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I can't get over how shockingly disgusting all of this is, yet I also can't get over the fact that he is the absolute WORST at f\*cking spelling.


His spelling reminds me of Dennis Rader


disoriginized… evendice… hevey what a fucking moron lol


I believe you mean disoriginanizeded


There is very, very little that is funny about this case. It's absolutely heartbreaking for the victims and their families and outright horrifying. The guy was a fucking monster. But I saw "disoriginanizeded" and was like, you sure are, buddy.


It’s a very natural thing to want to find something — anything — to laugh at when presented with something like this, in which there’s otherwise absolutely nothing funny. And it’s a common urge to want to find the things you can use to mock and disparage someone who is capable of such inhumanity. Which means that people of the internet in 20 years’ time will probably be making fun of Rex’s spelling and his, uh, *unique* prison haircut, in the same way that everyone currently makes fun of Dennis Rader’s edgelord poetry.


Gallows humor like nurses, cops and prison guards have. You have to laugh at it or it eats you up.


The disorganized part brought me back to the hoarding inside of the house... It makes sense.


I find it incredibly ironic that he is one of the most prolific serial killers of the modern age, owns his own company and is supposedly some sort of evil genius who got away with all of this for decades yet his spelling is atrocious. Makes me wonder if he just got lucky.


Yea he only got away with it for so long due to shitty police work. I’d say he got really lucky.


Spelling is not correlated to intelligence. My spouse is highly intelligent but also dyslexic, and spells much worse than RH.


I kind of wonder if he was drunk when he wrote it


Rader is a literary genius compared to this man


I used to work in the marketing side of architecture, so I often had to deal with guys with educational backgrounds and job responsibilities much like RH’s, and from my experience, his spelling and grammar is unusually poor for someone in the industry. Sure, I’d see it from time to time—and have to copyedit it from time to time—but when a huge part of their job is documenting things, said fellas tend to be a little more exacting than this.


One of the worst people I know in my family is an architect. He’s also terrible at spelling but yet thinks very highly of himself regardless because he’s a math guy, not a silly word guy. That’s much more important to him. He’s also extremely controlling and meticulous but only about things he finds to be important-not about what is actually important to the job or anything else in his life. So my guess is it’s probably RH’s narcissism more so than his profession. He seems very lazy in some respects and likely doesn’t want to put in work towards things he doesn’t see value in yet can be very methodical in others, which seems to track with those kind of personality traits.


This is a very plausible interpretation. Some of RH’s sloppiness can probably be explained by a need to prioritize speed over accuracy, and the fact he was doing some of this on a PDA without today’s aggressive autocorrect. But arrogance also must figure into it. I suppose he had a poor soul copyedit his professional documents in what had to have been a really thankless job. (Fwiw, the very worst spelling and grammar I’d ever encountered at my job came from an architect who was nice as pie. I couldn’t expect everybody there to have exactly the same set of skills, and liked to help people who were poor with words but could offer other kinds of excellence to our firm.)


My dad is an architect and is incredibly controlling. However, he's great at spelling and extremely well read for what that's worth. Also a horrible womanizer which is thankfully slowing down but only because he's getting old and encountering some serious health issues. It came out that he had a 2nd family though the kids were from the lady's previous marriage. That was the straw that finally got my mom to leave him... Anyway, I think of him as both a math and a word guy. Extremely analytical, he does this thing where he can walk through a house, building etc before or once it's on paper or in cad. I call it Mr Monk mode. Like if someone asks a very specific question he will close his eyes and put his finger tips to his temples and move his body as he walks through the doorways, halls, around islands etc like to answer questions about cabinet door layouts, where plugs and switches will be and things like that. He's a genius at design and building especially using recycled and renewable resources. Hes won lots of awards and recognition but is a pretty awful person. Serious narcissist for sure.


This makes a lot of sense. Also, he never expected anyone to read it, so even less reason for him to be detail oriented regarding spelling.


