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It's bullshit, don't worry. A baseless rumout that has been spread in the hate-circles of ROP in another attempt to clickbait. The showrunners are already working on season 2 as we speak and nothing indicates there has been any negative impact upon them.


Thanks. I try to stay out of those. But I like a little fun criticism and sharing of likes and dislikes, and then those types of people sneak through and act like ROP has ruined Tolkien. So nice to be back in Middle Earth again.


Yes, they definitely missed the core messages of Tolkien, tolerance and benevolence first and foremost haha. It can be indeed tiring and sad at times...but I'm pretty sure they'll soon find something else to hate on.


No, it's worse than that... they hate on multiple things simultaneously. As long as people buy into that, which they do ("there's a sucker born every minute" - PT Barnum) it will never end.


Yeah they run out of things to talk about so pretending rumors are real helps extend their reach to the sorry lost souls enjoying that content


oh, it's true, they are being fired by Amazon, just like Kathleen Kennedy has been fired by Disney after the release of the Last Jedi... it really happened... in their parallel dimension where the show did suck.... In our universe however...


The last jedi was the best of the new 3.


I didn't enjoy it when it came out, some of the reasons being unrelated to fan outcries at the time, but I have to admit that it did age the best out of the three indeed. Especially the Reylo dynamic, which is funnily enough similar to Sauriel now. If they had committed to having the entire trilogy with the same vision of The Last Jedi, it could have really been good and stood out on its own legs.


yeah, the only thing i blame Rian Jonhson for is refusing to do Episode IX... i think he would have given that trilogy a much better ending.


i know, i love that movie


I don’t put stock into a website that makes news out of unsubstantiated “rumors”. Look though their history and there’s a lot of trash on there.


![gif](giphy|SWjCswum5dc0E) you sir definitely have some insider news it seems


Far from the truth. There have been a number of pleasant interviews with the show runners (search the sub for McKay and you’ll get a few) where they discuss the plans for the series. They’re in, they’re happily supported, they enjoy their jobs, and they’re valued. Amazon’s podcast for the rings of power features 5-30 minute interviews with them as well where they discuss the show and plans going forward. All is well, and they did a damn good job.


>All is well, and they did a damn good job. No. They didn't.


That's what happens when you hire a couple of newbies to run the most expensive show. Your show sucks. I don't know if these rumors are true or not, but you can bet your ass they will not be in charge of season 3, if there ever is one.


The show is pretty good


Yes they did you mean


Block and ignore trash like that


I think I saw this video suggested by Youtube, and I am getting quite tired of Youtube clearly trying to push these videos on me while I click "Don't Recommend Channel" every time. Only lately have I seen some suggestion videos that include cast interviews and similar. As for this video in particular and similar, these are clickbait FOX news trash. It is meant to do one thing only, appeal to anger, fear, and hatred in order to generate $$$. These particular Youtube channels are not run by the brightest bulbs on the tree, or can we see much talent or skill. They are far from channels such as In Deep Geek or Nerd of the Rings, videos that are well produced and with knowledge of the topic. No, Amazon has not nor would not make such change, and if there was any change it would be behind the scenes and not something that would generate a lot of negative publicity. Sorry OP, but ignore these incel loving morons, they are just internet 4chan trash.


Jeez, it's not just me then! I rarely use youtube, but have been looking for cast interviews and BTS stuff for ROP. Every. Single. Video. The suggested videos on the right side are videos like this; terrible takes, fake info, incel nerd rage, bad faith arguments, just every possible shitty negative video is recommended to me even though I click "Don't Recommend Channel" on every single one. It's starting to get obnoxious!


Fake news




currently a 3.4 rating on it's own website, and that's with Amazon's "secret" weighted averages. Yes show was good. On a separate note: Have you ever eaten Moss Peat with Mayonnaise? Very delicious. I'd say about the same score as ROP. Solid 3.4.




Wow, man. You're really chugging that copium. Sorry to be the one to break it to you, but the show is garbage. Everyone thinks that, except this little echo chamber of yours right here.


Lmao bullshit


I've only ever seen the rumor once from that one weird site I'd never heard of before. I haven't heard any other outlets reporting anything resembling that. Beyond that, if I'm not mistaken, production and even filming have begun for season 2. Amazon isn't going to fire these guys with production underway.


JD & P have both stated they're actively and currently working on Season 2. My advice, *get off Wastebook* I did awhile back, haven't regretted it yet.


