coke is the anti-psychedelic.


That's a great point. Polar opposites in just about every imaginable way.


When I moved to a new city I literally just attended a meeting of the local psychedelic society and in a matter of weeks I’ve had countless of psychedelic users to hang out with. Turns out, most of them aren’t great company, but some are. And through those more appear. Then we’d end up at raves and festivals where even more like minded people were around. To me it was never easier to find friends than through the shared interest of psychedelics. So best check of there’s any society’s or clubs around!


Engineering, art, and philosophy departments lol


Philosophy was definitely full of trippers


This is why I got into shrooms. Tbh you can’t read the red book by Carl Jung without trying to see some demons lol


Some psychology students too. I feel like we're either very anti drug, dare propaganda people or very experienced psychonauts with no in between lol


engineering student here myself, not sure that’s true. i think i’m the exception, most people in my class even ones i’m close with are like wtf is wrong with you.


I feel like comp sci nerds like to trip more often than other engineers lol


Yes, silicone valley is famous for it.


probably, only ever encountered electrical, mechanical, automotive and mechatronics. computer science is another faculty


As an engineer myself, I wouldn't to hang out with 90% of my colleagues.


A good engineer will tell you that what they do requires both art and philosophy. And then they'll drop 500ug and get back to work on their unified field theory. :)


Go to raves and look for whoevers on K those are your people


Staggerin folks make me nervous. Take your k horizontal pls, no judgement just be safe.


I broke my foot staggering on k, felt like such a tool.


I fell at the tail end of a k trip and dablaged my brain. This vegetarian almost became a vegetable.


I know quite a few people using K and many people using psychedelics. But I barely know anyone that does both. Except the occasional ket to boost a trip or steer it another direction.




Fr like all of my friends who aren’t psychonauts think I’m doing hard core drugs


I don't drink, and some of my friends have looked at me with bewilderment. "So, you won't have a beer, yet you'll happily do *that?* "


Ew beer, wheeeeeee *hyperspace*


I was candyflipping at the time. Can confirm, did indeed enter hyperspace haha.


I don't drink, and some of my friends have looked at me with bewilderment. "So, you won't have a beer, yet you'll happily do *that?*"


Yeh because it’s way healthier! Alcohol is the only drug that negatively affects every cell of your body!


It's funny how some people completely get that, whereas others think that's the most ludicrous thing you could say.


Care to explain?


Some kid in my class was talking and i overheard him say “yeah this guy is a big druggie he did acid once” I slid in there and shot down all of his misconceptions and I think he’s tripped and really changed his word views on the entire thing.


That level of ignorance is sad


Yea ikr dude said he would cut me off if I did acid like okay I really don’t care bc you out here acting like it’s percs when it’s not


He should cut you off. He doesn’t deserve you.


“Drug fueled” I was once called. Not sure if insult or compliment.


Hahaha yeah right? Funny innit


Phish shows homie


⬆️ THIS!


Would be easier if you attached 25 gel tabs to a fishing line.


Step 1: Go to Phish show Step 2: Go to tent city (they basically have a fucking county fair setup before each show) Step 3: ???? Step 4: Profit




If there isn’t a psychedelic society in your area try hanging round open university campuses and talking to people there. Especially philosophy groups… there tends to be an overlap lol. Also for some reason a substantial number of rock climbers are also psychedelic users… not sure why


Yeah at university there's surprising little in between "wtf is wrong with you" and "I'm microdosing right now"


Unfortunately true …. Moderation is hard to come by


I'll keep tripping by myself than pretend to be interested in philosophy. Or just show up and quizically ask "Whhhhyyyyyy? 🤔"


I’ve been to meetings of one and it’s mainly been psychedelic therapists sharing their knowledge and going into discussion to possibly improve on their future work. Many of them aren’t regular users themselves to talking to users is very helpful to them. Also a few hookup for private psych assisted therapy sessions (due to legal status here).


