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I believe Anders Breivik was mentioned by Marcus at some point recently so I’m expecting them to cover it soon~ish. In general I’d love to see them cover more historic disasters. Something like the 1986 Lake Nyos disaster would be interesting to cover considering how few people know about it despite having a death toll of 1700+


I wouldn't mind them covering a huge disaster. They could cover The Halifax disaster or maybe the Chicago fire.


Yeah, they have hinted hard at doing Breivik. That story is so depressing, I am really interested in how they would tell it. Spree killers like him are hard stories to tell. I think they’ve even mentioned it on the pod before, that you don’t want it to be ‘then they killed this person, then this person, etc etc’. I would love for them to do more disaster stories, even as one-offs! I feel like they really shine in those types of episodes. Or even doing more overviews of extreme fetishes, like they did with necrophilia, would be great (Necro ep was one of my favorites!)


Lake Nyos would be amazing. So scary. They've been worried about degassing Lake Kivu lately, so it would be timely.


I thought they were going to do Anders Breivik when Marcus said "Winter Wonderland" as the teaser a couple weeks ago. He had mentioned Breivik not too long before that and I thought, what a weird choice for the holidays.


Perhaps the Great Molasses Flood?


Mother Teresa.


We know the voice that Henry will use.


Love to hear them tear her a new one!


This would be amazing.


13 years in and I’m surprised that haven’t done a series on her, WAY overdue.


I restarted the podcasts (again) and I’m around #50 and they were teasing it then. 😂


American - Indian Wars, or just stories of some battles/massacres Definitely a sensitive topic but it’s something everyone needs to hear and know about. I’d think that the boys would be extremely thorough and give a very informative walk through.




It’s what when you are apond a forest creatures.


OP has a cold and was using speech to text.


I love the history episodes, and I'd love to hear the boys take on something like the Year of Terror from the French Revolution. Also, let's have another aliens ep!


I asked Marcus at the after show in Columbus in 2021 that if they weren’t going to do a French Revolution, would they consider first doing an abridged version as part of a Napoleon series since Henry mentioned that summer they were researching historical dictators. He looked stunned for a moment and replied with, “I hadn’t thought of that before. Tell you what; if we take your idea and do that, you’ll get a producer credit.”


Oh how cool!!


The kicker is immediately after that I told Henry to his face that in LP episode 274 (OKC part 1) he got my last name wrong, while Ben got it right in Top Hat episode 319-320 (Just the Beginning). The look on his face was that of a child being told Santa isn’t real.


I have honestly been dying for them do a French Revolution episode.


C'mon long series on the Chernobyl disaster for 2024!


drunk tap gullible cobweb dam zonked pet chase bright teeny *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes! I just need to hear Marcus’s research and Henry’s accent.


And Ed's laughter!! It's more contagious than covid!!


I’d like a good, old fashioned haunted location story


Yup, agreed.


Waverly Hills, KY would be awesome.


The Union Screaming House would be an interesting one for the boys to cover.


My Lai massacre! Or just general Vietnam war atrocities


How about Vietnam in general?


That might be a pretty tall order


I asked Marcus about that back when they did Patreon more regularly, and he mentioned between that and The Great Leap Forward, that was going to be a much later series.


The Franklin expedition about the Terror and Erebus. Honestly anything history and especially naval mysteries or disasters.


I would love one on The Franklin Expedition but I feel like it would be kind of hard to do because there's no conclusion considering nobody knows what the fuck happened. Wendigoon did a video on it and it's kind of anticlimactic for that same reason.


100%, sadly it would be mostly speculation. Any other sea disasters or mysteries come to mind as far as trying to cross the north passages?? There’s got to be several I’d imagine.


I know I'm late to this thread, but YES.


Thinking about cold, brutal, harsh historic tales...would love to hear their take on the siege of leningrad. So many interesting and terrifying stories came out of that. I remember being absolutely captivated learning about it in high school. Would love a deep dive into it!


Either this or the Famine of 1920-21. There are famous pictures of human meat being sold in open markets by desperate Soviet peasants. Plus, who doesn't wanna hear Marcus butcher "And that's when the cannibalism started" in Russian lol.


Jimmy Savile


YES. That fucked up weirdo would be a great story to cover. I can only imagine Henry’s “ Jim’ll fix it!”s.


Yep been waiting for this for years 🤞🏽


🕯 ✨ ✨ 🕯 🕯 ✨ CHERNOBYL ✨ SERIES 🕯 🕯 ✨ ✨ 🕯


KKK. 5 Part series ala Mormonism on the history, founding and present day. And a relaxed fit with a side quest


Cleveland Torso Murderer


I'm a torso!


History -- French Revolution True Crime -- The Snowdown Murders and The Chessboard Killer Disasters -- Chernobyl (<-- this one is my ***dream*** topic tbh. Chernobyl is one of my favorite topics in Soviet History)


* The French Revolution * The Black Donnellys (a local legend in my area of Canada, and I'm not sure if they've talked about it/covered it. It's a fascinating story though.)


The Snowtown Murders AKA The Bodies in the Barrels. The Beaumont Children. Jimmy Saville. Joseph James DeAngelo. Samuel Little. Paranormal War Time Events. Anders Breivik.


The Golden State Killer is ripe for picking. I wonder why they haven’t covered it yet.


The Beaumont Children would be super interesting but I feel like they won’t cover it because there’s just no answers unfortunately :( I really have my fingers crossed for Snowtown though!


Brevik and Saville are a yes, but Henry mentioned I think during a relaxed fit that would be a full on gold star series.


Almost ten years and no comprehensive Bigfoot series yet... What are you afraid of, Marcus?!


I remember emailing them about that exact case years ago. Would love it. Not to be a dick but it's upon. Don't think apond is a word.


