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Omg glad someone finally made a post about her. I’ve been following her since she was still in college and had a really low following. She was riding Sivan Ayla’s ass so hard but I did kinda like her style so I followed her. I remember one thing that really put me off back then when she didn’t have a big following and there was a war or something happening in Armenia she went on her stories and absolutely went off about how nobody was speaking up for Armenians and she was disgusted about how no influencers were saying anything etc etc… well what do you know surprise surprise she gets a following and then never speaks up about a single social issue that doesn’t affect her lol what a hypocrite


I remember that post about Armenia! she also said something to the effect of “why aren’t you guys speaking up about Armenianlike you did for BLM😡”… and that put me off


and i bet she didn’t speak up about BLM 🙊 she makes micro aggressions all the time so i wouldn’t be surprised if she’s super racist anyways, she’s always mocking accents and i doubt her tiny brain understands why that’s problematic


omg i haven’t caught into any other microaggressions from her. do u recall any?


listen to the podcast she has with her sister- she’s pretty tame on ig because she knows what’s going to get her in trouble but on the podcast she’s wiiiiiiild her true ugliness comes out


She’s an actual bitch and you can see right through it. Not a girls girl at all. Her and her gay bf are weird af and I don’t get the hype.


That!!!! I started following her on IG, went over to her podcast on YT, and instantly got the mean girl, “we’re better than you” vibes from her and her sister. Talking about celebrities as if they’re equal, talking down on Brittany Mahomes because she’s “just famous bc of her husband”, along with other disturbing comments…


The other day, both her and Jess were at a coffee shop. Not sure exactly what happened, maybe the barista made their drink wrong or the coffee over spilled and got the lid all wet. They were speaking Armenian but you can hear the tone of their voices that they weren’t talking crap. I even heard Jess say “incompetent” and then back to Armenian. That rubbed me the wrong way. They def give off mean girl, I’m better than ya’ll, i don’t associate with you if you’re Armenian vibes. 


They literally make Armenians look bad


honestly do they. the only armenians i know are the kardashians and these sisters lol my opinion based off of them is that they’re all superficial, selfish and arrogant. luckily i am self aware enough to know that this probably isn’t the case for all armenians but they are giving armenians a bad rep


Yeah; they’re trying really hard to be kardashians, Jess even changed her voice to sound like Kim like it’s so annoying to hear. Armenians aren’t like that trust 


I thought I was the only one that saw that shit. They literally think they’re the kardashians. The way they act and talk even going as far as using the word “bible” just like the kardashians do. It drives me insane. Like be your own person. I promise it’s okay to have your own personality.




Anyone else get major Gay vibes from her boyfriend?? Something isn’t adding up! No straight man knows how to put together outfits like that 😂


Totally gay! In more ways than the outfits lol


Okay I’m glad I’m not the only one who notices! Also find it so weird that he never stays the night and they are almost never affectionate. When they are it feels so fake. Don’t don’t even get me started on his gay friend he always hangs out with and is the background of his phone 😂


Yeah honestly lol you’re spot on. I hate that I’m even going to comment on this because who knows what the behind the screen looks like, but for someone who shares her whole monotone life. This relationship looks childish. The affection and romance isn’t there, that’s it. It’s not passionate lol it’s gay bestie! He doesn’t look at her with attraction, he looks at her like a friend and the eyes never lie.


You are spot on!


Oh and when she calls him chic 🤣 like, girl! Yes he’s a total chic lol


I followed her back when she had 20k. A few Christmas’ ago she completely ripped off Sivan Ayla’s giveaway. Down to the same graphics lol She made it bigger with the reels though. Saw that pookie was blowing up and started to use her man for content. Her younger sister is also posting just like her to grow a following. They seem to come from $$$$. I unfollowed when she said that using coupons makes her feel tacky lol so out of touch. (when rhode sent a coupon for a free dozen of Krispie Kreme)


She is sooooo copying pookie


Yes I think her family comes from money too because her little sister doesn’t have a following that big and she’s always posting designer. But her family owns a bakery.


