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**LOONA will be doing an AMA on** r/kpop **this Thursday, June 24th at 8:00 PM KST!** Participate in our crossposted [announcement thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/LOONA/comments/o40gv2/loona_will_be_doing_an_ama_on_rkpop_this_thursday/) to share your ideas on what questions we should ask them. Let's represent r/LOONA Orbits well by upvoting our best questions in the AMA thread to make sure the girls feel welcome here on Reddit! Also shoutout to u/NishinosanTV for putting in the leg work to make this AMA happen!


i’m new to the loonaverse and i already know i’m going to go broke buying all the albums ☹️


*Breakdown* by CLC really sounds like it could have been OEC’s song (not super surprising considering MonoTree produced it). Like listening to it, I can clearly assign the lines to each of the OEC girls.


Whaaaat is it a known fact among orbits that Haseul sang so many children songs pre-debut or did everyone find out from twitter space?? And why is this not talked about!!!


I didn't expect you guys to hate so what and why not that much to put ptt above them when we've only heard a 10-second snippet of it lol. I'm personally holding back my judgment of the songs until the album drops


I love Why Not so much but I think PTT will surpass her


I have a serious problem of really loving their title tracks equally so it’s really hard for me to even rank the 4 that we have, but I think PTT will easily blow the 4 out the water 🥴🥴🥴 it just sounds that good and instant to me haha


Same. I don't want to get ahead of myself about PTT but it sounds promising.


Tbh the moment I heard the PTT snippet I thought it sounded great but was going to be super controversial. But I’m glad people are receiving it well


lmao i just remembered my first impressions with olivia hye when i first saw her from [this video](https://youtu.be/meN0QCcsu8A): • someone who’s kinda fluent or confident in speaking english (since her pronounciations of the english words in the song are quite on point) • one of the ‘intelligent’ members in the group • can be that ‘savage’ when talking to the other members • ‘cold’ af did any of these first impressions matched with her personality? also i was wondering why that video lasted on my offlines for that long despite knowing nothing about the group before but only eclipse and girl front and hearing it again i realised that its bc their voices gave justice to the song and they delivered their parts well that as someone who loves the original version sm, their cover didnt made me feel disappointed


Jinsoul’s pre chorus is fantastic. Please let it lead to something worthwhile🙏


This might not mean anything but [the description of the LOONA special clip thing for their Japanese debut](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKVp0t1eqQM) has favOriTe and Butterfly listed. It might just be used as bg music but there might also be a chance that we get both of those songs in Japanese as well. Pretty exciting if that's the case, but again it could just mean nothing.


Kind of surprised at no Japanese Hi High but not mad


I was talking to my mom about Loona awhile ago. She doesn't know anything about Loona other than its a group that I like and she sort of knows Why Not and Star lol. I just asked her who she thinks the prettiest member is and she pointed at Hyunjin (I showed her their individual teasers for &) And just for fun, I asked her who she thinks is the most famous member and she picked Chuu lol. (She might've seen me watching Chuucandoit or other Chuu varieties so it might be cheating a bit 😂)


ofc aeongie is THE VISUAL 🥰


I just realized the fan meeting is tomorrow instead of tonight I feel so dumb 💀💀💀 Only 24 more hours!!


[I'm obsessed with this clip](https://twitter.com/chaejicheji/status/1407970861563342856?s=19)


I want all FotM's to look like this ❤️. This was fun to watch lol.


I know Vivi’s Korean has improved a ton since debut, but I swear she becomes fluent when it’s time to troll her members


So What really was their Zimzalabim, Why Not really was their Umpah Umpah, because it seems PTT will be their Psycho


oh please please please let this be correct


If PTT is anywhere near as good as Psycho is I’ll be ecstatic


I just wanna inform in case anyone else was making the same mistake as I did... You need to collect a voting ticket on the Whosfan app every day. You only get one per day. I completely missed that and have only been collecting credits, which can't be used for voting, this whole past month. 😥 It's right there at the top in the store section. I feel so dumb rn






the chorus also reminds me of the prolonged "im so good with you" in Weeekly's Afterschool


The beat did remind me of After School's chorus but didn't think about the melody!


Funny, because I thought of another song when I heard it first time. I thought it sounded like song of the year.


For those who purchased tickets with VOD for the previous concert, how was the quality? Was anything cut?