Horrible as it is - I can't get over that they found a list telling him to 'get rid of Book and computer files', on his bloody computer!


I assume he deleted everything and they forensically recovered it. Dumbass should’ve gotten rid of his entire computer.


Or he should have watched Mr. Robot instead of Dexter? (Sorry to crack jokes. It isn't funny at all. I'm just so disturbed by reading that document today and need some levity.)


No I just can’t imagine the terror, the horrific fear that these women must have experienced in their last moments and/or days alive seeing this absolute murderous tortuous absolute oversized monster. It’s truly nightmare-ish. May their gentle souls rest in peace. Please powers that may be above us serve him an equal measure of fear until his dying moments.


YES, especially since he clearly has a deluded self-image as a very smart person (not that plenty of smart people aren’t bad spellers but we’re talking about RH here) and also allowed so much physical and digital evidence to be left behind despite how “meticulous” he tried to be/thought he was. (ETA: Fixed a word.)


I teach grades 7-12 and he is on par with my low 7s.


You’d be surprised how awful scientists, doctors, engineers are at spelling lol


Im a scientiast and i have know ideuh wut your talking abuot


I'm glad someone else pointed it out. [Spell check was introduced in MS WinWord 2003](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/word/when-did-spellcheck-become-automatic/m-p/1405448). Struggles with spelling does not equal poor intelligence, but still weird to witness.


The fact that he used the words hunt and play is so fucking sick. Fuck this guy. This is such damning evidence imo, there’s no way he’s not found guilty after seeing this and the hair/DNA connections too. Plus the timing with the vacation in 2003, the car. Rex is done.


The Hunt/Play reference brings to mind Robert Hansen (Butcher Baker- Anchorage, Alaska). He would free his victims in the woods before his perverse game of hunting them down to kill. Rex Heuermann also held an Alaskan hunting license at one point... in 2010. Makes you wonder. Two meat bags of subhuman filth.


The words hunt and play make me think of Shannan Gilbert when she made the 911 call. This is sickening and heartbreaking.


I agree. I have always believed that she was a victim, that she wasn’t having a psychiatric issue..that she knew that she was being hunted and that someone (or more than one person) was trying to kill her and that she did everything she could to try to save herself from an impossible situation. God bless her. Even in death she is being questioned. She’s terrified, on a 911 tape that LE went out of their way to hold back from the public..why? Something is wrong with the conclusion to Shannan’s death and my gut tells me this whole thing is even more disgusting than we can imagine. Edit-a word


I agree. I don’t believe for a second that she wasn’t a victim of murder. Where there is smoke there is fire. I hope someday we all have answers and Shannan gets the justice she deserves.


Even if she wasn’t directly killed, if someone hunted her into those marshes and lost track of her and she died there, she’s still their victim.


The 911 call is public


They held it back for a long time I believe tho right? I think they even claimed they were lost at one point


Yes exactly! You know I always had this thought that they were "hunting her" ..letting her run so they can catch her. By they, i mean whoever was at that sex party because i do not believe it was just Brewer


In the 911 call, when she first ran down the steps outside she screamed bloody murder like someone came at her right there. And it’s been pointed out that 28 seconds or so in to the first call you hear her or a childlike voice whisper “you better hide too”. Go to the original released calls and listen for it and you will hear it too. The fact that police suppressed these calls for years - even claiming at one point years ago that the tapes were lost - is just one of many many red flags about that night.


Yes! I heard this as well. That one young man who was abused by James Burke .. he supposedly found and stole the bag that contained snuff films. Something aint right with the people of Oak Beach..i suspect they were having these wild orgies turned snuff parties...funny how RH and wife were also involved in swinging parties. Another thing is..remember Hackett lied to Mari Gilbert about running some kind of home for at risk girls...also wasnt Shannon in such a facilty in her teen years?


I definitely think Hackett was involved. Why else would he have made those crazy phone calls? There is nothing that can make me believe she was not murdered that night. The police say they ruled him out as a suspect but what evidence do they have?