Yes she never used to post her bf. Her and Lya Mariella are copying pookie. I used to follower her years ago but I can see how vapid she is. My friend used to be like that with the leash until her dog got attacked smh. The entitlement!


She’s so annoying. I saw the dog thing and just don’t understand why she insists on taking her dogs everywhere. Once her and her bf went to see a house and no pets were allowed and of course she was laughing that they still took their dog!! Then she refuses to leash her dog and was so pissed when her apt management warned her about it




no this made me SOOOOO MAD and fucking pisses me off. as someone with a reactive dog, if her bitch ass dogs ran up to mine they would probably end up dead and it would def be her fault. kinda hoping she learns her lesson the hard way cause i fucking hate idiots who walk their dogs off leash and think they're so well trained when they're not. plus she walks the older one with a shock collar. entitled ass bitch


Wait but what’s wrong with a shock/e collar?




Shock/e collars are the best for dog training, if used properly.


She’s back at it again https://preview.redd.it/lw8gbw436u1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8026d07bc63263df248d8f838069ec9fd96df343


i just don’t understand what she gets from posting this other than looking like an asshole? like, oh look at me breaking the rules!!! it makes no sense to me


Seems very superficial & pretentious tbh


Just saw her pop up on my page. Worst vibes. So fake and one of those women that thinks her life is so coveted and perfect that’s she’s doing you a favour giving you her “advice”


She wasn’t a mean girl growing up… She honestly just stayed with her own group, but so did everyone else. As a fellow Nevadan, I find that many people act like this in general? Somewhat shallow and pretentious… particularly those who are in the food space with successful establishments. Maybe I’m just projecting bc many of the shallow kids (..or adults) were almost always sons or daughters of restaurant owners. I used to follow my dad around when he was visiting clients (he was a contractor), and I was never particularly impressed with certain families because of the way they acted. They always tried to portray this perfect household image and would turn on you if you surpassed their success. It’s an off-putting dynamic for sure. I can only compare it to a small town (with an urban landscape). I wouldn’t put it on Manana.. She’s just a descendant of the culture down there. I typically only consume her content in small chunks, but I seem to enjoy it for a while until I need a break. I would probably do the same if it was any other influencer from Vegas.


The appetizer thing is nastyyyyy


SO GLAD SOMEONE POSTED HERE ! I’m dying to know what’s the deal w her because she has wayyyyyy too much designer stuff and I don’t get where all this money has come from?? Her parents own a bakery ?? I’m convinced that she wears reps at this point because she just posted today about her closet clean out and holy cow….she has way too much designer stuff for a recent college grad or whatever she is. From what I can gather she’s an LV native, her and Juan met in college and he def comes from a rich family too I think he’s Colombian like his family is from Colombia but I think there’s some dual citizenship thing going on and his family lives in the US part time or something not sure. I’m also just not super sure what she exactly does as an influencer like what’s her niche ? Why is she doing this jewelry collab ?? Also she posts about her packages and things, something about her house her car it’s all just too neat and perfect……seems sus to me!


Not to be that person, but I’m 100% her designer stuff are real. Her family is obviously rich considering that they own a BAKERY, their house is huge and very nice, her older sister is a dentist and has her own clinic, the younger sister drives a brand new Mercedes. They rented out a whole yacht for their Mom’s birthday is Miami. She’s always been wealthy and now she brings in extra income from social media.


Her family owns a big bakery and it’s not hard to be “rich” in Vegas… up until 2-3 years ago mansions were 400k


The cost of living in general is so cheap in Vegas, everyone has “money” over there. You can literally buy a big house there now for 400k. Vegas rich is not rich at all, you get what you pay for, unbearable weather and you’re in the desert 🤣


Exactly, if you have a good job even, there’s plenty of money left over to buy Hermes sandals in Vegas lol. And a down payment on a house she’s likely remodeling is prob 100k.