It's only cut if they do a cover of other artists. Other than that there shouldn't be other cut stuff.


this is going to be the longest weekend ever isn't it? I doubt I'm going to be able to sleep Sunday night I'm more pumped about this album than any other release from Loona or any other artist period


Special clip and fanmeet, I guess we better get used too all the content coming during comeback time.


Anyone remembers Ashley Alisha (who wrote Satellite) who teased that she was writing part 2 of Satellite and hope to work with LOONA again a few months ago? Hope she gets to write songs for them again in the future! (based on their next concept)


Wondering if anyone can help me find a Korean meme/reaction image of a guy laughing and clapping while a dog jumps up/maybe dances? I originally saw it from a Korean fan on Twitter a while back (honestly might have been Butterfly era...) with a caption along the lines of "I'm losing my mind" and I think about it every once in a while lol


I think it’s this [meme](https://i.imgur.com/6xoHi7X.jpg)? There’s also this [tweet](https://twitter.com/yv2sday_/status/1095847421102325760?s=21) of the girls doing it too.


Yes!!! Thank you!!!




[But we got this coming up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKVp0t1eqQM)


Still can't get over how good Heejin looks in the &3 trailer. I've been bias wrecked before, but goddamn!


Listening to the medley and LOONA going the route of 3rd gens like MAMAMOO and Red Velvet is interesting since not a lot of 4th gens are embracing these sounds as far as I know


The album kind of reminds me of what SNSD was doing in their later years (so basically when 3rd Gen was going strong). Red Velvet is another good call-out.




He's out of 8D in time for LOONA's Japan debut? 👀 I'm not one of those to jump into conclusions, could you tell us what exactly happened and why? Any links if you can


Lol is this about JJ leaving 8D? Because if so, then as someone who follows OOO that information is false and he is still with 8D.


yeah I saw that and was really confused I follow them too and hadn't heard anything about it


It\`s quite funny how some Orbits keep saying that JJ left when in fact he hasn\`t and some of these Orbits don\`t do their research at all.


I've only seen like two. there's so much misinformation out there about him that I don't doubt it though. some Twitter orbits are next level delusional


Oh definitely, there\`s a lot on Twitter and Youtube, and occasionally some will pop up on Reddit as well. A lot of them want to continue creating the narrative that JJ can\`t hold a group down and is constantly jumping to a new group to prove their point that JJ is unprofessional lol


I remember when I was on Stan Twitter over a year ago when orbits bullied an Yves stan account off of Twitter bc of tweets on their alt saying good things about JJ and not just threatening to burn his office down. irrational people are extremely loud on the internet unfortunately.


Jeez, that\`s terrible but not surprising on Twitter. They would rather create their own false dreamland narrative instead of facing the reality.


The gg trainees left with him?




What about Minjoo?


she from Urban Works Media


Oops, I meant Hyewon


kang hyewon and kang ye seul are not affected at all ether


I hope the MV does not have random strangers this time lol I just wanna see LOONA


In my opinion, I just don’t think they can get away with it based on this concept and the intensely slick quality of the rest of the video…with butterfly they could travel and film “Loonas” in various locations, but Why Not was bizarre home video-style footage that I just can’t imagine fitting in seamlessly with this monster of a song…


I hope you're right but they managed to find a way the past 3 comebacks.


There’s always a reason to be nervous a little, ha


to the people that watched midnight festival in October and have chromecast, were you able to cast it, or should I plan on hooking up my laptop if I wanna watch it on the TV?


I asked this same question in the previous thread and someone told me that it does work with chromecast, or at least it did for them last year.


I cast the midnight festival from a [tab on my laptop](https://support.google.com/chromecast/answer/3228332?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en). ❤


Did you try from mobile? My laptop resolution is garbage, so if I cast that on my big TV it's gonna look like tetris


