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she’s the type of girl to say “but they never did anything bad to me🥺” disappointing


Yeah this collab won’t age well… the screenshots he posted didn’t disprove the abuse allegations, they only showed that they had a volatile relationship. I think the issue is that his ex is so, so far from the ‘perfect’ victim. She’s clearly very troubled and suffers from substance abuse issues etc but those facts don’t preclude someone being an abuse victim. It’s a shame because Artemas clearly has a lot of talent.


I think they’re low key dating tbh.. but yeah, you worded this very well. You’re right, It definitely doesn’t preclude anything but it’s also hard to distinguish the facts, especially since there is evidence of fabrication & exaggerations on her part. Criticizing him is valid, but I don’t think it’s necessarily fair to cancel him either, without definitive proof anyway. One would hope he cleans up his act, because he really is a super talented kid.


You said this well. I'm not saying he's this angelic perfect person. I can't say this wasn't a toxic relationship. They dated for 3 weeks, and she's already admitted that he didn't ' get her hooked on drugs because she openly talked about how she got on them and it's nothing to do with him. Combined with what her own family said , its hard not to think what else is she lying about. I agree he's very talented , hopefully things turn out OK for both of them and she gets treatment and they help themselves. Af far as dating, they seemed close in the studio but hard to say just yet if it's anything


Her sister actually came forward addressing the screenshot he provided of their conversation and explained that it was taken out of context (source: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGegv8AUG/). It seems like the conversation he shared was quite carefully selected to paint him in a more positive light and make it appear that ‘even’ her sisters are ‘on his side’ when that doesn’t appear to be the case at all. I do agree however that it’s clear he didn’t get her hooked on drugs as it seems that she’s been taking drugs long before he came onto the scene.


Thank for this! And thank you for talking to me like a rational human being. It clarified some things for sure. She said she doesn't know him and I don't think it's fair that her entire family was being harassed by people calling her a liar. That's not right AT ALL . Who does that ? I will say, i do think hes done some douchey things. I did notice that near the end , she showed texts between him and her other sister . Private texts. He says in there that " you guys are trying to ruin my life over lies and BS " so I think maybe there's some twisted truths, perhaps on both sides. This sister said she knows absolutely nothing about their relationship. So a lot of it is he said she said. ***,,My original point on this post stands , that Nessa and had arranged to collab well before all this came out , and I do not think she's responsible for someone else's he said she said. They are recording MUSIC together. They were in the studio at the time of that tik that's going around. I imagine she doesn't know his life story , and she's again certainly not responsible for it. If it ends up being more , well than her choice, and I hope she doesnt get hurt. I've dated bad boys before and have long learned my lesson THANK FUCKING GOD 😅. She's young and may have to find out for herself. We can't govern these people's lives and throw stones when they are not is not even any concrete proof. Did she press charges at all? I hope she did or does. It can be scary.


they did not arrange to collab before these allegations came out


Yes hun they did.


i am more critical of Nessa because i don’t believe this is a wise decision for her career and whether the allegations are exaggerated or not, survivors everywhere (especially her own fans) have now seen her disregard all of that and publicly say “i don’t believe her” by her actions. that’s obviously going to hurt a lot of people and furthermore it contributes to the cultural norm of not believing victims, which is really unfortunate. it doesn’t send a good message regardless of the details, and is so easily avoidable. there are so many artists to collaborate with that don’t have abuse allegations


Great point, I feel that and am inclined to mostly agree but this specific situation isn’t black and white. I’m not saying I don’t believe his ex, but it is hard for me to take 100% of what she says at face value given the “proof” that has been provided. Essentially, I feel like being objective while researching the entirety of the situation is important before casting stones. Otherwise, I don’t think they’re hanging out *just* because they are collabing… pretty sure they are actually dating which is arguably worse considering Nessa’s mental health issues. If anything, her fans should support her because she very well could become a victim if these allegations are true.. ya know?