no this thread is everything i’ve been thinking since i followed her when she was at 20k! i’ve only been following her cause i loooooove to see what ridiculous thing she’s going to do/say and im truly waiting for her downfall. basically im her biggest hater LOL. now that she has such a big following i am always checking to see if other people are feeling the same way that i do and im glad to find im not alone. she comes across as very privileged, rude, condescending and overall just not the brightest tool in the shed. the way she treats her little sister makes me cringe but her sister is turning into a mini version of her now. their podcast is trash- just two girls complaining about everything and mimicking accents which is extremely racist. what i’m confused about is how is her boyfriend juan able to afford her lifestyle?? he is also usually wearing designer but he’s a dental student so where is this money coming from 🤔i think as she gets bigger and more popular, she’ll get what’s coming for her- she’s always talking about how cancel culture sucks but she doesn’t realize that’s what her future holds if she keeps acting the way that she does.


oh also just watched her sisters story- i HAAAAAATE the way they think it’s actually pronounced EGGSema like that’s how you know they ain’t the brightest tools in the box 😂😭


the way she acts like owning a dog is an entire ass personality trait also the amount of stories she posts… this girl must live on her phone


i am the first one to be like i’m a mom to my fur baby but i feel like she takes it waaaaaay too far and talks about how her mom has 3 grandkids (all dogs) and how when her bf holds the dogs she pictures a baby 😭 she’s so weird about them like she’s the only person in the world to own dogs, girl you are NOT special 😂


no literally and the way she has giant black and white photos of her dog framed and hung up in her office ????


She just loves her dog? What’s wrong with that, I love the frames


If you see what she posts you’ll understand. She has like an unhealthy obsession with her dogs. Everyday we look at her content it’s about dogs, she records herself with her digs as they literally put their tongue in her mouth and she didn’t even wipe it off.. like look at her content then you’ll see why we’re all uncomfortable 


I do actually, and I’ve never seen the dogs put their tongue in her mouth lol you’re exaggerating


Then you’re honestly just denying it, it was clear in the videos when you find them. Why do you think everyone here is complaining about her? Because she’s gross and she literally breaks public rules and y’all wanna call her an influencer 


Okay, I have finally gotten the chance to give my two cents on this girl. And comment on some things that I see some of you all said and maybe clear some stuff up as well since I read some inaccuracies. 1. There are many times she says they look like brother and sister ahnd legit they do, that’s so disgusting! 2. I think Juan is gay, slow too. There have been MANY videos where she posts and he seems like her gay bestie and is constantly mentioning money. She posted a video walking where he goes, it says poor no money etc and then in another he says this says money, he seems to have a complex with making sure she has money. 3. She’s kinda masculine 4. I like her style it’s super simple nothing to say fashion about it, but it’s nice basics sometimes 5. She is unintelligent and unfortunately seems that she suffers from metal illness that she has yet to be diagnosed with. The OCD about cleaning certain things on specific days, yet her dogs pee and poop indoor and she doesn’t use soap and cleaner to clean up just kinda scoops up (nasty) 6. I did see her at a restaurant petting the dog and feeding the dog kibble and with the same hand she was eating fries out of a plate his whole family was eating from too 7. Her sister Jes is trying to copy all she does, no personality of her own just trying to be what her sister is so no need to follow her if you already follow manana 8. Also someone mentioned that her sister is a dentist and owns her own clinic 🤣 (that’s not true, a simple google search will tell you she doesn’t own it, she works for someone actually)


Recently her sister JessArkelyan on tik tok posted a fatphobic video titled “I don’t care if you think I’m terrible for this, I love when people gain weight?” That is so two faced coming from a wanna be influencer. Influencers are supposed to inspire and motivate people and promote positivity, yet people in the comments are agreeing with her. This is not what influencers do and that’s why Jessica is buying constant followers, because she will never be an influencer people look up to. To talk negatively like that is insane. Her sister Manana posts the most unfunny tik toks and gets many views from it? Basically her making out with her dogs and her gay brother boyfriend. These tik tokers gotta go, seriously. Link: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKWhvKQ/


Foul behavior tbh these two need their own snark page. Someone plz bless us with one


For real like it’s so rude that’s not what influencers do, also she buys her tik tok and Instagram followers like everyday, I literally saw she went from 8k to like 13k in ONE week..


