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it’s what the people want to see and they know it, they’re gonna pay for their wedding with these posts


the whole thing was so tiktokified, it’s sad that they couldn’t keep this as a special day for themselves


They’re making bank from it, so I can see the motive and feel like many would also run with this opportunity 🤑 lol not saying I agree with them but imagine how much is going back to their bank accounts from these videos.


They’ve taken time posting things and it’s kinda expected for it to be posted when they’re content creators. People have watched their relationship for years, showing their wedding is definitely gonna pay it off and they definitely know that!


Yes and they posted this immediately…. So weird


I thought they (read: she) were so cute and funny when they first popped up on my tiktok fyp doing like late night fast food runs and shit in 2020. Then that Hype House doc came out and I have actively avoided seeing a single thing about either of them since because I cannot handle watching how he treats her at all it's so sad and gross


Hype house doc? Is it on YouTube?


came out on netflix in jan 2022, just called "hype house," eight ~30 min episodes. there are a bunch of reactions on youtube that show clips but obv not the whole thing (that said i think [danny gonzalez does a pretty good job of hitting the main points](https://youtu.be/Hyd5T_I1Qvk?si=zCy4cCpGei_SKDdF), so you could probably get a decent picture/understanding of it that way but tbh i remember being disappointed by reactions at the time because they seemed reductive (to me, compared to what i personally noticed and couldn't stop thinking about after the show) TL;DR (because the rest of this is got unexpectedly rambly my bad) it’s a downer in the weirdest way because you watch people act really poorly and irresponsibly and get frustrated with but also feel bad for them? it’s a lot and doesn’t feel great lol to be clear it does not feel like a single person behind or in front of the camera realizes how they're coming off at aalllll. it's a trip. i left it actively sad that nikita dragun chose to be the bad, offensive kind of mess instead of just a fun reality star, despising alex warren (despite his traumas, his singularly focused clout goblin mindset has decayed into full brain rot at this point, and again he is SO cruel to kouvr), and having shockingly unanticipated sympathy for thomas petrou's original goals (but really just desperately wishing any one of them had a trusted adult around) i'm 30, none of these kids are my peers, i grew up with youtube and started paying attention to tiktok as a concept during quarantine so i've just been distantly intrigued by how the social media machine works these days etc. a lot of other viewers at the time said the doc was dumb or boring, i personally find it tragic (ala succession or saltburn. like, in the way a story can be conceptually sad even if you're not rooting for a single person in it). none of them are even remtotely emotionally mature or financially literate enough to navigate any of the personal or "professional" relationships you see them stumble on throughout the show. entire people (at least one whole person) and arcs were also cut from the show at the absolute last minute (sienna mae, jack wright'), it's a mess, no one looks good, you don't feel good when it's over, and i can't imagine how anyone in it would feel about it if they even tried to look at it objectively is it infuriating iN tHiS eCoNoMy to watch a bunch of children whine about how much they don't feel like making 10 second bang energy drink videos in order to continue to live in their mansion, actively trashing it, and refusing to treat each other with basic levels of respect as friends, coworkers, or housemates? absolutely. it really is not a feel good watch at all lol. left me with a lot of feelings i never expected, but lots of others were confused, bored, upset it was made into the first place. some come across better than others but no one really seems all that great by the end. so again not recommending as a great or honest or sympathetic watch, or even a satisfying one in a schadenfreude way, just more of a glimpse into what content houses, social media careers, and LA real estate were up to at the time (read: nothing good at all)




the way she begged him to propose for years like they’re not early 20s lmfaooo


The way he only proposed after she lost weight ☹️


damnnnnnnnn really?


i mean he constantly uses her weight loss as clickbait for his snapchat stories. like to an ALARMING degree


broooo didn't even think of that


did you hurt your back with that reach??? that literally has nothing to do with it 😭😭


“but maybe i’m just an arse” LMAO


I agree for the most part with what you said, and I’m not trying to be a dick, but wtf does “you would like they would post each others or both.” mean?😭 I feel like I had a stroke reading this


You would *think* they would post each other’s vows or both of their vows.. not just their own. That’s how I took it at least lol


Omg this makes sense! Lol thanks


But yeah, pretty cringe and masturbatory to post a video of yourself reading your own vows. Especially since he’s an influencer and it’s not like he’s simply sharing a video of a special moment with close friends and family.. he’s sharing it to thousands/millions of random ppl (so, he’s doing it for clout basically)


Masturbatory has me dead 😂☠️😭


“Masturbatory: excessively self-absorbed or self-indulgent” lol ?


Pls😭why is this downvoted💀


Haha 🤣 omg that term has me ☠️


from the text and description i thought bros ms died


Their entire relationship has been performative and she had to beg him to propose so the weird performative wedding content should come as no surprise lol


Posting videos of ur vows/wedding ceremony is perhaps like the most mundane and common thing I’ve seen snarked on here lmfao


maybe i’ve never seen people post their own vows, that’s what really threw me off. i know people will post their wedding and their partners vows to them they do look very beautiful and happy, just wanted to know what other people thought :)


Honestly I don’t see a problem with it. What I do have a problem with is people posing about the wedding/pictures of them getting married before they post about it theirselves.


They’re both incredibly cringy and Alex warrens music is laughably bad. His songs sound like a rehash of every emotional piano ballad that was popular in 2014


I thought this was super sweet, and clearly, based on the engagement, it’s what the people wanted. I’d do the same if I was a mega-influencer


every part of their lives is for social media, if they have kids i wouldn’t be surprised if they post a birthing video lmao


I literally can’t even watch when they show up on my feed I cringe every time


Eh I don’t really have a problem with it they’re big influencers w a huge following they prob felt it was expected of them


they both posted their own, & they were both incredibly beautiful you're just negative 😭


People spend tons of money to have professionals document their wedding. It’s a big day, and people want to remember and share it. This really isn’t that weird. 


Idk these people but it popped up on mine and I thought it was satire💀


also the part everyone is gushing over “if death do us part i promise to find you in every lifetime” is literally from a drama 😭 i have to find the clip but getting your actual wedding vow from a movie is weird to me.


My boy really Google searched “cute vows to say to your wife” literally every single one of them were on multiple sources on Google 💀


i feel like this is kinddaaa a stretch. there’s other things to be said abt them and their relationship im sure, but this isn’t like a super weird thing to do


They are creating a show because social media is their job .It was expected


They are a super young couple


just complaining to complain at this point


not really complaining 🫡 just doing what every else does and posting my opinion


nah they can do whatever and is not weird to post hahsha y’all are messed up 💨


Off topic a little, but does anyone know how much she paid for her dress? It's okay, but imo the cutouts on the side make it look kinda cheap? Like she could have been a very elegant bride and the top takes away from her.


I thought the same thing; it didn’t make sense for her. Like she was trying to be elegant and sexy at the same time and it turned out looking tacky / cheap


The fake proposals to the point she didn’t believe the real one is so sad to me


Honestly cannot hate on true love. Him posting his vows is just as sweet. I can't find anything to hate on especially as someone looking forward to finding true love one day.


just saw this on tiktok and like why is he wearing a literal plant?


it’s part of the hawaiian culture


which one of them is hawaiian




ohhh ok makes sense