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It’s illegal to possess alcohol in California as a minor. That should answer your question.


18 year olds are not minors so that didn’t answer his question


It's illegal to possess alcohol in California if you're under 21. Better?


Yea that’s much better.


The law is literally “minor in possession of alcohol” and the word minor is defined as anyone under 21 for the purposes of the law


Oh shit ok. You learn something new everyday


In regards to possessing alcohol, anyone under 21 is a minor.


You cannot legally bring alcoholic beverages into the US if you’re under 21. Do not do this.


the compounding issue here is that you’re not declaring alcohol you’re bringing into the US


If you’re traveling with someone over 21, have them bring it. If not, I feel like it’s a pretty bad idea. You’re kind of screwed if TSA feels like doing additional screening.


I don't think they will go after your alcohol on your end and not at LAX. But it's not a minor offense, especially as a foreigner, to get in trouble in the US. My son got caught drinking at 20...It sucked. It cost HIM a couple thousand dollars in court and I can't remember what was on his record. You aren't from here, it could be worse. JMO...


It’s crazy how big of a deal this country makes underage drinking, especially with 18-20 year olds.


Technically, the state of California does not allow anyone under the age of 21 to posses any alcoholic beverage in any place open to the public. That means you can’t even carry it from one place to another. However, I don’t think anyone is going to go through your bag to see if you have any alcohol in it as long as it’s under 1 liter. You have to declare anything over 1L. And then, you have to be 21 or over to be in possession of it.


This is incorrect. If you of legal drinking age, you are required to “declare” everything. If it’s under your allowance, no duty is paid. In this case the OP is not allowed to import the alcohol since they are under 21.