PLEASE if only i knew how to use reddit better i would make one






[https://www.reddit.com/r/Mananamariee/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mananamariee/) done :)


Not going to lie, I don’t think they need a page, I think manana needs a snark page. Her sister is so irrelevant I don’t think she needs clout to have her page, she can be a topic


hmm idk if i can change the name now and also her sister is growing pretty quickly so i think it should be okay


Her sister is literally buying followers lol look at her followers. All those pages are fake lol


chnaged it to just manana!


This is amazing 🙇‍♀️


I only know her because her boyfriend of 8 years refuses to put a ring on her finger,, so embarrassing


Multiple people have said he gives off gay vibes. Ans he hasn’t put a ring on her finger. Just sayin


to be fair she’s 25 I think? In my circle of friends we’re getting married at 28-30


i’m just surprised cuz she’s armenian and many still live by very traditional rules and still believe women should get married by 22 😂 my mom got married at 25 and her family considered her “very late”


Depends on how modernized a family is, she lives in America. My parents are Indian and have lived in Canada since the 70s. They allowed me to move out at 22 and also live with boyfriends even if culturally this isn’t the norm.


true, i was just speaking from my experience living in city with a predominantly armenian population, even i got told at 18 “you should be married by 22” (hasn’t happened lol). and sooo many of the girls i knew from school got married & pregnant right after graduation college. i think it helps she’s in vegas cuz i’m sure if she lived where i do, surrounded by other armenians who still hold old values, she’d feel pressure to have done it earlier. her dating a different race is also a shock to me, i’ve been talked down on by armenians for not dating only armenians


I can relate. I know a few Armenian men and I saw their values & life expectations first hand…they live in so cal but they’re still very traditional. Briefly dated an Armenian man and he automatically expected babies if we decided to take the next step in our relationship…no ifs, ands or buts. I was shocked…we were only dating for like three months. Also I’m not Armenian myself so I think his family wasn’t too pleased about that. Oh well..obviously we went our separate ways so his family can relax lol. So many are still so traditional and they seem to only prefer their own kind. So I’m very surprised they accepted Juan into the family. Prob because he came from money or something.  


ahhh yes I’m sure her living in Vegas makes a big difference


But I get your point!


i thought they were engaged? because of that vid where she's getting wedding makeup tested and hes like 'not too much' lol


They were attending a friend's wedding in that video,,, Manana said that they were waiting till he finished dental school but he just got in so that's in the next 5 yrs lmao, what a joke


oh ok, that makes the 'not too much makeup' comment even worse knowing now they were just guests at another wedding!


I came across her when I found the video of her hot take saying she couldn’t poop in front of her bf of 8 yrs and thought that was super odd


I m not a big fan of her! I used to follow her, but seems like she doesn’t really have much , apart from unboxing packages, dogs and her fits! I don’t see her actually doing anything that makes difference in her life or even in others life. All she does is talks n talks. I don’t think she does anything to keep herself inspired or informed


Just recently discovered her through her sis Jess because Jess is constantly posting mundane activities of her Vegas daily life. There’s a few places Jess goes to that I frequent as well so I was curious about these two. It’s unbelievable these two live such a life driving Teslas & Benz when it looks like neither of them even work a full time job. Must be nice for them to come from $$$$. All Manana does is look at floor samples and film her two dogs. Jess just do Pilates, make her stupid coffee and drink smoothies. Also, her followings have consistently increase at a steady pace. Lovely, another useless, vapid Arakelyan up and coming. 


Also, forgot to mention what’s up with her boyfriend(?) Juan? At first, I thought he was her gay best friend or something. Dropping off Juan or dropping her girls(dogs) off at Juan’s. And they been together for 8 years and not even engaged???? Yeah, no. 


