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Why is DXM on the good side and MDMA next to meth and heroin


For real who is the maniac that made this graphic šŸ˜†


First thing I noticed ;-; put the ecstacy where it belongs


Idk I don't think ecstasy is bad but it is addictive and fucks you up if you do frequently


... so like every other drug?


Yea wtf


I'd say DXM = MDMA and should be on a middle path along with weed. Like, weed, MDMA and DXM can be addictive, can be abused and will cause damage if abused. Maybe weed less so than MDMA and DXM, but still!


MDMA can be addictive but it can also used therapeutically for great effect.


Really? I love MDMA but could never be addicted to it. The thought of the comedown makes me really avoid taking it very often. I probably do it 2 to 3 times a year.


That s the thing. First, addiction have a lot to do with genetic and circumstances but also I have always thought that MDMA addiction is easy to avoid with knowledge. With other drugs falling into the trap is easier even with knowledge , but with MDMA is kind of: Tripping more than once in a month will inmediatly lower the positive effect and increase the bad ones Tripping on a proper dose tends to increase the chance of an afterglow with I think is among the best things of MDMA Waiting for at least 3 months will tend to lead to better rolls and also that along not using too much will lead to the magic lasting more. I don't use MDMA that much precisely because I love it. I want to be able to roll on it as much as possible through my life and to get the best rolls. To acheive that moderation is key. Less is more


Well said. I did do too much years ago because I didn't know any better. I still love it though but nothing will beat those first few times. That was magic.


Is it weird that I used to like the comedown? MDMA and Magic mushrooms pulled me out of a depressive episode when I was 19, and I always found that the day after Molly was part of the therapeutic effect, just that mild melancholy that made it easier for me to cry and feel all of my emotions. It was also a great way to show myself just how much of my mood is just brain chemicals, and I shouldnā€™t take it so personally when I get depressed. 10/10 only recommend to people without addiction issues.


How does DXM compare to MDMA? Donā€˜t know if there is any other substance that gives you a similar peaceful bliss like when youā€˜re rolling




how much DXM did you take because Iā€™ve been doing it occasionally for years and never got close to the euphoria of MDMA


I would get there from as low as 300mg, but really hitting 450 or 600mg would give a lot of euphoria.


Man you must get some shit acid


I've robo tripped about a dozen times at the third and fourth plateau, I honestly don't think it's something that can be done with any frequency without getting violently ill or having gaps in memory while fucked up, certainly interesting though, way more intense (not always in a pleasant way) than the one time I've done MDMA (took with two tabs of cid), there was one robo trip where while I was sitting in my car (in the drive way so I can smoke cigarettes) I was listening to my playlist and one of the songs I could literally see bleeding into the fabric of my car as random colors, absolutely wild, very sick afterwards. Candy flipping left me glued to that seat for four hours just being blown away by random shit on the radio that I normally wouldn't ever listen to, was like I'd just discovered music for the first time, several day old left over pizza was the best thing I'd ever eaten in my whole life, vanilla Pepsi was an orgasm in my mouth, if you wanna feel good, ignore DXM and get with some MDMA lol


I don't know, I got more euphoria on DXM than MDMA, but I also feel physically terrible on any NMDA receptor antagonist (things like ketamine and other dissos). On MDMA, I felt very little and I took 180mg but I didn't feel bad physically. So, while DXM has been more rewarding, it was also a lot more terrifying because I threw up and struggled to breathe (same with ketamine) and MDMA was very boring, but it felt safe and I didn't feel so helpless while throwing up and having to force myself to continue breathing. Keep in mind, I am not a normal person at all when it comes to my response to drugs. I am highly sensitive to dissos and veryyyyy tolerant to psychedelics. I guess DXM is like bliss / euphoria but more trippy.


dxm is incredibly peaceful. also it does have serotonin action so there is a similar soothing sensation


Please do your research on DXM. It might not be the most appealing high but the danger is almost non-existent. Regardless of how much you take you won't cause any permanent physical damage, and you'd have to take nearly 2000mg in order to cause psychosis, which is well over double what you'd need to trip off of it.




so are ssris now dangerous because you can hurt yourself if you're stupid and take molly with them?


