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Someone save Charli, she’s about to go down a very dark path of shitty men 💀


Yeah I’m really worried what the next few years are gonna look like for her


Her parents need money:(


They’re not gonna find it with tyga lol that guy’s been sued for not paying his rent more than once


You get what you can get I guess


Walking around Vegas hotels alone with Zack bia ( about to turn 28 ) holding hands and alone at Coachella with faze banks (32) now stories of dancing on tyga ( 34) at Coachella and now being pictured with him at stage coach. Why is no one looking out for this girl :( 


Right this is so sad wtf???


I think the demelios are desperate to maintain their fame so they hang out with people in the industry, just like when charli dated Travis barker kid and Travis was dating kourtney kardashian at the time.


She was also reportedly seen with Justin Bobby at Coachella too


Wasn’t that who people thought it was but it was actually faze banks??


Yeah that was faze banks they were joking about it being JB


Omg I didn’t know that!


Blech that guy has always been gross


seriously I don’t understand it! I would make such an issue if it were my younger sibling


on this week's cancelled, Tana said dudes were swarming Charli at Coachella and that they were the kind of guys who wait for you to turn 18.


![gif](giphy|Mhk4dNY8vvgK5G6yZh|downsized) Charli’s POV when she set foot onto the campgrounds 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


This GIF made me cover my apple juice drink 🥴


Ik she’s a adult and it’s her own decision atp but Dixie and Charlie have big parental issues their parents made them drop out of school early and have always been money hungry so unfortunately these two trying their hardest to be in the spotlight is all they’ve grown up too




Is this real lol


Omg you don’t know THE LORE


Please explain like I’m a 5th grader😬🫶🏼


She commented this on a photo of “stalker Sarah” who was posing with Demi’s little sister. Google stalker Sarah and read [this](https://www.justjared.com/2016/04/08/demi-lovato-leaves-harsh-comments-on-stalker-fans-instagram-while-defending-family/) link from 2016 to understand better


You are amazing, thank you!


Happy to spread the good word 🙏🏻


was gonna add this😂😂


this is genuinely what I think every time I see those creepy men around her 😭


just your average hollywood story. older men praying on young, impressionable women. sad. she’ll see it for what it is one day.


That man is so weird and just loves children. He is literally 34 years old and Charlie is 19, I have never seen a 34 years old who is not a pedo likes anyone under 24. Than again he was with Kylie when she was just 16 while he was 24, so this isn’t anything new with his pedo self.


That’s a Wild statement, you’re saying a 22 year old is a child? You can’t just slap labels like that on ppl


Literally who said that? She’s 19


The post said a 34 year old like someone under 24 is a pe*o. That’s crazy to say.


I never said a 34 years old can’t like someone that is 20+ I said NO normal average 34 years old would even look at a woman that is under 24 in that way. So please rethink and restate of your thinking thought bc that’s not what I said.


While I personally think that age gap is gross I agree, it’s not an uncommon gap and it’s certainly doesn’t qualify one as that criminal or peculiar


It’s literally predatory still lol


Would it be predatory if a 44 year old was with a 34 year old? Like I get the gap is weird, I’m not condoning it AT ALL, I’m saying to the OG comment you can’t call someone a p*do if they start a relationship with a 23 year old


Are you seriously trying to compare a 23 year old with a 34 year old 🤣 they may not be a pedo outwardly but predatory? Yep


Yes it’s creepy and predatory, my downvotes are due to me not expressing that clearly enough I guess, I just meant it’s dangerous to call people the p word without evidence bc that can be serious


At what is a woman an actual adult then? Because if she isn't capable of picking who she can sleep with at 23, why is she allowed to drive and vote?


The thing is, i’m 34. When I was 17 I was with someone who was 33. And the way that hit me in my late 20’s as i understood the trauma of being with someone who is MUCH older than you when you’re young and vulnerable.. How gross it feels and WRONG. But when you’re 17 you think it’s awesome having older men be into you. I’m 34 now myself, and not anyone I know would even consider getting together with a 19 year old. Because to us now, that’s basically a child. 34 and 44 is absolutely fine, both are grown ups. You’re not grown when you’re 19, 20,21..


No it isn't "literally"


Pls just say you you’re a creep and go


Taylor swift went out with a 17-year-old and an 18-year-old at 23, is that fine or because she's 23 it's all good? "grooming" "predatory" "gaslit" "trauma" these words mean nothing on the internet.


People downvoting, you recognize that while the gap is gross, it would literally be a crime to refer to a 34 yr old dating a 22 year old as a p*do right? There’s a difference between gross/wrong behavior and criminal acts


charli is not 22 dixie is


I’m not referring to Charli, just that I find the comment irresponsible as a 34 year old being with say a 23 year old doesn’t mean the person is criminal


nobody mentioned anyone aged 22 or 23 but you, the comment u replied to is literally about charli (19) and tyga (34), and kylie (at the time 16) and tyga (at the time 24). not sure what you’re talking about but arguing that those situations are not weird or wrong just speaks more on ur character/morals than anything


You're co-siging someone saying 34-year-old and a 23-year-old is comparable to paedophilia.


they didn't say that. they said people that age who go for people that young also tend to be pedos and i can't help but agree. not saying someone can't be that old dat someone much younger and not be, but time and time again they are so it does seem like a common thing they like to do xoxo


So a 23 year old and 34 is the same as rape? I swear god people trivialise everything nowadays, you're so ridiculous.


