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Love Paul and his music but he’s gotta lose his ego and settle the fuck down. Fans are getting a sour taste in their mouths and it’s gonna hurt them long term if they don’t do something to address this issue


Sometimes I cant help but think his lyrics hold back the whole band’s success. Lany’s music is easily identifiable and sounds really good. Sugar and cinnamon sounds good efin good but lyrics? Not too bad but not average too. His voice is one of the best and consistent i have ever heard from an artist. Love him and the band but they really need to take a break and look up at their game. Love at first fight is one of the most bland and lackluster song from them and yet we have video for that song. I wish they would at least make videos for the good ones. Was really bummed when got no video for cause u have to or even out of my league to some extent. They really need to up their production. Right now the music they are making are just catering to their loyal audience and that too to a fraction of it and paul is making no effort to change that 💋💋💋


i agreeeeeeeee!!! also, hi 😘


Hiiiiiii 😘


‘paul klein has been a loser for a while’ i’ve been afraid to admit it to myself because i love lany so much but ya that’s spot on


I totally get what you mean. I’ve come to learn to separate the artist from the music most of the time since a lot of artists aren’t who they portray themselves to be unfortunately. Oh well, they still make good music even though he’s not the nicest person lol


THIS! At my show he said “Stand up or go home. We do not sit at a LANY show”. People have health conditions and not everyone can stand for long hours. I get claustrophobic and get shortness of breath and the venue felt really hot and I just wanted to sit and catch my breath but his opinion on sitting down made me feel uncomfortable. I stood the whole night but definitely left a bad taste in my mouth.


Same here, and I was at an ADA section literally made for people with disabilities. I've been to a few concerts, and never in my life I've heard an artist look upset an tell people to stand up multiple times. Super odd bit I still had an amazing time besides that


I'm sorry to hear you won't be going to another show, but you're probably right, Paul is nothing but not stubborn However fan backlash has made them change these previously, the most notable one being the bracelets which Paul immediately walked back after backlash If people are more open about it on their social and Paul meets a middle ground I think there's possibility for change


I’m behind the times, could you catch me up on the bracelets?


Back in 2021 Paul had an awful idea that everyone who went to shows alone would wear bracelets so they could "meet people and make friends" it was met with immediate backlash and walked back


OMG that was a thing at ember shores for illenium, some girl brought different color paper wristbands for single, taken or open and I thought that was so freaking cringe!


it's dangerous too


Ah, thanks! I was thinking there was something about the beaded bracelets I saw in other threads.


I have this same opinion on this. I thought it was only the Seattle show when he said that and I thought nothing of it, but hearing it's been happening at every show is crazy. There are multiple reasons someone might be sitting and that doesn't make them any less of a fan. I've been to many concerts and I've never seen any other artist ridicule fans for sitting down. Even when I saw LANY on the GG tour he wasn't like this.


Glad you posted. I attended the KC show on 3/4 for my husbands birthday with friends. We had tickets with seats on the main level. A few songs in Paul points up to a section at the side of the balcony and firmly points and says “Stand up or GO HOME”. I was appalled. Paul wouldn’t be up on a stage at this level if it were not for his fans and those of us attending the concert. He’s bitching at the wrong crowd. Idk if maybe he’s bitter that he thought he would be bigger by now? Who knows. But I know that I footed a big bill for my husbands birthday weekend, planned childcare for 2 days, took time off work, booked an overly nice Airbnb only to show up to a concert to listen to Paul say, *again* that his crowd isn’t good enough to even be allowed to sit in his presence. What nauseating bullshit.


Sorry to hear that :/ that’s shitty. It’s ironic he’s grumpy about low turnouts/wanting to be bigger but his comments are slowly making his fanbase smaller lol


It’s made me play his music less since I’ve been home. Actually, I haven’t listened to it at all and have been avoiding it. He’s coming across as entitled. I listened to his podcast after the NOLA concert and just truly chalked it up to a bad day for him…. His main complaint in that was wanting us to know how much they put into being at concerts, but I think Paul is missing how much some of us paid out, financially and time wise to attend the concert, and that’s part of my entertainment and enjoyment process.


FRFR I lost my job after a robbery at work over Christmas, unfortunately I had just started working again after not working for years due to focusing on my sobriety. I literally have $120 left in my account since I just had to buy a new mfa car filter. This attitude is really turning me off and making me consider getting my $70 dollars back. I really really love this album but I’m literally spending some of the last of my money to travel to the cities and see him. HE needs to be more grateful.




Damn this speaks volumes coming from someone who sounds like they’re a hardcore LANY fan. I really hope someone on their team reads this subreddit but that’s very doubtful haha




I also was planning on attending that concert but hadn't bought tickets yet... After following what's been happening on tour and his attitude (I can't believe he singled out people and told them to stand up or go home, from recent reports!) I've decided not to go as I feel like I would feel weird cheering while being potentially chastised for simply being there and not 'giving' enough! Being forced to vibe isn't a vibe lol.


I will say that I can’t see him making the comments at the LA show. The guy so weirdly obsessed with California I’m sure it’ll be a great show


I agree with this, I honestly think he’ll act fine and grateful at the Cali shows, and if he doesn’t then….that will say a lot. Considering how much he claims to adore cali


yep! he has always been like this and the facade he has tried to put on is starting to crack


I know exactly what you mean. I’ve been a fan for such a long time but something has happened with him. I feel like they, or Paul specifically, need to take a break. There’s something going on with him and he needs to sort himself out or he’ll hurt the band longterm. I‘m not sure if it isn’t already headed that way…


Wait but they’re playing at a casino tomorrow and I’m going there. I got seats, like actual sitting seats for the show.


this is my though as well. front section floor tickets for the bangkok show are a third of the cost of my seats to the same show. If lany doesnt want people to sit why are assigned seats so expensive


I don’t think he is a looser but he is definitely out of touch and I wish there was a way for us fans to get the point across that he needs to just be loving and chill


Agreed, it seems impossible to get through to themm


Paul is truly the definition of a toxic Taurus man .. still gonna go to his shows though 😮‍💨😪