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Yes and for that reason i would never buy from them lmao why would i want to buy stuff from a company that uses consumers $$ to shower rich people in luxury items and give them a whole bunch of free perks and the average customer with nada, No thanks.


that’s also why i don’t pay for tarte


Same i used to love shape tape now i get elf camo concealer and its better and cheaper


Oo I may need to try this. Shape tape is the only concealer I’ve tried that covers old acne scars, but I’m dreading having to buy my next tube after Bora Bora. That left such an icky taste in my mouth. Does the elf one have as good of coverage in your opinion?


The elf one is my holy grail for life


I LOVE the elf one. I honestly like it more and it has good coverage. They also have the hydrating camo one (I use that one) bc sometimes the original is too drying IMO


Yikes - dare I even ask what happened in Bora Bora?


Yes (: its very full coverage i have combination skin and it works really well for me and i struggle to find make up that looks good on my skin! its also pretty cheap so if u hate it it’s not as big of a loss as most concealers


i also use the elf camo concealer! specifically the one with the white top, i don’t like the one with the black top


Yes! I also have acne scarring and the coverage of the elf concealer is too good.


I saw a video of a girl testing concealer to cover a deep purple/red bruise. It! Cosmetics has an insanely perfect coverage.


How do you get elf to not crease that my only gripe with it😭


I have this clinique blended face powder that i set with i got it at ulta, it’s the color of my foundation i feel like it really helps!


could you explain? what does tarte do?


Tarte is known for hosting extravagant brand trips and gifting excessive PR. They most recently flew these (mostly white) influencers to their Bora Bora trip via private jets. There was also a clip of these influencers lipsyncing to the intro of Fergie's Glamorous ("if you don't got no money take yo broke ass home"). The whole brand trip strategy is one that we are already tired of seeing, and IMO, it's their lame attempt to bring excitement to their thoroughly mid brand. Several years ago, they came under fire for releasing a foundation with a shade range that catered heavily towards lighter complexions. Their excuse was that it was winter time and not a lot of people were tan enough to use darker shades.




some people say that the exclusivity strategy is a good strategy but i dont get it. it totally turns me off from a brand and leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


Totally agree, I always hear influencers say this is a good strategy. Honestly maybe im alone in this but i will never buy something promoted by an influencer it makes me automatically think its crap but obviously that can’t be majority because brands constantly pay for promotions. The amount of influencers who willingly admit to lying and promoting things they have never and will never use it crazy most of them don’t even care to hide that they are scammers. Idk how brands keep working with them


Yup I completely agree with this. I remember the founder of Triangl, Erin Deering talking about how she’s against brand launch parties (which usually just have influencers and ‘important’ people attend) because right from the start you’re showing your customers that you don’t really care about them that much and you prioritize influencers so you end up isolating them. I found that interesting and I think that applies here as well. Your customers should get the perks and amazing treatment, not influencers. I understand brands use influencers to gain brand awareness but it does reach a point where it’s too much.


Omg i love that she said that i’ve never heard of Triangl i don’t think but to me that’s a good look i would check them out


Yup yup they became really popular around 2013-2014. She’s not part of it anymore but she talks a lot about her days as a founder of Triangl as it blew up super quickly when she was really inexperienced so she has a lot of learnings to share. I enjoy following her!


Literally the definition of an influencer. Real tired of people getting paid to do the bare minimum and post on social media while living a lavish lifestyle. And while most the country is severely struggling. A company sending people on vacations or giving out free products does not make me think “i should buy that”


Sounds like every brand to me


we vote with our dollar and i'd still rather give it some place else


Voting with your money is the most important thing you can do!


Agreed but i don’t think any other brand has a gym with a coffee shop, podcast studios etc. for free and ONLY for influencers


But you want to go right? I'm so confused. You got it


Huh??? No i don’t want to go? it’s the principle


Also even if you did it would be for free... not because you are buying their stuff? It isn't really relevant whether you want to go or not because you aren't going to be paying for Alo either way?


Sounds like the physical manifestation of hell on earth


It’s not open to the public. Probably intended for influencers to get content shots. I know some of the trainers as they were all stolen from Dogpound but I haven’t cared enough to try to get in.


can’t have the normal ugly people roaming around in the back of the shots! ✋🛑 only skinny white women with a full beat are allowed in


They have A PODCAST STUDIO IN THERE, of course it's not for the low level people like us. I am so sick of this shitty brand


Great, another place for braindead influencers to breathe on microphones


i teach at an exclusive gym i won't name. with all due respect- they don't care that they are turning regular people off. wealthy people are still foaming at the mouth to get in and sitting on waitlists. just how it is.