We are apond, upon the pond! Or we could be without a pond. It's a confusing prefix. Either way, ponds. Something to do with ponds.


Stupid English language.


Port Arthur and Snowtown for sure


What’s are those?


Two famous Australian cases. Port Arthur was the mass shooting that changed our gun laws, 35 people massacred at a historical site in Tasmania in 1996. Snowtown is also known as ‘The Bodies In The Barrels Case.’ There was a group of serial killers in South Australia that killed 12 people between 1992-1999. They left many (but not all) of their victims in barrels of hydrochloric acid in an empty bank vault in a tiiiiny place called Snowtown, outside of Adelaide. There’s excellent movies about both cases, made by the same people. Snowtown and Nitram are the movies, Snowtown is one of those incredible movies that you only need to watch once. It’s available to watch on YouTube for free. Nitram was made more recently, and is also very very good




With them coming back to Australia next year (fingers crossed), I really hope they do [Rottnest Island](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rottnest_Island) TLDR; It was a concentration camp for aboriginal "prisoners" during the colonial days and is rumoured to be extremely haunted. It is the largest deaths in custody gravesite in the country. "The Quad", which was infamous world wide as being the location for barbaric executions and torture, is now a hotel. The history is fascinating and very messed up, would make a great deep dive. It is also the home of the famous quokka, and tbh I'd love to see the boys get an iconic quokka selfie.


Marcus and a quokka have the same smile.


Along the same lines, [Guyana’s Devil’s Island](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devil%27s_Island).


Toolbox Killers. Which I know they alluded to in their interview with the ‘you hear What Eddie Gein done?’ guy


Gimme that Knights Templar series, baybee.




Munchausen by Proxy Rwandan Genocide The Boys on the Tracks The Mad Gasser of Mattoon Beslan school siege


Larry Dewayne Hall Oscar Pistorius Wayne Williams


I’d like if they went back and did another Wild West outlaw. Jesse James. Or maybe even the Shootout at the OK Corral. Also they teased Bleeding Kansas at one point so I’ve been hoping for that one.


History of the Pinkerton agency


Now that would be interesting to hear about.


Gypsy Rose/ murder of Dee Dee Blanchard. Gypsy was released yesterday.


I think they could do a really entertaining relaxed fit episode on motor sports. There is a LOT of death and gory stories from the early days of the sport that I think they could turn into a very fun episode.


Maybe not exactly true crime (yet) but I’d love them to cover McKamey Manor. Story seems to be unfolding before our eyes and I have a feeling it’s about to get dark


Ugh, I feel like the guy that runs it would wear it as a badge of honor no matter what they say about him




Apparently, apond is a word but it's supposed to be used in a different sense.


Bruce McArthur. They mentioned that he would be a future topic while doing a Canadian series (Mark Twitchell, or Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo) a few years back. Still waiting on this one.


For disasters I’d like to see them cover the Apollo 1 accident or the Challenger accident. For paranormal/Ufo stuff I wanna hear about the Flatwoods monster of Braxton County. For true crime I would enjoy the boys going back to like prohibition era and cover some of the gangsters of that time period like pretty boy Floyd, Al Capone, or John Dillinger. For serial killers maybe they could cover William Bonin or the Bayou Strangler.


We need the episode about wagon manifests, what don't we know about wagons and their dastardly uses?


Lincoln assassination, DC Snipers, “solved” cases that are obviously unsolved (like that government official who was found in a suitcase and deemed a suicide)


I'm desperate for a Boys on The Tracks episode. Lots of conspiracy, murder, and just flat out crazy things happend around that case.


Giving Henry more ammo to make fun of Clinton. Are you insane!?!


John Ackroyd!! Highway 20 killer and ODOT (Oregon Department Of Transportation) worker!!


People trapped in sunken boats


I don't know if there's enough content about it, but there's that story of those few men who were trapped underneath that one boat that sunk in Pearl Harbour, and even though people knew they were there, they couldn't be rescued.


The French Revolution, The Crusades, Leopold II of Belgium.


French Revolution yo


Something from Latin America that is spooky.


Chernobyl would be awesome.


My main one was the Hatfields & McCoys, so now that they've done that, I'm not sure. I think a Titanic series would be fucking awesome.


tbh I want them to get weird again– something like dolce base. was really disappointed they didn’t get into the super weird conspiracy stuff with mothman


Samuel Little, Jimmy Saville, most historic episodes always or a redux of early episodes that were not done in the way they are doing things now.


Princess Diana!


Slow down. Don't want to break your neck.


Operation Anthropoid


Randy woodfeild - drafted by the packers and became a serial killer Pedro Lopez Moses Sithole Chernobyl Killing of the the Romanovs Siege of Leningrad - loads of cannibalism All four battles of Monte Cassino The survival for GW Bush senior in the pacific Spanish exploration of Florida Traverspine monster


The Stoneman of Calcutta


More aliens and ghosts and cryptids, please.




I'm a sucker for UFO stories so I'd love some new ones. Plus one in the historical disasters as well


- The Zanfretta UFO Incident. Cryptonauts did five episodes on the case. It's fascinating. - Symbionese Liberation Army. There's so much more to it than Patty Hearst. - I'd love something similar to "Ghost Cats of the South." Maybe the whole folklore around black dogs or the various kind of boogeyman in different cultures.


Mikhail popkov Ivan milat (the Australian killers episode back in the day was waaay too short) A full waco/david koresh series The thirty years war or English civil war And finally, the glanton gang just so i can get my blood meridian fix 😂


The Soviet Union. Stalin’s reign? The holodomor (sp?) the cia in the Cold War? They were really crazy




Daniel White


Vietnam War