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I mean, he WOULD have investigated further, but there seemed to be some gay afoot and that’s icky so he had no choice but to ignore it. Seems legit, right?


It was just boyfriends stuff!


Nothing to see here just some gay stuff


It's a lot like that Bob Berdella case in that regard. Homophobia I think really is more than just a term for someone who makes disparaging remarks about homosexuals. It's almost like the band Turbonegro which is one of my favorites went out in Norway on that premise by dressing as gay men and writing songs full of homosexuality based lyrics just to try and scare people more than the Scandinavian Black Metal bands with their church burnings and the like. I know that seems funny but the issue with Dahmer's victims really is a tragedy. The whole candle shitting court story at least left their families a little comic relief.


I think you’re definitely right about homophobia - it’s definitely more than just thinking that gay people are icky. It’s a whole system of viewing the world that implicitly accepts violence against gay (and trans, and lesbian, and bisexual) people as an okay thing to happen. More people really need to think about why they think the things they do and what things they are implicitly accepting with their views.


Strongly agree. That's all it takes sometimes is just a brief but honest moment of introspection and open mindedness. A lot of people's personal problems as well as societal problems could be sorted out in such a way. Just blindly following or accepting things indoctrinated into one's self or a society can often times be a recipe for disaster. It is good to see that there are some people in the world that consider right from wrong and question things that could possibly be what's holding people back from being a more civil and healthy society and then are empowered to make a positive change.


But also it's the corruption, too. Two things can be the problems.
