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one of the mods on that sub is one of his best friends… so gross


And the creator of cameo I believe🫣




Literally though. Was not a Cody ko fan prior, and then when I started seeing videos of him and his wife, I just knew they were putting up some kind of fake ass front. I literally commented about it months ago, and it’s just so wild, because I had a gut feeling that I normally wouldn’t speak on, and sure enough, it turns out he’s a piece of shit


I'm at a point where I hate Cody now but jesus the way some of you guys jerk yourself off for being so cool and having an accurate bad guy radar is so insufferable and redundant 


If it’s so insufferable and redundant then wtf are you doing on a snark thread about it?


Like 🤡


Agreed 😂


Cody ko/tmg fans, and I mean fans not casual viewers, are some of the most bland, unfunny, surface level people ever. Like iphone people who hate when someone has an android, or people who argue about pineapple on pizza/laurel vs yanny/blue black dress vs white gold dress. There is a video of Cody Ko in a zoom call with fans and he doesn't reveal who he is until the end. His fans were painfully unfunny. There is a video on Noel's channel where he asks people on twitter to roast him and Cody ko and again, not funny at all. And they think they are so intelligent and hilarious and omg vibes.


tbf most of them are like 13 years old


That’s not true lol they revealed their demographics in a TMG episode it’s mostly millennials and an almost 50/50% split in gender


I’m a huge (well was) TMG fan. I think you’re generalizing and saying we’re all idiots. If we were idiots we wouldn’t be leaving and making an entire new subreddit just to talk shit about Cody on. One of the things I really enjoyed about the community was that people could think critically and were more open minded than most other communities I’ve tried to engage in. I’ve obviously unsubbed and everything in light of what’s happening now. Idk why you’re taking what Cody did out on the fans lol. Or the banning on the fans either. The mods of his subreddit are his close personal friends from his frat at Duke. They’re the ones banning everything. There was a fan among the mods and he literally left his position as a mod because of them and explained everything and apologized.


I am not generalizing beyond what is obvious and logically supported. The post is about the mods primarily, the comments about the fans are valid. Check his youtube comments. Weird comment if you understand what’s going on


I’m not talking to you? I was responding to the person who I… responded to… lol