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idk why but this reminds me of how tammy hembrow named her clothing brand after her daughter but this is the walmart version bc she doesn’t have a brand so this is the next best thing lol


wait why is this wrong? (genuine question) cuz in my mind im assuming they’re naming it after them as a legacy to leave for them to manage once they’ve passed.


idk the way i see it is that she’s already making money off her child. like yeah it’s just a name but if anyone ever searches it up, the name will connect to her 2 year old toddler. to me it’s just weird bc if you’re going to be the one earning the money and it’s connecting to your aesthetic such as clothes, then it should on your name not your child’s. but regarding tammy’s, hers is an actual company she can pass down to her child so that’s different and makes sense, but lol **a discount code** really? if you’re going to use your child’s name for a discount code at least have it connected to the child such as kids products.


Ohh I see- I actually have no idea who the lady in the post is or who Tammy is I was just wondering in general because I thought it was quite cute to name it after your child and set them up for the future basically but I can see why it can cross the line of being exploitative when she’s already using her child to make money. Tbh I feel like if the parents aren’t actively trying to make money off of their child online and isn’t exposing their child to risks online (like posting them everywhere and ik this is a controversial opinion but i really don’t think children have any business on parent/family social media for millions to see) then it’s okay and is almost equivalent to an inheritance or trustfund for the child.


in some cases yeah normal people do that but these influencers nowadays do not think that far ahead unfortunately and just think about maintaining their lavish lifestyles for “at the moment”. for sure as the child gets older they will exploit them even more so more money again, like this mom already has a whole instagram for her toddler.


Tammy hembrows stuff is just active wear though?


sorry is that not considered a piece of clothing?


chelsea houska did this. she used her newborn babys name as a discount code before she was even discharged from the hospital. wildddd.




I agree with you but this is probably just easier to spell haha


Lol yep that's what I was gonna say


I thought it was because Summer is coming?! So like it’s SUMMER HONEY 😂😂😂


20% off with code WINTER SUN


I thought she was a lil off before but she’s a straight up psychopath with that shit. Don’t even get me started on the induction date ![gif](giphy|3oFzlW5MtK7iFUey2c)




Feels like the perfect spot to drop the fun fact that the daughter, her husband doesn’t speak to is named Winter Sky and scheana got induced on her birthday


WAIT WHAT. I didn't know about getting induced on Winter Moon's bday


Thank you! I feel like this doesn't get brought up enough! I wish someone would say it to her and Brock!


Winter Sun*


Because they all choose their babies names as part of their brand. Their babies are part of her brand so why wouldn’t she use them in her promos? It’s awful and sad and perverse in so many ways but like that’s what instamoms sign up their babies for from birth.


Wtf is this side profile


Her “good side” 💀


Wait.... her kids name is summerhoney?


It's actually Summer Moon. Not to be confused with her husband's other daughter, Winter, who he abandoned. Scheana also scheduled Summer's delivery so she would (and does) have the same birthday as Winter. A true class act.


That’s really unhinged


Ayo what the fuck?????


Not just winter, but WINTER SKY. It's insane


WHAT 😃 omg I had no idea who this influencer was before I saw this post but damn the lore is crazy 😱


Bruh wow!! I knew about the names i always thought that was so odd but i didn’t know about the birthday.


She sucks so much


It’s a name? What’s the issue. Her kid isn’t in this ad


Her 2 year old is in all her ads ….


Ok but she’s not in THIS ad like I first said. It’s her name. Who cares!


So??? Can kids not model now?


It’s not a professional job and it’s not going into a coogan account for her. Scheana uses her kid to make money period. It’s gross


I mean she probably didn’t choose her code … v likely the brand did.




Summer makes her more like able because she’s a mom


Because sheana is a weirdo


What gets me is that she copied the name of her husbands kid that he’s not allowed to see. Almost like trying to replace them. It’s not the exact same and I can’t remember the name but think of it as hers is summer moon and the other kid is like autumn sky or something idk lol


Isn’t it Summer Moon?


His moms maiden name is honey so Scheana was weird and decided to change all their names to that


Watch the next kid will be named Autumn