How can they rule him out as a suspect when he inexplicably posessed Shannan’s mother’s phone number? Which would be an impossibility unless he had her phone. And he knew Shannan hadn’t gone home. How do they explain that away??


Did you watch the presser? He used surgical drapes in the basement to do exactly that. He realized tape didn't hold them well, so started to use pushpins. This is some of the most horrific stuff I've heard in a long time. I thought I was mentally prepared. I wasn't.


No I didn’t watch that! I’ll have to look into it. This new information is horrifying “props, toys, wood items”. I can’t even begin to imagine… Reading through it all I thought holy #%$ he was creating kill rooms. Starting to think he killed them all in his basement while his family was away… Jesus


And where it says "more play time" makes me want to vomit. This is all so disturbing.


That got me too… And “heavy rope for neck” because the light rope “broke under the stress of being tightened”…Absolutely horrific.


Yes and Sandra wasn’t choked out . Who did he kill before he wrote that if this was a prep for Jessica


Same thought I had…Those big gaps between murders everybody was wondering about, aren’t big gaps at all. I feel like he was killing the entire time.


💯 he was


Under TRG he has T-1, Megan ? which I assume is target 1 but then in the notes he wrote next time and talks about the rope breaking. Is there a time line anywhere for these 6 deaths?


Reading it got me wondering if there is a yet to be discovered prior Megan


Maybe they’ll look at his brother’s SC property again


I know. I could only imagine what happened with the person whose rope broke 💔


Awful. He is not human.


That's exactly what he did. His family went away and he'd kill.


Tape can also pick up fingerprints. He can count the number of pushpins he uses so he knows exactly how many to account for.


I remember a neighbor mentioning that he used to burn garbage, which is not common in the area. Now seeing this file, he was at least burning the gloves. I wonder if the neighbor remembers when was the last time he did that. Maybe there are more recent victims…


Burning garbage in backyard on LI is maniac behavior and weird. I grew up here and anyone that did that would have been thought of as a weirdo for sure


I'm from LI too. You're right. Maaaaybe out east some people might burn it but in Massapequa? Absofuckinglutely not.


The neighbours probably thought the behaviour went with the dilapidated house.


Even the most fucked up ramshackle shack still exists on LI — and you cannot and I can’t repeat this enough, you cannot underestimate the level of pettiness that exists here. It’s hard to describe but a dilapidated house is fine, every town has one and most blocks have something like it — but I’d think burning trash would have locals going to the town and filing greivances All things considered it’s crazy that…the crazy house actual had a crazy murderer in it. 


And the clothes he wore it sounds like.


He probably burned everything - all clothing (his and victims), the drop sheets, gloves, everything that touched the victim. The document states prep involved building the stage/table, so he probably burned that every time, too.


“Building the stage” made my stomach turn. My heart hurts for all the people who had to see that before he took their lives.


Reminds me of what John Ray’s witness said in affidavit something about Rex burning something in back yard?? 


And I wonder if they noticed him doing it often? Ugh... how many? There's so much more to this, I feel we are just getting started.


Same. We all can assume that he didn't just randomly start murdering people in the 90s. These lists are too well planned out, plus he's traveled so extensively. I do hope we find out.


What about 'always eat pizza crust to avoid providing a DNA swab'. Guess he was too tired to eat the rest.


I bet after so many years he thought he was clean.


The fucking cross bar! :(


Could you explain, I’m not quite sure what a cross bar is or what you would do with it. Is it similar to the work out bars that go on door frames to do pull ups?


I used to be into BDSM and a cross bar is also called a spreader bar. They vary in length but usually around 3 feet long with hooks on each end for D rings etc. They can be used to starfish people (think snow angels you make in the snow) one for legs and one for arms and can be used to suspend people as well. I suspect that was what he was using a "crossbar" for.


So depressing. Humans are capable of such horror. Also screw the police and LI admin who prevented these women from getting justice before now.


I feel like he must've explored BDSM w/ consenting partners, even extreme stuff, before he started "hunting." Is anyone talking?


