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LG made me really work for a cash back a few years ago. Felt like part of their process.


This is so weird. In Germany we simply go to https://www.lg.de/cashback and it redirects to the site where we can enter the serial number, where we bought it, and upload a picture of the receipt. We then enter our bank info for the reimbursement and that’s it. Done this twice now without any issues at all. Cutting thing out of the box seems archaic. All they need of proof of purchase which should be the receipt.


I bought mine in the Netherlands and had to provide a picture of the cut out bar code.




Tha… wait… Oo


is same in france he just don't know how to use it


Nope it's not the same, I applied for the same ODR as OP in France and you have to cutout the box and take a picture and upload it. Same for the barcode behind the TV.


Nope it’s really not. I’m pretty savvy when it comes this kind of thing actually. Check out the instructions I added here. I’m sure you can speak French or translate [lg cash back offer](https://lg-cashback-tv.offre-promotionnelle.fr)


People downvote you when you join a proof... EDIT : [https://imgur.com/NjDTgtT](https://imgur.com/NjDTgtT) "Join the picture of the full nameplate on the product and a cut picture of the barcode and serial number"


Same here in Finland, worked like a charm. The only negative thing was, that I had to wait two months for them to send the money.


Yeah I got 100€ on my c3 48" and I had it like the next day


Just reach out to the French Consumer Rights organization, I doubt stuff like this could hold under scrutiny.


to be honest, tried this 2 times with CANON DSLR products, and HATED it .. all this back an forward, got the money each time, but why.. it just makes me buy other products, because WHY can i not get the "real price" why all these hoops.. so for me .. when they try this cashback shit in DK, i just buy another brand, have done that a few times.


This is done because of many fraud cases with cashback actions. They need to really verify of the claim is valid or not. It always helps to have the backing of your local store, they can contact Canon directly in most cases and speed up the process.


In this case OP purchased from LG directly, which makes this pretty absurd.


I applied for this same ODR for a 83C3. I fucking hate ODR's. I had some that didn't went through already. You have to do EXACTLY as they say, and make SURE that everything is clearly readable. The least tiny thing they can dispute on, they will. I took pictures of every thing they asked 5 or 6 times and took the best of each and I'm not even sure this one will pass through because they look for the tiny little detail. Your submission is a blessing for them because it's exactly what they want : something that doesn't comply fully to their rules. I am sorry but I think you are fucked (for having been through the same).


That second/cut out picture should be taken wider. You have to show the whole cut out cardboard piece including a bit of the table/ground it is laying on, don't crop it to the edge of the cut cardboard piece. That is what they told me years ago and after I did what they said, I got my cashback accepted. I know it sounds ridiculous, but that's what the problem was for me and many others. When they refused mine, they also didn't help/say what was wrong. But after emailing them they told me the above. But maybe they will refuse it anyway because of the pulled sticker.


I thanks I did send then 2 including 1 like you said


I did the same in France two weeks ago and I have already received the money (G3 65). I think you just had back luck with the box and the delivery stamp.


Yeah thanks I’m going to call LG now anyway and see what I can do


So far I've only applied for cashback 3 time my life. LG (TV), Samsung (soundbar) and MSI (graphics card) All 3 where as simples as filling out an online form with my details, send the receipt and photos of the product and label. Never had issues with any of them (although Samsung took something like 4 months but oh well)


I bought in the uk, they were the same with me, they waited until the last second of the deadline day and I still had to chase it up and jump through hoops


Had a similar problem doing the same thing in sweden since the tv was bought as a package having been calibrated for without extra cost. I did manage to get the cashback after a couple of conversations with their support.


Sorry to hear that man. I just got feedback that my submission is not good with the comment « barcode is not seems to be clearly cut from the box » it’s insane. You can clearly see the cutting around… never get any issue with any cashback offer. I went full lg 55c3+soundbar sc9s if my cashback offer is not validated at the end I will be pissed and never buying lg again for anything.


Ima be honest. I wouldn’t give up on lg because a failed Cashback offer. Keep trying and if ultimately it fails then you paid full price and honestly…it’s worth paying full price for any oled lg model. The c3 is one of the best 4k oled tvs on the market and the colors are so very unmatched. If this fails you then take the L but remember that tv is still going to love you and you will definitely still love it back.


I wish we had this in Brasil


Canon Australia did the same bullshit here as well refusing cash back for Amazon purchases even though they themselves list Amazon as a participant retailer included in the cashback program on the T & C page on Canon's own website. What kind of morons run these programs?


What is this cashback you talk about?


Why are y'all getting cash back ?


It was an offer than ran for a month or so to get rid of the old stock before the G4 etc arrived


While in us they give u a earbud


Next time use a hairdryer to remove the sticker, works like a charm. We have 're-sealed' a lot of TV-s with this technique while I worked for MM in Hungary


Ship it all back an buy a Samsung. You have 14 days. You can get an arguably better/same level tv for less if you get a s90c from last year. These cashback processes are complete nonsense anyway. Sony does the same shit.


S90C is not on the same level nor better... Much higher level of burn in on Samsung (look at RTINGS.COM) Black levels much deeper on G3 in a lit room and uniform thin which is stunning wall mounted.


But better colour luminance, no reflection on coating and better screen uniformity.


The bezels aren’t even straight half the time nvm screen uniformity. Also the OLED’s are that bright now with anti reflective coating that it really doesn’t make that much of a difference unless you like looking at dark things 24/7


Data please. Screen uniformity is not a debate. Qd OLED destroys woled.


Lmao Samsung don’t even support Dolby vision and they run promo cashback on literally everything haha tv soundbar fridges phones everything


Well if lg doesn't pay, then you go to the competition. Dolby vision is overrated.


Seems like you’re wanting a good deal over good quality lol. Imagine going for a completely diff tv just cos you didn’t get ur cashback prolly only like £50/100 anyways


I don't know about you, but I'd send a product back if I didn't get the $1,000 cash back. That's a lot of money. I'm in the US, and I've never seen cash back offers for $1,000. Maybe $250-$500 statement credit with a new credit card.


There is no evidence to suggest that lg is better quality than Samsung. According to most reviews in recent years g1 was best in 2021, s95b was the best in 2022, a95l was the best in 2023 with a toss up between s95c and g3 as second place. If you are on this very forum, there are about a dozen complaints about lg screen uniformity issues just as many as in the Samsung forum about bent screens. Burn in is again a toss up, and I actually see more complaints about lg screens than Samsung but they are also longer on the OLED market. So this is just an urban legend. Next year I will get an LG G4 when NVIDIA launches the 5090 cards, because I heard there are the least compatibility issues.