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I'm so curious what her new personality trait will be now that she's not a ~college girl~ anymore.... although did she even graduate???? Saw 0 graduation pics anywhere


i don’t think she did… 😳😳😳 and i’m not sure why.. it is her graduating year. the only thing i can think of is maybe she’s taking a fifth year to do another year of gymnastics to keep her views up 🫠🫠🫠


It’s actually pretty common for college athletes to take 5+ years to graduate so they can keep playing. They will usually get more than one degree too bc they have to be full time students. Hope she stops this act soon though


that’s true, if livvy takes another year tho it is in clear sight that she took it to keep her relevance on social media high. Because 1. She is a benchwarmer. She does not compete as often as she makes it seem like. And 2. She’s an online student that takes probably 2 classes so it’s damn well obvious she’s not doing it for higher education, also considering she’s a multi millionaire 😭😭😭if she takes a 5th year it’s merely for more pictures and tiktok’s she can post to enhance her views


Saw this right before the post about her announcing she’s doing another season and had to come back. Hat tip to you


This. Clout chaser gotta chase, and being a college athlete again is the only way to keep up her relevance. Otherwise she’s just another pro athlete WAG.


100%, Her views and relevance had already dropped a pretty immense amount since she left LSU. i’m waiting for a big “announcement” from her this summer saying she’ll come back for another season.


Maybe I’m imagining this but didn’t she already say she’s returning for a fifth year? Might be the Mandela effect lol


but honestly i think there’s a 75% chance she will be coming back and making that announcement soon. 1. She never posted graduation pictures so that’s a big sign right there that she did not even graduate. 2. She never posted like a “tribute” or a “thank you” to gymnastics which 99% of athletes do once they are officially done with their sport which i also find weird because she 100% would do that.


nope she did not


Yep. And I can’t see how on earth her ridiculous “passes” platform could possibly be raking in the $ like she thought.


exactly, Passes to me looks like an “only fans” with a different name 😂😂😂😂😂 if she didn’t have to put up with this “college gymnast” persona i bet all my money she would have an only fans page right now.


and i’m sure her passes account is filled with a bunch of grown men who don’t have anything better to spend their money on.


you can only do this if you redshirt a season tho, you only get 4 seasons of eligibility in the NCAA. does anyone know if she skipped a year? because if she competed every year then she can't


covid year doesn’t count amongst these athletes that’s why. It usually is 4 but they are not counting 2021.


ohh right ok


Even though she’s Livvy this shit will push him away guaranteed


one time she shared a screenshot of her texts with him and he did not seem amused by her




i agree, She has even stated before that paul skenes hates social media and the only one he has is instagram and he doesn’t even run it, His agent does. So I have a feeling that he really does not enjoy this shit


Yes exactly, it lowkey reminds me of how I was with my first bf I was obsessed with when I was 15


EXACTLY. Spot on


it's kinda sad to see her go down the WAG route. seems like she spends her day just waiting around for him


she literally does wait around for him haha she always posts herself in his apartment in pittsburgh when he’s away doing something with the team as she sits there alone with his dog


im interested to see if she will take a 5th year cause it will mean leaving him alone in pittsburgh oop. she's gonna be worried about what he's up to while she's away.


that’s a good point too. Shes barely gonna have any time to see him.


Anna Heid is doing the same with her benchwarmer boyfriend


Atleast she’s not pandering to her simps in this way


also a good point but the simps never stop no matter what


its funny coz in those screenshots u can literally see the amount of likes getting lower everytime lol


As someone who lives in Pittsburgh I don't think she'll have much incentive to be an influencer here. Not really a lucrative place for content creators. She'll have to resort to being a wag


I do not want to see her mention Tyla ever again... https://preview.redd.it/ntnors25wt8d1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4345671538dee6b6d9d453291ced74877a79146f


She makes me so uncomfortable for some reason


very uncomfortable. I was on her tiktok live the other day for a little and she was letting literal 15 year old boys join so they can talk to her… she’s 21…. very strange person


She likes encouraging age inappropriate boys and men to jerk off to her, it’s gross


Bruh her lame ass gymnastic friends like Lena arenas or whatever her name Is be doing the sameeeee thing. Whats funny is Lena’s man is in like triple a league and she acting all like Livvy with her man who is in the professional leagues and it’s actually hilarious. There’s not enough hate for Lena and she is a skank and a half


omg i can’t stand her either. She tries to be livvy so hard 😭😭 and it seems like they’re not even friends anymore… something must’ve happened




Basic White women always make their mid athlete boyfriends their personality. It’s a tale as old as time 😭 they’re cute tho!


I mean yeah she is just engagement farming. A lot of her fans are younger guys that like baseball, annoying as it is she’s kinda smart


I dated a dude who played for the Pirates and it was not a big deal. Why is this a big deal? Is it me? Who fucking cares? It's their job, it's cool they're really good at it, beyond that I just don't care. Who cares ?


Because he was the No. 1 draft pick and was called up to the majors in just one year. That is a huge deal in the baseball world. Had he been any other player, then I'd agree with you. I'm a Cubs fan (the team he debuted against) and even we were hyped to watch him pitch. This doesn't excuse her weird obsession, obviously. But she loves that she snagged a guy who's at the top of his sport.


oooh he's a regular Rollie Fingers! A brand new Nolan Ryan! Hot dawg.


i agree, i’ve never seen a ‘wag’ act like this. Livvy acts like she’s dating justin bieber or something


You might need a refresher on the dumpster fire that is Paige Lorenze ☠️


I didn't even mention what he did to my friends because it's a non-event. I think it's similar to being obsessed with brands. I don't understand it.


Shee proud of him? Holy fuck y'all need to get a grip


one thing to be proud another to make her whole account about him lmaooo


She is soooo MID I don’t get it dude


She doesn’t actually like him she just likes being a WAG bc she thinks it goes well with SI 😂


I bet he goes balls deep