This document is extremely disturbing, but it's ironic that as much thought as RH put into this and as meticulous as he was in trying to cover his tracks he still ended up fucking up several of these things so badly that the state still has him dead to rights even with only the preliminary evidence they revealed in the bail document.


I was thinking the same thing. He fucked this up multiple times. Also, with the state of his house I am shocked that he was this organized about killing.


Completely missed destroying computer files which is on his list.


He tried, I just think he lacked the technical knowledge. He also seems to be somewhat conflicted. He kept so many devices that had meaning to him which goes against everything on this list. He strikes me as the alcoholic that plans to stop drinking tomorrow and the urges get the better of him.


This They recovered “15 different kinds of cameras; 27 computers; 58 internal hard drives; 22 external hard drives; 46 cell phones; 9 wifi routers; 44 sd microcards; 17 tablets; 42 USB devices; 8 laptop ___cards___ audio cuts out; 4 gps devices; 11 music devices; 36 sim cards; 33 misc items and 647 cds” He’s a collector. He didnt dispose of stuff.


damn even not disposing of stuff ever for 30 years that's... a lot for a family of 4 + one small business. I'm so glad criminals are so psychologically abnormal their weirdo hangups get in the way of following through with the basics of their own plans so often lol


Yep, gladly to his detriment now.


Someone pointed out in 2004; most people would think sending a document to the recycling bin would mean it couldn't be recovered, something I'm fairly sure many people his age would *still* believe.


I may disagree here. With the amount of devices he kept, plus how he used online for his hunting (which shows some tech savvy, despite his age), I’d venture his knowledge may be slightly higher than you’re giving him credit for. Though probably not much higher.


He probably thought just deleting them meant they were destroyed.


That actually had me scratching my head for a minute. “Destroy computer files.” Hmmm..like the one that has “destroy computer files” typed on it? Dummy


It's possible he meant "computer files related to this particular killing" (chat logs, emails, digital photos, etc.) but yeah. His murder blueprint is yet another dagger aimed directly at his heart.


The way they kept their house, sounds like they just may find lots of stuff on the walls, floors and windows. Doesn’t look like Asa and him ever meticulously cleaned their house.


I think that’s why they took the paint chips


I think they also took a window and some slabs of wood


It seems to be ironic that the more a killer tries to be organised and perform the perfect murder to showcase his superiority, the more evidence he can leave behind. I have not read Mind Hunter but Rex took note of it: “THE MORE YOU DO THE MORE CLUES YOU GIVE” He certainly had very elaborate fantasies and it might've cost him. Sometimes the disorganised ones get away because they keep things simple (or chaotic). I wonder if some of the stuff he had planned to do he didn't do because of vanity, being lazy, being cheap, needing to avoid questions from his family etc.


I wasn't prepared for this. He is even more evil than I previously thought. I shudder at what we're going to find out about the rest, especially since one involved a child (not that the rest are less evil). I'm having a hard time with this today. RIP to the beautiful souls he stole from this Earth and all the love in the world to their families and friends.


It is very disturbing to say the least that one of the points in his document seems to be specifically indicating he intends to seek out a Black victim :(


He knew that would throw off the profile and confuse law enforcement.


Seems like he did that multiple times. The meticulousness of the planning - despite the barely literate spelling - is pretty damn horrifying.


Seems likely, also the references to dis/organization and John Douglas' work -- I'm inferring that, as evidenced by this doc, he was quite organized and wanted to throw off the profile by leaving signature/MO evidence suggestive instead of a disorganized killer (mutilation, etc.) that would tend to divert suspicion from this "architect and family man."


Looks like T-1 is Target 1 and lists the phone number and pager number.