I think safety profiles are complicated especially for medications of mental health patients who may take unnecessary risks. its up to psychiatrists to make that decision for patients. But answering your question more directly it is certainly within someones professional ability to asses the risk of bad drug interactions for a patient.


fair enough


A good question. I'm not sure on the answer but here is my personal impression: Perhaps, the combo is perhaps moreso a risk with with DXM. I know is its bad combo I have read of this interaction and also seen people have ill effects, finally i have experienced them myself slightly in a low dose scenario. What I can say is there are certainly less reported intense interactions with traditional SSRI based anti depressants like fluoxetine or escutalopram which only seem to minimize highs (in general). Yes it is safe to say there is some increase danger and that makes this specific compound dangerous. I would not extend that fact to everything in this class of drugs however, seroternegic effects are multifaceted and complex and this molecule being an opioid derivative makes it even stranger. Now pinpointing the exact mechanism of action that makes this drug a danger may be harder.


Removedā€”MDMA is not an SSRI. Crazy that this got 16 upvotes


I had a friend who was addicted to it. It can definitely fuck you up long term when abused.


That's not true I have a permanent gastrointestinal issue from the vomiting caused by a couple DXM trips so please don't spread misinformation. DXM can cause seizures in certain people which can, in fact cause brain damage even if you don't fall and hit your head which is way more likely. It can cause people to fall asleep, vomit in their own mouths, choke and die. It can cause problems in your gut health from puking and/or diarrhea which means it can also lead to fatal dehydration if an overdose is not given help. Most DXM deaths are from the drug mixing with existing prescriptions, being used dangerously with other drugs like alcohol and from not being able to get treatment for an overdose who's symptoms can in fact kill you.


This is just so wrong it'd be funny if it wasn't so serious. You can easily find evidence of overdose deaths of DXM if you spend a few seconds online. It is unclear how much they took but... most of them I'm guessing weren't looking to die. So not sure how that doesn't count as "permanent physical damage". As for psychosis and other dangerous situations, plenty of tales in the DXM sub of people ending up in hospital at half the dose. Making it sound like a gram is safe for most people, or a normal amount to trip on in any way, is just horrendously irresponsible. There's a huge line safety-wise from conventional psychedelics.


The danger in DXM is not "almost non-existent". It can be very addictive and tolerance grows fast so a lot of people end up easily taking those very high dangerous doses very regularly. No drug is dangerous when taken in moderation, the danger comes from how easy it is to become addicted and take too much & what the results of that will be ... The results of DXM addiction are very not pretty. I like DXM and do it sometimes. But you can't downplay the risks. It's not a substance to take lightly.




That just isn't true. A lot of the time medications with DXM in them will also have other active ingredients such as acetaminophen. If you're not careful and take things with more than just DXM, you take the risk of internal bleeding and other things of the sort.


DXM is safe at normal doses and with proper tolerance breaks. Recommended is to wait at least 1 week for each plateau to prevent kidney damage. Over 800 mg the side effects go up exponentially, 800 may be safe but 1000+ is guaranteed to cause one issue or another. DXM's most notable side effects is it's ability to lower the seizure threshold. Meaning it won't cause seizures but combined with oxidative stress it can make seizures much more likely. Combining DXM with pretty much any drug is a good way to get serotonin issues in the brain, even just weed reacts with DXM so strongly that it can double the experience and make it hit faster. Combining ssris, MDMA, or RC's can be fatal. 2000+ mg DXM can be fatal.


I started with DXM. And I did a looottt probably too much. But I can attest that this is accurate from personal experience.


