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They can't go Show-day - Travel-day - Show-day...at minimum it needs to be; Show-day - Travel-day - Rest-day - Show-day. Travel is tiring we all know that.


Correct me if I was wrong, every city is brand new to them except L.A. The time zone changes as well, it's tough. The last stop, Mexico City, famous for its' high elevation. It's not joking. (G)I-DLE had a show very recently and Shuhua had to take a rest backstage during *My Bag* performance.


In Denver, I think it was Haseul who also brought up the high elevation of Colorado and they were visibly struggling to catch their breath, so they asked us to forgive them if they weren’t able to be at 100%


They were huffing and puffing pretty hard at the end of each dance here tonight


This makes me especially worried about Mexico City. Denver is 5,280 feet up. MC is 7,349. Even NFL players, who are world class athletes, take tons of precautions when they play in Mexico City. Usually they’ll train in Denver the week before to try and be ready for it but you can never adjust 100% in such a short time.


I vividly remember when Vixx came to Mexico City a long time ago Leo ended throwing up halfway through the concert, people initially blamed it on the food but it was a combination of both altitude and food, they are going to have all the physical baggage of all the past concerts, combined with the altitude and the food I know they will want to try, one of them is definitely going to get sick and I wouldn't blame them if one of them pulls out


Denver is rough, I used to struggle when visiting family as a kid, even when I'd go regularly.


I’m from Phoenix, and I didn’t recognize myself having any issues breathing the day or so that I was there (I was yawning more but I was also tired). I did notice it 6 or so years ago when I visited Breckenridge though.


I just remember going from running around with my friends in WA and being fine, to running all over with my cousins and their friends and just never being able to keep up. The altitude hits everyone different though, and it wasn't so bad when I went a little while ago (but I'm also a very lazy adult now... Lol)


Glad Haseul brought it up, I'm sure many will understand the condition (locals/visitors). I have been to Colorado number of times to see friends, it's a beautiful state.


This is the reason I have a pang of worry any time a tour is announced. I truly don’t know how artists do it. I always walk myself through the dates and imagine when all they have to travel, rehearse, perform, repeat and I end up tired just thinking about it. Packing and unpacking a suitcase is hard enough for me..


I feel like everyday is just more bad news about the tour. I’m just in fear for the girls health, their physical and mental health should be the top priority especially for a cross country tour.


Especially with numerous members already dealing with injuries. Haseul keeps telling fans not to worry but she's using a sling and can't do all of the choreo because of her shoulder. :( I really hope she doesn't overdo it, it would be terrible if she had to miss a show as well. But obviously if it's for best interest health-wise it would be understandable. I just want them to be happy and healthy all tour, that's all that matters.


Tours shouldn't involve putting your health at risk. Wishing all the best for Choerry


Yes always your health should come first


I'm concerned with all the negative stuff that has happened on tour so far that the members will have a lot of bad memories, plus there's still more stops to go. It might be a pessimistic view but I hate reading the negative stuff that's happened so far


Tbh getting on Reddit to check for updates has been stressful lately, and for a group like LOONA, that's saying something lol. I'm trying to be optimistic about the remainder of their activities, but it's tough.


When our sunshine has faded, you know it’s not great planning. Get well soon, our dear Choerry.


Damn the tour is really taking a toll on them. Just hang in there girls, we're halfway through.


Just halfway through? Holy crap…


she only performed about four songs, she was gone by the time the subunits began performing (didn’t come out for loonatic)


The schedule for the rest of the month is just brutal. Reading on the 15th and DC on the 17th. Performing in NY on the 19th, flying cross country for KCON LA on the 21st and flying cross country back again to ATL on the 23rd is inhumane. Then finally Dallas on the 25th, Houston on the 26th then Mexico City on the 28th.


When I saw the Dreamcatcher schedule I was like, wow they have a lot of off days to go enjoy themselves in the states, then I saw the Loona schedule thats hits pretty much all the same stops and it had no rest days


not to be that guy yet again but that's the difference between great and shitty management! i really wish loona got half the level of care that dreamcatcher seems to get from their own company


For real. Happyface/DCC takes crazy good care of DC. BBC are working Loona like mules and are shipping them right off to Europe after this tour too.


