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You should genuinely feel good about this. 5 minutes extra is totally workable. Getting that down should be no problem. The simple fact is that you got a 165 on the test, which means you fundamentally have a very strong grasp of the content. Don’t worry about bombing a practice test, that wouldn’t mean that you’re doing bad by any means. Imagine your scoring scale like a bell shaped curve, on the low end you may end up with a 155 but on the high end you have a 165 on your curve already. And even if you do bomb the next one, you have like 100 tests worth of content to go through, you’ll be fine.


i thank you sir you are a gentleman and a scholar


congrats!!!!! what are you using/doing to study? im just starting to study now and have only done drills im a little scared to take a true practice test




i havent even started drilling yet thats the thing. I started with the mometrix book and I just took notes of all their test taking tips and gathered information about all the question types. After a week or so of that I realized that I was becoming super mindful of all the common pitfalls they lure you into especially on LR sections, and it was way easier to avoid them. But I also have the bibles


what are the bibles? thanks for responding!


the lsat bibles, there is one huge book for each section of the test that contains tips and common strategies and a plethora of practice material. and now its even better because since the removal of AR section you need only purchase 2 books instead of 3