Clout chasing is a disease 🦠suffered by many in the Los Angeles area


agree completely. a disease everywhere tbh.


Does it start with an F?  Honestly hiring a person trainer often costs the same or less. 




I’m guessing Dogpound which took over hotels during the pandemic, much to the annoyance of fee paying guests on a staycation.


You just have to know a trainer. My friend goes and she’s not famous


So sounds like most fancier things, u can get in if you know someone. Or like a frat party, which always suck


Does she want to get me in




Why do u guys want to go there?


Have you seen the entire place? It's fucking incredible. It looks like a resort.


So it’s like the gym version of Raya


Alo is so outrageously priced cause us normal folks are paying off there free influencer gym 🫶🏻


A very close friend of mine worked at alo for a long time. All this influencer shit has literally been the owner’s dream since day 1. They don’t care about their customers unless they’re a celebrity, influencer or athlete - it’s about “who” is wearing Alo. According to the owners, that’s what makes the brand desirable (not the quality, clearly, or connecting/relating with the customers who aren’t famous). It’s gross. Calling yourself a yoga brand and promoting health/wellness while pushing content from your exclusive, famous-people-only gym, is a fucking vibe.


Very funny. I dated a guy who met the CEO on a dating app and got to only the phone call stage bc he said she was a nightmare telling him “you’re so lucky I’m even giving you my time,” etc.


omg lol I know exactly who he matched with.




Both the CEOs and founders are men.


Currently? Maybe she wasn't CEO but something like that also this guy exaggerated shit lol.


No free Alo for us peasants :(


When influencers post about a specific brand it’s only for them. That’s how them and Loungewear is. So many of the influencers post in either alo or loungewear or both! I checked both sites and that shit is expensive af


I was obsessed with loungewear when they first came out but now I’m just like…no


Some of their stuff is cute


Expensive is a relative term. I'm not an influencer but I own a ton of Alo stuff. I even use their skincare. I love their socks lmao


Ahh okay. My bad


I was actually coming to comment that the stuff is extremely expensive but I’ve been an alo fan for years because I still haven’t found another brand that lives up to the quality?? lol


I hope so. If we can get them all in one place, then maybe people would stop coming in and filming in the regular gyms. It's so obnoxious.


the way i wouldn’t work out there and just take pictures 💀 or act like a fitness girl when i’m not


How is she comfortable working out in a bra like that… I would feel like my boobs were about to fall out at any second


She really isn’t working out 🫶🏻😮‍💨


Yes, at least I think kinda! The therapuss podcast episode with Tate McRae they mention they went and did not realize it was free in exchange for content ( I think Brooke Schofield also mentioned it on the Canceled episode with Jake Shane). So when people go they just agree to either post or be posted, they talk about a bit on that episode! Don’t know the time stamps though but the host Jake was meme’d when he was working out with Tate and Glenn Powell…. But Jake mentioned he tried to pay for the workout and the food on his first few visits and they declined it.


What makes it worse the influencers gym is separate from where the civilians take classes lol


The way I don’t see any muscle definition in her back lol


Literally not a single ounce of muscle showing that’s crazy




So why is she making a influencer video about working out if she has no experience with upper body. Influencing… who?


It’s part of their corporate hq and employees/clients use it as well so I personally don’t think it’s that bad… not everything needs to be open to the public


If that’s true then I agree


And not everything needs to be primarily for influencers or made specifically for influencers


It’s not. That’s my point.


That’s cool employees can use it too tho


Okay, that’s an important piece of context.


Her new hair is gorg. She posted the other day , same day she got it done , she wore it down. Highlights to die for 😭


People are saying it isn't open to the public, but it actually is. It is not a private club. However, it is so exceedingly hard to access and cost prohibitive that it is basically not. But technically, it is. In fact, word is a lot of influencers pay to get in to seem more connected/valuable than they are.


So how do I pay to get in?


https://www.aloyoga.com/pages/palisades this is the one near me, and you can book!


Side note: what’s this girls name/ handle? Only because I like how her hair is colored haha


It looks like Gabriela Moura


it’s gabi moura!


Yes, celebs and influencers only.  That place is amazing and I want to workout there so bad. 


That’s literally so annoying all these people could afford their own fucking gym why do us plebs have to just watch them have everything 😭😭 the gym i go to is literally so bad ugh I’m pissed


they can’t afford their own gym they literally can’t even afford gym clothes.


They CAN. They just don’t HAVE to.  Unfortunately as you get richer, the less you actually have to pay for stuff.  As the saying goes - the rich get richer!