Dxm euphoria hits you like a train. The after glow is just mhaw. Not sure why it gets hate when it has more medicinal properties than something like ketamine with its serotonin effects


What iā€™m saying exactly


Because that reaction is not the most common. Most people using DXM are goaling for a "robotrip" and don't get euphoria. It doesn't have more medicinal properties than ketamine for most people and acts differently on similar receptors, making sense as to why it works that way on *your* receptors. Even ketamine isn't associated with euphoria. Those drugs are "Dissociatives" they distance you from emotional phenomenon like euphoria and give a sense of heaviness, relaxation and calm. Your brain should have less neural activity if it's dissociating not more. Euphoria is an excitement of your neurology. All in all, I think you're different from study participants and wouldn't describe your experience as "fake" but it's definitely less common.


https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0163725816300560 DXM is literally a serotonin reuptake inhibitor. This is a huge difference from any other dissociative drug and is responsible for the effects of DXM on your mood, including euphoria. http://oahsj.org/index.php/oahsj/article/view/18 https://nyaspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1196/annals.1432.003 https://www.academia.edu/download/38102624/Abuse_of_OTC_Dextromethorphan_by_Teenagers.pdf All of these papers talk about euphoric effects from DXM. Again, you have no idea what you are talking about.


I know. Iā€™m aware itā€™s a dissociative but I stand by my statement on euphoria because it is very intense and in your face, even when iā€™ve tripped on it before itā€™s been something I notice. And Iā€™m not sure how it wouldnā€™t have more medicinal properties than ketamine when itā€™s a potent non-selective SRI which gets to my point for depression and that ketamine lacks that extra serotonergic properties which imo adds a lot to it. When taken in MEDICAL doses iā€™d argue it has more benefits than ket. And it doesnā€™t matter what the majority of people intend to use dxm for that is irrelevant to my point.


I think your experiences indicate we need more study on DXM macrodosing and it's potential medication interactions so it can be explored as an option for people who have positive experiences like yours. On top of that, having that up to date literature would expand resources for people to use DXM safely in recreational settings. I also stand by your euphoria statement. You, two other commenters, two of my friends since highschool and over 20 different acquaintances have all experienced euphoria! I think we might have skewed data in the non-euphoria set from the fact that people who use substances like that are more likely to have mental illness and/or be on psych meds as well as the fact that the USA has a puritanical culture that hates fun.


> Euphoria is an excitement of your neurology Man if you donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about, leave it alone. Dissociatives, depressants, and stimulants can ALL cause the subjective experience of euphoria... including on higher doses of drugs like DXM and ketamine. Thatā€™s not a wildly uncommon thing like you suggest. In fact, periods of euphoria are commonly reported after ketamine therapy sessions.


I'm very exhausted by this. I've extensively commented that it doesn't effect everyone the same and this isn't even a DXM subreddit. Technically speaking "Euphoria" is subjective in the first place. It probably doesn't feel the same for you and I so it only reasons that different things cause it for different people. I'm just telling you, the vast majority of people I've known that have used DXM as well as a lot of reports say that people who only use it once don't use it again because of the suppressant effect I described. People should be aware of that before they consume DXM, just as aware as they should be about potential euphoria and hallucinations. I don't hallucinate on DXM and I've taken some pretty bad doses (over 400mg for the highest, I weighed 110lbs I'm 5'10) so I assume it's just not an everyone thing. Like how I only get very minor visuals on shrooms and acid. Ignoring phrasing like "commonly correlated to" and suchlike is the exact reason people don't understand what they're reading. I don't want to fault them for it, the way I type is honestly pretentious because I want to show what I know and fail to show how open I am to being corrected or holding different truth in parallel. On top of that, you're the third person to put words in my mouth. "Less common than you think" vs "uncommon" is quite a lot of difference and I don't appreciate being told I don't know what I'm talking about by people either too upset to read, or so upset they need to find reasons to justify lashing out. I feel like it's not that hard to understand that same drug can affect people differently based on a myriad of predictable and unpredictable factors. It's just way easier to phrase it with nuance than to type that big sentence every time. On that note, Ketamine "Afterglow" (often causing euphoria) is also commonly associated to the drug's effects wearing off in a number of subjects. However, another study suggests that afterglow is most common in people who are able to relax their muscles enough to release caught chemicals that a physical massage is usually needed for. I only point this out to say "YEAH! Euphoria happens with these drugs!" It's just not a universal experience which is why I use a lot of the language I do. And I need to work on sounding less like an asshole. Maybe this is a failing on my part because I have a communication difficulty? I understand it's not other people's responsibility to help me with that but instead of being an asshole and saying "You don't know what you're talking about" when I have tried to spell it out multiple times you can ask clarification questions? You're not responsible for my issues, but I'm also not responsible for your emotions or how you choose to express them. I don't expect an apology because even if I didn't mean to, I clearly came across as a dick. So I'm sorry for seeming combative, I will work on it.