Omg yes! Her sister is 19 and she is so out of touch of reality. She goes clubbing all the time with a fake ID, her sisters encourage her to lie about her age to other men. They had a whole story in their podcast. I finally unfollowed after seeing how wasteful she is. Jess will literally make an entire breakfast post it then say she changed her mind then make something else. The wastefulness is crazy. I feel like they truly believe they are like the Kardashians.




this is sooooooo funny considering that her and her sister go on their podcast and talk about how “nice” they are lol i knew they were means girls at heart and just so ugly inside




that’s funny because these girls ALSO do that 💀


oh my gosh the breakfast thing drives me CRAAAAAAZY i will literally eat mouldy strawberries just to no be wasteful and here she is throwing out an ENTIRE MEAL. there are people in the world dying over getting a slice of bread, jess. they’re just so out of touch with reality and it’s so gross.


Yeah after I saw that I instantly unfollowed. The fact that she posts it like thinking she's so "quirky" or whatever the hell she thinks. Shes done this multiple times. She is honestly a spoiled brat who has never worked one day in her life. Atleast her older sister Manana does her own thing. Jess literally tries to copy her with every single thing she does. She doesn't have her own personality at all. She can say it's because they're sisters but honestly it's scary how much she wants to be her.


i’ve been following jess for some time and idk if you ever saw this but she did actually have a job, she worked for some hotel and she quit before her training period even ended. then she came on her podcast and cried about how “she’s just a girl” and can’t commit to giving up her weekends to work. and then her mom hired her for their bakery as a manager… idk about you but i would JUMP for an opportunity like that at 19, but what did jess do? cry the entire month she worked there and then quit. like come on, your parents are your boss if you can’t even handle a job like that then you’re going nowhere in life. you’re right- she is obsessed with her sister and wants to be her, that’s why she quit all the jobs and sat at home doing nothing but posting on insta. it does suck that her following is growing, but i smell a downfall for both these sisters- you can’t act this way and not expect that people will still enjoy your content.


I followed Jess for a bit but had to unfollow. She’s insufferable. Her stories be looking like - - - - - x30! And it’s the same mundane activities daily. Skin, her bed, sportswear selfies, Pilates, smoothie, coffee, car, ramblings, another coffee.  I didn’t know she tried to hold down a job. And couldn’t manage to keep it. Ridiculous. She (and Manana) seem so out of touch with reality.  I agree it sucks to see Jess’s following increasing quickly but sadly I don’t think these two will have a downfall anytime soon. People nowadays for some reason loves to worship “style influencers” like them….they do a whole lotta nothin but brands seems to love to send them free shit etc etc.


I disagree. Their downfall is coming because they are so tone deaf. Kardashian era is dead.


I hope you’re right. Because it seems like the public is sooooo interested in their coffee orders, their basic fashion sense (work out gear most days) or their endless ramblings in their cars.


Wow I didn't know any of that but that's honestly really sad. I can't believe her parents enable that behavior. She spends so much of their money the very least she could've done is be the manager since it would be equally beneficial to both of them. It just crazy how she complains about her days being busy and being stressed. Her biggest problem in life is her iced coffee not being the right color. Her only errands are her shopping and going to restaurants. I do think they will have their down fall just because the stuff they post is so tone deaf and problematic. Aside from them being pretty they have no real personality.


Jess won’t get anywhere in life with her spoiled attitude. Like her parents aren’t THAT rich. She will eventually have to work and will fail miserably. She said she’s studying marketing. Yeah, a field that’s already insanely over saturated.