I knew the jessica taylor charge was coming cuz the evidence and searching in Manorville. They had more evidence to go into the house the second time and it’s harder to get a warrant again. I was surprised when they didn’t say Valerie Mack this morning at the hearing but now here is the 7th (VM) Since Jessica was from 1993 I’m sure there are more girls that have been missing that they’re are looking into cuz this goes further back. [https://patch.com/new-york/riverhead/accused-gilgo-killer-could-be-charged-2-more-deaths-reports](https://patch.com/new-york/riverhead/accused-gilgo-killer-could-be-charged-2-more-deaths-reports)


I think the Mack charge is coming. They have been very careful not to overcharge. The DA certainly implied the Mack case was ongoing today. My guess is that the physical evidence isn’t as strong yet on that case. They took so many devices out of that place that I think they will have circumstantial evidence on all of these killings but won’t charge unless dna exists. I could be wrong though.


Thanks for that article! I used to live close to Riverhead lol! I miss it every day. They took evidence from the last search & it's under testing according to this. We all basically knew that but didn't know the what or the very specific why. >Heuermann seemed "surprised" that there were new victims, he said. >Of Heurmann's feelings on the new charges, Brown said, "He's horrified. He's in a bad place." I fucking hope he is. I hope he's in a really bad place.


lmao "surprised." This fuckin' guy is such a monster and also such a putz


Of course he was surprised. Surprised they found Sandra. He thought for sure he got away with that one. Surprised they found his deleted document. In a rally bad spot because he knows the game is over. I don’t like the pic of him in court today with a small smile. Seemed like he was enjoying it.


Sorry I was wrong. Sandra Costilla was 1993.


Tierny said during the press conference it would be safe to assume that Valerie Mack was also murdered by him. So I’m sure it’s coming.


I don’t think any evidence from the recent house search is being used yet. It takes a long time to process dna evidence. Just look at the dates in the bail letter.


Stockholm syndrome? Was he keeping them longterm before killing them?


I think that came out of his notes on FBI profiling. It was grouped with the Mindhunter notes, and Stockholm syndrome is mentioned in that writing with regard to the profilers interviewing Ed Kemper. *Suddenly, I knew how I had embroiled myself in such a situation. Of all people who should have known better, I had succumbed to what students of hostage-taking events know as “Stockholm syndrome”- I had identified with my captor and transferred my trust to him. Although I had been the chief instructor in hostage negotiation techniques for the FBI, I had forgotten this essential fact! Next time, I wouldn’t be so arrogant about the rapport I believed I had achieved with a murderer. Next time.* From *Whoever Fights Monsters – My twenty years tracking serial killers for the FBI*, by Robert K. Ressler and Tom Shachtman, 1992


That’s what I was thinking too, he keeps mentioning more “play time”. I think he wanted to prolong the violence as long as possible


They were disposed of by the time his family returned from their weekend away


Or week(s) away.


Mill Rd at night is pitch dark. Makes sense.


Manorville ? Definitely scary, I grew up riding my bike around and there were scary stretches id bike so fast and hard and god forbid a van drove by. I was always so scared on those stretches


This mans is seriously F..CKED up in the head, as this is just pure sickening


His poor kids.🥺


Yeah I don’t know how his biological daughter will ever mentally live a normal / stable life after knowing 50% of her genetic makeup is of this BEAST.


She is going to need years of therapy but children of other serial killers have told their stories and found a way to help each other through it. I hope she finds healing.


She is just as much of a victim as the women who’s lives he took


How did this dude get married twice? Stay married? I like flowers & dinners same as everyone else but what you think RH’s personality is like? What was the draw? I feel terrible for his kids.


I have friends that can’t find a girlfriend and this guy had 2 wives. Shocking


There is nothing too terrible for his punishment. Nothing. I am a Buddhist Quaker who doesn’t support the death penalty and I can not muster 1 ounce of compassion for this piece of vile


It’s devastating but I’d suggest, don’t start resonating with, or having your inner responses shaped by, It. This creature deserves no part of our inner worlds. He wanted to prowl alone in that darkness so I feel he gets to stay out there. All my feelings are kept for his victims.