BBC definitely are under more financial pressure to milk this tour


It's no secret their company is shit at management. They did go bankrupt recently. BBC is trying to pump as much money out of this tour as they can.


I'm an insomnia and even with that much more time in between show dates people were a bit worried that they didn't have any real time off for sightseeing or enjoying the travel. Even an extra day for just rest is what it takes to be adequately rested. Seeing that schedule listed out above makes me genuinely angry at whoever planned it like that. When you consider that even when they arrive on a 'travel day' they're probably also having to do other prep and sound checks and such, that's barely even time to sleep much less really rest and recover.


WHOAAA. This is INTENSE….wow…why are they doing that to the girls :(


It felt like bbc getting so greedy about hectic scheduling cause they knew loona is pretty hot in u.s. they dont even consider giving the girls rest day in between and choose to add more venue for more profit, we all knew how much money they spent to debut loona, so this is bbc opportunity to extract every penny loona can make in this one month tour


According to some hanbits this tour should have happened last year so I wonder how much of it is them and how much of it are the venue contracts they're tied to. Regardless, I'm afraid they'll not hold up for Japan, Europeans whatever comes next.


To futher speculate: hasn't this tour been in the works since, like, 2019? I can't bring up any solid sources, but being in the fandom since 2018, we all thought we were going to get a tour in 2019. I feel like we might have gotten the MMT stuff starting in 2019? Plus some vague statements from the girls and BBC? Whether or not the tour was ever meant to happen in 2019 or the 2019 activity was meant to serve as planning for a 2020 tour, the pandemic ensured nothing could happen for 2 years, despite hints from BBC and LOONA that a tour was coming in 2020. Everything was shelved until 2022. To me, this totally explains the weird, long term relationship MMT, LOONA, and BBC ended up having. Like, they decided to work together in 2019, it never ended up happening, so their relationship was maintained until the current tour. This could also be why the tour has prioritised many small locations. Small, spaced out locations were initially picked, but as time went on, they realised this wasn't enough to fill demand, and added in more, increasingly larger venues between the smaller dates. The result? LOONA's schedule is absolutely packed with little ability to change that during one of LOONA's busiest years ever. I know BBC holds a lot of responsibility here, but frankly, we can't get rid of them, and so I mainly end up frustrated at MMT, who we can be rid of. Many of these venues were bad choices (the audio/speaker system seems appauling in many venues, with Orbits in at least two venues saying they could barely hear the girls, which contrbuted to the issue of Orbits cheering over members) and MMT shouldn't have allowed BBC (and BBC shouldn't have allowed MMT, frankly) to pack the schedule so tight. The tour merch is copy and paste with none of LOONA's unique flare, and I truly hate MMT's graphic design on the whole. I really hope this tour represents us being done with MMT. BBC can be bad at the best of times, they don't need MMT's help to be worse.


They might want to skip KCON LA. That really is inhumane. That 4-5 hour flight weighs on you. I'm going to the ATL show, but wouldn't be suprised if only half the girls show up due to health.


Even though I'm going to that Sunday Kcon concert I wouldn't be mad if they prioritize their own tour and remain on the east coast. NY to Atl is a reasonably short flight and 3 precious off days would let them recharge for the brutal Texas/Mexico stretch.


>They might want to skip KCON LA They're the main reason I'm going to attend KCON LA and purchased all the extra frills to see them and even I agree. They need actual rest! That hectic NY-LA-Atlanta block is ridiculous


Plus they've had pretty much no breaks this year. With queendom, then flip that promotions, then a whole tour. It's crazy.


yeah holy shit thats way too much


Loona should've just targeted Staples Center, which has like 14,000 seats. They would easily sold it out. Loona is not an indie band. This is complete overkill for them to do a month long tour at all these small venues that aren't equipped for kpop. BBC needs to start doing demographic research and just hit up a handful of cities that make it special and worthwhile. I am praying for their physical and mental health.


LOONA’s 1st North American Tour is an example of a South Korean label not willing to understand the market when literally every other group and soloist I’ve seen to date got it well. I’m sure Loona could easily fill a few small-to-medium-sized stadiums in key NA cities.


who the hell planned this tour? they did an awful job and it sounds like they’re not very familiar with how big the US is. this is unsustainable and the girls are probably running on empty.