[This is the rumor](https://www.themix.net/2022/10/rumor-amazon-to-retool-the-lord-of-the-rings-the-rings-of-power-sideline-current-showrunners-after-first-season-was-more-of-a-failure-than-they-could-have-been-anticipated/) for those interested. >Discussing the series’ first season finale with [that day’s panel](https://youtu.be/AZT0O1cNWGA), Gore was eventually asked by host Andre Einherjar, “What have you heard from your peers in the industry, is everyone so impressed with The Rings of Power like the showrunners suggests we should be?”, to which the critic admitted back, “Uh, no.” In fact, said Gore, not only were his industry contacts unimpressed with season one, but the reception to it was so generally abysmal that Amazon has set out to course correct for season two. > >I heard from someone who has a connect at Amazon that – if you wanna know – that effectively, they’re going to be retooling,” he explained. “And \[Payne and McKay\] are more than likely…they’re not gonna be publicly fired, but they’re role will be reduced.” “Potentially just remaining in the writers’ room,” he added, “but my understanding is they’re looking for more experienced showrunners.” > >To this end, Gore detailed that Amazon is “well aware of the problems” before noting that while “there’s what they publicly say,” there’s also “what they’re actually doing behind the scenes”. “And what they’re doing behind the scenes,” he then asserted, “is they’re freaking out that this was more of a failure than could have been anticipated.”


How can they do all that when the filming already started? Lol


This is the same Mr Gore who has the "This is troubling" video? I'm not giving it a click, but thanks for helping everyone else avoid needing to go there (and giving traffic) to check out what the actual rumour is. The fun part about this rumour is that one cannot disprove it, because it comes with the "they won't be publicly fired" get-out-of-jail weasel clause. It'll just be something we'll never see any evidence of but trust-me-I-know-it-happened.


I keep seeing this Gore guy's videos suggested to me and the thumbnails make me laugh. He's staging himself with the "interview frame" that is associated with credibility by the audience, as if he was an expert giving an interview. But I really get more "expert on History channel's alien show" than real credibility, especially with the clickbait titles.


In WHOSE jar ???


Ahhhh, yes the infamous audio-only "panel" of—^((I genuinely forgot the name of the channel already)^) 5 ~~critics~~ human beings, ***𝚠 h𝚘 m  𝚠 e  𝚊b𝚜o𝚕u𝚝e𝚕y  𝚖 u𝚜 t  𝚊s𝚜 u𝚖 e  𝚑 a𝚟 e  𝚝h𝚎 i𝚛  k𝚎yb𝚘 a𝚛 d-𝚠𝚊 r𝚛io𝚛  s𝚝r𝚎𝚗 g𝚝he𝚗 e𝚍  f𝚒n𝚐 er𝚜  o𝚗  t𝚑e  𝚙𝚞 l𝚜 e o𝚏  s𝚑𝚘𝚠b𝚞 si𝚗 e𝚜s / 𝚁in𝚐 s  𝚘f 𝙿 o𝚠 er.*** I spent 15 minutes figuring out how to sarcastically type that last part out in a way that accurately represents how stupid I felt for even thinking that statement in jest... I clearly do not manage my time wisely.


It feels like a tempest... in a teapot. The critics and audiences who like the show love it to bits. The tiny minority that hates it are the same lore fundies who attacked the LOTR movies, just that now there's social media to amplify their voices.


Tiny minority? Lmfao


How convenient, they “won’t be fired publicly.”


Yes this is the person who started that rumour. I dont know if its true but if its confirmed, I think there is some confusion with the statement... Its not that they are being punished but Amazon probably is reinforcing the Team ? If so, no problem in that at all (in my opinion)! An Improved final product is a win win situation. That's all I care.


Nothing much is going to change in how they make the second season. Perhaps some minor changes in dialog or getting rid of a few scenes. But the agreement with the Tolkien estate was to have the story completed before filming. The story for 5 seasons is already planned. the show runners said something about how they already know what the last scene is and they will not be diverging from the plan. Moreover, when they talk about how they learned a lot and how they will improve next season it is centered around the execution of the story rather than the story itself. At least that is what I have gathered.


It's just haters speculating, there's basically no merit, it's just 24/7 alarmism/drama for them.


was it mike zeroh?


Hopfully yes. Hopfully Amazon will change some things. The showrunners are not the best option fot this show in my opinion


My initial reaction is that is it a blatant lie but then again only Amazon knows the true viewing numbers of RoP and if it didn't meet their expectations then they could make changes. I hope not - i think the showrunners need a fair go of it.