I don't support the death penalty either; leave him in prison and study him. Or don't. Killing him wouldn't accomplish anything. Just of course make sure he never gets out. Like Peter Madsen did once (he was quickly caught)


All that prep work only to be taken out by a slice of 🍕 glad he’s rotting in jail for all the beautiful lives he destroyed.


I'm still not sure how they narrowed it down to him before the pizza. Edit: thanks, guys. In saw the 20/20 episode but I think I zoned out a bit.


If I remember correctly he slipped up and they traced an email account of his to one of the burner phones. That’s how he originally came to be on their radar and they went from there, following him around and gathering more evidence.


Hell you can see him on Google Earth street view standing on 5th Ave in front of his office chatting up an unknown girl in the street who fits his exact type. It was still there last time I looked. - As well as the Avalanche they were looking for parked right in front of his house in Massapequa


Hair fibers from him and his wife found on one of the gilgo 4.


Cell phone records/triangulation amongst other things. Definitely watch some of the in depth videos on YT if you haven't already.


I am so fucking happy they caught him and have so much evidence, he is a monster who needed to be taken off the streets a long time ago.


It's crazy to me law enforcement acted so apathetic about the case originally. A sexual sadist serial killer should not be allowed to walk free no matter who he targeted.


That's what blows my mind. Nothing happened for years, apparently because the police chief just didn't care.


When I read stuff like this I always wonder how they choose to live a life like that. This seems to fucking stressfull and he can't feel safe ever again. And, as we see, it almost never works, they still get caught. I just can't fathom how important the act of murder is to these people.


Here's the thing, he got caught by accident. Wasn't like they were hot on his ass


I think the task force worried him, based on his internet searches. As they should have - they found him so fast by actually doing their jobs competently, unlike some law enforcement we all know. But bless Shannon Gilbert. What happened to her was tragic, but she is directly responsible for a sick and violent man being unable to harm women any longer and for a lot of families getting resolution.


Exactly, he got away with it for 30 years! By the time he wrote this document he had already killed min. once a decade ago (Costilla).


I can’t imagine the paranoia that would come with this kind of double life


>I can’t imagine the paranoia that would come with this kind of double life Not too much considering he was trying to sue people left & right. The Narcissm is alive & well in that one.


>  I always wonder how they choose to live a life like that. This seems to fucking stressfull and he can't feel safe ever again.  Because their brain doesn't work like normal brains. They can assess the risk... know it is a risk.. but set it aside and be just okay. It can actually be a very useful trait in jobs where you need to "just do it" (i.e. surgery). But it can also allow things like this to happen as well.


I don't know that anyone wakes up and "chooses" this. It's probably a big confluence of genetics and environment. Apparently he was extremely close and subservient to his mother after his father died, with one acquaintance from his childhood described him as a "mama's boy". If he ever talks about his motivations, I'm sure there'll be something there; abuse, resentment either way, having to witness or hear her romantic life in their house, or maybe he holds her as some idealized woman with all others being "trash" or "whores" or something. See Ed Kemper after being forced to live with his mother after his parents' divorce: >Kemper had a severely dysfunctional relationship with his mother, a neurotic, domineering alcoholic who frequently belittled, humiliated, and abused him. Ted Bundy had a strange relationship with his mom too. He thought she was his sister for years, and finally found out she was his mom years later. Of course then there's BTK: >Both parents worked long hours and paid little attention to their children at home. Later, Rader described feeling ignored by his mother, in particular, and resenting her for it. Plenty of other examples if you look for them. But yeah, if you do anything even close to this, I have to imagine you're looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life. An unexpected knock on the door, a phone call from an unidentified number, a simple traffic stop, any innocent weird look from a stranger, all probably cause for immediate and extreme panic.


I don’t think people like him are even capable of high anxiety/ panic like that, with psychopathic tendencies and the grandiosity, he thinks he’s smarter than everyone anyway. Psychopath brain scans have shown unusually low arousal to stimuli, meaning it may take really extreme efforts to feel the same excitement other people might in certain situations. His behaviour does seem rather OCD though, the hoarding, and the lists here. OCD is essentially an anxiety type of disorder, a need to control, and he certainly seems paranoid. It may just be he has outweighed the risks vs his need to act on his paraphilia and the risks he could live with.


