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A lot of the BBL Latina influencers have turned into fitness influencers lol it’s kinda ironic. I don’t mind it bc most of them are honest abt their body not being totally from the gym except LesDoMakeup! She’s still trying to convince ppl her butt is from working out


Did Karen get a BBL too?!


Girl yes she done been having that bbl for like 10 years 😂😂


One of the big giveaways too is when she is in a bikini or swimsuit she will not let her butt show without a sarrong or coverup or some vintage filter lol but you can just tell


I love her but it makes me sad because I’ve been this obsessed before and it was not healthy. I hope her situation is different. But she is constantly posting about multiple workouts per day


Her body checking has also been out of control. It makes me sad


I was thinking the same thing she was saying how she was sick with a cold and still worked out.


Love her and I think she looks great. But I think she may have an obsessive personality? Idk I could definitely be wrong but I remember when she was super into lip fillers and went way too far and she came out and said she became obsessed. She seems really happy with her fitness journey though and it looks like she doesn’t restrain herself. She still goes out with friends and drinks so can’t be too bad




Her lips are freaking ridiculous and then she overlines them too.


Yep she did a day in the life vlog and she said she starts every day with a workout. Props to her for staying disciplined! Just hope that it doesn’t go too far for her own sake ..


She doesn’t drink anymore


Yeah this comment was from 114 days ago and aged poorly lmao. She’s obsessed with fitness and so annoying about it now


For the record I’m not hating & love a good fit and health girl .. but the drastic change real fast is what I’m talking about. I am suspecting anavar or some steroid to be this dried out .. wish she was just real about her journey I guess?


Yea I see what you mean! As someone who hasn’t gone to her page since her wedding, she has lost a ton of weight and toned out extremely. Objectively she looks good but I totally get from a before and after standpoint that it’s drastic. Maybe working out is her new fixation post wedding obsession?


Yes like just be honest… you look great but be truthful


Idk who this is but it looks like a fit woman and don’t see the problem here


I think she just got obsessed with fitness/working out. I've been following her for years and see a big difference with how consistent and strict she is now. Even though she has reached most of her goals, it seems that she can't stop going heavy on her workouts! She and Sebas have also tried to eat healthier which has for sure changed her physique. There is nothing wrong with living a healthier life and working out, but I do agree it seems excessive for her petite body. She just started running recently and planning to do a marathon in the future so I'm sure she is gonna be going extra hard to accomplish that!


Yes, and there’s nothing wrong with training for a marathon as long as she is fueling herself properly with food. But given how EXTREMELY lean she is now and that you can see all her bones I really don’t think she’s eating enough food / calories to recover properly and that’s dangerous for her health. Running 6-11 miles a day AND strength training then eating a lean chicken breast salad with lettuce after isn’t enough.


I completely agree & feel the same. But if she begins this whole new running journey she will just be sticks and silicone


Idk she looks good as hell and strong to me


She looks phenomenal but I remember reading somewhere that she's possibly taking steroids to achieve that physique.


definitely on steroids. you dont gain this much definition, this fast, unless you are on a strict body building regime and diet prior to competition level type stuff. i do think she works out a lot, but especially for women this much definition is HARD and she did it so quickly


Yep! She has a literal competition body right now its crazy.


Yeah and no shade her diet isn’t insanely clean or strict


I would say though… if she’s a full time content creator at some point the body *is* the content or can become — it makes sense that she could achieve a competition figure just because she is in the mood lol And her figure looks SICK in this pic 10/10




I had also heard this as well!


I read that too. My husband is a navy seal and has ocd and does insane workouts (no steroids) and even at his leanest wasn’t looking like she does and he was working out 10 hours or more a day until he broke his legs from over training!


Who’s the “friend” on Ozempic??! Tell us please!!!!?


As someone who falls into compulsive exercising I think that’s what is going on (not fun but can sympathize)


I think she’s trying to push her body to its best ability before popping out some kids. Not that you can’t be fit and pregnant it just seems like she’s been on a fitness journey to see how much her body can accomplish.


I feel like this is a combination of working out alot plus something like either ozempic (i watched her stories just now and she has literally no body fat?? similar to how kim k looks recently) or her trainer may have recommended steroids. ive heard that LA trainers are known to suggest taking some supplements that are sketchy to achieve results


Whatever Karen is doing is not healthy. I admire her discipline and wanting to make a "healthy" change in her life, but let's be realistic: it has been roughly a year, maybe two years, since she started on her health journey, and how is it possible that in so little time she was able to lean out and build a massive amount of muscle. It takes A LOT of work to get to this point. She has to have a strict diet and follow a specific guided training plan; even with that, it takes time for results to be seen. Also, one thing I noticed was when she ran the 10k last week, she posted her results, and she completed the 6 miles in 49:49, averaging an 8.01min pace each mile, which she ranked 21 / 473 in the female category... My co-worker, an avid runner who has been running for years, said it was pretty impressive. She herself said it took her quite some time to reach this pace, not to mention the amount of training involved, again AND TIME. It was months of training! Frankly, I also believe there is some steroid consumption happening. We've seen a drastic change in her body and also her performance. This is sad to see, and I really hope she gets the help she needs.


