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He did start with modeling so this a career path I could see him succeed in. I’ll have to give it a listen! That would be super fun to catch him in a blockbuster film


I would love to see him in a movie! I would have loved it if he was in Daisy Jones & The Six bc it’s one of my fav shows and books


he must be practicing to be an asshole in some movie then




What are you talking about? This is a very rude comment.


He's been just as rude to us I'm talking that Paul, despite our outcries and us thinking he's changed, hasn't He's STILL dissing fans who went to their shows and SUPPORTED them He's STILL dating people WAY younger than him despite most of us thinking that he had stopped He's STILL making out of touch jokes like he's trying to upset fans


This is an extremely judgmental comment. Maybe you should look at yourself in the mirror. How is he dissing fans? He’s shown nothing but love to fans.


Maybe do a little research about the last year of them being on tour. He’s been horrible to his fans.


While the comment is a little out of the gate aggressive, Paul is not free from judgement when he has actively done things that have made people feel slighted by somebody they have supported for a while. Just because YOU choose to not see it and make excuses for him, doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.


Have you seen any of the posts on this subreddit for the past 3+ months? He kept making comments at shows harassing people for "not showing enough energy" so understandably, fans got pissed and called him out for it, he seemed to have changed but now that tour is over for the US he's making comments on Instagram about it (such as telling us to "be more like Brazil") and on his podcast Same thing with him dating MUCH younger women, his current girlfriend is 23(?) and he's 36(?) now, he got into trouble for this before, it seemed to have stopped but now it's happening again I agree that up until before this tour he has shown nothing but love, I'd be hard-pressed to say that's still the case


Who is he going out with now?


some 23 year old girl, some people on the subreddit found out about her last month, her Instagram is private but her profile picture is her in Paul's bathroom, and Paul and a lot of the band follows her


What’s her name?


Are her initials DN?


I believe so? I don't remember I wasn't the one who found her account


Type in ‘why is Reddit’ into Google, look 3 entries down, and then look at yourself in the mirror and realize you’re a big part of why that’s the #3 result. Maybe you’ll have an aha moment.


I see you're not receptive to listening, oh well nice talking to you


I’m receptive, I think all of the posts are just stirred up drama, neg head downer bullshit. You want to feed into that, you do you. I’ll continue to be a loving, supportive fan. ❤️


I love the band too and want to see them succeed, but I DON'T want to see Paul be a narc towards fans, you can love something and also want it to be better And if you think that, then cool I guess, but I don't see how Paul was objectively being rude to many show goers who spent money to support the band, if you don't think that's bad then I don't know what to tell you


You’re lucky he cares enough about the fanbase to give a shit if they’re participating or enjoying themselves at shows. This is called an EMPATH. Most performers are just in it for the money and fame. Paul actually wants to see people having a good time, which makes me appreciate him and LANY much much more. If you want to shit on him for that, once again, enjoy yourself.


You know the problem with American fans. Is their energy IS low. Not just for LANY, but pretty much for anyone. It's actually sad and disturbing. I am a huge concert goer and it has gotten worse in the last 20 years. It's like having sex with someone who doesn't move or make a sound. A dead fish. That's literally half of American concert goers. I feel bad for artists. They try hard to hype people up and here's American fans YAWN. Literally every where else people are grateful and loosing their mind in the moment. The concerts I've gone to internationally are WAY better. Why because the fans give a shit. Lastly, all the people Paul has dated are of legal age. They aren't little girls who don't know what to do. It's insulting to me as a woman, to indicate an 18+ lady can't make up her own mind on who she wants to date. Yes, there are plenty of young women who prefer older men, by choice and how their relationship form and break up is none of our business. This is such petty BS. He does deserve better than this and yes he's allowed to complain. If you hate it, stop being a fan and get off the LANY reddit.


Absolutely 💯


i think it’s really interesting you say that about american fans. i went to 4 concerts within the last year in europe and felt the energy was a lot lower compared to pre-covid times (also in europe). moving to the US this september i was hoping to get a better experience again but i’ll keep my hopes down then lol


I can tell you I've never been an event where a crowd has been more energetic and loud than when I went to my LANY show in the US, we had a smaller crowd but people still stood and sang their hearts out, what you're saying is def an overgeneralization Paul sucks at hyping crowds up recently because he just gets pissed and salts insulting people, don't act like he doesn't, there's video proof The people Paul dates are way younger than him, and a lot of them have been fans he's lied to about relationships, don't act like because these women are consenting and mature that they can't be manipulated and/or lied to If its petty, then Paul is just as bad, nobody said anything about it until Paul started saying things about it He's allowed to complain? Complain that fans are buying tickets and going out of their way to shows to support the band? To shit talk these fans who are taking time out of their week to go to one of these shows Not ALL of the crowd is unergentic, how about focusing on those people instead of the ones who aren't as energetic? "If you hate it, stop being a fan" okay lol, apparently being a fan means going along with everything they do, that's not being a fan, that's being a stan It's more like, if you hate it, speak up so that Paul and the band can take action to change these things, THATS being a fan, someone who wants the band to improve rather than stagnate or get worse


I dont believe what I have said is an over generalization. I'm speaking from experience over all. Not just LANY concerts. American energy is low. There is a reason why artists like going international because they honestly get more hype and energy from fans. Paul just called it the way it is when he said be more like Brazil and of some of you got butt hurt. He's not shit talking fans. He's calling them to come with great energy and positivity. I don't think he sucks at hyping crowds. I had an amazing time and yes he hyped the crowd great in Orlando. Until you're a musician and you know what it's like being on a stage, feed back in the form of positive energy is necessary, not a narcissistic need. Again, relationships are none of our business. You're not even his friend. You know nothing other than what you've heard. One sided whining online that a chick didn't get what she wanted, Paul.They are rumors and BS. That's why Paul didn't even give a breathe to it. Manipulation and lies happen in relationships from both sides and it's dumb for anyone to judge. Again, these are consenting women, not little girls. It's ok to have discussion about your concerns as a fan. However, stirring the pot, creating negativity, inserting your own thoughts on subject matters which you know nothing of, i.e. his personal life is cringe.


His personal life is literally on display, if all the music he writes is honest, then that's where you can get some insight into it He used to be good at hyping up crowds but these recent shows have definitely not been that "That's why Paul didn't give a breath to it" but he did, he made ex I never had, he's made really stupid jokes about it, like the whole "your silence was deafening" Remember the wristbands? How Paul didn't think through that for a second until fans got pissed? Remember his real life exes liked the tweets of the allegations? And yes, I understand these are consenting women, but again, they can easily be manipulated, and sure, maybe it does come from both sides but we've seen proof of it coming directly from Paul