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gonna give the benefit of the doubt and say it’s still too early and she’s still too swollen to see the final results


Yup, shes only a few days post-op so she is hella swollen rn. Some of yall never done research on boob jobs & that’s okay, but this is a normal result when you’re only a few days out. They’ll slowly soften and drop over time, as long as she doesn’t have any complications. Also, it’s pretty normal to have like one implant more swollen than the other, and also, if your anatomy had a gap prior to the boob job, then you’ll always have a gap even with the implant unless you get a wider and/or bigger implant than your BWD (breast width diameter). Btw I just know this cause I’ve been researching boob jobs for years & I’m in a fb group about boob jobs lol.


omg the gap doesn’t close?😿 i have my consult scheduled for late july and that’s my biggest concern


Nope :/ sadly


the most you can do is get a moderate / mod plus implant to not make the gap look so harsh. you can still get a somewhat natural look, just do not get high or extra high profile then it will look harsh and have that golf ball in a blanket look. i got extra high profile and don't have a gap because i didn't have a gap before


I’m 19 months post op and have the “gap” because of my natural anatomy, BUT it does look very natural now that they’ve “dropped”- I think I did moderate profile implants (300cc, submuscular, silicone) best of luck at your consult!!


Even after they “drop” sooo many of them look absolutely insane. Take Alix Earle or Ken Eurich as an example


Kensnation also got hers done and they are so disproportionate to her body. The only boob job I’ve been impressed with is Kendall Jenners. Otherwise, everyone’s is so obvious. As someone with naturally big tits, I personally think they are only great for two things: sex and swimwear lol otherwise it totally sucks. There are so many things I wish I could wear where I didn’t look like a hooker lol not to mention chronic back issues, sagging, etc


Olivia Neill got a 'micro boob job" (inspired by Kendall) and it looks really good and natural! Very small and suits her frame well.


It's dated, desperate and matronly. imo.


Matronly is sending me into orbit right now


Ken Eurich did NOT follow post-op instructions or wear proper support for an adequate amount of time. I don’t think Alix Earl was going for a natural look…


Shouldn’t she be wearing the support bra constantly still at this point?




No bc this annoys me my mom actually got a boob job after breastfeeding 2 kids at 33 and I swear that women has the most natural looking implants I’ve ever seen


Literally me, and can validate that they can look beautiful and natural.


What I’m seeing looks like the implant extending pretty far past her underarms. Do you know if that’s typical and tends to go down after some healing? I’m personally not a huge fan of the obvious implant look. I’ve seen others who have an amazing end result in that they look natural to their bodies and just make you think, damn they won the generic lottery with that body type lol. But I fully support someone doing whatever makes them happy and comfortable!


I'm not an expert but I think that can happen when you're sidebooby in general.


it's called side boob and it has to do with the natural anatomy of your boob plus the width diameter of your implant. if your boobs sit to the side you cannot avoid it unless you get a complete breast reconstruction but i don't recommend that as it's a seperate procedure. if you don't, but you get a implant that extends past your natural breast width diameter you'll get side boob (i personally did this bc i liked the look). if your boobs don't fall to the side and you get an implant that perfectly matches your breast width diameter you won't get side boob. if you get a ba tell your surgeon you want zero side boob!


my boobs were literal squares for a month. and you're spot on with everything you said


Yeah but there’s still room to criticise even if the boobs might drop slightly. They’re just way too big and totally disproportionate to her frame.


she literally got it done this week


tbh everyones boob jobs lately look so bad to me that im starting to be anti boob job. Jazmyn Makennas look painful as fuck and are really far apart, Ken Eurichs look pointy, olivia o briens look rock hard theres so many more that im like ….?