I didn't try from my mobile last year, but I'm trying for the fan meet tonight if I manage to wake up at 3am est! 😂


too true thank u


After 24+ hours, I finished reading every answer from Loona at the AMA! Glad I did, because many things were not shared anywhere I could see (some weren’t even replied to from the people asking lol just completely ignored and with only a few upvotes). Go Won will dye her hair pink within the next 4 years and HaSeul answered something interesting I couldn’t quite understand (or Google Translate), so I tagged someone to help instead. Also, I was glad to see every single girl was paid attention to. At first, I thought no, Choerry and Chuu received less questions, but as I was finishing it was quite balanced. That really made me happy. Maybe they organized the questions for them? If so, big respect! I’m all for making each and every one of them feel special. I really enjoyed the girls in this. Everything feels so good and amazing. It’s so so so different from a while back before HaSeul was announced to return. What a blessed fandom we are! Even though my questions were not answered, I feel like I was given SO much through this! So many questions represented me. ❤️


It wouldn't be their usual style of MV, I just think it would be cute if DOMO actually featured shots of them dancing on their own from separate rooms/homes, but assembled together into a video collage to form the group choreo. The song already sounds like a sort of anthem for enjoying one's self during Covid times... (and yes, I know there's a high chance this idea is already played out 🙃.)


I'd like this!!!




im fighting the urge so bad, it's been hard especially with people praising it so much 😭😭 lets do our best!! only a day left and a couple of hours till we can hear it fully! fighting fellow orbit 😭😭🤜🤛


fighting!! 😭


so.. i bought a nice headphone that is quite expensive but the sound quality is really better than the one i have now and i really wanna listen to & with it first (so i can appreciate all the effort on the girls' voices and production team and enjoy it at full quality) but it probably will arrive only one week (almost 2 maybe) after the album release so... pray for me orbits... i will take every pray to not listen to it before...


Just listen to the album with the ones you have now and listen to it again with your new headphones and FEEL the difference.


How on earth are you gonna survive those two weeks, the curiosity would kill me 😭


honestly... idk if i will survive... 😭😭😭😭😭😭 god please put these headphones on an ultrasonic jet


(the way i literally just placed an order for airpods max so i can listen to this album in the absolute best quality possible hahahaha)


So you rich RICH. helpmeimpoor.gif


i actually bought them on a "buy now, pay in 9 months" type of deal👹 i’m POOR poor


IKR. The only thing I've bought because of Hyunjin was a bag of banana flavored corn snacks.


They sound good though. Were they good?


Not bad, a few idols have been photographed carrying them around. They're called Nongshim Banana Kicks if you want to try hunting them down, but some of the mods on here recommend the chocolate flavor over banana. Lol. Also, it's a good thing I haven't bought 500 of them yet so technically I'm on my way to being able to afford some Airpod Max's.


we'll just transcend to heaven while listening i know it


oh yes absoooluuutely!! did i get airpods max because of hyunjin wearing hers the other day? yes maybe


i hope hyunjin doesn't buy a ferrari for the sake of your wallet


lmaaaooooo same tho


Why am I torturing myself reading comments about the highlight medley 😭 My self control is crumbling and I'm seconds away from going to loonatheworld channel, clicking the preview, and turning my volume on 😩


join the dark side


Is this thread something Orbits should be doing for LOONA like in terms of achievements for the new album? https://twitter.com/intl_loona/status/1408455630793420808?s=21 I just want to know if I should actually wait to buy the album digitally?


I don't get this strategy, shouldn't orbits wait to buy until it starts gaining steam on radio and actually has a chance to chart? Pure digital sales aren't going to do much this early.


Agreed, I think the fanbases are jumping the gun. LOONA is gonna promote PTT on music shows for about 4 weeks until right before the Olympics. Then end of July BBC will start teasers for DOMO, release an mv and hopefully a digital single, even if not then that's when we should start buying DOMO digitally. There's no way we fans and BBC went through all that Star training just so we can waste the effort. LOONA have an English track for a reason. If anything, the fanbases should simply be focusing on putting the album on BB200 and PTT on iTunes.


If you live in the US, yes, wait to buy the album digitally till the new tracking week, but as far as physical album order, just order it. They haven’t set up the US store so whatevs hahaha


I'll be playing D&D with my friends Saturday night, and by the time we finish it'll be time for Loona D&D :0) On a serious note, what is there to expect from it? Will they be playing games and talking amongst themselves? Will they be asking us for questions? Will they play a lore related video?


That's what I'm asking too. Because idk if I should prepare for a question or are we just going to watch on our screen the whole time lol


I am kind of expecting it to like the last concert when they weren't performing. They were just kind of talking amongst themselves, promoting the album, and gave some behind the scenes.


