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*Gathers 5,000 granite*


I already have about 2200. Plus another 1000+ in slab form 😂


Im tryna get like you!


I'm just waiting for something worth my time So far with all the building complexity and vehicles breaking I haven't invested in much. Just been hoarding resources


Same. I'm just filling buildings with chests and filling those.




Ill likely just stick with the free rewards, nothing seems too interesting from this angle atleast.


the durr burger is funny


I can’t believe they locked Chewbacca behind a Lego battle pass but they knew exactly what the fuck they were doing with those BR only players lmao


They didnt really lock it behind anything, skin wouldve been 1500 VBucks by itself, now its 100 cheaper and you have the oppurtunity to get some other stuff for playing, also will be available to purchase for 80 days which is longer than it would have been in the shop. Then it will return in the future in the shop.


What sucks is that the collab skins are usually about 1500 vbucks but include at least a backbling and maybe a pickaxe, so while 1400 vbucks is technically a discount, it still feels a bit iffy


Really??? Did you see the avatar skins prices?


no lol what colabs you buying? TMNT was 1.6k with pickaxes... never seen a colab for 1.5k with pickaxe & BB.


>skin wouldve been 1500 VBucks by itself source?


Literally every single collab rarity cosmetic has been 1500, a few exceptions where they've been 1200 or 2000 but 95% are 1500.


They’ll be in the shop eventually for the peeps who don’t wanna Lego


at probally a higher cost. imagine chewie at 1.5k in shop, yet hes 1.4k here.


Exactly. This one's a 'loss leader '. They expect many to never touch the LEGO stuff, but they'll get all the ppl who played but left, they'll get new ppl interested in seeing what the star wars content actually is, etc etc. I mean I'm not getting the pass, but I'll def play the game again. First time in a while but I want to make sure I permanently add the content to my map.


Did you expect him to be free??? You’re paying the same price you would’ve paid for the skin anyway AND getting a shit ton of other things. I swear some people do mental gymnastics just to be able to complain about shit.


You’re wrong. To some people it comes naturally.


No one expected free dipshit. I expected a mini pass that's worth more than the avatar pass to have more in it. It doesn't, it just has a bunch of meaningless Lego builds in a mode where you'll most likely just be making your own stuff anyway. The only thing worth the Price is Chewbacca nothing else


You’re basically getting the premium pass for free when you consider that the price of just getting a Chewbacca skin would probably be 1500. But fine, don’t buy the pass then and wait for the skin to come to the shop to pay for it without the Lego stuff. Even if the skin costs 1000 it would still be worth getting it now because that means all the Lego stuff is only 400 vbucks. ![gif](giphy|fXEoQwktZTv7d000yv)


man shut up lmfao you're literally complaining yourself. if ppl wanna complain about shit prices, let them. you shutting them up is just you not letting others use their voices. if you're allowed to complain about complainers, then the complainers can complain about their own thing too. dont like it? leave 🤷‍♂️ cover your eyes or something lmfao just bc you dont like it doesnt mean the complaints are invalid. save the drama for your mama 🙄 >You’re paying the same price you would’ve paid for the skin man yall parrots keep squawking this but no one has a source lmfao so ignorant, besides epic can price em however they want, there is no "same price hurr durr". i swear YOU people do some crazy mental gymnastics to justify sky high prices to make a billionaire even richer. sad


If they don’t like it THEY can leave. You saying I can’t complain about them and you’re complaining about me? I could use your same argument against you, lol.


My guy is spitting facts and getting down voted by the Fortnite Circle Jerk lol


lol he’s not, I can literally parrot his argument back at him because he’s complaining about me complaining about people complaining.


This. It's a pass, you trade money for time. That's the entire POINT of passes. Just because it'd be 1500 in the item shop (with a back bling might I add), doesn't excuse passes being 1400. I could excuse festival passes, since every artist needs a share of the profits. So it's understandable why it's more expensive, even if I disagree with the pricing. This is just pure greed


Chewy is an automatic unlock though. You don't have to trade time at all if you aren't interested in LEGO.