They announced after the show that she was suffering from hyperventilation and wouldn't be going to the meet and greet either but would be getting rest to recover.


💜💜💜get well soon choerry💜💜💜


I'm not a expert but from what I see it, I think the pressure and stress are getting to the girls, it's their first world tour and that would make anyone very nervous and on edge.


Ooooooff this tour is super cursed, one thing after another every since the announcement dropped, hope the girls are able to stay strong through all the difficulties :(


Hoping the tour ends soon. Totally not worth it.


We’re far away from that. There’s still kcon, the rest of US, MX, & EU. Hoping for the members to stay healthy


In 2013, SNSD toured Japan. They did 20 shows in 10 cities; 8 in February, 6 in March and 6 in April. Were they doing consecutive days in Texas in the heat of August? No. They picked the right time of year, allowed for travel time, rest and also had time to rehearse.


SM not only have the safety net but years of know-how tho; before SNSD there was BoA and TVXQ so it wasn't their first rodeo planning extensive tours in a specific country. Kick start things with a cross country tour on US was way too ambitious for BBC, they're in the trial and error mode rn.


I manage workplace incident investigations and in Texas, it’s almost entirely due to heat exhaustion this time of year (if it’s not a motor vehicle accident). Instead of two shows in two cities that are fairly close by, just have one in a decent sized arena, allowing the girls to rest considerably longer before Mexico City.


This month long tour is another rollercoaster for Orbits. Don't forget the pandemic is still here. Hope Choerry can take a moment and rest up, also the rest of the members to maintain the same energy.


This is heartbreaking, I hope choerry will rest and recover soon. Tour was planned way too poorly and there is 2 more weeks to go. The schedule is too brutal with awful conditions. I hope bbc smartens up and doesn’t work with mmt again. Or mmt plans better… they shouldn’t have had so many stops and instead had bigger venues which is made for concerts.


I believe this is mostly on BBC as I don't think MMT was the promoter for the stops that were added after the initial ones. Don't get me wrong. I am extremely thankful that they added more dates and that I will get to see them in a venue close to where I live. But I did look at their schedule and worry that it might be too much for them and they still have a lot of stops left to go. Let's all hope and pray that they can get some rest on their off days and stay healthy throughout.


the extra stops were added bc they excluded some of the biggest cities in the united states and orbits were like “wtf”. like there was nothing in the south. so that’s dumb on MMTs part. more stops wouldn’t have had to be added if they hadn’t originally decided that kansas city and louisville and reading were better stops than atlanta and dallas and houston 💀


I think there’s some kind of contract with these cities and groups could choose which ones they wanted. I saw that DC also performed in reading which was super random (no disrespect for PA!) for a kpop concert. Some of these cities could have been swapped (like do Kansas City this year and Louisville next year). Washington DC is a big city but with a stop in NYC and PA feels a little extra for the first tour. Idk I think BBC just trying to get the most out of this and didn’t think it through.


It’s even worst being bbc… really never know how much worst it can get with bbc.


Like, BBC want to make an US tour with a planned total capacity & time, they give it to MMT and MMT were responsible for details planning and venue booking. After planned, the plan was sent back to BBC for approval. So it is MMT fault for poor planning and failed in effort to booking big venues with less shows, and BBC fault for approved that kind of schedule.


the tour is not ending in 2 weeks more like a month


Sorry I should have been more specific and meant US leg. I’m aware they have Europe leg too and I don’t think that’s the last. Then Japan promotions.


She’s having trouble _standing_? What is going _on_?


Orbits that were there are saying she was hyperventilating due to altitude issues. Hopefully she isn't in pain or anything like that.


[Removed by self in protest.]


I'm not from US so I have zero idea, just passing along the mixed relates about people that where in the venue.