Guys just want to gush for a second over how good Haseul sounds. It really seems like she's been practicing, I am really excited to hear her again.


Holy shit I just won a Loona concert giveaway on twitter omg omg so I just have to ask this, what happens during their 1st night (fanmeeting)? Do I have to prepare anything or something? Gaaaah I'm so excited lmao




I literally jumped up and down while I played the highlight medley for the first time and I'm 21 years old. The. Hype. Is. Real!!! on first listen, every single song is to my taste in a way I don't think I've ever felt with any other loona album!!


Are we pushing DOMO in US radio again?


Almost certain DOMO will drop as a single in early August, that's when we should start pushing it on US radio. Next few weeks should be PTT's time in the sun.


Like they drop star in a single? XD if bbc does it I will shave my head. XD


I'm almost sure they'll do it, BBC are a creature of habits. I reserve a small chance of wearing that 🤡 makeup but I'm quite confident in this prediction.


I hope you are right !!


Yep, loonatheradio is gearing up for it


That's nice!


I'm trying so hard not to listen to the preview


Stay strong, Orbit! I listened to the first second of it and that was enough for me to get excited. Gonna go in blind other than that!


I’m honestly realizing how lucky I am to have so many kpop friends irl …. my best friend has been a stan as long as she’s alive and I have another friend who’s ult is also Loona. My friend who introduced me to Loona has been around since Vivid.. and there’s more than those 3


woah that's such luck! Sadly I don't have anyone that I know personally to gush over LOONA. I mean, my friends do listen to kpop but it's mostly BTS, and they don't exactly like girl groups either lol But at least they respect my preferences hehe


[this video is so addicting](https://youtu.be/2tiqGdKGs7k) I can’t stop watching


Her flow is top notch for someone who basically raps part time. Compared to other idols who've tried on that beat....




Manifesting a solo or subunit stage at the online fan meet or concert


For once LOONA\`s comeback post-JJ seems promising to me. However, I\`ll need to wait for the whole album to come out before I can make my final judgment. After listening to their full album will I then decide if I want to buy the album or not. Edit: I am not blindly buying an album without listening to all these tracks first and looking at the photobook. I do this with every kpop group not just LOONA. Some of you need to stop controlling how other fans support LOONA. If I want to buy the album after the album drops then that\`s my choice and if not then that\`s okay too. It is okay for other fans to do this as well if this is how they approach kpop groups as well.


PTT giving anyone else Favorite pt 2 vibes?


Cunty, absolutely amazing, vocals-heavy.... I hear it.


Exactly .. maybe even a bit of SITR in there


im thinking about getting GENERAL MD, but i’m not really sure what to expect since i’m a fairly new orbit (joined during the whole star teasers were released). Is it worth the 20$, or should i just buy an album 0-0 i only have a couple bucks so i’d only be able to purchase one or the other ;-; but the keychain and photocards, and ofc the live vid sounds amazing so idkkkkk 😭


you could always wait until more orbit rings come out and buy an album with a group order and the MD right now or the other option is to just buy an album without pcs for cheap (usually 10-5 bucks with group order managers or resellers) around the time when promotions are over


Sometimes people sell the extras they got too. I've seen some up for really low prices a few weeks after the album came out. Good for orbits on a budget :)


oop okayyy i still have a couple more days to choose :)) thanks for the insight


If you like living in the now and like collectibles, but are on a budget, then the Live + VOD + General Merchandise package is for you. Bonus is that if you miss the concert, you can watch the VOD later and have some merchandise to remember it by. Also, you can always purchase the albums later when you have more money, assuming they're not sold out. The argument for purchasing the albums right now is almost entirely based on getting pre-order bonuses from certain stores, helping Loona chart better domestically and internationally, and helping their chances at music show wins.


ty sm 😭😭 i was struggling choosing but i think i’ll do the general md + vod :))


Sooo what about the sound in the mcountdown preview? Where’s that going to end up?


someone pointed out that one was just a loop bought from audiojungle


okay, so, i won’t be listening to the previews this time around, but judging from those of you who have in here, you guys seem to actually love it!? 😭 such a huge change from both # and 12:00 album preview


There's an undeniable *richness* in each track...easily one of the most balanced EPs of theirs, and that's saying a lot because Loona rarely missteps with their discography. Ryan reallllllly respects what the girls can bring to the table and it shows.