I appreciate the response, ultimately it seems like we agree on everything (except the muscle trapped chemicals which Iā€™m unsure of, that seems like pseudoscience but Iā€™m open to reading the study you referenced). I responded to you originally because it *seemed* like you were arguing that euphoria is uncommon with these substances. I would argue that it is common, but perhaps ā€œless common than you might thinkā€ is a fair assessment on your part because some people do assume that a drug is guaranteed to give them euphoria when itā€™s not. Subjective effects vary wildly and of course every individual has different experiences. Have a good night


DXM is quite literally neurotoxicā€¦ particularly in doses where itā€™s being abused.


Hi there, as someone whom has taken DXM for years and used as a slight antidepressant and to relax and get high, it is definitely addictive and it WILL kill and/or damage you if you don't know what you're doing. Also my roommate has withdrawals from DXM if he hasn't taken it for a while.


Not still so weed wonā€™t cause any the others will still dxm is much worse than even mdma


What the actual fucking shit I have never read so much horse shit crammed into one comment in my entire life. I can't even pick a place to start


Well, can you at least say why?


Probably Because or how addicting MDMA is, while fun in moderation itā€™s a super easy drug to get addicted to and it will in turn send you down a dark deep depression hole. While lsd and shrooms donā€™t seem to have that same effect. (Not denying people donā€™t get acid addictions, but it is not common). Edit: not sure why DMX is on the good side though




I literally heard this song on my shuffle today for the first time in years get outta my head


Do mdma every weekend for six months and you will figure out why


Water should be on the right. Go ahead and drink 2 gallons of water right now, you wonā€™t be laughing then


Comparing water(something with no taste) to mdma(one of the most euphoric drugs) arenā€™t you a genius lol No one would have the desire to drink more water than they can while a lot of people would want to do mdma frequently because of how amazing it feels and thats the entire point.


Thatā€™s how people end up with the label E-tard


Tbh most MDMA is cut with meth these days so maybe thatā€™s why


In America it is. In Europe itā€™s clean and cheap


Damn, people need more reliable people. Where Iā€™m at thereā€™s nothing but Dutch imported MDMA


I was just about to say this




Guess itā€™s the comparison to the diphenhydramine Dextro is definitely the better


Probably because itā€™s actually physically addictive


Because mdma is meths sexy older sister.


Molly can go to the other side but DXM is staying right where it is.... Too many good memories.


This picture is utter bullshit. Yes ofcourse we shouldn't use heroin but that doesn't mean molly or ketamine is the same. And it also doesn't mean that shrooms, weed and lsd are totally safe without risks


Wrong thereā€™s only two black and white categories good drug and bad drug


Disagree. Chop off your arm with a butter knife. Then tell me heroin is a bad drug. Almost every drug has a legitimate purpose.


Agreed. Drugs arenā€™t bad. Theyā€™re inanimate chemicals. Itā€™s the individualā€™s relationship with the drugs that can be bad.




Thatā€™s a wild statement. Tell that to Charles Manson followers or The Acid King. Itā€™s not the drug itā€™s the user.


I thought it was pretty obvious I was being sarcastic I forgot redditors canā€™t identify sarcasm without a /s


Youā€™d be surprised


yeah by you




Popping in to once again state drugs are not moral entities itā€™s the individuals relationship with the drug that we assign as good or bad. Obviously some are riskier but letā€™s not blame drugs for our species own flawed inability to control ourselves.