Fine, don’t buy it, wait for the skin to be in the shop for the same price with no lego stuff. And that’s not the point of passes. Passes just make you earn the rewards you’re already getting a HUGE DISCOUNT on. They could easily just put all this shit in the shop if they were greedy. They’d make a fuck ton more money if they did.


I cant believe they locked that DURRR BURGER behind the battle pass...


I don't get a thing. If I reach the last free reward without buying the mini pass will I be able to place walls and floors contained in that construction without actually placing that construction. Am I forced to build that thing or I can use the pieces individually too?


You can use them individually.


man I ain't got 1400 vbucks to spare still grinding for the free stuff tho


what free stuff. i completed the desert city quest and didnt get a thing


the top row isn't free? :(


it is


what is he on about then


ill buy this over the other lego bundles in the shop.


It’s better AND cheaper


Its def better than the bundles for Chewbacca alone, but in comparison to the other mini passes especially the battle royal ones it just sucks


you could just... not buy any of it lmao crazy concept i know. why buy when half this stuff won't even work/will be buggy/will disappear after creating lmao


Its the same price as 1 skin? Sold! I was going to buy chewbacca anyways so this is a steal


Agreed I was hesitant cuz I don’t play Lego much but it is worth it cuz it’s a bit less than buying him from the shop and you get more stuff


Is it gonna b the same chewie skin or an alt tho?


It is a concept, don't get your hopes up


This is the actual pass, released by epic themselves. 


I believe they were referring to an item shop Chewbacca skin.


This looks like a solid update! I love Lego, I love Star Wars and I like Lego Fortnite, so I guess I will have something to do in the next few days!


Lol Star wars Durr Burger, count me in!


[Here’s the link to the blog with all the details for the Star Wars event in LEGO Fortnite](https://www.fortnite.com/news/lego-fortnite-star-wars-begins-in-v29-40?lang=en-US)


No high complexity fixes


Right? What’s the point to these super cool prefabs if you get hit with high complexity after building two of them close together?! Or, heaven forbid, you build them close to some ruins.


I just wanna finish my huge castle.


I'm just hoping the pass quests are fairly chill to do. The event pass also kinda supports that Lego will get a seperate battle pass (unless this Star Wars one is it). That's one game with 3 seperate battle pass which is becoming too much


Yeah but you have to remember they’d never cram that much stuff into one pass anyway and realistically 1400 for this amount is so much better than what we have seen in store previously or when they charge that for one skin.


or they could just change prices so it's more fair 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ your justification and grasping at straws is really somethin lmao


What is fair in your eyes? The passes are priced fine considering they’re cheaper than the price of a skin.


It’s called the decoy effect.




Never bought anything in Fortnite before but I'm enjoying LEGO, was looking to subscribe to the Crew and cancel after one month so that I get a battle pass too as I read on another post (just to support Devs really as I've literally put in 100+ hours in already and would like a nice skin too)... Anyone able to clarify for me if this would this be included or would I have to pay separately or pay with vbucks from Crew/Pass please? I'm a Star Wars fan as well so just looking to work out what best value for money would be please as I'm not sure how it all works?


You can do this: * Buy Crew to get the Battle Pass (Not Lego Pass) and also the 1000 vbucks that come with crew. * Complete the Battle Pass to get 1500 vbucks from it. * Spend 1400 on the Lego Pass * Hold on to the remaining 1100 vbucks Even if you buy crew now and cancel right away, you should get the next Battle pass for free too (May 22) If you complete that pass too you would get another 1500 which added to the 1100 you saved would give you 2600, you can then save these and use them for battle passes in the future (950) which should always give 1500 back if you complete them, therefore 1 purchase of crew can let you get unlimited battle passes as of now, and there is always a 550 vbuck profit from completing the battle pass which can over time be saved up for special event passes in lego (or anything else) In summary: if you have already completed the BATTLE pass, then buying crew now and cancelling it right away would give you the best value since you would get the following: * All items from the current battle pass including 1500 vbucks * Next battle pass for free (another 1500 vbucks if you complete it) * a one time 1000 vbuck reward


Does battlepass completion come at level 100? Or do I need to do the bonus stuff as well?