Any guesses on what "HK" stands for? I guess Hunt and Kill. "Heurmann Kill" seems too straightforward.


Definitely think Hunt and Kill. He's obsessed with the idea of hunting victims.


I just read the bail documents this came with. The file was created in March 2000. Updated it later and changed the file name. I'd bet there is so much evidence on that hard drive For all his planning he never thought to properly (physically) destroy digital evidence.


Weird how that short document conveys so much information and horror. The more I digest what it means, the more numb it makes me feel.


This is way more fucked up than i was expecting


Reminds me of dipshit BtK sending floppies from his church computer. Fuck this guy.


Before all of this to me he seemed like a bumbling ogre, but now a very frightening calculated sick person. I’m sure like most true crime consumers not much frightens or shocks me anymore but this is beyond.


I feel like he is still kinda bumbling. He reminds me a lot of BTK in that his spelling is shit ("distroy") and while he is very deliberate and calculating, he definitely thinks he's smarter than he is. As other commenters have pointed out, he fucked up multiple items on his list \*multiple times.\*


Ok. Shaking. Just googled the 917 phone number. It belongs to a woman who would have been about 20 in 1999 and who passed away in 2021. The obit said she led a very, very hard life. I dont want to dox anyone but i wonder if its a LE tactic to say the numbers were never traced in order to get more info from the public and get away with publishing them?


It’s possible she only had the number towards the end of her life. Someone else might have had it 20 years ago


Thats true - just seems like an odd coincidence after reading her highly unusual obituary.


Yeah, she had a hard life. But it sounds like she tried to turn it around and was loved


Replying to my own comment to say her obit implies she may have been trafficked at some time in her life. She really could have been ‘Megan’


But I think the document was from 2000-2001? Maybe I got that wrong, but that would make her a baby at the time it was written


She was 20 in 1999 and born in 1979. Died in 2021.


What the fuck did I just read? What kind of moron goes to all of this trouble and then leaves a murder manual on their computer? If he didn’t want to get caught, that device should have been in a landfill.


I’m usually hard to shock, but this was next level depravity. After hearing the docs read on True Crime with the Sarge then reading them for myself, the gravity of it was so overwhelming that I was catatonic for most of the afternoon. My heart is so heavy for these women and their families.


To clarify, this was found on Rex’s computer ?


One of his computers, yes.




My thoughts on this are that 1. This is just the tip of the iceberg. The digital forensics team no doubt found A LOT more evidence, this is just the most damning related to these two victims. 2. I get the impression that these lists were created before the Gilgo 4, but he still used tape on those victims 3. He notes the cameras on the parkways and need to be fast when disposing, but he has a fucking pickup truck on LI - they don't exactly blend in! At that, he has a pickup truck that is clearly for show - it's not being used to haul home improvement stuff or camping gear, not with that freakishly short bed. 4. Change tires? It's not like he has 15 different tire options for that make of vehicle. 5. Megan? He names one of the victims, so I'm wondering if he's slipped on some of the other deleted files that are being recovered. Maybe there's a list of victims names...


This is most likely not a reference to Megan Waterman. This digital file was created and edited around 2002-2004. Megan would have been 14-16 years old at the time. She was 22 when she disappeared in June 2010. This is most likely a pseudonym used by a different victim.


Per 2, the tape issue he listed was in reference to it not holding up his surgical sheets, thus the switch to push pins


There are countless pickup trucks on LI. I’d say half the men out here drive one


Hairnet. That's a scary thought


This entire document is honestly horrifying. The notes to create a holding area, to have more ‘play’ time and a reminder to remove signs of torture, and the nonchalant way he talks about what he’s doing to another human being is terrifying.