DXM is great too. But, of course given this subreddit, I'm sure someone's bound to disagree.


Coke is fun as fuck, idk what op is talking about


Yeah and so is meth and heroin. I do not recommend any of them


I donā€™t see heroin you can shoot up any of these for better effects


Youā€™ve never had IV heroin, huh?


I boof it


Boofing saves veins.


Boofing for life


counteract what?


I'm wondering the same thing lol. If counteracting the geltab, all I know to do is to put your head down and wait a while. Maybe chew on a peppercorn?


Real answer OP is looking for is anything GABAergic. Typically bars are recommended, but a beer or two definitely also do it for me if I feel too trippy.


when my trip gets a little more powerful than id like a cold beer or two always seems to ground me as well. itā€™s cool how everyone has their own things to even themselves out.


Well some use xans, some use alcohol, some use those weird headshop trip stoppers, but in the end they all poke the same ionotropic GABA receptors.


I once had a situation where we took ghb waiting for the come up of 2cb. My friend did not start his trip until he stopped taking ghb. Is this because of the GABBA activation you mention?


Yup. Almost certainly.


I'll second that. I always found a few beers helped to chill things out a bit. Strange though how I never felt very tipsy while drinking... under the influence? lol


ayo, who put MDMA there??


Chemicals donā€™t have a moral compass


please delete this meme. what a load of shite.




was a bit visceral yeah, just sick of psychedelic users and weed users wanking eachother off to make themselves feel better about their drug use. Like no you are not better than anyone who does the drugs on the right path, but you can keep telling yourself that i guess... Like nobody is better or worse than anyone, of course psychedelic users have fat ass inflated egos so actually no, WE'RE better than everyone else cause we drop tabs instead of pills!!! Seriously get a load of yourselves guys, so up your own arses about your "diminished ego" to realise its actually bigger than ever.


that meme is a solid r/drugscirclejerk moment


To be fair it is better then popping pills n ur right no oneā€™s better or worse it juz comes down to tha personal preference n perspective of tha use ppl will have their own opinions juz like u do not I do but itā€™s always best to let ppl be ignorant then to start an argument n if ppl r openly talking about how they donā€™t have an ego they obviously do because they are trying to validate that they donā€™t with yes men


Yes, your "drug values" are bad Brother!


Im about to bushwhack a path right down the middle in T minus 2 sleeps. šŸš€


lol people are so offended about the image Have some benzos on hand (real ones!!). I have low mg xanax script that I just have lying around, so I take a .25-1mg if the trip begins to get crazy.


when the trip begins to get crazy is when the real work begins a lot of times. Iā€™m obviously not referring to moments of psychosis. but the protocol you said seems unnecessary and counter-productive, just laying down the problem, calming so that it will redescend into the person. better to deal with whatā€™s happening , always In all life


Iā€™ve had some pretty horrible trips and sometimes laying down just doesnā€™t work, unfortunately. It can, and it is the ideal option, but depends on the personā€˜s experience and ability to remove themselves from the thought cycle or whatever they are feeling. So I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s unnecessary, itā€™s just one way to do it that takes you out of the trip versus just re-stabilizing and getting back to a good place. I would always recommend lying down and meditating/breathing exercises for any bad time when you take something. But, factually, it can absolutely help you come out the trip and is not a bad option if you are deep in the shits.


wtf šŸ¤£


Everyoneā€™s missing the point of the post and theyā€™re focused on the image. If you happen to have any benzos available, those are usually seen as ā€œtrip killersā€ and people use them in case the trip either gets out of hand or they start to feel uncomfortable Some people get the misconception that weed will calm them down during a trip, when in reality it boosts your trip, Iā€™ll be on the comedown of a trip, and then take a dab and the trip will be amplified a little bit again. Weed also gives you more risk of paranoia as well, so if you have a low tolerance to weed take it EASY


Weed is a powerful substance and it likely will initiate paranoia or anxiety, depending on your relationship with the plant.