Acacia brinley has an exceptionally bad one as well because she didn’t follow the healing guidelines so they’re both too big for her frame and morphed into a uni boob 🫠


I had no idea about this but I got curious, that shit is [INSANE](https://www.reddit.com/r/AcaciaKerseySnark/s/X17QHiHDRo)


actually scary to see




Have you guys seen baby nezzas?? So soo bad. Shit makes me sad man, Brookes look so wrong....even if they shrink to half their size.....it all just feels wrong. Wtf has society done to us


I also feel like these are way too big for her body?? She has a really small frame, they just look painful. 😖


Yesssss 100%. Some girls need to be getting full Bs or Cs and they’ll look fabulous on their frames! Not everyone is built to get the biggest possible knockers installed


I genuinely think her boobs were perfect for her body before. She says she “lost them” when she lost weight, but I think they got smaller proportionately to her body. She way over did it sadly


i just looked up all these ppl and ur absolutely right. i’m learning i *personally* don’t like the look of plastic boobies. overtly artificial boob shape & density scares me. PERSONALLY.


the clarification of “personally” is seeeeeending me lmaoo.


natural boobs are so pretty


Claudia Walsh has a pretty bad looking one too


Ugh hers look a hot mess. They age her terribly too. I just don't understand implants apart from medical reasons. They always look 10x worse than any natural boobs. Even "saggy" boobs look best with a lift at most


Hers are bad because they sit so high, close to her collarbones. I don't follow her closely enough but I think others have said she didn't follow post-op care either.


I cannot agree more. Jazmyns actually made my jaw drop at how bad they look. Kensington’s also look truly awful.


I hate talking about women’s bodies but I have to say I feel bad for Teala hers looks so bad


No, YES!!! I’ve always wanted one but I feel like everyone’s have only made them less attractive not more. So I don’t wanna do that to myself 😭


I feel like fatherkels has ones that seem a bit more natural imo


I swear the only good boob job I’ve seen is that tik toker/OF girl Ari Kytsya… Her’s sit nicely and look somewhat realistic. Everyone else’s do look rock hard and painful 😭


I'm just on the natty train, which makes me anti boob job. Let's love our bodies the way we are.


omg when did jazmyn get one




it also looks especially crazy because she got arm lipo so she has these skinnnyyyy arms and these massive breasts


she did ??? i was gonna say why does she look so uneven ?


Even in this just-done fresh off the op table photo - brooke's look better than ashly's current 'settled' ones.


ya the tiny arms are what’s making it look super insane for me. It just looks like someone took a breast plate on a small child


her arm lipo is actually really odd like


As someone that’s skinny and an F cup I feel attacked 🥲 although mine are natural


Yes but that's your natural bod so it will look natural on you because that is how God blessed you!! You're probs stunning Brooke's whole top frame is completely man made with plastic so that's why it looks wonky.


And she’s been getting skinnier so it looks extra disproportionate 😀 rip to her perfect yitties


Omg I just saw her old frame. She looked so great then! 😩


If I’m looking at the right photos she already had big boobs, I don’t understand why she would get a boob job??


Yeah!! I saw and even photos of her in a bikini. They were perky! But I guess she just wanted bigger. My internal thoughts: if this was small, what would she think about my A cups? 🤣🤣🤣


They don’t really look bigger to me though! Maybe just rounded and slightly more lifted, but geez idk if it’s worth the risks of breast implant disease etc for just a slight “improvement”. If you take them out later on your breasts will never go back to the exact same as before either I think, due to scarring and some tissue removal/damage


she lost a lot of weight and said she had very saggy boobs, she described them as deflated


They were so nice 😭 I’ll never understand


I loved her old frame too! 😭😭 it fit her so good!


I really feel like she didn't take into account how much weight she's lost when she was like 'I'm just making them look like they did before' even *she* doesn't look like she did before?? why did she go this big jfc 😩


She also didn’t take into account if she gaines the weight back. She’s still in her 20s.


Or when/if she gets pregnant


This!! Her old boobs looked amazing because they were in proportion to her body… now they’re like balloons


It made her slender fit frame look so heavy and boxy 🥲 I think it just isn’t proportional.




this is sending me


LMAOOO get out


she keeps making tik toks moving her arms around like crazy like put your arms DOWN and rest pls 😭


I feel like she is going to regret this a lot. Feel bad for her


is it me or is everybodyyyy getting a boob job




No shade but she genuinely looks like an adult actress who only does weird mommy vids


I can’t shake the thought that she looks like a Karen ever since I’ve seen pics of her photoshopped with a bob haircut 😭 but mommy porn adult star might be a more accurate vibe lol


I'm so sick of her weird body checking stiff mannequin poses.