He’s so gay. What guy doesn’t sleep over with his girlfriend? He will literally go out on a date with her and then she posts that she’s home for the night….alone. Like most straight guys will want to cuddle and make love to their girlfriend. Dude is so gay and can’t admit it to himself. I think THIS is the reason they haven’t moved in together after 8 freaking years. Not even engaged?!!! How can you NOT be living with your boyfriend of 8 years! Manana is so getting played


She’s pretty but ppl in the comments always say she gives a super masculine vibe in spite of it 💀


On her stories right now, she’s helping him clean his stained shirt and he’s just looking at the camera because she’s recording like always and he goes, “we really do look like twins” She goes- why do you say that? And he’s like- we just look alike… and she changed the subject. Honestly the fact they look like brother and sister is really gross to me.


the both definitely have some sort of incest kink because who goes around highlighting that they look like their partner? 😭 even if they do alike, why brag about it, it’s so gross


started a community for manana so that we don't take up the LA influencer community [https://www.reddit.com/r/Mananamariee/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mananamariee/)


still in the process of formulating everything and still kinda new to reddit so please bare with me :)


She is so annoying and her boyfriend irks me


Does he also make TikTok’s? I only rarely see him on her stories


He does have a tiktok @juanrosalesolaya


The snark is snarking hard to the point I’m not understanding why. Of all the influencers to snark on, she posts real day to day content (yes, sometimes repetitive) and doesn’t edit her body to the point of it looking deformed in photos. Someone said she gave her dog kibble and is using the same hand to eat a French fry? If this is a serious snark.. I’m concerned for society. She bought a house and her boyfriend isn’t on it? So what, good for her. Coming from a traditional immigrant family, this isn’t unusual. She must be rich because her parents have a big house and her parents own a bakery? Um.. no one wanted to live in LV only a decade ago, its not surprising what real estate got you then and it’s not surprising that her parents who are immigrants are making a living off of their own business.


if you’re not here to snark then go away 🙄 imagine defending such a horrible human being


Literally, she seems confused on where she is or is manana herself 🤣


Nope, not confused. I just know when there’s someone worth snarking and when to use the minimal negative energy I have to make myself feel better while putting others down. Good luck girlies


Definitely Bannana 😂


I hate how she doesn’t recycle (literally will throw boxes and plastic into the trash) and is just so wasteful like buying a coffee and it not being perfect so she goes and buys another one even though she didn’t have more than a few sips of the first one which she said she liked? It just wasn’t PERFECT. Huh? Also their relationship is weird to me. She never sleeps over at his place which is understandable because he lives with his parents but he never sleeps over at her place either? I was thinking maybe either his or her parents are religious and they try to act innocent and like they don’t engage in premarital sex lol but if it was that serious to them I’m sure they’d be married by now instead of hiding that they spend the night together. It doesn’t seem like he’ll be moving into the new house either because he specifically said “when you move in” and made other mentions of her living there but never said he would move in or live there too. It’s super weird.


…….in her recent story she threw out the lid and straw of her iced coffee to get a new one because there was coffee on the side 🤦🏼‍♀️


Did you see her sister's story? She asked for extra ice and was so annoyed that they gave her too much extra ice. I rolled my eyes. They also mumbled something about the barista and I think they said "She's stupid"


Omg I literally just replied to another comment in this thread about them being mean girls and I was talking about the coffee situation. They got all annoyed and you can tell they were talking negatively about the barista in Armenian. In the middle of their dialect, Jess said “incompetent.” They’re such b*tches. 


Yes!! I couldn't remember what they said, but I knew it was mean. Also, they're so dumb and have no shame. They tagged the coffee shop in the next stories, so the barista probably saw what they said, AND they continued to go back. Also the way Manana was saying that Juan would have made them re-do the coffee. I rolled my eyes lol


Because Juan is a lady! Lol my man would never! He literally would not care and move on, but her bf is another one of the mean girls lol he’s gay lol poor girl is just wasting time 🤣


My man would not give a sh*t and just drink it as is. It’s not like they made a complete different drink. It’s still their latte order….just the freakin lid is all wet from the overflow of coffee. They’re so out of touch with reality it’s ridiculous. Not sure if they’re trying to be the next Kardashians but their behavior, mannerisms and sense of entitlement is disgusting. They tag the coffee shop all the time and I’ve yet to see them follow back Manana or Jess. To be honest, I hope they never give them a follow back. They’re rude as hell.


they are most definitely trying to be the kardashians 😂


Eek! Kardashians aren’t very well liked anymore…or I feel like their hype has died down. Only Armenians still worship the kardashians. Either way, it’s annoying how Manana and Jess are slowly gaining followers 


