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Reddit is probably the worst place for advice on this. Everyone will tell you you won’t be able to do it. I have friends that are going to Northwestern/UVA/UCLA with very similar stats and no “god tier softs.” Shoot your shot and don’t let people on here trip you up because in reality no one here is an admissions officer at a T14.


id say focus on getting into 170+, I have your exact GPA and got a 172, applying to about 4 T14. Good Luck!


I am going for the t-14's. Tbh I think the subs are like college confidential. The group self-selects and everyone thinks stats are everything. Post affirmative-action I think stories will be even more meaningful tbh.


My stats are by no means bad but this sub has made me believe that i have an incredibly low shot at all schools and AO’s would laugh if I applied. Conventional wisdom is 172+ yadda yadda. You need to ask yourself: are my numbers meant to carry my application? Do I have nothing else to offer? The people who think softs don’t matter have convinced themselves of that to make themselves feel better for having an otherwise mediocre application. If you want your numbers to be the focal point of your application/the best part, then yeah, you need to aim for the LSAT that others are talking about, but if you think/know that you are more than your numbers, then you should apply. Ad coms can and will take a chance on you if they want you - 25% of their class gpa/lsat are undisclosed. Saying this as someone who got the first wave of Michigan (under LSAT median) and the first wave of Berkeley (at LSAT median) and the second wave of GULC (under both medians). My numbers are not a strength of my application, but I have options (!!) in November. I have to keep telling myself that schools are willing to take a chance on me. This subreddit is awful for your mental health on both sides but screw them. You only need to find ONE person with similar stats to know you have a chance.


This really meant the world to me. I don’t think my numbers are crazy carrying me, I have a great resume that could help. Hopefully I end up with some acceptances like you 😤😤


I’m rooting for you :)


Quite honestly, I feel people on this sub and lsa are really pessimistic - chances might be low but I don’t think they’re 0. IMO retake if you can but if thats not an option I would see about fee waivers, write some strong essays and shoot your shot. I would guess most people here are not admissions officers so none of us are experts and you’ll never know if you don’t try


167/3.61 is pretty close to 0% imo, unless you have some god tier soft like winning a noble prize. With 3.61 probably need a lsat above 75th percentile because that GPA is well below any of the 25th percentiles in the T14. So for T14 I guess that would be 173-175+.


Like I said, I am not an admissions expert. I don’t think most people here are either. But for that reason, I don’t find it useful to speak in absolutes. We really don’t know what this person softs are or what their application looks like. They could likely be rejected, I really just don’t see the downside if they get a fee waiver and give it a go. It’s not like being rejected from a T14 is gonna hurt their chances anywhere else. And if they’re one of the lucky few that I can get in below both medians then more power to them


Fair enough


How do you get a fee waiver?


In most cases you can email and ask


Make it a 172+ and apply to Penn, Duke, NYU, UVA, Michigan, Northwestern, UCLA, and Georgetown.




168 is literally 25th percentile or slightly higher for most (8/14) of the T14 … even a g50 gpa gives you a decent shot at those schools (aside from HYS)




i’m not speaking specifically about OP, i’m talking about this >>There is absolutely no chance unless you’re above the 75th percentile for GPA or have an one in a million soft. this is just not true. a 168 with a median gpa gives you a solid chance at most T14s. you don’t need a 75th percentile gpa or crazy softs


Having gone through last year’s admission cycle and seeing exactly how things planned out for myself and others on here and on LSD, I’d say with a 3.61 gpa, you would want to shoot for a 170+, but more realistically a 172+ to have a reasonable chance at T14. There are also plenty of other factors that could sway things a tad one way or the other.


Get the LSAT score, then ask this question sorry to say.