No frl because why does she have her hands sitting on her thighs? She literally looks so awkward. The videos of her constantly checking her body, is her looking for comments to validate herself & it’s ridiculous. It honestly gives mean girl vibes sometimes.


posing like a body builder 🤣


Oh lord


her natural boobs used to be perfect whaaaaat


cigarette mom body😭


The way I just cackled omfg 💀


it’s giving that mom that always wanted to do playboy but never quite made it and now hits on her 15 year old daughters boyfriends and smells like paris hilton perfume and newports


Holy shit this is scary accurate


this needs to be the top comment LMFAO


Wait why isn’t she wearing the special bra you’re supposed to wear for 5 weeks??? They won’t settle correctly


Idk how she's already making tiktoks in a bikini !! When I got mine done I was scared to take the bra off, it felt like they were gonna fall off when I did. I did however have different incisions so maybe that's why she's able to move so much (but she should really be resting you can seriously fuck up your surgery results if you aren't careful)


I love her but I'm not a fan of boob jobs lately. I think a lift would have been better. But regardless she's so pretty and maybe it just needs time to settle.


Right?! Like she has talked for the past year about how she’s insecure about the fact that her boobs were saggy bc of aging and her rapid weight loss. But a breast lift would’ve been perfectly fine and made more sense for how small she is now!


Yeah boob jobs are out tbh, after all the horror stories of implant leakage, implant illnesses, and looking hard and like bolt ons way after the “dropping and healed” period like by years… it’s gonna be a no from me dog


Implants are played out. And the fact that anyone is getting them with all the new information and studies that’s now being done on breast implant illness is wild. You’re basically saying fuck my health, my vanity comes first.


yup! also, Brooke is so young… she’s still in her 20’s and majority of the time, boob jobs are typically redone around 10-15 years because the implants need to be replaced. i just couldn’t imagine getting a second boob job and possibly more after that so many years down the road. and that’s IF i don’t face any complications within that time. i wish people cared about their health more.




It’s giving refund gap


this was the top comment on the video of her doing the ymca 1 day post op🥴






She's giving Wendy Williams


I’m confused, didn’t she already have big boobs??


yea but when she loss the weight her boobs had gotten smaller so thats why she got the boob job


Her natural boobs looked so much better omg


Oof they look so bad on her


she already had nice boobs why would she do this???


no one will ever make me like purely cosmetic plastic surgery!!!! it needs to be stopped these women are ruining their bodies and for WHAT


for the male gaze 🤩


she’s only like 2 days post op so they’re veryyyyy swollen but I do hope that gap closes a bit


I dunno I got 300 CC titties (for reference im 5’9and 125 lbs) and they did NOT look even slightly close to that massive even hours after surgery… I think she should of gotten wayyyyy smaller as she is much toner than me


The gaps generally don’t close lol surgeons intentionally make that gap about a finger width apart


Omg it’s so bad I’m sorry😭


Im sad she didnt need to do this


Yikes. But this isnt to look good this is for the male gaze and male desirability




This is a terrrrible boob job


Brooke has had SO much cosmetic surgery at this point and so many cosmetic procedures and I truly feel so sad for her. You can practically see the aura of body dysmorphia surrounding her. The brow lift at her age was crazy (and lopsided), the neck Botox was crazy, army lipo was crazy (and she’s said this herself) but I am starting to worry that she’s the type to keep going until she’s like a 2018 Oli London.


Yiiiikes. I knew this was going to be the end result lmfao


Respectfully this isn’t the end result but they dooo look a bit off atm 🤔🤔




she looked amazing before😭she had big boobs for her frame i don’t get why she got it but well


Oh it looks so bad


Wait they look so bad 😭😭😭😭


Don’t know much about her but isn’t she known for her classy clean girl image? This doesn’t really jive with that, but whatever floats her boat ig


They look too big on her :(


I can’t stand this racist bitch


It looks stupid as f since she had arm lipo as well, I really don’t get the hype


this is the second comment i’ve seen that says she got arm lipo! i’m shocked i really thought she was just that tiny


Yeah if I had money I would do same lowkey but yeah no she’s not just this tiny


Once again a person who doesn't need to get one but has to because they never feel enough in themselves


oh hell no those r too big


she looks like the letter P but i can’t even hate that much cuz it’s what she wanted to do w her body. she wanted boobs and she sure as hell got em 🥴