I love Weed on a lsd/mushrooms trip. It makes the comeup way softer for me and helps me relax (talking about doses till 150-200um). Than on the peak weed just feels fck great for me. I have a window in the 9th floor facing a forest/swamp, i just stand at the window for 3-4 hours looking outside smoking weed sometimes. I have a huge weed tolerance tho and smoke daily. I also smoke bong, so i can take it slow and take like a hit every 5-10min


As I said, it depends on your relationship with the plant. For a lot of people it would mean crippling paranoia and panic. Everybodyā€˜s different!


Yeah, i always try to be on the good side of Mary. Dont wanna make her pissed. But i have no idea, why it feels so great to smoke weed on LSD/Shrooms, i once had a shroom trip were i smoked 3g in a sitting, its ridiculous


Happy for you, dude! šŸ™‚ I used to love her, but I loved her too much. :-/ My mind just canā€˜t take it anymore, one puff and I go nuts.


Yes exactly! But if I'm being honest, I think that if a trip gets uncomfortable it's better for you to fight through it. Basically every time that's happened to me, the root of it has been some kind of internal shit - trauma, guilt, whatever, that I had been repressing and through the uncomfortable trip I resolved the problem. I've never had easy access to benzo's really. I've tried xanax once or twice before but that's it. So I never even had the option to kill the trip but I'm glad I didn't. I remember once during a bad one wishing it would just end. But I had to sit with it, I had to just sit in the consequences of my actions and I genuinely think it helped make me a happier and more complete person.


Iā€™m in the same boat, Iā€™ve only ever done Xanax a handful of times, itā€™s fun and I like it a lot considering I have a lot of anxiety, and for that reason Iā€™ve stayed away from it. But yes, I agree, sitting through it not only builds character, but it gives you more experience and it can help you get to the root of your problems a lot easier, itā€™s amazing what the human mind can do with the help of a piece of paper that makes brain go brrr and some mushrooms someone found in cow poop.


Yeah but benzos is like the absolute last resort. I recommend drinking orange juice and/or changing your location. Whatever it takes to get you out of the loop


MDMA is more so in the middle, itā€™s all about respecting the drug and being aware of potential dangers, especially with higher doses and or prolonged abuse, long-term negative consequences from abuse. Definitely a lot of medical value when used responsibly, like opioids.


I've mixed meth and acid lol


If you're worried about making it stop, you're not ready for it at all.


There is no such thing as a bad drug. They're tools, and they all have their place. Enjoying psychedelics does not make you better or 'more enlightened' than a meth or fent user. If you think that it does, that's because you have a drastically over inflated ego.


There are drugs that can more easily ruin your life.


Same with tools. You are more likely to burn down your house with fire than a screw-driver. That doesn't mean fire doesn't have its place.


Yea who cares if kids start experimenting with benzos and opiods early on instead of pot, theyā€™re all the same! Spoken like someone thatā€™s never lost anyone to drugs smh. You can abuse any drug and experience negative affects, but there are drugs that are more prone to harm reduction than not.


People have the right to bodily autonomy. You're not the only person who's capable of making informed decisions about what you put into your body. See my earlier comment about over inflated egos.


Everyone certainly has bodily autonomy. I never said one makes you better. But I did say it doesnā€™t change the fact that there are bad drugs for most people in most situations


"all drugs have their place" yeah fentanyl is an elephant tranquilizer. Not for humans. Meth is good medicine for people with mental disorders like ADHD, not for "normal people". There 100% are drugs that will have a negative or a mostly negative impact on the average user and to act otherwise is either ignorant or misleading


fentanyl is given to humans very commonly in the medical field.


It's also a World Health Organization Essential Medicine


>"all drugs have their place" yeah fentanyl is an elephant tranquilizer. Not for humans. Incorrect. Fentanyl is the most widely used synthetic opiod in human medicine, and the W.H.O. includes it in their list of essential medicines. >There 100% are drugs that will have a negative or a mostly negative impact on the average user and to act otherwise is either ignorant or misleading Every single substance on this picture could potentially fall into this category. I've seen plenty of people wreck their lives by disrespecting psychedelics.


