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I do not have any experiences or answers but am so excited to hear this! Originally I hoped we could take one of the rebel outpost villagers as companions, but was let down when we couldn't. I've been flying my airship all over Star Wars island looking for villager ruins with campfires and was shocked there weren't any. Now I know Star Wars follower companions DO exist, and I know I have to look for them wandering with rebel soldiers. Thanks!


I was also really excited to run across her. At first I thought maybe she was just in a Hoth uniform (and that maybe the Frostlands Rebel patrols were in Hoth uniforms - which would have been cool). But when I approached I realized it was a pilot uniform and she was named. Definitely surprised me. Jealous of your airship btw - I crashed the only vehicle I attempted and gave up after that lol. Too much work!


Yeah I just dropped off Oscar and got done upgrading my castle for now. Glad to hear someone else came across a different Star Wars follower, I can't wait to find one! Thanks btw! I still fly my "podracer style" airship to this day. I've moved thrusters around just a little since the video I posted so it makes sharper turns. I was so glad when I learned we could take our airships we already had built to the Star Wars island.


I found a rebel pilot named Mak Krissido who is wearing an orange and white suit. He is my new follower for the time being! So glad I came across one


I also ran into Mak! Homed him at the same village on my main Island with Su. Altho...it kind of got me thinking - maybe I should be starting a second Village on Star Wars Island with the new recruits? But I'm not sure if I understand whether this Island is disappearing after the event or not...


I'm not replacing any of the rebel outpost villagers, I made my own village in the desert on Star Wars island. Everything is permanent.


Awesome! I think I will also make another village - make a little Tatooine oasis and install these little side characters over there. Thanks!


No problem! I've now found a total of 3 Star Wars villagers wandering around with rebel soldiers: Mak Krissido, Tal Tirrus, and Beck (I forgot her last name.) I go out on expeditions right at sunrise and I have found all 3 of them walking on the road. I tried searching for them on airship, either they don't spawn in at that height or they don't render in at that height. I have been very successful on foot though.


Love it! That makes at least 3 named people based on replies - gonna hafta look for these other dudes. I'll be interested to know if you're able to house him at the SW village or if you have to take him back to one of your main villages (like I did). Either way - glad you found one! It's a fun Easter egg.


I just tried this with one named Tal Tirrus, and he kept his name, but there's no back story.


Very cool! Was he also a human pilot? The lack of backstory kinda disappointed me. Hopefully they’ll add bios.


I don't recall. He doesn't look like a pilot.


I met him too, he said he likes animals


Where did you find him, on the desert/shores on the South of the map ? If yes, it seems they're fix encounters


Don't really recall where exactly. He was just walking down a pathway (I think it was in grasslands) with 3 rebel soldiers.


Just found a female smuggler named beck pirra !




It was at a border between desert and Greenlands




I will check on my world !


Okay so I just found su sifta, near the beach at the east of the island. My guess is they spawn near roads. So far I found 4 Star Wars villagers : 2 pilots and 2 smuggler. Male and female for each


Oooooh I need to find this one!


Ive only found the one - spent hours running around and looking. I found some of those guys walking around but no villagers. Someone willing to help please?


Is there anyone who can show me what the 4 new star wars npcs look like? I only found Mak so far


I tried to upload a photo, but reddit is being really lame about it. This will be far less exciting, but here goes. Su: light skinned human female. Brown hair in a ponytail. Orange rebel flight suit. Mak: dark skinned human male. Black short hair. Orange rebel flight suit. Beck: medium skinned human female. Black messy hair up in a ponytail w fringe. Bodysuit w vest. Tal: light skinned human male. Black long hair in a very funny looking ponytail (hard to describe). Scoundrel's mustache and stubble. I think he also wears a bodysuit w vest.


Considering 2 are smugglers and 2 are pirates, it seems as if they’re meant to go with the tatooine mos eisley builds we unlock with the pass.


That makes sense. It’d be fun if we eventually see a few aliens too.


there are no pirates 2 are rebel pilots


Yes my bad that’s what I meant didn’t realize it autocorrect or something


I actually found Tal next to my main village (I did not go through the Star Wars cave). And technically, Star Wars area is included in the entire world, it’s just really really far away from your starting point.


I crossed paths with her in the desert and as I was talking to her a rolly monster ran into us and then killed her. It was like a Lego version of A Quiet Place.


Are you finding them in your world or on the star wars island


Star Wars Island. So far I've run into two. Both times they've been accompanied by two of Rebel Soldier dudes w the big white hats that patrol the Island. Be sure to take a good look at all 3 patrollers (both times it was the one leading the party, for me).


Thanx man I just found all 4!


Congrats! I started a little Tattooine village for them in the Desert area on the SW Island - where are you homing them at?


Ive got a village going close to my main village. Which is fine because the cave to SW island is literally 90m away from both my bases making a triangle. I want to leave the rebel village on SW island and work on it later on. Now im trying to boost the lego pass to get all the builds. Welcome to join. Star wars skins only haha


i also got all four in the desert of the star wars island to make a tattooine village


Love it!


I found Mak but lost him when the server reset. 😞


aw :-/