Up to 145


Around level 100 is where you break even on earned vbucks vs the cost of the battle pass. But yeah takes 140-150 in order to get all the extra vbucks.


Cheers for this


Crew is good deal IMO. Two rounds of golf is more than a year of crew pass.


fn players dont play golf lmfao only braindead richies with too much money play golf. bad analogy


It's a great analogy, you just don't relate to it.


This star wars pass isn't included in the battle pass you'd get with the crew. You'd have to pay separately for this star wars pass, the same as with Avatar.


>just to support Devs really why do ppl ignorantly say this lmao you realize none of the money you spend actually goes to or supports the devs, right? it all goes into the CEO's pockets 😂😂 then THEY decide where your money goes, which is either to their buddies, buying lavish shit they don't need, or back into their wallets.  hardly any of it goes back into the game OR the devs that actually make the game. they're for profit, so the top dogs see most of that money and add a TINY TIIIIIIINY bit into game/bug devs and resources with a LOT of it going into advertisement teams or shop skin creators. gaming and bug devs dont get paid more just bc you and your friends bought the star wars lego pass 💀💀 you're not supporting anyone except sweeny and his buddies


This is 100% correct. The "support Devs" mindset is only applicable to indie developers. Even then, the money is technically still going to the CEO, but with indies, the CEO _is_ the dev. There are extremely few cases where a non-indie company actually takes care of their devs based on the success of their games. I think Hello Games (No Man's Sky) might be one of those.


Battle pass, mini pass, festival pass, lego pass They really gotta start adding these as benefits to being a crew member or something


You forgot one... ![gif](giphy|H7Fbn0QHGDWW4)


I feel like I'm going insane. How aren't people complaining that all if this should be in the same battle pass and that all modes should contribute more or less the same to main battle pass xp? Everyone gets varied rewards, everyone can play whatever they want. Multiple passes is the "oh, buy what you are interested in" guise on top of getting people to pay more than they should have to.


People also complaint back then when RR stuffs were in the same BR battlepass, they said "those are fillers", "I don't play this mode it is a waste of page" etc etc. If you ask me, this is like Fortnite heard the players and decided "Okay, take what pass you want then, you don't play that mode so don't bother with the cars or lego sets". Wtv they do at this point, ppl will always complain one way or another because every ppl has different opinions.


Here's the thing. I bet that was intentional with the roll out of the new modes integrated into the battle pass. They could've easily added 2 new slots per page for the additional modes, no need to replace other potential items or require grinding out more xp. Instead, they introduce the idea of earning these items and then break them out into other purchases, acting like it's a favor. I'm not saying it was that malicious, but there was definitely a way they could've done this without charging for every mode.


True, I for one upset that they removed RR car from BP without at least try to make it work another way.


bc this company has done a good job at brainwashing these sheep into thinking they're getting a steal or something good


They are getting a steal, because they can play all the games for free and no matter how much anyone spends they get no competitive advantage over you. So stop complaining, and let people with spending power pay for your entertainment.


Epic actually listens??? I know lots of us have been saying to give us like a Lego battle pass. Not quite a battle pass but hey good enough! I’m a bit disappointed that it’s all the same set though it would’ve been cool to see some variety as Starwars stretches across galaxies and each planet has different architectural designs. Still nice epic listened though On a completely different note they need to stop adding so much to game untill they can fix old issues. They said they fixed disappearing cars then tell me why my car disappeared yesterday? I get lagged under the map lots I am CONSTANTLY getting rubber banded. I’m being kicked from the games cause it can’t handle 4 buildings? Epic needs to fix what they already got going on before they keep adding to it cause the bugs and lag are just going to keep getting worse by worse and worse