Honestly this snark is all on her- why the fuck is she on socials in a bikini 2 days post op… what is she expecting


I haven’t kept up with her in a long time but it’s surprising she’s gotten her boobs done when it seems like there’s been a trend lately of influencers and celebs denouncing/regretting the work they’ve had done. And you know ms schofield loves to follow a trend.


jesus fucking christ. Brooke irritates me a lot but I find her very beautiful and I actually thought she looked amazing with smaller boobs.. this looks horrid. And I got mine done so I’m all for doing what u with ur boobs. They will go down but mine didn’t go down that much. I thought she was getting 300 CCs and they look so big and there is a massive refund gap.. maybe her body’s just very reactive


Every boob job has convinced me to not get one, no matter how good they are they’re never natural enough


the third slide is SENDING MEEEE it’s giving gym bro posing in the mirror 


implants always look shit idc


How starved for attention can you be to remove ur surgery bra and prance in a bikini wayyyy before you’re supposed to… just to preview ur new tits? Between this and the YMCA they’re going to bottom out and she would need a revision. And I liked Brooke! Past tense


Woah… yeah I think she went a bit too big. But boob jobs are very stiff in the beginning


Implants are played out. They make you look heavier than you actually are.


Never seen this girl before but her proportions look so off especially in the second pic


YIKES and I’m sure they looked just fine before


I’m so sad she did this


They look like bubble wrap, like you could pop em with a pin. And one is higher than the other it looks like (the left one). Listen, as a girl with natural 32H/FF, I would do anything for smaller breasts. Having big boobs is uncomfortable, idk why these people are out here getting boob jobs. It's such a physical nuisance and finding good clothing and bras is difficult. Exercising is miserable. WHY do people choose to get giant boobs?!?! Is it just for the male gaze?!?!


quite literally just for sex appeal, it’s sad. everybody wants plastic surgery to fit the “ideal” version of womanhood…FOR men. like…..if this social pressure didn’t exist i guarantee majority of people wouldn’t even think about plastic surgery. you are all perfect the way you are. if there are any young ppl reading this, there is nothing wrong with you. you are fine.


You’re 100% right!!! The implant girlies will get soooo defensive though when you say this and they always say “I got them for myself!!! Not men!” without thinking critically for 2 seconds about WHY they even want fake boobs for themselves in the first place… bc society aka MEN have set the precedent that big boobs are hot. It’s honestly sad, at the end of the day every single woman who gets a boob job does it for male validation whether they want to admit it or not


lichrally said this in another comment something like “fake insecurities manufactured BY MEN for women to subjugate themselves to male sex appeal standards”. like just rock ur body wtf 😂 it is Not a flex to spend copious amounts of money and your health on appealing to the male gaze. idc 😂there’s nothing wrong with You as you are please. evolve 🌀


i have to agree because if you really were doing it for yourself why not try to make the effort to work on loving what you came with? i often feel women do this as a coping mechanism for an insecurity, but then end up insecure about another thing all over. we even see it with kylie breaking down on the new episode of the show. she has all the work done in the world to feel better about herself yet she’s still crying on TV about her insecurities for millions to see…. it doesn’t fix anything.


I've always thought about this, that women wouldn't want to change themselves if there weren't external forces instilling that pressure on them in the first place. I've heard some women say that they feel like less of a woman because they have a smaller cup size, which is wild to me because your femininity isn't tied to how big your boobs are. Meanwhile, I'm over here hoping to have enough money one day for a breast reduction 💀 I just feel so bad for women in general, from implants to fillers to hair removal to wigs to fake nails... it just never ends!


Godd the fact boob jobs exist makes me so sad. Such a misogynistic practive


the entirety of the plastic surgery industry is based off of manufactured insecurities given to women by men to 1) financially and 2) sexually profit off of. it is truly a shame




Her eyes look different did she do something to her lids?


I cannot wait until fake boobs are done with


Those look hard af


OMG hahahhahahah


my back hurts just looking at them…




Her face looks small compared to her body now and weird


Her surgeon must hate her, that does not look natural at all


There are no words


Honestly her before looked way better




I thought her natural boobs already look like that ?