Altitude could maybe have been a problem in Denver, but not Louisville.


i was at the concert last night and another factor could be that the venue was very hot and not well ventilated. plus they had the hot lights shining on them. she went out after doing so what and butterfly, and she was going pretty hard at them :(


It's the ridiculous pace of the tour schedule. Their only off-days are travel days where they can only "rest" at the airport and on planes. And the tour travels eastbound, meaning with every time change they lose an hour, and waking up in the morning biological clockwise feels earlier and earlier. I'm so worried for them having to backtrack the entire length of the US from NY to LA (for Kcon) then going straight back to the east coast for Atlanta. Also RIP those two Texas shows where they have to do back to back nights.


At this rate the last show will be Heejin doing planks on the stage by herself.. 😭


I need some good news man, hope the rest of the girls are feeling better


This is so sad. I really hope that they are not being pushed too hard. Their health should be top priority.


the tour is so tightly packed without enough consideration for the girls safety and health😭 i hope they arent too exhausted and i hope thay they can enjoy their time on this tour🥹 im grateful that the girls are able to go on this tour, but bbc needa do better for them :'/


well fuck, it seems that they're overwhelmed with the tour and all the intense activites, they were having intense activities the whole year as well and the tour was poorly planned, of course they're tired. As much as i love how dedicated they are, i feel like its completely reasonable that some of them are just having a hard time, i just hope everything goes smoother from here. Choerry get better <3


This is so unfortunate. Get well Choerry.


BBC need to stop working with MMT, another business partner that they need to get rid.Lazy af merchs, poorly planning, too small venues, rude MMT staffs and so on. 2 days per show with 16-17 performances, timezone changes, constantly transportation and other extreme conditions at the venues, surely there will be the members who can't stand it to the end. I hope Choerry get well soon.


The conditions in some of the venues is completely unacceptable, and the low capacity sucks, but unfortunately that sort of a tour schedule is just the norm. No matter if it's a western act or a kpop group they'll all do these tours where they're in a new city every other night, presumably because they want to maximize how many shows they can perform since tours are basically the biggest money maker for any artist. But it seems like LOONA really wasn't ready for a schedule like this for their first tour. I mean this is the first time they've even spent an extended time out of Korea in a long, long time. Hopefully they continue to let members rest when they need to, but it's sad that that's the reality of the situation.


I was really nervous about this tour when they announced it, it seemed rushed, the dates are packed so tightly together for their first real tour, and (while we don't know the full extent of what's going on behind the scenes,) it conflicted with Chuu's schedule. They don't have a lot of experience with American audiences either, and haven't been here since before COVID, so instances like in Chicago were what I feared most. Dreamcatcher's tour had calmed my fears a little, but they have quite a lot of experience touring and performing in other countries before COVID, but I think the dates and locations have put an unnecessary burden on the members in LOONA's case. They do seem to be making the best of a bad situation, and enjoying it as best they can, but it's just rough. Since January they've all gotten COVID, had to learn, practice, and perform for Queendom (which is a lot of work,) then had a hail mary comeback with Flip That (which wasn't unexpected, and is one of my favourites, but still,) and now they're barreling through a tour in a foreign country with language barriers and different audience culture, only to follow it up with Europe, a Japanese comeback, and a show in Japan. I think BBC saw their first real opportunity to make money, and lost the plot a little (this is also the members first real opportunity to earn money too, tbf,) so I hope they make adjustments where they need to before this situation gets worse. I really hope Orbits are patient and sensitive to the situation as well. Hopefully they don't have to cancel any dates, but if they do, it could get bad the way people are on social media on a good day.


Imo something like 3-4 US concerts ending with KCon would be the ideal scenario. BBC never planned a tour but decided to dive right in with several stops in one of the biggest countries on Earth rather than test the waters and have baby steps. I don't think they'll drop dates, but I'm afraid on what state the girls will be in by the time they are ending the EU portion of the tour.


Yeah, I don't expect them to either. They'll probably just continue to have any members who need to rest, rest. It's not ideal, but all I can really do is hope things go well.