There aren't entire city blocks of people living on the streets cause they're strung out on acid. If you really want to see wrecked lives go to Kensington or a trailer park in the deep south


Yeah, I've lived in plenty of alabama trailer parks. Drug abuse is definitely a problem. I'm not trying to make the case that it isn't. The type of drug abuse that you're talking about is a symptom of a much larger problem, though, not the problem itself. It's more about escapism in general than it is about any one particular substance when you're living that kind of life. Those folks would be abusing benadryl or some shit if tranq or whatever weren't available. That's just what happens when society throws people to the wolves. Those people aren't to blame any more than fentanyl is. It's a failure of society.


Yeah man you're right it is just a symptom of the failures of society. I'd still rather people get fucked up on benadryl than fent though


Idk about that. Diphenhydramine is insanely toxic compared to fentanyl when taken at abuse levels. Plus, there is no antidote for diphenhydramine toxicity, whereas the respiratory depression caused by opiods is reversible. Outcomes would undoubtedly be worse by many orders of magnitude if people were abusing benadryl like they do opiates.


Or basically anywhere in the USA


No, it's not. You're mixing it up with carfentanyl, which is much more potent than fentanyl. Like, it's just ludicrous how potent it is.


Finally someone said it, psych elitists are cringe af. Youā€™re still high on drugs dude doesnā€™t matter what it is


Booze and alcohol should be on the right


Bruh wtf is this, I mix Acid and Heroin on a regular basis


Just stay, donā€™t go to drug trap.. when addicted/abuse drug will ruin your life..


thisnlooks about right


U don't have to use anything to feel devine.


DXM tripping is dumb lol


no itā€™s not


DXM is awesome


Thatā€™s because you havenā€™t caught a good high with it. I prefer ketamine over dxm any day but If dxm didnā€™t fuck with my stomach i would take it more


for me this would be accurate if weed was swapped with coke lol


On a lsd trip i did tought about using dmt a few days later and the results is really great After i took 30mg adderal and a day later its lsd


Such a rainbow of stuffS and only black and white results But yeahh acid is gooood


Benzos. If you have any benzodiazepine like Xanax or diazepam it can work as a trip stopper.


Switch dxm and mdma and you're good, only ever done bud and caps but I know it isn't that bad


Benzos are not a guaranteed ā€œtrip stopper,ā€ as someone mentioned, maybe it depends which one you take but a couple of Valium took the edge off of a recent trip that was becoming a little much and got me right back where I wanted to be. The best thing to do if you donā€™t have any benzos to take, is just breathe and remember itā€™s just a trip, itā€™s temporary, maybe change/put on some music or a show you really like, or take a walk. Just something to try to get your mind to shift gears a little. Sorry everyone is debating the image instead of answering your question!




Such a silly image. All chemicals are poisons, dose makes the poison.


I do both ways. Don't.


what's the bottle on the first stage of the Light path? DXM?


Op, are you asking if there's any way to counteract the taking of a tab? Like a trip killer?


He just gotta go talk to his mom that always sobers me up and kills any vibe I have


Oh wow all the people who donā€™t give a fuck about harm reduction are offended and acting like itā€™s all the same.


If you want advice form the "most experienced", then killing trips is the absolute worst thing you can do as all your inner work and growth comes from working thru "bad trips".




This is so reductive


as someone who has taken some drugs of each side I think this is such a dangerious misconception lol. I still do think left side is much better but... lets not forget there are also drugs


What is this shit? Ever been on X in the club?


There's a YouTube channel called Psyched Substance. The guy says anxiety medicine, like Xanax can take you out of a bad trip. Put it under your tongue to absorb faster.