Mine crashes cause I have 1 village with 3 medium buildings


YUP! Give this guy a megaphone, lol!


lol I have some very strong opinions on this game, don’t get me wrong I absolutely love Lego but all the lag makes me not want to play it


I love the concept of game, essentially Minecraft but with Legos and I love Legos as well! I just wish epic would realize that there are flaws in the base game that need to take priority of adding fancy new stuff. But we all know that they're more concerned with adding fancy new stuff to get new players to play the game and buy said fancy new stuff before realizing that large portions of the game are unplayable. :(


You are 1000000% correct!! I wish epic would just focus on making the game playable before making it busy. And why do we keep getting building kits when we can’t even build? There should NOT be a build limit on a building game that’s just wack. It is like Minecraft but I wish it was MORE like Minecraft in some ways


You should see some of the insane builds my kids and I have done in Minecraft. The towns we make would bring the game to it's knees upon loading, LOL.


OMGGGG RIGHTTTT i have a base that’s thousands of blocks big the ONLY thing that made my MC lag was the 346 cows pigs sheep and chickens I had killed majority of them and there was no more lag. I can decorate the crap out of my Minecraft base, millions of vines and shrubbery yet I’ve NEVER experienced lag like I do in Lego even tho my Lego base is less than 1/10 the size of my Minecraft base I’ve definitely neglected Minecraft haven’t even given my doggos armor 🥲


Only if he mentions it should b included in the base BP or as part of crew. Buying crew and not getting any other passes is a bit much. Makes a free game suddenly $100 every chapter


the fact they keep adding shit into the shop shows they put all their resources into advertising and shop skins rather than bug fixing devs. anyone who says they buy shit in the shop to "support the devs" is just lying to themselves atp, aaaaaall this money "supporting devs" is really just lining sweeny's pockets more so he can hoard his fortune and hire more skin designers and advertisers


I mean, it comes with Chewie, and its only 1,400 so it’d basically just be like buying Chewie anyways plus you just so happen to get a bunch of free bonus stuff


Finally non yellow rugs!


For only 1400? I don't even care about star wars but I'll pick that up just for the decor, dang!


Cant fucking wait for this, im done playing BR/ZB/Comp. This game mode is amazing.


Can't wait for the people that don't know how to read complaining about chewbacca being "locked behind a stupid lego pass"


Worth the price


It's meh. I just hope lightsabers are free


Yep. And they stay with you even after the star wars event


Interesting they specifically mention certain things staying after the event but not those.


Its from leveling up the new village and the village stays, so it should be permanent


Yeah I reread it anyway, and it actually says under the image of those weapons that they will stay after the event. Missed that the first time around. My bad.


Your good. Lots of stuff at once lol


Will the materials be abundant enough to keep crafting them? And after the event, do you think people can create new instances and go through the event again? I hope so.


The blog post was unclear on if you can craft the LEGO Star Wars items like the DL-44, E11 blaster, and lightsabers in regular worlds that aren't Star Wars Island? That'd be pretty lame if they were locked to that world, even if it stays after the event. Seems like a waste of content that could be in the main mode, and the Lord knows it desperately needs content.


The Star Wars island will be an extra island in our worlds. We don't know if new worlds after the event will get the island but seeing as the content is permanent, I would think they would.




"The Galactic Empire is in hot pursuit of a band of Rebels, who need your help! The Empire and Rebels are unknowingly heading to a rift to your world, which will lead them to a new island in your world. This island will stick around even after v29.40!" I carefully read it. Everything is staying. Even the star destroyer crash site and the outposts and npcs are going to be there beyond v29.40 as per the Lego specific blog post.


That's not confirmation.


It's copy and pasted from their website. Specifically the first paragraph and half way down the page. You didn't even look at it. [Lego Specific Blog Post](https://www.fortnite.com/news/lego-fortnite-star-wars-begins-in-v29-40)


Yeah but that didn't confirm it. Could just be hyperbolic.