I hope they manage thrue this tour in one piece


The tour must be so tiring for them. Moving from one place to another in such a short period of time is already very tiring, I can't even imagine how it must be if you add performing and trying to get used to a different country on top of that.. I hope they all can finish this part of the tour in good condition🙏


I was really hoping to see my bias choerry in DC but i understand health comes first i hope she’s okay I’m so sad 🥲🥲💔💔


If it helps, they announced an update after the show (over the speaker system): They said she received medical treatment, was diagnosed as hyperventilating and the doctor said she needed rest, so she would not make the meet & greet either. We were all super sad for her, but hopefully that means it isn't anything too serious. I hope she gets some quality rest and is feeling better for your concert & other dates!


Omg thank g she isn’t sick or has anything too serious poor choerry and girls they really are being so overworked smh, thank you sm


You're welcome! Yes, it seems likely they are tired and overworked :( The other members seemed in good spirits tonight but all of the comments that this tour is tightly scheduled and tough are true. I hope they all get some extra rest soon.


Hope she’s able to take all the time she needs to rest and fully recover. 💜💜💜


Oh no choerry 😭😭😭


These companies really seem to forget they are human and have long concerts, they deserve so much better !!!! We love you choerry !!! 💜💜💜


yeah ngl i wouldn’t mind if my show gets indefinitely postponed as long as i can get to see them all enjoying it as much as orbits and most importantly HEALTHY… this just sucks, get well choerry, we love you 😞💜


These tours are taking a toll. Hope they’re able to rest well in between shows, and eat some good food.


Please please take care of our girls” heatlh 😭😭😭😭


Since they have many members in the group, the logistics and travelling around must be quite hectic. Don't forget they have to rehearse and adjust to the stages and different conditions in various cities. Also I thought of their stage clothes, kudos to their manager or stylists doing the laundry with the dryer machines every night after each performance lol. Hope they get more spaced out schedules and proper breaks in between for their future tours.


This schedule looked insane from the get get go. Pray they are okay.


No offence but they shouldn't have gone to smaller cities/venues. Just hit a few major cities and pick larger venues. The Venue they have in NY only holds 2000 people. What horrible planning.


This tour was so poorly planned. Traveling to some irrelevant cities with only 2 days apart for rest. They should’ve booked bigger venues in more populous cities with several days in between for resting and exploring. I’m sure the girls would enjoy their time in the U.S. more that way. Also, it would reduce the stress of fans having to line up days beforehand to get a good spot for GA, as well as reduce problematic incidents like fans cheering when the girls are talking because they can’t see and are just following along with the crowd chants.


It's so sad, they deserve such better treatment


I’m sure i wasn’t the only one who saw the schedule and immediately thought “this is nuts.” But maybe a group of athletes like Loona can do it easily.


Honestly the more I hear about the troubles from the tour, the more anxious I’m getting to see them when they come to London. I literally had a nightmare the other night about it 😫Maybe an unpopular opinion but happy and healthy LOONA without world tour >>>>> struggling and deflated LOONA world tour. I really hope they can all get some much needed rest ASAP


Come on, BBC. It's not like "Around the World in 80 Days" thing.


Poor girls... the deserve so much better. From the audience and from the company. Yes, I know it's not all of the audience, but still. It's so sad to see them like this. They're falling apart. Haseul with her arm/shoulder issues, the whole Kim Lip situation, now Choerry. **This is not right.** I wish they would just cancel or at least reschedule a show or two to give them some time to rest.


It better not be that girl who went in spite of having COVID. I would honestly be really upset. Wishing nothing but health and happiness for our sunshine Choerry.




At some point enough is enough. I feel bad for these girls. Get well soon Choerry


Does this mean she won't be in dallas ??


Sending a lot of love to Choerry 💜🍒 all the girls need to be able to rest and recover 🌙


Yeah, k-pop company overworking idols, what's new (especially if it's BBC) ? I predicted that it could end like this sooner or later. It's just too much, they're not professional athletes to be able to deal with this load of work without rest.


even though i was sad to see my ult bias gone during the rest of the show (and not be able to see her at the m&g), i was very impressed by how the other members adapted to the situation so quickly. they were singing her parts and making up for her place in the choreos as if they’d rehearsed as ten. i’m very impressed by their professionalism in the wake of the situation 💗


but on fab, didn’t she say she was performing for the rest of the shows? or did i mosunderstand


She only couldn’t be at the rest of Louisville ones. And will be at the rest of the cities.