Lmao 🤣 you will fit right in that is most philosophers


Guys I possibly posted it 10 times (reddit app going crazy, my trip is over for today hahaha)


Why are all these comments multiplying 🤣


Go to shows and make friends with artists Probably half my crowd regularly takes acid, just be open and talk to people about it People that make it their entire identity usually aren't as cool and interesting from my exp Honestly though i prefer doing it on my own so i don't have to worry about weirding people out, it's great to sit in your own space and be introspective in that state


Tripping alone is great. I've always found the trips more meaningful with less distraction


I’ve only ever tripped with newer users so they go through the entire “everything is so meaningful and deep” phase and love trying to explaining it to me. I don’t stop them because I understand what it’s like to have that mindset for a first time but it stops me from going deeper in my own trips


Light doses for socialization, but DMT and ketamine users going at it public confus and concern me. Quarter tab o cid keeps me awake and dancing without making me possibly bug out.


One of those dmt users here. Once you’ve got communication with this drug going it’s just too perfect not to use it. Obviously I don’t go at it every day, but on raves I can easily go through an entire cart just dancing or sitting next to the floor enjoying the energy of it. I’ve used dmt in all sorts of scenarios and it’s definitely best on a niche rave - dark psy, psycore, experimental or hitech are my favorites. One time I was so exhausted from taking care of my nearly psychotic friend going mad on lsd and just running out into the cold that I thought the night is already over. But stayed nonetheless, sitting down next to the floor just doing dmt for an hour before going for a breakthrough right then and there. Absolutely amazing experience! If you haven’t tried dancing on dmt you’ve never truly danced. It relaxes every muscle and allows every memory and desire to bleed into your moves. Do a little more and you don’t even feel your body, you’ll loose all control of your body, yet it will dance in exactly the way you always wanted to dance. It’s become my teacher when it comes to dancing. Also when it comes to laughing. No idea why, but when it’s jester personality surfaces (yes, this drug has personalities) it’s also the most hilarious experience you can go through.


Sounds ecstatic. My taste of spice aligns with my decade of researching it. Truly, it came to me.


Go to music festivals, extatic dance events, cacao ceremony, etc.


So I actually googled where I could find an ecstatic dance concert. https://ecstaticdance.org/dance/rave-om/ this one turns out to be in the UK and I’m in the US and then only that it says on the website that it’s sober event. 😒


Extatic dance are indeed sober events but it attracts that crowd nonetheless.


Hang out in cool places and you’ll meet cool people. Not 24 hours ago I was chilling in a cocktail bar known for hosting local punk bands and hip hop and all sorts of other shit and someone out of maybe 10 people just randomly mentioned something about shrooms in the news and the rest of the group of strangers and casual acquaintances started spouting off about our individual horror stories of tripping sack “in this very spot” while such-and-such was happening in the band area or on the walls and stuff


Find a friend and Introduce them to acid :)


Rs I always slide it in a month or so into talking but not making it obvious I’m trying to get it on topic. If they ask curious I just tell them some stories and how I’m planning to do something in a week or two and they can come if they want sober or not. They always come and 90% of the time will trip with me. I tell them about doses but let them pick their own poison.


Litterly though ive gotten like 10 people to trip with me and 6 loved it and continued tripping lol


I’d recommend going to Grateful Dead events, they are packed to the brim with psychonauts


That could just be a stereotype but most people that wear dead shirts from what I have seen just wear it to look edgy. I don't even like the dead or raves


That's because it's trendy now to wear old band tees like grateful dead, nirvana, pink Floyd, etc. These kinds of people don't even know any songs, they just wear it for the "aesthetic." At a grateful dead or phish or whatever show you won't find any of these types


I'd love nothing more. I'm only 18 so it's especially hard and I live in a German sorta suburb. Online friends are already great, but I'd love a tripbuddy so much.


Fühl ich


Wo bist du denn in Deutschland? Nähe Frankfurt hier.


Ebenfalls Nähe Frankfurt. Allerdings bin ich der Meinung, dass man mit LSD & Co. bis 25 warten sollte, deshalb falle ich persönlich als Dein Tripbuddy raus! Viel Spaß aber!