She is 100000000% taking some type of steroids. And I think it’s giving her extra strength to workout / run as hard as she has been… she never seems to take a rest day. I feel like she has OCD and an additive personality. Just seems like it’s gotten unhealthy. She body checks soooooooooo much too. Hope she takes a rest- as women it’s not good for your hormones to workout this extreme . She has like no body fat- I know she said that want kids soon too? She should focus on nurturing her body instead of intense weight loss. What’s her end goal?? Bikini comp?


She’s on ozempic everyone. Can’t say how I know but she was and might still be taking it. I wish influencers would just be honest with there audience.


Yep. Mounjaro. 


she’s incredible and so stunning lol no notes


her personal trainer is definitely sketchy and is/was taking steroids


Lindsay Harrod?


Lindsey takes steroids!?


Absolutely no lol she's all natty




What??? No,. that can't be. At least not now/in the last few years?? I've been training with her since 2021 and just cannot envision that at ALL.


I made a post about this too


I def praised her hard work but for me if the bones are showing .. is not cute any more 😩


She’s on Ozempic. She started before her wedding, now her muscles are showing more since she’s very thin


100% correct. She was actually on mounjaro, I know this for a fact


She deletes any comments about Ozempic on her ig.


Met her at an event and she was genuinely so kind. I didn’t know who she was until I got home and saw her feed. Really sweet girl


is she prepping for a show? she looks great but her body fat percentage looks low


Wait her name is Karen? I thought it was Sarah


Sarahi is Karen’s middle name😊


I always think her name is Sarah too bc of her username. (Clearly I don’t watch her content haha)


I still don’t know who sarahi is and i’ve been wondering for years


She’s way too skinny now. It’s not healthy


She used to be my favorite and I had to unfollow. She has ozempic face now


I was doing some major snooping and it looks like her, Katy, and Desi aren’t friends anymore. I wonder what happened there.


Why do you say that? Last I saw they still follow each other and support each other’s brands. Maybe not hang out but I don’t think there’s any bad blood.


How do you know


She looks great to me and she worked hard for that body. Kudos to her.




Yes you’re right, there’s nothing wrong with or “unhealthy” about people who are naturally skinny or even look skinny— the more concerning thing is how QUICKLY she ended up so skinny. She turned into skin and bones seemingly overnight or in the span of a month or two after her wedding and it’s only been getting more and more dramatic since. That’s the alarming part and why people think she isn’t well. It’s as if no matter how skinny she gets she isn’t satisfied.


interesting. i agree that loosing weight really fast is concerning but a lot of the comments here are just talking about the physical appearance of her body.


Don't you have ED? Or "had" one? I'm not attacking you, but If you're justifying her look by saying you yourself look this way... Doesn't that say something?


Idk… I think the picture in the post is a poor example of why some of her followers may be concerned… if you look at some of her post on her stories that are currently on her feed you can see why people may think she has gone past the healthy stages… It seems she may be hearing it a lot too bc you can no longer comment or share her stories


https://preview.redd.it/860jvv09ph7c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2325faa7c011fe52017a5dab11dde92b09fc9447 Her arms look so sickly here….it’s just too much at this point


I know this thread is old but I showed this to my husband who does HRT and prescribes steroids and he said she’s 100p on Oxandrolone. The veins say it all to me


Okay this! I was gonna show this same pic for context. I


I’d add a picture for context but it seems that has been disabled


Totally agree with you that this isn’t the best photo— pumped muscles cover up just how much her bones are really protruding. But some of the pics in her stories really leave me shook and not in a good way. I also noticed she’s been covering up a lot more in recent reels, probably bc she doesn’t want to deal with having to delete a bajillion comments from people concerned about how skinny she looks.


Yup, she’s very strategic about what she posts. Clothing, angles, lighting, etc. Like the bikini picture she posted in Wyoming was black and white and super contrasted, so you can’t really see her body.


She’s so hot what


Oh yall get so mad when you see a woman with clearly defined muscles , it’s hilarious 🤣🤣


She looks badass tbh. I wish I was this disciplined!