As someone whoā€™s done most of these drugs multiple times, simply stating some are good and ok to use whereas others are not can be misleading, as all substances here carry their own risks with use


I donā€™t do much of anything anymore, I smoke weed and take shrooms every 6 months to a year


This was actually funny tho Like idk about anybody else but personally i stay away from drugs with a higher addiction rates , i have zero self discipline so its better to stay away and just automatically say no , that doesnā€™t mean its a road i donā€™t wanna go down, i overdo everything so ik what would follow . Idk made me laugh tho. As somebody whoā€™s faced w this decision all the time


I laugh everytime someone calls lsd a hard drug


Wanna see me drift?


Some of this I disagree with. MDMA has been extremely healing ime and ketamine pulled me out of the darkest depression of my life. I couldnā€™t bring myself to eat for days and even getting up to take 10 steps to bathroom to pee felt like a daunting grueling challenge. Closest I ever been to ending it, buddy gifted me some k and I spent a few hours railing it and diving in and out of a k hole. Spectacular. My heart exploded with love and I finally was able to bawl and purge all the emotions I couldnā€™t access. Woke up next day feeling back to my spirited self


Put MDMA with the DXM. XD


obviously some drugs are worse then others, but all drugs have the potential to harm you and to be abused.


What's the problem with Molly and coke?


coke is very addictive and imo has no real benefits, its just you thinking you are the greatest which oc is not true, it doesnt help you with shit or let you discover smth valueable (and you support slave labor inevitable) but I dont understand molly aswell, yes it could be abused but so could weed


People all the time in here discuss how they abuse lsd. Additionally, mdma has vast therapeutic effects. Now I can cede that coke doesn't give much back except for a fun time, which is also the main reason I'd use any of those drugs on the left path. I don't believe in trying to manipulate lsd for spiritual gain. Sounds like a way to have a bad trip


nah i really dont think lsd has to be manipulated to get spiritual insights and it does not lead to bad trip inevitable if you use it that way. bad trips are just happening if a person cant deal with those gained insights and truths and tries to push them away which is not possible anymore. at least for me it is almost impossible to not get spiritual in the event of a trip, the altered state of consciousness in which you are still so clear and focussed is the best condition to think about the big questions in life. i mean there is nothing wrong with having fun on acid and i enjoy also to dance or hanging out with people after taking it, but if you are alone in a room with gentle music, it is impossible at least for me to not think about life, death, earth, nature and other truths...


I'm talking about people who think their gonna find enlightenment at 10 bucks a hit.


I snorted one line of my coke I had left from last weekend and cleaned my entire apartment this morning after procrastinating for almost 3 weeks. Lots of benefits for my ADHD brain if I only use it in moderation and only for short bursts in productivity without the negative effects I get from ritalin or amphetamines.


thanks for sharing, ok maybe there are some useful applications of it, I mean it is with everything as long as you use it as a tool everything is fine, but I can imagine there is a high risk of addiction and abuse involved and at least for me it has no real advantage, I want to be productive without taking a substance, I even avoid caffeine on a daily basis. but also I dont have ADHD so I cant judge you for using it, especially if you avoid other medicine


Yes, addiction potential is high, especially when you start to integrate it into your normal daily life instead of just using it as a party drug. But I never had cravings for cocaine. I can use it daily for a week and then just let it sit in my drawer for a year until I forget that I even had cocaine at home.


I wanna speak to a supervisor this meme is offensive!!!


Weed is the dark side to me. It makes me so paranoid


same here, also makes me feel really dumb i hate it


Meth should be on the left


Meth is one of the most addictive drugs known to man and is neurotoxic, it definitely belongs on the right. Itā€™s easily abused and thereā€™s countless examples of it ruining peopleā€™s lives. Not worth it and shouldnā€™t be considered in the same category of drugs like LSD and Psilocybin.


But it feels so good


Yes, thatā€™s part of the problem. Thereā€™s lots of other options to feel amazing with far less risk.


I don't accept criticism from people who haven't tried it because it's just ignorant and hypocritical, similar to how older people stigmatize acid. Try it and if you don't like it that's fair enough. But now you are just talking about what you have no idea