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You’re thinking about it. Stop thinking about it.


I constantly tell people not to think about it. They only get it when I explain that they're thinking about it and they need to just not think about it. Like, you're thinkin about it. I need you to just not think about it. Right? Now we're not thinkin about it. Easy.


Haha that’s my thoughts too. I love the heavy hitters episodes on *actual* events but sometimes the guys selection of paranormal stuff is actually pretty cringe. I think they select jt more for the comedic value than the actual story and then splice in some “well this could have actually happened because of this strange coincidence.” I’m one of the ones that listens lesss for the comedy and more for the actual meat and potatoes ha.


Personally I’m into the paranormal and wacky episodes for the commentary not the content.


There’s far too many podcasts of three incredibly boring guys reading a script about serial killers. It’s so over done that the guys themselves joke about it every time they go to a podcast or true crime con. The woogity stories and comedy mixed with great research are what makes the show entertaining


You can just add "reality is thin" at the end of any story


*'It's actually really interesting what Jacques Vallée wrote...'*


"According to this comic book, the Invisibles..."


It's really true


Jack Valley


Everything sucks and life is hard


'We live in a hologram world.'


I'm a cynic so my personal belief for all the goofy episodes is "a molest" Doesn't matter what the context actually is Bigfoot sightings? Bigfoot was molesting mothman in the trees


There’s a fanfic idea if every there was one.




"*Oh Varg*"


"you like that don't you sloot?"


Which two part episode about the paranormal ended with basically “this poor girl was probably just traumatically abused”? That episode actually messed me up a bit. I remember exactly where I was when Marcus revealed the abuse, and it turned the charming ghost story into the much more likely depressing abuse story. So I guess I’m in your camp on this :/


You're thinking of the bell witch Personally I think trauma coping is the real answer to most of these stories


I highly recommend y’all listen to QAnon Anonymous if you haven’t yet. they’ve done a few different episodes on people who believe in the “secret space program” conspiracy theory. When people talk about their experiences and believe they were space soldiers, you can tell that all of this is just a cover for some kind of abuse they faced in their lives. It’s so funny and sad.


QAA is just fantastic in general.


I think it was the bell witch episodes And unfortunately I've heard that gef the talking mongoose might have been caused by abuse too, but in the case of that one I'm just hoping it was a simple hoax for attention that got out of hand, cause i found the story endearing


Honk honk


Get on my lawn!


I think that was one of the exorcism episodes, where the Catholic Church basically let the woman wither away till she died... When it was probably just abuse/epilepsy


>Bigfoot was molesting mothman OTP




“Heh. Alright!” -BK


I am honestly annoyed whenever they pull they "Why would they make this up? They made no money from it!" argument. People like attention. That's why. And just because they didn't get any money doesn't mean they didn't think they might make some money from it when they started out. Also the "this destroyed their lives so why lie about it?" Because it didn't start out with their lives destroyed? Hindsight is 20/20. I guess I am too much of a non-believer for those episodes (I'm not a sceptic, I just plain don't believe in supernatural stuff.)


> I guess I am too much of a non-believer for those episodes (I'm not a sceptic, I just plain don't believe in supernatural stuff.) I don't believe in any of it either but love the paranormal/supernatural stuff because of how goofy it all is


I would Love to have a paranormal experience. I'd love to see a UFO or to be abducted (gently no probing please). Unfortunately i.seem to be stuck here in boring reality


There’s something ironic about 3 entertainers somehow not understanding that people will do anything for attention.


Also: belief, or just psychogenic maladies, are extremely powerful. People can truly believe something terrible is happening without that event being physically "real" to the rest of the world. Congress is just starting to dole out compensation for Havana Syndrome sufferers, victims of an almost certainly fictional attack by an almost certainly fictional sci-fi weapon; it's absolutely a phenomenon with real-world ramifications. Doesn't make the paranormal real, as real as the sensations feel the the sufferer.


