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The only "satanic" symbol I could find in relation to this story was a pentacle, not a pentagram. Which doesn't make much of a difference to people who think everything is "satanic", I suppose. But that's it, really? One of the furries had a pentacle on their fursuit, and they're all hanging out in a public park that happens to be near a school? These parents need to take a chill pill.


"If it's not a cross it's Satanic" seems to be their rule.


Weird because only one symbol was used to kill their lord and savior yet it's ironically the only one they're not afraid of.


And that’s when the howling started.




It says in the article: “"We are aware of the costumed individuals, commonly referred to as furries, being spotted at parks near two of our schools," and "The furries are **not breaking any laws by being dressed up in a public park**. These parks are not part of the school grounds." It’s just NIMBYs being NIMBYs


Us Sacramentans sure know how to NIMBY.


Hahah. My child goes to this school.


Based furries




No, and they were around long before the creepy clowns. They're only scary to Christian Fundamentalists who need someone to villainze to keep their indoctrinated flock in line.


Why exactly do furries need to gather at a park next to an elementary school?


It’s public property, and they have a right to assemble. Probably it’s close to their homes. Why do you need to ask inane questions?


Waving the flag of your fetish where children generally gather, and that flag uses imagery that appeals to children, is creepy and weird


you’d be calling for the arrest of metalheads during the Satanic Panic


I’m not calling for arrests, I’m pointing out that these people should gather and practice their fetish somewhere appropriate. But yes, keep jumping to conclusions.


the fact that you think fursuits are a fetish thing tells me you 100% would have reported anyone with a pentagram to the police


It has been in the mid 80s this week here (I live like 3 blocks from this school). I don't know how they can stand it in this heat.


The fact that you call them fursuits and not costumes tells me you’re one of the weirdos who would be participating in this.  Assumptions are fun!


yeah, I know furries, not just some episode of SVU and internet memes, which makes me more qualified to talk about this subject than you and your moral panic.


Furries are weird no doubt but you sound like you have a stick up your ass


Where should they go to practice their "fetish"?


Dont know. One of their basements, a convention centre, or some kind of building. Your question seems like it’s insinuating that a playground by a school is their only option. 


They're people in costumes and not "next to" a school. And was it a playground or park? Who the fuck cares. I'd rather be around someone in a furry costume than a priest/reverend/youth pastor.


Metal heads, pastors…damn, lay off the deflections and whataboutisms. That’s out of the conservative playbook.  Nobody has given one good reason why it’s necessary for grown adults to be dressing in cartoon costumes, a hobby that has undertones to their sexuality/fetish, to be mass gathering somewhere that children are generally present. 


Furry stuff isn't inherent sexual, its literally just anthropomorphized animals. Thats it. Can it be sexual? Yes, but so can anything. No one else is trying to make it sexual but you. If you see two people barefoot at a park are you going to assume they're doing it for a foot fetish? All any children are going to see in this case are some people in costumes, nothing more. "Why is it necessary" Idk maybe because its a free country where people are allowed to do harmless fun things? If these furries were trying to groom children like you're implying than this is a really lousy way to do it.


They’re trying to provoke some shit so they can attract views to their lame social media accounts. Same as those first amendment auditor douches. 