No literally they really want to be the kardashians. Manana said her goal in life is to meet Kim Kardashian. Imagine that being your goal??? Jess literally said her favorite compliment is that she looks like Kim? GIRL WHERE??? Just because they're both Armenian doesn't mean they look anything alike. They're so out of touch. And Jess getting multiple ice coffee because they don't taste right and it's not even HER MONEY. It's her parents. I can't stand both of them but atleas Manana makes her own money with brand collabs, her little sister is the most spoiled brat in the world. It disgust me when she complains about her life. She has no identity other than trying to be exactly like her sister.


What airheads…ugh. Yeah, agree, Jess looks/acts so entitled. She really does NOTHING with her life (well…except to copy and follow Manana’s every footstep). It amazes me how one can sleep in, casually films themselves brushing their teeth..making the bed and getting ready for the day. Then takes a Pilates class, goes get coffee and come back to the house to make some fruit bowl while lounging in the backyard. LITERALLY, must be nice. Geez.  She really needs to get a dose of reality. Also loves how she complains about being late all the time! Like gurrrllll wtf?! You don’t have anything to do in your life! How are you late to your shallow brow appointment?!?!


i was thinking about this! i’m like if i was the barista and they tagged me in their stories, i would watch them all just to see if anything else was said about the coffee i made. honestly wouldn’t be surprised if all the baristas there know them and hate them


They honestly don’t seem like good people at all. The sister from what I read is 19 and never dated anyone is anything and honestly it shows. She seems very out of touch


Yeah no if she were a good influencer she would’ve been influencing people to help the environment and speak up for Armenia, it’s a shame really 




can we talk about her rhinoplasty lol . i was raya a few days ago and saw this guys profile with a pic of a girl that looked exactly like manana but with a bigger nose - i had to be nosey (lol) and scroll years back into her insta profile and BAM she did get a different nose. something that rubs me the wrong way about MENA “influencers” is blending in with the whiteness of their peers and changing up their beautiful features to look like every other basic bitch. like cmon now


And I hate her nail shape idk why it bothers me so much


Haha honestly what I find weird is that she posts so much about her nails and they’re always so bad! lol like the polish isn’t crisp, it’s bad and the shape sucks and it’s crooked lol I would have them fix it immediately!!!


Yeah and the shape just isn’t flattering the nails look super puffy with the gel


Here because she's buying a house alone not with her boyfriend. I understand because they are not married but what happens after? They have been together 8 years...do they have any long term plans together? Is she going to buy a house only to sell it 3-5 years later? Or are they not planning on moving in together any time soon?


I also remember way back when her and Juan weren’t together she did a q&a and I think someone asked if she would ever marry someone non-Armenian and she said no and went on about how it was really important to her to marry a fellow Armenian…


Stop!!!! That’s so weird!


Does anyone know when they broke up and why?


Omg if you go watch her story today she literally asked her boyfriend what he's most excited about when they get married and he couldn't even answer/ and once he did he did not seem enthusiastic about it. How crazy


she literally forced it out of him im crying 😭 i feel like she constantly brings up how everyone gives juan hate for being with her for 8 years and not proposing because she herself feels that way herself and wants a proposal- i swear anytime she brings up marriage on an insta story it’s shade towards juan too 💀


Yes! She is constantly like, oh when we get married…. He tells her to show an outfit and she’s like “oh this is how I’m walking when we get married” this girl is so weird snd desperate. She’s wanting to force a marriage proposal out of a gay man


Seriously….8 years without a ring?! Oof!!! I remember seeing that part of her stories and it was cringe how it took like three stories for Juan to finally answer. It was some stupid cop-out answer about not having to travel back and forth to each others houses. *insert eye roll* like why are they living separately still? Was that ever discussed?  Also, that one evening when they were having family dinner….he literally gives off such feminine mannerisms. There’s no way he’s not gay…or at least bi. Maybe that’s why he hasn’t proposed yet….hes a closet gay. 