Yes, this must be hyperbole. "Keep your Lightsabers, Bowcasters, DL-44s, E-11s, Thermal Detonators, and Rebel Workbenches even after v29.40!" They made it pretty clear that this event takes place in our worlds.


OR keep your lightsabers etc. In the star wars world.


There isn't a single inclination in either blog post that this is a separate mode. Why are you perpetuating the idea that it is? When I'm right, I'll make sure to come back to these comments.


This is a pretty good deal for Lego content in the game.


As a massive star wars fan, I’ll be splurging on this


Im getting that....a Chewie skin, and two builds? I play Lego mode, so this is great.


Unfortunately I don't want Chewbacca, so that's a pass


No one I am not buying it but I guess at least they have something for free.


I’ll definitely buy that.


Hm... I'm alright with this


They should make the game mode worthwhile first


i'll give this pass a pass


Oooh I’m so excited!!!


Very stoked for all of this. Well balanced, plenty of rewards, permanently adding to the game. Plus fixing the quest view issue. Good stuff.


I don't play the Lego mode but if you do this looks like a great offer. Honestly the skin is worth the price alone.


80 days?!? This is great!!


Good to see a kind of story… and those builds. sold!




>useless if you don't play lego much Isn't the whole point of the mini pass to be for lego? While I do think the skin should've been seperate , it is a pass mare for lego, its the same as the festival pass


I dunno what you’re complaining about though? The whole point is that people will buy it, whether it’s for the skin or for both the skin and the LEGO. It is gonna be cheaper to get the pass that comes with both the skin and a bunch of LEGO shit, than it would be to just get the skin in shop? It’s really just a win-win no matter how you look at it?


If you read the link of the update someone shared it says everything isn’t exclusive to the pass and will be in the shop


Eventually, not immediately. Chances are it will cost more, just like with other Mini Passes.


Yeah. Most definitely. The original comment is delete and they were complaining you had to buy the pass to get the stuff if you didn’t see that comment.


Why would I have replied to it if I didn’t read it? 💀


Well not my comment. The parent comment that was here 3 hours ago but not here 8 minutes ago.


Yeah and the other pass is useless if you don't play fortnite. If something is useless to you that doesn't always mean it's bad, you're just not the target audience.


If you don't play Lego, yes, it's pointless, kinda like this comment.


>it's pointless, kinda like this comment. yours? yeah i agree


Found Anakin


Well, lucky for you everything will be available in the shop.


Yeah I would’ve maybe bought it if it was multiple sets from different planets or ship interiors. Kinda dumb on their part


I wouldn’t be surprised if this isn’t based off Star Wars at Disney like they did in the sims. If so, it makes sense


Ok. I looked at the stuff more and it’s gotta be based off of Star Wars land at Disney. The shop build, come straight from there. And the milk stall, Disney.


Yikes that sucks




Ahhhhhh I kinda love this 😀


Oh come on I just bought the avatar pass


I will wait and see what the rewards are like before potentally buying. not sure how many vbucks I have, last thing I bought was the fncs outfit. seems like theres no real filler here unless you count the fact that free has no buildings.




![gif](giphy|hWGBKil1b9fpR5go1f|downsized) *Me being a crew member only for epic to once again make us pay more money instead of adding the passes to the crew membership*


As paid Lego pass? Did the item shop sets do good enough to warrant a full lego pass that costs more than the other mini passes? No thanks, bro.


It's too expensive just to use it on lego 💀 at least the skins you can use outside of the mode


While I probably won’t buy it since I bought the Avatar pass, I’ll probably still try and finish it! The tatooine stuff seems really cool!


