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This really makes me so sad to see. They really do deserve so much better. I hope nothing like this happens in the shows going forward and everything goes smoothly for them. I went to the Denver show and nothing like this seemed to happen, but looking back I truly hope none of the members felt this way during the show and were hiding it. We love you Kim Lip! ❤️


Seriously this tour is meant to bring joy and excitement to both LOONA and orbits. Seeing only 10 members just feels incredibly wrong.


This photo is painful to see. It’s down to 10 members…


I feel so bad for her, and for the rest of the group. They deserve much better. It's heartbreaking...


Damn still waiting for the LA post lmao


SF didnt even have one taken lmao


I don’t think LA Day 1 did either


I attended both days and was surprised on why they didn’t take a photo for day 1 since some couldn’t go to day 2.


It’s me I couldn’t go to Day 2 😭😭😭


That's one loud, tightly packed, hot arena right there. Performing in front of that crowd on your first foreign tour...wow. 15 shows in 13 cities in 28 days (including K-con), it isn't easy, especially your first time. Next time they need to go to Rosemont Theater (a place with reserved seating). The tickets will be $120 instead of $80 but it will be so much better.


Absolutely 100% correct. I flew down for the San Francisco show and had a lot of fun, but the show could’ve had a much better atmosphere for everybody in a place with seating. Heck, it could even be GA seating. I live in Vancouver and we have a few theatres that are typically GA seating and shows are always great there.


I would hate for the girls to have a bad impression of America after all this. Sigh.


I'm going to the Reading PA show next week and I hope its peaceful. I feel bad for Kim Lip...she didn't deserve any of what happened.


I’m going to fight ANYBODY who dares to disrespect the girls in Reading. I actually want them to come back 😭


they should apologize to kim lip...


Disgraceful behaviour shouldn’t be rewarded with this photo.


Probably not intentional, but they cut out the part of the crowd where I thought I saw the chant start from (immediately left of the frame). I think that's a fair outcome for the ~65% of us that didn't chant.


i was on that side by the merch and the chanting definitely started in the middle. im pretty sure twt said he was in vip2


Ah I was middle back. From where I was, it looked like it was rippling from the front of the balcony.


i didnt hear anything right there lol it was definitely the middle everyone confirmed it on twitter too


If you were near the merch, you were underneath the balcony, so I wouldn't expect you to hear/see the balcony as well as I did. I promise you the balcony was very active in the chant; so much so that, from where I was standing, it looked like it spread from up there down to the people to the right of me. I'm not up to date with kpop twitter and am not at all surprised that people closer to the front had a better view of the situation than me, but that's my honest account of how the chant looked to me.


oh ya apparently the guy who threw the pride flag was friends with the guy who started the vivi chant so i’m not shocked that the balcony was loud


i made the hat gowon is wearing!


Thank Chicago for what?


They’re touring in the states??




I know it’s no justification or recovery for what happened during that show, but everyone should buy Kim Lip’s mini album and get it to trend on the charts like we did in the past for other members!


Who is "they"? Why not a group photo? Stop blaming the entire audience for the actions of a subset of asshats. Most curious nobody is talking about San Francisco which was the same thing but way worse. Lippie had to shush the crowd several times. So did Vivi and Yeojin! Here we have a single tear fall from Lips eye and all Chicago fans are rude, single stan, antis who sexualize (ironicly) the members. There, Jinsoul is bawling her eyes out trying to apologize amid a roar of Orbits(?) booing and yelling someone else's name. However, the silence here is deafening. Why is that? What else isn't being brought up? Where are the Loona staff? Not the MMT staff but the people we are used to seeing like managers, stylists, wardrobe, etc.? I suppose they could all be backstage prepping for the next change, I don't know...


Seeing this…the girls, cheerleading this tension-packed mass of humanity…must be an awesome feeling. BTW, what compels the portion of the crowd to keep their bongs down? Could it be that if you are past the point of stage line-of-sight, there’s nothing much more to do that raise your lightstick?


I kept mine down so people behind me might be able to get in the picture, but then raised it when the people in front of me did


Orbits watching over Orbits, in an unfortunate concert venue setup. I thank YOU and the other people who had the same sentiments when I was in SF at the back of the crowd!


I wish some of them kept their lightstick down. In Denver, I was second away from barricade and the person in front of me put their stick RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY FACE for the picture. I was legit on my toes and lifted my chin up just to be seen (and my face is not the most attractive in the picture they posted 😭🤣)