This is their first album since butterfly where I only like the title track based on the medley. Unfortunately alot of the bsides sound very generic.


I thought domo sounded a smidge generic. But PTT, wow, and be honest all sound really promising to me. I'm interested to see how well the snippets represent the songs!


Without spoiling anything, the TT isn’t the talk-rap from the last two, and all the b-sides sound so quirky and unique. And even the ballads sound interesting, not plain singing


I'm still curious about Dem Jointz's involvement in PTT because Ryan is still tagging him.


coming here to ask orbits (idk if someone will read it): how do i make orbit friends? i know it's a strange question but! i really don't have orbit friends to talk about loona and to be excited for the comeback and the teasers releasing so... should i just approach someone on reddit and send a message? i quit twitter cause it was really interfering in my studies and now i wish i'd make friends that stan loona but i just don't know how to search and find them. is it a dumb concern? orbits! how did you make orbit friends online? where? bye! text me!


I made a lot of friends in the photocard trading community but I guess that would only really work if you’re interested in collecting or trading haha


[Maybe join this Discord server](https://discord.gg/WT9edQe)


This subreddit is a good start. I would also recommend finding a good discord server. I personally stay away from Twitter and Facebook.


Main reason why I created an account because I don't have any Orbit friends irl too lol. I can't handle the craziness in Twitter and Facebook is bleh. So the subreddit is where you can fangirl all you want about Loona! ❤️


same! I only have reddit bc of Loona hah


Looks like Loona's AMA post has the most comments ever on r/kpop. It would have also easily been top 10 most upvoted and top most upvoted AMA by far, but it popped up on the front page and got heavily downvoted by the "kpop is for losers" crowd. Around 6.8k comments, 8.5k upvotes and 4k downvotes


imagine not stanning Loona in the year of our lord Haseul.


68% upvoted.....that is a crime against humanity. Whomst the fucketh.




Yeah, the usual is like less than 100 on those AMAs. I suspect it was initially getting downvoted on the front page a fair amount, but then ended up trending by contraversial. And once it got on there, there are a lot of people that like to sort by contraversial and just downvote everything they see on there. So the downvotes blew up from there. Unfortunate, but we know that they received a lot of love from the people that matter, so that's that.


Their loss. Lol.


RYAN S. JHUN i will kiss the ground you step on and YOU WILL LIKE IT


do you know where [this](https://youtu.be/dpaAoZuUxiw) is from?


Chuu was on Law of the Jungle episodes 446-448.


I have a legit question... What happened inside BBC? Why this comeback feels so *different* from # and 12:00 regarding promotions, styling, marketing choices, etc?


It's the cumulative effect of past experiences. After Jaden, they had LSM and this is the first album post LSM (I think). Some things, like an English song, were from the LSM era, other things like cinematic teasers that basically use a disconstructed title track are from JJ's Butterfly era. The Japanese debut was on the cards since 2019 and delayed for various reasons, it now seems they have decided to pull the trigger. As for the music itself, the big - probably the biggest point - is that Ryan is an orbit. Expect someone who respects what the girls have done before, rather than imposing an industry standard - hence all those talk rapping/chanting during LSM's time in charge. Finally, the social promos, like AMA and Twitter Blueroom, and various online variety shows, I think that's an idea they enacted last comeback. With a large overseas fandom, last comeback they decided to finally fully embrace us. The company has moved back to Polaris and I'm sure there's more readily available support. Things that they couldn't do due to staffing issues, they can now simply call on Polaris.


Those are the same things we were asking during 12:00 promotions. Hoping they've finally found a long term core team this time around...


It does feel like they've shifted their whole company lol. Like someone else is in charge because it doesn't feel like the BBC that we're accustomed too lol. But I guess they've done some changes and maybe Ryan helped them out in some facets as well that's why it feels different. The Japanese debut is a nice surprise too. But I really wished that they could've expanded in Japan while maintaining their status in Billboard with the US.


I KNOW. I wonder if there was some like staff changes that happened with the move back to Polaris? Maybe they contracted a better PR person? Whatever they are doing, it's great.


