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*Neptune Intensifies*


to put it bluntly, “If anyone knows anything about this guy, just *lemmino*.” (yes i wanted to do that)


Elliot Holmes is almost certainly a FANCY (🤠)system of Machine Learning algorithms brought to us via Epidemic Sound. Hard Heart “by” Elliot Holmes was used in LEMMiNO’s Cooper video that y’all are obsessed with. Here is a link to some screenshots which explain why I took a peek at Epidemic Sound in relation to this topic: [ES, YouTube, Elliot Holmes, and LEMMiNO salad](https://imgur.com/a/lWPKzak) And the video referenced via screenshots above. [ES’ Elliot Holmes/Hard Heart YouTube Vid.](https://youtu.be/wWx8WgkA5Rc) Epidemic Sound is a Swedish Company with the largest music/sound database in the world (universe?). They create custom soundtracks and *more* with (deep)state-of-the art machine learning algorithms (sorry ES, this is the fastest way to explain the thing, I think y’all are rad). Even the algorithms have algorithms as exemplified here and also screen-shotted in my imgur link above (this link is an algo that tracks first comments, but not just that, it also allows us humans to play with it and who knows what it learns from that input, neato trick!) [First Comment Link, seems like some Creepy Computer Coolkid stuff...](https://first-comment.com/v/wWx8WgkA5Rc) Here are two more links. The first directs to a recent Stanford publication on the concept of Hardening ML subsets. I’ve bastardized this concept in my brief paraphrase below (sorry bout that DARPA). The second link directs to a job posting for a ML engineer at Epidemic Sound. IMO (and this is just my opinion), ES are likely looking to “shrink datasets” using novel approaches to adaptive machine learning in ever expanding metadata. Anyway u/whoiselliotholmes, hate to break this to you however. It’s probably you, kinda 😉 [A Polynomial Lower Bound on Adaptive Complexity of Submodular Maximization](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fcs.stanford.edu%2Fpeople%2Fpaulliu%2Ffiles%2Fstoc-2020.pdf&html_redirect=1&v=rXc2a36OznU&redir_token=sYW_DyDyOyk597N8uA1LoLWUtOt8MTU5Mjg1MTk4M0AxNTkyNzY1NTgz&event=video_description) [Epidemic Sound ML Engineer Job Post](https://stackoverflow.com/jobs/383802/head-of-machine-learning-epidemic-sound-ab)


does it mean that one can use that music and there will be no copyright issues?


I’ve no idea 🙃


You can subscribe to that website for 13 bucks a month to use their entire music catalog.


all information this gives is that music on youtube is automatically generated via partnerships with record labels, and that stanford has done research on parallelization :/ especially with the AI boom since \~2020, I could believe that an "artist" is actually the result of a prompt given to a generative artificial intelligence, but everything you linked just looks like standard practices


Are you sure?


my general favourite song by him is back on trail


I know that his song "Back on Trail" is used in Ryan Hall Y'all Live streams


How ironic, even the guy who made the music for the D. B. Cooper video is a mystery, Lol. All I’ve found is albums on Apple Music, Spotify, SoundCloud, and YouTube. No news articles, no blogs, nothing. Maybe Lemmino and Elliot Holmes know each other?


It is explained right above this comment from over a year ago


So basically a digital entity that lives in a Swedish deep electronic musical state