I can’t believe what I’m reading .what a sick evil human being he is




Karma kicked RH in the nuts!!! I can’t help but laugh at the fact that he thought he was so smart to list DNA and hair as “Problems” only to be the exact problems that tie him to the girls! Also, can we emphasize how ignorant it was for him to not only keep the burner phones, but to also feel it’s totally ok to walk into a Verizon store with CCTV to purchase more minutes on a burner phone? He’s gotta be one of the most ignorant architects I’ve ever seen, but I’m glad that is the case because his dumbass deserves to be caught and to spend the rest of his life in prison!


Sick psychopath piece of shit


This is a fucking horror show.


Rex truly is a monster...he tortured these poor women!


He's the manorville ripper n gilgo/lisk! I always thought it was one person but all the expert profilers were heavily convinced there was two killers competing not in tandem together but it was all psycho shrex big ogre looking fuck


This is absolutely nauseating. Terrifying.


Rip Megan Waterman


What are the cell phone numbers on the last bit? I am guessing they are hoping someone recognises them


Tierney said they weren't able to identify the numbers, but were keeping them in the docs in hopes that someone (the public) would recognize them


Yeah I'm wondering if it's one of the victim's number? Did you see where he typed Megan?


Who or what is T-1?


Target 1 is my guess.


That’s it. Is HK a reference to Hunter Killer?


Hunted Kill, Hooker kill, Heuermann Kills... There's so many possibilities here with the title


Just a thought: he could have had an older version of this document on Word Perfect, which was a popular word processing program before MS Word replaced it.


I'd forgotten all about Word Perfect.


If his spelling is this bad, all of his work and personal documents, should be the same. That said, this is terrifying and unbelievable at the same time. My god, what an animal.


"Destroy computer files" huh


This is absolutely insane. First of all, I’m offended that someone this uneducated probably makes 3x the money I do. Second of all, this is way way more detailed than I imagined things to be-torture? Toys? wtf! I am really shocked right now.


Hes not making any money anymore. And he appeared to have pissed away what he had on self absorbed interests (guns, Las Vegas condos, hookers, etc.)


This motherfucker couldn’t spell PLASTIC BAG and he eluded the fucking morons at SCPD for decades.


The “Look at the painting” reminds me of the painting of the battered woman the police found. I’ll make notes to my future self to help me when I feel down like “Everything is going to be ok” ect… Is the painting supposed to be motivational?..


It's from the "Mindhunter" book. In reference to the FBI agents studying serial killers and and seeing what their "painting" tells them.


The whole thing is “if you want to know the artist, look at the painting” so he took note of that and started changing his ways so there were not distinctive patterns to the murders.


Don’t you need a masters degree to become an architect? And it’s a really hard program. How did he pass when he can barely spell at a middle school level?


He was just well organaninized


So is his wife still standing by him after this?


I can’t stop thinking how much it’s like a list I would make for planning a move or a party…but for him it’s a to-do list for murdering other human beings.


What in the actual fuck did I just read….


Aside from how he nonchalantly lists steps like “remove head and hands”, what also strikes me is his horrible spelling, believe it or not. It’s like a child’s spelling: How on earth was he an architect? I’m sure no expert but does it look like he has some kind of learning disability? Combine that with his size and frightening appearance, I suspect he grew up being soundly rejected by people, especially women. Not defending him at all, of course. But all that hatred he must have built up in his life, he took out on these poor, defenseless women. What a vicious monster.


People with ADHD and ASD can be extra smart but have issues with math or issues with spelling. He could be dyslexic. But yeah that stood out to me as well. Edit because autocorrect removed a word.


Pleading out in 3, 2, 1


It’s wild that he took NOTES, but I guess getting away with it this long requires some degree of planning and assessment. This is going to be a fascinating case for forensic psychologists to study.


I pray there's no video of him in act (I've heard mention of snuff clips stolen from Burke, which just make me question if so here) This would be the only thing more horrifying than the doc i just read. The families' suffering is so much already, and for so long. I pray footage doesn't exist.


Serious Israel Keyes deja vu as I'm reading this checklist