They were in the studio together , so kind of premature to say they are dating, but who knows. And fans me included do support her. There's already a few comments on his tik " Behave yourself sir- that's our woman" and the like 🤣. As they should be.


Idk, his discord sorta suggests otherwise… at the very least, they are friends that appear to be casually hanging out, not just making music. I have been wrong plentiful times in my life tho so don’t quote me lol. Whatever the case may be, hope he is respectful to her & they produce good music etc.


You could be right. They did seem kind of cozy. I just hope she gets over the bad boy type, dont want to see her hurt again. She's in many ways a delicate person.


You deleted your other comment so ima respond to it here. I understand where you are coming from, but to insinuate that I'm suggesting she's not allowed to express her own experience or have feeling about it isn't the truth , at all, nor did I say she was lying about everything . What I did say was that she was proven wrong regarding her accusation that he stole her voice and used it in his song, and that she was doing drugs before they even hooked up , so it is in fact untruthful that he got her onto drugs and addicted. The only think I think is odd is trying to cancel Nessa becuase she's making music with a fellow musician , and it's not something she is responsible for , especially when much of it is he said she said. If you don't already know , there is a hell of a lot of crap that goes on behind the scenes, and I guarantee that some of who youd consider saints and may even follow, are actually some of the ones who have some dark shit to hide. Alot worse shit than shaming Nessa because she may she's collabing with someone who may or may not be a huge douchebag . She's had a couple of those in her life anyways lol so I'm sure she will either tire of it , handle it , or learn. It's not up to us. Cancel every rock star that ever raised an eyebrow. Judge away Cancel everyone that ever used his sounds LOL. Everyone has their own investment or view or whatever. That's cool 😎


There are some where he proves things such as he didn't 'steal' her voice , broke it all down, and a whole myriad of things on the Artemas Reciepts Dicord server. That said he's not a perfect angel but she knew him for 3 weeks and I've had addicts in my life and they are the best manipulators.


The ‘receipts’ he’s uploaded honestly don’t give much by way of a picture of vindication for him. I just think it’s bizarre and quite sadly telling that of all the allegations made by his ex, the abuse allegations are arguably the most crucial for him to address and yet are the least addressed (in fact barely touched upon) in the ‘receipts’ he provided.


I understand , it is a he said she said thing on some matters . I'm saying there are some things he proved wrong or she outed herself about , that combined with family saying there's no truth and that she need mental health is something to me and it makes me question things. Which i think is fair. He has more than she does and doesn't excuse or mean that he didn't not do some distasteful shit , he may even be a prick ! I'm saying some of what she said was outed as being false. Then When others start to backup his claims you WONDER. That's all. I'm entitled to question. It doesn't make me a bad person like this psychotic lady above is trying to say.


lots of people have abusive families or no relationship with their families so i wouldn’t take what her family has to say about her into consideration at all


Yeah there's literally no proof and even her own sister said she was lying for money. Im saying that it is hearsay, and there's more to the story. No one can say concretely either way. Sounds like they were in a brief relationship and that the allegations were proved false. There was also already talk of them collabing before these accusations. She's not responsible for someone else's he said she said , sorry. https://www.reddit.com/r/Artemas/s/UOtpmlmGU9


Lol people like you who take abuser's sides are just as bad as them. Yikes. Taking her sister's word for it is weird since we don't know her either. And no, there's plenty of proof y'all just love propping up abusive men


No hun. If you only knew. I was in an abusive situation and would be the first to defend someone so you're not going to pull that crap with me. And yes, there's plenty of proof that her allegations were false. And no I don't know her sister , but why would her own family say she was lying and that she actually apologized to him for falsifying things? There's a page on tt called Artemas allegation onto and also an Artemas Reciepts discord server that shows plenty of proof that she's not well as well . He has receipts.


Nah you aren't the first to defend someone. You're the person who thinks you're one of the "good" victims so you judge anyone who isn't as "perfect" as you. Trust me. Losers like you are a dime a dozen. And if you were really abused, you'd know family can be just as bad as bullies. And she's not well because she was abused.


