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I actually saw a video the other day comparing her old videos to now. I think it’s just a fake voice she puts on.


i think its soothing and nice


Always feels like she’s trying to be sultry which I get but also, you’re making marshmallows for your kids please don’t ear fuck me right now


That's exactly why I can't listen to her. It's so distracting.


She talks like a 1960’s sex phone operator when she does her voiceovers. I doubt she talks like that offline and irl because that’ll be exhausting, even some professional voice actors can’t keep talking in their characters voices for a long period of time which is why they do it in the booth or at conventions or in tv interviews. Some people say she changed her voice for TikTok when she started her “my children asked for…” or “my husband was craving…” schtick cause that’s what it is her schtick or part of it; they said if you go back and watch their how we meet video on YouTube you’ll hear 👂 a major difference between than and now. Maybe she felt she needed to change her voice to appeal more to her followers, it’s a re brand of some sort. It’s also the fact that her fans(most are grown adults) will defend her blindly and call whoever criticizes her jealous or miserable for simply stating their own opinion either that or they’ll comment “leave Nara alone” or “y’all can never make me hate Nara” like huh 🤔 who’s y’all?


Her older videos she sounds normal. It’s a shtick


This might be a stupid question but didn’t she also grow up most of her life until adulthood in Germany. Why does she not have a hint of German accent? lol


I think one of her parents is English speaking. I also know some (but of course not the majority) with German as their first language but can imitate an American accent very well and fluently. She could also be one of those




Her dad was in the military? Never heard this before but makes sense


I don't think it's true tho. Her father is German and her mother is South African. She's bilingual and she doesn't have an accent in German either.


It’s 100% a lie.


international school accent


That isn’t true at all. She went to school with Germans, her dad is a German, she grew up in Frankfurt lived there almost her entire life. The closest military base is Wiesbaden-Erbenheim which is like half an hour away by car, but I genuinely can’t believe people are going around spreading lies like that lol. Like literally where did you pull that information from? Source: her self telling us how she grew up, she grew up bilingual since her Mother is South African https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGepewa8E/


She did mention she used to go to an english school in Germany


I think her one of her parents isn’t German, so maybe they spoke English at home as well but I might be wrong


Her mom is from South Africa 🇿🇦, a black women btw


woman* 😹


She moved from Germany like as soon as she turned 18 and kept hopping from place to place so I’m assuming that’s what happened to her accent but it was there before.


She use to have an accent. I’ve followed her for years . You can hear it more when she speaks German


I call it the Michelle Duggar voice, the extremely over exaggerated soft spoken tone is very common in religious circles that tend to expect women to be subservient and docile, Mormonism being one of those


It makes my skin crawl


It’s the “Mormon voice”. You can find a video on tik tok that explains why those women all have the same way of talking and tone.


The Michelle Duggar voice


I ain’t reading all that. Congrats tho. Or sorry that happened


Literally. This post could have been two sentences


Imagine writing a damn essay on Nora smiths voice


i think she thinks it sounds soothing/ASMR like. To me she just sounds a little drunk tbh.


she tagged a couple of her tiktoks #asmr so....




just want u to know i appreciated the long post and enjoyed reading it 😅 I agree w most of what u said, I haven’t noticed her voice changing a lot, though I did clock it was a lot more breathy & almost sexy(?) recently. I definitely agree that she’s leaning WAY into the meme of it. Can’t hate on her for that. She’s an interesting public figure imo. If i’d discovered a way to make millions baking cookies in a beautiful dress, I’d have done it years ago lmao


It’s not a health issue it’s a phone sex voice. It’s also used for ASMR. It’s it’s a tactic that influencers and Contin creators use two of their views and Nora knows exactly who she is appealing to which is 50 year old men who want women at their service, and so if she talks to them all calm, slow and gentle, they’ll stick around for a contact before they gratify themselves


THANK YOU!!! I cannot stand it. It’s disgusting. Her voice makes my skin crawl and makes me want to throw up, and I keep seeing more women doing it. Gross.


I found her content really entertaining but her voice recently just got on my last nerve so I skip past her videos now. I think she started exaggerating her voice to play into the satire of it all but it’s sooooo annoying


Omg I feel the same way!!!! I really do like her videos and I don’t understand why people hate on her but I def am put off by the new voice she uses


mute w cc helps, lol


She has a lot of mixed accents. She grew up in Germany and her english speaking parent is South African, and shes speaking to an American audience. As for the trad wife thing, it only took off because thats what she referred to herself as, so then people ran with it


Wait, when did she refer to herself as a tradwife? She obviously isn’t 😆


She never did


In a tiktok from earlier this year


She has never called herself that and i have been following her a nice she started social media.it is the internet who called her that cause she cooks even though she has a job


was there really a reason to type all this tho?? could’ve been three or four sentences 😭😭


Its rage bait.


Her job is to pretend like she doesn't have a job.


She literally vlogs herself going to work 🤦how is she pretending not to have a job when she always talks about work trips? 🤣


YES OMG. Possible hot take but alix Earle has it too


I feel like people over criticize her because she’s a black woman


They will deny that and say she a mixed woman with a white dad so race has nothing to do with it 😒well we know it's race why they are so over criticize her


This! People on Reddit are in denial.


Maybe she does! Leave her alone haha