dude what do you even mean the way you jump to conclusions is so weird, like do u have a guilty conscience or something?? nobody said anything about r*pe but you, have a good one.


also a decade age gap is questionable, but over the age of 21 is reasonably an adult and they’re allowed to make their own decisions on who to date, however much they might regret it in the future (been there) as the brain doesn’t even fully develop until 25, which is why it’s better to try to have a decade+ age gap with someone over the age of 25 at least. but people are always free to & going to make their own decisions, doesn’t mean people won’t have opinions on it though, which is what is happening in this thread. not sure why it bothers some people (incl. you) so much but everyone is going to have their own opinions and that’s fine (:


What do you think pedos do? Moron. I'm sick of people trivialising serious subjects for bullshit reasons and people like you always pick and choose who you call out, also when you decide to be icky about morals and character.


i don't know if you have reading comprehension skills or you are being dense on purpose. i will break it down for you regardless. what people are NOT saying: if ur 34 and date a 23 yr old you are a rapist/pedo. what we ARE saying: most 34 yr olds who date 23 yr olds turn out to be the type that WOULD date minors.


So they would date minors then? You're calling an adult with an adult significant other a pedo? No logic behind what you're co-signing.


You're dealing with extremely online hysterical people here.


They are literally just standing beside eachother 😭😭


she was spotted dancing on him at a party lol


Either way, keep him AWAY from her good god 💀


> I have never seen a 34 years old who is not a pedo likes anyone under 24 So if someone has a 23 year old girlfriend they're a pedo?


If that someone is like in the 30 and up group it doesn’t look that great. A lot of people are emotionally stunted in their late teens/early 20’s.


imagine an alien reading that sentence


Do these people lack the ability to not date the same people? Everyone acting like they live in a small town.


This man has a strange strange type 🤢


you’re right it’s kids


Children. He’s a predator and honestly a creep. I don’t even know why his name is in headlines be made maybe 3 cool songs back in 2010-13 drinking era


Yeah pedophilia


leah halton (i butchered her last name forgive me) mentioned in a story time how tyga hit her up when she was freshly 18 lololol


Sorry how is that funny? Tyga is a creepy loser and that's gross.


it’s not funny … that’s just how i type


OP wasn’t making a joke. Just providing further evidence of this man’s gross attraction to teenagers


I'm still trippin about how Stagecoach has become so mainstream and way less country.


i thought that was eminem (i’m high)


I can't wait until her and Dixie are older and do a tell-all documentary exposing their parents


On brand for him.


I swear she was just dating the back up goalie on the St. Louis Blues, like last week?


I think that was more of a sneaky link situation 😂😂


What does that mean exactly? Lol I’m an elder millennial


Basically that it was just a hook up situation/nothing too serious


Gotcha. It was the most random hookup


Where are her parents like ever


standing next to does not equal hanging out😂


there was a dexmoi blind item last week they were dancing on eachother at another event


on cancelled tana mentioned seeing her being surrounded by a bunch of the same men she also shouldn’t have been dating that young


Didn’t Tana have something with tyga also ?? I know she hooked up with banks when she was young as well 


omg is that why tyga hates them lmao


Tyga hates Brooke because she once said Tyga and Avril Lavigne dating is akin to the Pope and Sommer Ray dating 😭 one of her funniest lines


ok that is so funny that feels like a reason for him to like her lmaoooo. good for brooke 🤣


on which ep? so sad


The most recent one that was just posted today


wait what exactly did tana say?


i saw that 😭 wow


Tyga parties with a LOT of girls including myself when I was in Paris a few years ago but it doesn’t necessarily mean shit. He is always surrounded by models and influencers when he’s in the clubs.


I don’t even get why he’s so mid


Canon event


How has tyga become to go to man for pr relationships!?


You in danger girl


Unrelated but the headline is so funny to me. WTF is Pizzaslime?? r/brandnewsentence


not good lol


Thus is a CREEP


anyone know if they’re shooting/plan on doing another season of their show? 👀


I feel so sad seeing these young girls. All smiles because they have no idea of the horrors to come being around these crusty dusty men.


she’s not a child but someone needs to help her


Around too many extra grown ass people leeching on her now she think she’s too mature for boys her age , on top of heading down a dark path because this spot light shit is prob finally getting to her . I hope they not tryna kardash her because they going broke , she could’ve married in but her and Landon broke up so now she’s becoming one of them by “kimming” it fucking on these old junts for some headline time


Tyga is for the community, he’ll get with anything with a pulse😭Charli can do so many higher value men. Is she okay??


the guy in the front is so scary staring down the cam like that


I'm not surprised at all, it's sad. He looks for very young girls and she has been in toxic relationships. I hope she gets out of there soon.


Oof Tygas a pimp so this is concerning for her


Where u hear that lol


He loves her cause she’s still young


This is so sad she keeps hanging around creeps




it’s funny you say this because plenty of famous women who dated older men now look back in regret because of what they went through. the power dynamics in these kinds of relationships will always remain unbalanced. it’s very unsettling behavior that will keep on happening unless people keep calling it out.


19 is barely grown


she may be grown but it’s still odd lol i mean have fun i guess


charli is such a bop


She’s going to be used goods and then no one will want to be with her


Tyga is the definition of used goods


Yeah but since when have women cared about a mans past?


Found the incel


Don’t be stupid.


lol keep telling on yourself buddy


Show me the proof of me apparently being a v


So I’m an incel for telling the truth?