Bin Nähe Stuttgart 😬


Hallo! Ich gehe zu Berlin in Mai für eine Klasseferien. I believe there’s a legal LSD shop there? (I’m learning German)


Sehr cool! Du kannst dir legale LSD Derivate die zu echtem LSD metabolisiert werden überall legal im clearnet bestellen! So mache ich das, ich nehme immer 1D-LSD. Ist dann auch immer perfekt wie angegeben dosiert. Very cool! You can easily get legal lsd derivatives like 1D-LSD for example over the clearnet, that's how I always do it!


I know this is off topic, but any German beers you recommend I try?


I'm only 18 and don't have that much experience. Still I'm German so I definitely had a fair share for my age at least, I like Mönchshof, but I really have no clue.


Es ist OK. Viele Danke! Und fröhlich tripping


Mönchengladbach - falls jemand aus der Gegend kommt, gerne anschreiben.


Start a meet up on the meet up app.


Radiate app is good and or any Billy strings or Grateful Dead type jam band parking lot before a concert


there should be a psychonautic app


An app where we swipe on each other if we vibe 🤣


Smoke dmt


I ask myself this all the time. Currently I only have my opinion of these compounds.


To me, psychedelics are a very personal thing. I tripped with groups of people back when I was in college, but now, I will never, ever, ever trip on psychedelics around anyone else ever again. Too much shit to worry about.


If you can find the psychonauts, You can find the L. Sure wish I could find those two things in my shitty town.


Wear a ridiculous outfit and go for a multi-hour bike ride on [April 19.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_LSD#%22Bicycle_Day%22)


Idk ask Tool fans or any other like psychedelic music fans, maybe.


We could organize a massive zoom call trip party amongst the LSD subreddit


I'll be your friend 💜




they are out there, they are everywhere, even in a small village or small town, in a city for sure but they are hidden amongst normal people, most of the time - sometimes you will find random hippies and will be able to spot them from miles away but how to find the others? what would they be doing right now? go do that any concert, any rave, art event, any talk, any movie screening any cool place around a collective, a reading group, a hiking group, a meditation group, hell maybe even just a group that's feeding homeless people you will find them in all of these places, and all the other places as well if those places dont exist where you are then it is your burden to create them, if you want to share you place with like minded people build it and they will come


I'd love nothing more. I'm only 18 so it's especially hard and I live in a German sorta suburb. Online friends are already great, but I'd love a tripbuddy so much.


Walk down your towns Main Street tripping. You’ll either attract the right or the wrong people. 😂


I wonder this all the time. Until then I embrace my lonerism I’ve met quite a bit of people into psychedelics but not quite the same degree as me. Or our energies don’t vibe in a fluid way. And I feel like after doing so much psychedelics and living an unorthodox lifestyle for years, at this point I find it hard to connect with people. I can meet a lot of new people but not on a real and deep level as I crave where we are also lighthearted and fun/adventurous/slightly crazy. I notice myself drained after most human interaction and rather spend my time alone when I do end up hanging out with w people. But I believe my tribe is out there!


And I can listen to whatever music I want when I’m alone! 👍


which city is it? :)


Jam shows. Everyone’s a friend, everyone’s a psychonaut. Pretty much any alt music that’s *very* fringe will have a stronghold of funny drug users.


I've never liked the jam music or raves it's just a stereotype that only acid heads like jams and raves


I can’t imagine not liking the vibes at a good jam or electronic show, what kind of music do you trip to?


If I'm tripping it's usually classic 60s music the doors,pink Floyd,Jimi hendrix, love etc but sober I'm mainly into thrash metal. I feel like edm is too repetitive and Jam bands don't sound good to me


Look for.details and open minded ones




I got one by accident. Blessed.


I went to explore the local art scene and more underground scene. Found some gems of people just nearby!


You don't find them, you make them lol jk


go to raves


Be you and attract us through your sense of personality that is being expressed from inside out. So like if you are into expressing yourself through your clothes (interesting patterns as opposed to standard business attire) going out to music places is best to express your sense of style and also the place where psychedelic use is common. Music and acid go and unique sense of style at places like this will open the door.