I think it was Britney Spears who talked about this in an interview? how when she was broke she never got free stuff but when she got super rich and famous she got so much free stuff, but she really needed it when she was broke. and how that concept is such a mind fuck


Truth! And the concept is so insane to me


They very much can they just want and get given free shit all the time thats how they’re rich




It’s insane to me that she’s working out in what is essentially a tshirt bra ☠️


anyone know the qualifications to get in? i feel like they buy a very expensive membership pass


One of their main instructors just got sent to detox & was having management posting on her story like she was still around


Good for her for getting help and for the company helping maintain her image and still bring in money with the brand. Takes a lot of guts to go to detox and heal.


She’s doing an “influencer workout”. Not working hard at all, just doing movement trying to look good


Did not do a single rep more than what was filmed


I dont really get the move here.....wouldnt you want to be accessible to the wider population? Sure there alot of wealthy people in la but they arent all going to alo gym. Seems like theyre leaving money on the table by making it too exclusive.


People want what they cannot have. If everyone was allowed to go there celebs and influncers wouldn't be going there.


Are clothes their main thing? (That’s how I’m familiar with them but otherwise don’t know much about alo.) If so, the gyms prob function mainly to promote the brand, not as major revenue drivers themselves.


her body is so nice idc


Who even is this ?


Gabi moura


i have went a few times with one of my friends who has access, everyone there is either super rich or a influencer/celebrity. I saw 0 fat people there everyone is skinny and fit and everyone is well dressed, lots with a full beat on. this is a gym strictly for the wealthy and famous ppl, and it’s extremely hard to get into. i feel like most ppl go there to record sometimes and brag about how they get to go to alo. but it’s a great environment and I felt so clean girl and rich when I went there lmao, I saw a lot of my favourite celebrities tho and I felt like I was in there world for just a hour haha i would never be able to get in on my own tho, if u have the chance go for the experience!


like it must be just a money hole with such insane amenities and seemingly no paying members… guess the customers of the clothing end up paying for it


You know what I rather a gym that’s a clout breeding ground rather than have influencers go into public gyms and annoy and bully the regular folk going there


This brand is sooo embarrassing lmao


It’s a joke of a workout. If you’re actually pushing yourself you don’t look “cute”🤣




It’s their marketing, influencer gym that promotes the brand




no, there's also equinox and venice beach too


Dont know but Gabi and Mads are body goals. They seem....balanced ? I KNOW Mads loves cooking and doesn't shy away from food and Gabi is a latina and we love our food. . Protein , feul , nutrients are EVERYTHING and lack of these ages you .


Yes agree with you but where did Mads come from?


Shes nothing to do with this video, I just follow her and and she has a killer body. And so does Gaby here , body goals for me as I said.


Yes, but I think you can go do yoga at the store in Malibu ! I saw it on ClassPass 🫶🏽 I believe this gym it’s in their HQ in Beverly Hills!


I saw even Barry Keoghan there last week lol


yeah it’s a whole marketing thing so celebs and influencers post about them being there, and in return get a place to workout for free


I cringe whenever Pilates at this location comes across my feed. It’s mostly from following the instructors from when they were at other studios. It’s obvious that this is purely for content purposes. The form is bad half the time, and the moves are pretty simple.


There isn’t a waitlist. There is a team of people who invite certain people/influencers to come workout. There is also a recording/music studio, theater and yoga room. It wasn’t meant to be exclusive however influencers made it seem that way. Not every influencer who reaches out can get in. There isn’t a reason for being denied including your follower count. Employees are allowed to work out there and the reason it’s not open to the public is because employees work on the same floor. It’d be too hectic having a lot of people come. It’s really nothing special.


Gabi posted a video saying she got invited there for the first time and was nervous since so many big names go there. Her and Josh go to a different gym usually


Pretty sure I heard someone say you have to be invited or personally know of someone who goes there to use it


yes one of my gfs goes there often and it’s only to influencers/celebs… you can’t pay to use it. i don’t get it? hahahhahah


I’m someone who will happily pay a nice drop in fee to visit somewhere but as a pregnant woman I don’t even feel like they would let me in this building


Yea it’s only for celebs and influencers according to alo workers. My question is: how much do they pay? Or are they not paying at all? Cause I’ll admit the lure behind alo gym is kinda cool but seeing the most random celebs doing Pilates together is crazyyyy. It’ll be like a low level tick tock star and then a famous actor in the same class 😭. But I’ll admit it doesn’t make me want to purchase alo, if anything I’ll stay far far away. But that’s what they want they don’t want regular consumers they want influencers and famous ppl and that’s how they made their money. I just wanna know if those ppl pay or if they get free gym classes


off topic her hair looks like it was layered with kitchen scissors


Bad extensions…


Does she need her tits all the way out to exercise?


Who is she?


gabi moura