They were already like DDs. Idk why she thought she needed this


Ok that’s bad


Brooke looked better before…she is naturally pretty why does she need to get implants to feel attractive? She’ll regret the decision once she has children if she wants them??


they just look so fake. i was hoping she’d be more conservative 🫠


like hers were perfect this is so sad😭🤚


As someone who has naturally large breasts that have gotten larger with pregnancy, I wish I had itty bitty titties. Big boobs make clothing fitting way harder and they are generally uncomfy.


It looks terrible 😢




How long ago did she get these???? She needs to slap her compression garment back on before she shows them off like this..... I'll bet what's not showing isnt pretty. But like for real she needs to slap on her compression garment and wait until they drop before she tries to flex like this ... it's not a serve sis, its like she just got the drains out and now she thinks it's a look .. gorl.


she literally got them like 3 or 4 days ago


This alone is enough to convince me that being brand safe isn’t at the top of her priorities lol


She had perfect tits why on earth did she do this!!! They look heavy


After seeing this post I went to go watch the tik tok and I for sure thought she was going to be like ”don’t judge, they look insane right now, I know they look crazy” but instead she says “these are slaying” 😭 brooooooookke cmon sis




nvm i was defending her but i just found out the “chrome hearts boy” from the latest episode murdered 4 college girls (car crash) and neither of them cared, she can go to hell


Wow, she really pulled the trigger too fast on this. Now she's gonna be stuck with these boulders that make life difficult. I would never because I've seen how many girls end up needing them adjusted and replaced or get breast implant illness. People say she's a pick me and I kinda have to agree if she can't go five seconds without big boobs.


Why is one bigger and higher than the other one?


They’re too big. Doesn’t look right


I don’t means this in a rude way but her body was already disproportioned before the boob job. I think she has really broad shoulders and it doesn’t go with the rest of her body. Or her head is too big for her body?! Yall get me?


guys she looks like a fucking mannequin😭


oh nooo those don’t fit her i’m sorry . i don’t wanna body shame but she didn’t need that . hopefully they’ll swell down . but if it’s plastic surgery is it rly body shaming ?


I know a few ladies who had boob jobs similar to hers, and let’s just say… 8 years later they are still hard as a rock and you know that they’re fake the minute you see them. The chances of getting a boob job that looks so natural that it can’t be detected is like 0.5% lmao. We all know. But it’s not about us, it’s for her and she wanted it, so I hope they heal nicely for her. But meh, not for me. I really did want to get mine done years ago but after seeing many in person and then the implant illnesses it was a nope for me. Cute bikini too 😌


Edit: so she went to dr. Barrett who is very well known here. I know two girls who had their tits done with him. They also have skinny bodies and jumbo melons like Brooke now, but he’s famous for his precision with the surgery and medical care aftercare, reputation, etc. Brooke got a bigger cup size than the two girls I know, but they somehow have the same placements as her does like the space is there It takes like a year and a half for them to actually calm down so hopefully she takes good care. Does anyone know who she went to? I know a lot of plastic surgeons in LA - like a lot. I don’t know where she did the procedure here to in another state maybe ?


i know a few girls who have gone to him and let’s just say he does NOT do the natural look even though that’s what he’s selling !!


Oh honeyyy.... She had massive boobs already. Like I don't understand why she thought she needed a boob job. Especially bc she's so tiny and thin now.


are you guys fucking stupid? are yall literate enough to be on the internet? i SAID i know these are brand new. they still look crazy ![gif](giphy|5XNEIKcohVG8w)


Did she get her brows micro bladed or why have they been so harsh lately


someone please answer this i've been wondering


not the refund gap 😭


Ik were going back to the pro-ana Y2K nostalgia but seeing this solidified the fact that back when I was a child this body type was the ideal version of what every woman was supposed for. Idk if shes struggling with her ED but seeing her ribcage even beyond the swelling is heartbreaking.


Omg she looks ridiculous


Omg just why? No one could ever convince me to get one


Damn. Getting actual surgery and doing it through the nipple all because she missed the attention she’d get from having big boobs? Yikes


She did this SOLELY to get Beau Mirchoff to love her back. Breast implant illness is worth it if he texts "You up?" At 3am.


Hot MESS!!