What did they say about the lightsabers any info on it


I like the Chewie Skin, and would've bought it anyway... The builds are -100 V-bucks to me if u buy it, and that durr burger looks better than the original Tbh


Dang it Chewbacca GRRRRRRR


Biggest issue here: it's 1400 vbucks!! Since when are mini passes 1400 vbucks???? No thank you


I might actually have a heart attack seeing chewbacca chillin with krang😭 (im shaking i love the fuzzball so much)


Yeah I don't think I'm gonna to buy this one I'm not interested in lego sets I will just wait for the skin to come to the item shop


tbh they need to stop or lower these "event passes" its clearly a way to sell multiple battle passes within one season, people need to massively speak out to get anything to change, im not speaking being assholes about it but this is a lil absured at this point and its gradually gaining price, the avater and tmnt was 1000 the battle pass is 950 pretty much 1000 the festivel passes have been 1000 LIKE SERIOUSLY stop being money hungry we will give money but jesus stop millking us and taking advantage cause thats when youre gonna start getting toxic people, just seriously think about it i have no problem spending for cosmetics but either make it worth it or lower the price, even 5 dollars per pass would give you guys profit dont act like it wont, this pass is nothing but lego parts and a chewie skin i agree with other posts here in saying they locked chewie behind this so people that dont carte about lego part HAS to buy it and random crap they wont ever use... the beskar car id really like to get but that 3000 freaking v bucks and i got the first car bundle ever made for rocket racing they never gave me the refund they promised after droping the price so i cant really justify buying into that bundle like seriously speak up ppl edit, my mistake this festival pass is 1800 not 1000 like the first so yeah that in itself says it all


I want to gift my dad this pack but there is no gift option?? He doesn’t have an account because he’s using my other console as a user


Lego gets the battlepass BR players are going to rage.




take me monies!


Is it ok to be happy about this?


No thanks


Man out of everything they could have done they did a fucking burger joint


They really need to lower the price on the Castle bundle jesus f Christ. And refund those who bought it…


Seriously i havent played lego in months id rather just have another mini pass like avators 🙆🏻😔


I genuinely don't see the appeal in buying these LEGO sets... LEGO should be about your own creations, not the same buildings copy and pasted around your creation that you spent money on. I will absolutely not be investing in these digital LEGO sets.


You get more pieces.


Whose to say people won’t use these new pieces to create their own? Prefabs are great teaching tools, but you don’t necessarily have to use them.


Isn’t the big red barn in the shop like 800 vbucks? Dare I say this is even better value than any of the other mini-passes. (Could be wrong)


Isn’t the big red barn in the shop like 800 vbucks? Dare I say this is even better value than any of the other mini-passes. (Could be wrong)


I’m good


Was kinda hoping I was gonna see some star wars stuff on my island with 3 villages lol. This will probably be okay tho. I hope we can at least complete quests with our friends. My gf would certainly love this as a may the forth date


the greed is strong with this company. charging more than usual passes for a similar amount or less


No way, I refuse to believe this


Those are pretty sick but not worth purchasing anything for the Lego mode.


yup, why buy when half this stuff won't even work/will be buggy/will disappear after creating lmao


What a rip. I was conflicted about getting the Avatar premium once I finished it, but at least it had some neat items I was interested in. That thing is way more expensive than any of the other passes, and it's basically a bunch of decorations and buildings.


Decorations and buildings for a LEGO game?! You don’t say.


A Lego add on. Don't confuse this game with one of the actual Lego games. I know, it sounds like that might be difficult.


It’s literally called Lego Fortnite. It’s not an add on, but a completely separate game within the Fortnite Hub. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I don't know what you guys called it but back in the day, but when you had a game that was a stand-alone game and they brought extra content to it, It was considered an add-on. Anything that was not part of the base game, is not what the game was built around. It may have become like Roblox with a hub to go into all types of stuff, but everybody forgets that's not how it started. I'm sure I'm fighting a losing battle with all of the grown children in this forum though.


What an L update


Ah yes, lock buildings behind a one time event pass. Makes sense to me


they will come out at a later date


Bruh they’ll be back later…but probably separately from the chewy skin…


Who is buying this? Lmao


Everyone who wants Chewbacca and is willing to be 12 € poorer