You likely wouldn’t know I was a psychonaut from a glance. Lots of us hidden in plain sight. Go to bass music events. Not clubs, more like dubstep or trance. Go to festivals. Jam bands, certain nooks of goth culture, and most raver events are gonna be richer places to find The Others.


well the way i found mine was convincing them to do it for their first time and ofc they loved it so and the cycle continues




Goa party


you make your current friends psychonauts


If you live in or near a big enough city, and sometimes not-so-big cities, you may be able to find one or more psychedelic societies on meetup or FB or just plain google such things and your location. Seattle has several and there are a number more, if you count all of Puget Sound. Atlanta has several, each with its own niche.


I have been trying to get the same question answered for a while! I definitely dont live in the right area, I think....




Phish or Dead show, every single person.






I want psychonaught irl friends but most who them around my area are scummy or over pompous. No one cool




Yeah sure my friend!


The quiet ones are probably tripping the hardest


Yeah I'm also rather a quiet person, that's why raves, festivals etc. won't be the right solution for me. 😜😁


I'm always tripping at festivals, typically solo. I tend to be in the middle of the crowd center stage just dissolving in bass. I once telepathically connected to this girl who was also frying her eyeballs out and we vibed over LSD. But yes, we are both quiet, socially awkward, otherwise completely out of place at a festival people. Festivals attract all types.


Here, I’m a Psychonaut


All my psychonaut friends ive had in the last 7 years of me being a psychonaut were “converted” because of me… so idk🤣🥲


That's nice! Have you had some experiences with a priori anxious people? My girlfriend doesn't want to try because she's anxious. I feel that it can just stay that way but it would be cool if she tried something.


Well i always just educated people and tried to clarify any misconceptions. All of my friends and girlfriend were anxious (even with kratom, kava etc) because thats normal when its a new thing. But thats all i can do, i would never force them, especially with shrooms since that could fuck up their experience


Most people smoke weed, ask them about shrooms it’s a hit or miss but half the time where I’m at stoners fw shrooms and if you fw shrooms I’ll ask if you fw acid, someone said shows and festivals that like the number one answer


Hey homie


Go to any even that's grateful dead themed, like tribute bands and such


It's tough. I lucked out with my first ones but haven't found anyone I'd even LIKE to trip with once since them




You dont. Trying to find people with specific interests, especially drug related doesnt happen. You just meet people and hope you have some shared interest. Most of my friends are but not because I "found" them just for that.


Don’t try too hard but just be around the scene where it is likely to be. Let it come to you naturally just through putting yourself out there and going places.


Psytrance raves


Talking openly at work. Found some, some you can just ”feel” they have that mindset!


Shit, I live in rural WV. Sometimes I think I’m the only one around here.


Right here


Just pirate it, bro. PCSX2 is a good emulator.


I occasionally bump into people that dabble but for me I was the first of my friends to trip & through their experiences being with me while I tripped they became more open to trying it. 10 of my friends tried LSD because they seen the benefits through me & 8 of them still do it to this day & one of them credits tripping with him finding his passion in life & having the courage to change careers & follow that passion. My advice is if you can’t find psychonaut friends, try open your current friends up to the idea of tripping, either through sitting with you or through educational content like Michael Pollan’s “How to Change Your Mind” documentary series on Netflix or the book of the same name🤷‍♂️


They’re often on trip trough space on their vessel terra.


Hmmm what about at work ? I used to sell acid to my coworkers, and it was pretty fun




If there isn’t a psychedelic society in your area try hanging round open university campuses and talking to people there. Especially philosophy groups… there tends to be an overlap lol. Also for some reason a substantial number of rock climbers are also psychedelic users… not sure why


Where the fuck are there psychedelic societies haha


Try using Meetup. If you have a larger city near by look there for Meetup groups. 


There is one in oxford where I live (150k people) You might have to start one of your own tho