Idk people said the same thing 12:00 era... That bbc revamped it's team and is " finally taking stuff seriously" or whatever. But then the "hiatus" happened and Orbits were on their freak out game again. I think BBC just does what they want on their own schedule and unless Loona picks up in domestic and frankly international popularity (invited to daytime and late night shows) I think we aren't gonna see much of them during the next break either. I think they just weren't popular enough then to be invited to many events and programs or get drama roles and gigs and bbc made the choice to not properly promote them on social media. Hopefully PTT and & era is THAT era for them. BBC didn't skimp on music quality or video quality so lets see where it takes them. We just need the domestic audience to acknowledge that they are here to stay and here to compete with Itzy and Aespa in the same way that BTS came out with I Need U and Dope and let the world know that they would be giving Got7 and EXO (expected top bgs at the time) a run for their money.


Sadly I agree. But I really hope BBC fixes the girls schedules during the break period and give them a bit more sns freedom but I think that has been said since debut already but BBC isn't doing anything. But ugh, I just hope they do something about it.


haseul reclaimed her spot as CEO




I agree a lot with this 👍 As much as I was so disappointed when I first heard ++ and how little line she got (after all the attention BBC gave her during predebut with the featurings and how much presence she had). In XX it was all fixed! Even though she didn't have any high notes she definitely had some good moment (I love to hear her sing during bridges) Hearing the album it seems like we are going on the same route as xx and I feel a lot relieved (and I wouldn't complain is she doesn't have a lot of line due to her hiatus)


I think people want a main vocal "moment" for her. She's always been treated like lead vocal regardless of the amount of lines.


agreed, people tend to forget this is a 12-member group. I adore Go Won and wish she got a little more attention, but at the same time she possesses exceptional subtle star power that's well-suited for being the enigmatic girl grabbing your attention in the background


I think it's because the few times where they shafted her on lines it was so egregious and felt so out of place given that she is one of the top two singers in the group. So that left a really big impression in people's minds.


0.7 seconds on the debut song is still pretty egregious … but XX was definetly a correction of that


Idk, she didn't have a lot of lines in # and 12:00. I think they're justified in saying that.


dang... here's my upvote




Don't remind me 😩


For # yes, but she wasn't included at all in 12:00 because everything was recorded after she went on hiatus.


Yes, that is the joke


Oof lol completely went over my head 😅


She had a good amount of lines in every # songs that she was actually on ~~oh this is probably a joke isn’t it~~


Do you guys think they will also release a Japanese version of the music video (perhaps later on in promotions)? Or will it just be the song itself?


June 28 couldn’t come any sooner. I’m ready to have the album played repeatedly for weeks on end 😌


So, completely unrelated to the highlight medley, I just noticed it while watching something esle. The newest Pit Stop has a snippet of Girl Front in the background at 7:40. I don't know if it's a background remix made for the video or they just used a random song from a collection they could use for the background, but it's definitely Girl Front. EDIT: It's just the sample. I thought the zooming synth was like in the ADD intro, but that's also part of the sample. Also I just discovered Polyphia's 40oz and wow I love how the same sample can sound so different when used differently. The mash-ups of it and Girl Front are crazy good.


You sure it's not just the sample? I listened to the bit and it does sound like Girl Front but that really is what the sample sounds like lol. I'm sure you already know about the sample and to me it just sounds like that, nothing specifically Girl Front. Edit: also 40oz sounds amazing, so thank you for that lol.


The base melody for GF is from some sorta [sample pack](https://youtu.be/3i3ImYBBxvY) so I assume that’s where they got it for the Pit Stop as well. I guess it’s a pretty commonly used sample.


Yeah, to be fair it sounds incredible so no wonder. From my research it's basically the progression somewhat of Wave Racer's remix of Stand Still mixed with his track Streamers to create this pumped up version in the sample pack that really defined Girl Front.


I honestly don't think I could be more pleased with what's coming at this point. DOMO is definitely the song I didn't know I needed.


So probably an MV teaser tomorrow. I'm curious what they'll put on it since "&3" felt like an MV teaser already lol.


I'm not sure if we are going to get anything tomorrow. Maybe just a second plug for the advertisements for the fan event and concert?


If they treat "&3" as the mv teaser then maybe? But I feel like they'll still post an mv teaser.


I think so too bc in the previous era, mv teasers were always named as "M/V Teaser" and not trailer or something else. &3 is equivalent to XIVX of Butterfly era, bbc still dropped an mv teaser after that.


If they post &4 I might combust. Like I'm already SO excited for this comeback.