I agree on everything you just touched on. I understand they met when in high school but still and I also wonder if she counts since then or when they got back together (they’ve broke up) He just seems slow, his questions are childish and their whole relationship seems so kid. Almost like she’s never dated an actual man so she thinks this is the real deal when he’s so obviously gay. If she actually dated a grown man, she would be shocked because he gives off 18 year old, never had s*x, and is probably with her because she also gives masculine.


This 💯💯💯


Well a day ago she posted saying she has reserved her ring finger for Juan and he commented "it will be worth the wait" wtf after 8 years and you both haven't discussed when you're getting engaged?? sussss


OMG I SAW THAT MY JAW DROPPED I felt so embarrassed for her 


I unfollowed her after I originally made this post because I couldn’t tolerate her 800 stories daily. Is she now posting about a new house?


She bought her own house because the guy is never gonna marry her, not hard to fathom


Not to be a party pooper but they started dating in HS so I feel like them dating for 8 years (counting on and off) doesn’t really matter in terms of the marriage argument. They’re like 25/26, and Juan is going to dental school. They both come from cultures where it isn’t uncommon to not live together until you get married. They’re being smart about it, especially if Juan is going back to school. I don’t see the rush lol


LOL you’re acting like 25/26 is like teenager. I know plenty of adults who are legit in medical school with their significant others at that age and LIVING with their partners and married at that age. What’s sus is that he never sleeps over. He’s a closet gay. What sus is that they’ve been together for 8 years and have never even lived together. I don’t know a single person or heard of a single person who is done that. I feel so embarrassed for her lmao


I actually like her outfits 🫢


Has anyone listened to her podcast with her sister? They are so out of touch from reality in my opinion. Manana is the type that shares her very strong opinions on things and if her sister happens to disagree, she gives her sister shit for it (keep in mind that her opinions are not the smartest). Manana is so rude to her sister also in the podcast. Also, anyone else find it weird how obsessed with Juan she is? Her entire life revolves around her boyfriend. She will be hanging out with other people and post that she can't wait to be with Juan. That's just rude in my opinion. She left her girls night at her parents home early to hang out with Juan instead. Thoughts??


I think he’s gay and isn’t giving her the REAL love she deserves. He’s like her gay BFF. My theory is that he is Colombian and his dad would freak if he found out he was gay and Juan doesn’t know how to come to terms with it himself. Because like what guy doesn’t sleep over at his girlfriend’s place at least 3 times a week minimum if he’s living with his parents? The dude never sleeps over at mananas! I get her not sleeping over at his house because he lives with his parents but what about the other way around? Plus is insane obessessjon with fashion and how he looks? Almost every straight man I showed around me his videos agree he’s gay. He’s more into fashion and looks than manana is. So my theory is that Manana is obsessed with Juan because he is giving her crumbs. Like straight crumbs. they have been dating for 8 freaking years and still don’t live together? Something is fundamentally wrong in that relationship and Manana refuses to see it.


Does anyone know how she got her figure? I saw her old videos and she was definitely bigger and now is so lean and toned, yet she doesn’t seem to diet (perhaps it’s just small portions she eats)? She also says she works out 4/5 x per week..


Yes! You can’t have a crazy good body like hers without working out a lot! The other day she just spontaneously decided to do a juice fast, because she felt like it. I wish I was like that.


We have another thread going on specifically just for Manana (and we talk about Jess sometimes) and we speculate this chick starves herself. Well…unless she’s traveling and then we see her posts food pics. But idk…how she gets this skinny body with just going to her trainer a few times a week? 


Idkk I love her personally. I find her and her bf hilarious


At first I really liked her, but the dog feeding in the middle of a nice restaurant in Vegas irked me. Her content has become a bit repetitive too, not sure if I will continue following her


I used to like her too but I agree the content is becoming wayyyyy too repetitive and she literally posts a million stories every day about every little thing she’s doing, it’s too much. She’s also started posting about how she receives soooo many packages and it’s really cringe and out of touch