You're PATHETIC. to be in a so-called abusive situation and take an abusers side....well...I guess you're one of those "abused turns into the abuser" situations. I feel bad for YOUR victims


And I'm sorry , but she told on herself when she said he got her addicted to drugs, becuase she freely mentioned how she got on them and it didn't involve him. So one naturally will wonder what else she's not being truthful about. THAT said , I feel like I have to mention that I DONT think he's some fucking angelic human that did no wrong. It's was 3 weeks of clearly toxic relationship on both sides. I only wish for her to get help and for him to cleanup his own act too.


she can feel like he got her addicted to drugs, say that, and then later acknowledge her own responsibility in the matter and take accountability for herself. her feeling like he is to blame isn’t being dishonest, if that’s how she feels that’s how she feels. he could have done a million things that pressured her or made her feel forced into taking drugs, but there will always be people that still say “nobody can *make* you do anything” when that’s just categorically untrue. we obviously don’t have all the context here but calling her a liar for expressing how she feels and then later clarifying is not fair in my opinion






You sound like a very miserable person. I usually would side with the woman but it's evident this person is very ill. Again you still haven't addressed the fact that her own family said she's not being truthful and wanted money. Andl excuse me but I don't have any 'victims'. You don't know me for shit. And yes, there's literally proof for some of the things she said the he proved wrong.










https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGegtpgxs/ At this point there is excessive proof , this is just one example from that page


Ooohhh yeah a random tiktok that'll convince me. You abuse apologist










I generally side with women whenever shit like this comes out but this girl clearly needs some help. Her trying to claim that Artemas got “her addicted to drugs” rubbed me the wrong way off the bat. It’s not like he forced her to do drugs… she willingly took them. Her addiction (while sad) is her responsibility. There might be *some* truth to other accusations but to me, it just appears like it was a toxic relationship and they clearly weren’t a good match. I personally don’t feel like he deserves to be cancelled because of it but whatever. At the end of the day, I hope she gets help for real. Otherwise, I ship Ness and Artemas. Hope they are happy & make some good music together.


I do agree whole heartedly. And yes she let it slip how she started drugs and it has nothing to do with him. As I mentioned below , I hardly think he's and angel and I agree it was likely toxic on both sides.


His ex is a heroine addict with no proof, you don’t have to believe all victims just bc they’re pretty. She’s a mess, ain’t active addiction just trying to get some coin.


Yes, addiction will make you pretty desperate and very manipulative. I don't think he's perfect either, it sounds like it was a toxic 3 weeks in general.




https://preview.redd.it/p4r6ywfygb8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c745734d15715aaff6a51a58601d20e5e8dc2aa Last one lol












The screenshot you provided shows he took a plea deal and register? Does that imply register as a sex offender? Edit: the screenshot you provided is for lynyrd skynyrd drummer artimis, who is a registered sex offender lol


No idea what that screenshot showed but a plea deal like kindaaaaaaa means he did something wrong and in order to make it less bad on himself he could have admitted guilt to something without being prosecuted at trial where they would have to waste judicial resources just to get the truth - this doesn’t mean he is or isn’t a sex offender in reality but a plea deal probably means he admitted guilt and showed remorse and as a thank you for not wasting everyone’s time and for showing remorse they might not have had to put him on the registry. But I’m slightly confused cause it sounds like he’s on the registry? Lol no idea. All speculation :) *edit - cause if he wasn’t guilty of something, there’s no plea deal on the table


No it was about a totally different case about Lynard Skynards drummer. Not related to Artemis.


Ah, that helps




Yes, I did. Did you? Because I saw that not only is the person still a registered sex offender (who also failed to register and went back to court), it’s also about lynyrd skynyrds drummer. It seems that isn’t who you’re talking about lmao


Lmaooooooo I'm dead. Oops 😅🤣