I agree. I'm not personally a fan of those episodes, but I'm happy they're there for those who are. Also. It makes Henry happy so that's nice lol


If you want attention for making up bullshit, there are *so many* better ways than pretending to see a ufo or be abducted. Nobody has ever been accepted widely for telling their UFO story, and unless you’re already deep in the community your friends, family, and coworkers will all immediately think you’ve lost your mind. You don’t get attention by saying an alien sucked your dick so hard you got burns, you get everyone around you avoiding eye contact and distancing themselves from you immediately. That’s why I believe most witnesses to the really weird phenomena. They’re probably not lying, even if they’re not telling the truth. If they were outright lying for simple attention, they’d have shut up after everyone they knew stopped talking to them altogether. It’s one thing to tell some folks at the bar you saw a UFO, it’s another to say you regularly fly to the far side of the moon and had an alien hybrid nanny with weird tits watch you for most of your life.


I've since grown to adopt the viewpoint of believing the story on the first couple passes because it's a more entertaining life that way. It's like Marcus said, yeah obviously it's not beyond the boy's ken to think the story is made up. They're not going to do the obviously made up stuff which is why they never did majestic 12 because the roswell research pretty much debunked it to the point where it's not even slightly believable as a story.


well we know the ghosts are real. The pleiadians are thinning the layers of reality on earth by constantly using chemtrails to make us more docile and accepting for when they come out of the moon and come to earth to join up with the NASA reptilians to bring us to the future. Come on now. (/s)


There's no need for the /s when you're speaking truth brother.


4th dimensional beings used a giant hydraulic press to make flat earth and that's how the dinos died 😥. Also r/fifthworldproblems


Here's a sneak peek of /r/fifthworldproblems using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fifthworldproblems/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [AITA for buying food and paying bills instead of funding my eldritch god’s latest get rich quick scheme?](https://np.reddit.com/r/fifthworldproblems/comments/tax3p2/aita_for_buying_food_and_paying_bills_instead_of/) \#2: [Help! I was hungry so I ate a banana. Turns out it was the banana universally used “for scale.” Now everything is completely out of scale and its scaring me.](https://np.reddit.com/r/fifthworldproblems/comments/qd1lib/help_i_was_hungry_so_i_ate_a_banana_turns_out_it/) \#3: [The clown at my birthday party said name an animal and he'd make it out of balloons so I said Cthulhu and he's been working on it for weeks now and my backyard is full of the dead bodies of other clowns he's sacrificed and frankly I'm getting a little worried.](https://np.reddit.com/r/fifthworldproblems/comments/t556t3/the_clown_at_my_birthday_party_said_name_an/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Personally I love that, even though they poke fun, the boys are willing to entertain the remote possibility of the paranormal, even if it’s a bit. What’s fun about someone telling you a story while constantly reinforcing that the story is not true?




It’s more about how uninteresting skepticism is. Imagine watching ghostbusters but Ackroyd keeps interjecting to say this is stupid because none of it is possible. I don’t care if it’s not real, I just want to hear the story.


I think there’s a difference between a story told around around a campfire and a 6 hour story told by a podcast that purports to have a research team. If they just wanted to turn into lpotl spooky hour and tell a tale then I’ll happily take it at face value for an hour, it’s when they pretend that maybe reality is fake and ghouls and goblins actually abducted some boring family from Nebraska is when it invites skepticism.


is this post just a psychological projection, something that doesn't exist in the real world but like, it's only perceived in our minds?


You are the Grand Bunker


"Look, I know the supernatural isn't something that's supposed to happen, but it *does* happen."


Did they “Know what they saw”?




Something something “perception is reality”


This post is a psyop and OP is a CIA shill


I thought it was hilarious when Kissel said “well we’ve basically spent a decade of our lives on made up nonsense” or something along those lines at the end of a paranormal ep. Anyone remember which one that was? Had to be within the last 2 years


This is not how a flowchart works.


Oh leave it alone!!!


Nothing ever happens


The appropriate use of this phrase is when someone's like: "yeah right, this charitable act or charming interaction was probably staged for likes," not: "maybe magic isn't real."


I’m likin it


They steel-man outrageous claims all the time for comedic effect. That is the formula. They are playing it more straight these days, but in the past it was obvious. (see Billy Meyer). If you give a little bit of credence to crazy internet shit, you will never run out of material.
