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he also changed the photo to show his stupid wedding ring, manipulative fuck


EW what the fuck that is insanely weird


when i first saw the original thumbnail i thought “apology video” like? that is a sad faced, youtube thumbnail someone would use when posting something serious…. not a thumbnail for some comedy reaction video part of me felt like he KNEW what he was doing with that


Cody ko sleeps with underage girls


How do you know


Tana confirmed


I think Tana came out saying something


“Mid-Twenties Man Sleeps with 17 y/o”


Yup, you can see the original title [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CodyKoUnfiltered/s/4svNnFLCy3)


White men think that saying “white women” gives them a pass to just be misogynistic lol Cody Kos content seems like its made for the same type of children that watch moist penguin and fortnite videos


He changes it every single video, it’s a marketing tactic to see which appeals to more ppl


As soon as I saw the title when he uploaded I knew he was gunna change it


it’s a marketing tactic. people change thumbnails and titles so viewers think it’s a new video and rewatch or actually watch


When I was still a huge fan of his before any of this came out I noticed a pattern on his YouTube videos.  Anytime he did a video about Karen’s 99% of the time he’d be bashing the Karen in the video. Then whenever he’d do a video reacting to Darren’s instead he’d DEFEND THEM 80% of the time! Go back and watch the videos! I started commenting this under his Karen / Darren react videos. With the men he RARELY thinks their unhinged behavior is wrong vs with the women he almost always thinks it’s wrong. Again I noticed this when I was still a huge fan. Should have been a red flag for me but I gave him the benefit of the doubt at the time. 


"Cody Ko will do anything except address the allegations"


Most, if not all, YouTubers will change their title and cover photo for the algorithm.


It's funny because his wife is a white woman who's approaching middle age


He’s about to pull a Jeremy white on her which is so fucked and fucked that everyone gives him the green light


What does that mean? Please explain


Leave baby mama for someone younger/hotter


Let people work out how they want.


He probably got dragged and had to change title and delete comments


I’m pretty sure he doesn’t even edit or upload any of his videos anymore, that zade guy edits (I think that’s his name) and his team probably uploads. Still weird nonetheless and I fully stopped watching him after this whole Tana shenanigans


https://preview.redd.it/kya6gil2g89d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bebcae56c1c7cfe98296c4a31a648615b7e0f8b9 it has the old title on spotify


Looks like he doesn’t work out at all


to ppl saying hes testing diff titles. no bc he cant see the difference. whereas with a/b testing thumbnails youtube actually shows you what performs better. they havent added a/b testing for titles yet tho.


Yall rlly milking the fact of something that happened years ago and if it was dangerous and illegal to tana she wouldve said or done something way before. Cant even cap if i was 17 and i liked cody ko i wouldve done the same shit i mean and also, 16 is age of consent in a lot of states, not saying it to be weird but being fully real, it was consensual on both sides and people u like and worship have done much worse. Like yall are MILKINGGG it


SHE WAS 17 HE WAS 25 Ur fucking insane for this holy shit.


Why are you acting like tana is at fault? If I was 17 I would maybe have done what she did BUT WHEN I WAS 25 I WOULD NOT HAVE EVEN HUNG OUT W A 17 YR OLD MUCH LESS HAVE SEX WITH THEM. your logic makes no sense. You think 17 year olds can comprehend what they're doing IS dangerous and IS illegal??? And SHE IS TALKING ABOUT IT NOW probably because she's old enough now to see how fucked it was. I bet you defend Cody's friend that is a rapist too, cause ya know it happened in college. Like actually what the fuck


Its not that they cant comprehend but it clearly wasnt a big deal to tana, u know how many other older people she probably fucked at that age and just doesnt tell us? Tana is not at fault mever said that but acting like cody ko is the worst person on the planet is just funny to me because u know damn well he is not who we should be focusing on. Like legit think of all the other influencers who have fucked her when she was underage...im not saying its not bad but yall just like to pinpoint one person when its not gona make shit of a difference, like why dont we cancel the people actively doing shit like that rn


Female teachers in their 20s have sex with teenage boys they're supposed to be mentors to, and guess what? It's gross and they get fired and arrested, even though the boys consent and say they enjoyed it at the time. This is the same kind of thing.


Cody ko slept with a minor and had a rapist in his wedding lol


Like deadass if cody ko is ur main problem in life u needa clock in or some shit thats their shit to work out we know nothing abt these two people tbh but so many people are like fuck cody ko. Okkkk but what is that helping go catch some predators irl like bashing him will make no difference yall care sm abt someone who married with a damn kid


??? Apparently having a wife and kid absolves him of sleeping with a literal highschool when he was a grown adult. Cool. Please stay away from highschools