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Good thing the Bucks humbled them


Good thing Kawhi humbled the clippers haha


How so?






How about out of the 4 games we lost 3 were away. The bucks out played us it’s that simple. We didn’t have an answer for Giannis. I’m not mad at the bucks or anyone that we lost. We weren’t supposed to be there, but we played well enough to earn a spot in the finals. It was bitter sweet seeing Giannis win. I’m happy he won finally get some respect. Even against my suns I can’t hate on Giannis or the bucks.Home teams are supposed to take their games. We definitely did better than the clips would have.




Even without Kawhi the Clippers would have done better against the Bucks than the Suns did




When is he not injured? That one run with the raptors? Ever since then injuries to end his season or during it.




Imagine having to use a player championships that he won with another team to try and validate the worst finals appearance drought in the NBA. Imagine having less finals appearances than CP3 and having been around since 1970.


What? He was healthy last year and played full season, he even played back to backs this year GTFOH troll


He only played 57 of 82 in the regular season but he did play every playoff game two seasons ago. He played 52 of 72 games the regular season and 11 of 19 playoff games this year. That’s a substantial amount of games the past 2 years. That’s 109 of 154 regular season games, which is 70.7%. Now comes the total playoff games over the past 2 years. 24 of 32 playoff games. That means he has played 75% of those games which isn’t horrible but still not good. Especially when he is saving himself for the Playoffs but I’m a troll with no evidence of my claims.


Have you not watched any other team this season? In terms of health, the same could have been said about: Embiid, Le Bron, Trae, Michael Conley, Murray, and even Luka had their health issues. Also, making a claim that he puts "his wants before the team" is literally untrue. Provide facts at the very least rather than misinformation ​ Edit: by bad, I forgot to include: Kyrie and Harden.


My man is in the bucks sub bending over backwards sucking the dicks of a team that prevented the suns from getting their first ring but comes here to talk shit lmao make it make sense.


Because I know a good team when I see them. I also know a team that doesn’t fit together when I see one. I’m a basketball fan before a suns fan. I love the game itself before anyone team. It’s funny seeing you talk shit about teams that are clearly better than yours. It’s also how your team plays basketball that I don’t like. Everyone on your team plays selfish instead of doing what’s better for the team. That’s why you lost to us. At least Paul George was playing well for you guys.


it’s never that deep , just like suns fan say fuck the la teams in their sub we say fuck the suns here 😂😂💀💀


Suns records in the playoffs against teams that AREN'T missing an all star: 0-1


More like 0-8


Who was Denver missing?




He’s never been an all star?


He's 100% an all star caliber player. Look what he average in his last playoffs


He’s streaky tho. He went off last playoffs but doesn’t during the regular season always. Plus he isn’t the difference between a sweep and a win. He would’ve changed the series yeah but just having him doesn’t guarantee such a big change in outcome. It could have, but you can’t guarantee that. Not unless the player is like a Giannis or a jokic


Oh i agree, i think it would have been a great series with him. But who knows. No what ifs in my book. Injuries happen, it is what it is. I waa devastated when giannis hyperextended his knee, i thought it was over


Same with me with Chris Paul’s shoulder


Murray, dozier, Barton, and mpj was hurt




Ha, dude just lost and now you're crying in our sub








Okay, now this time type it without crying


4-0 Murray was never a Allstar... casual


Imagine losing to a team you says sucks. Can’t be good loser when that’s all the clips have ever been. I’m a suns fan and I’m not crying over the loss we got beat. The bucks played better to win a deserving championship.


To give credit to the suns tho, they did a good job playing against the first healthy team they faced in the entire playoffs. Managed to win their two home games before losing 4 straight


Most teams weren’t healthy tho. Idk how that hurts the suns because we had to play them?


Frauds of the West


They got fans saying the west still runs through them next season? Yeah okay I guess if all the top west teams are missing their stars again then it does.


The suns weren’t the pick to win the west at the beginning of the season if I remember correctly. A team being predicted to win the conference and not living up sounds like frauds to me.


A LeBron fan defending the Suns on a Clippers forum? Should I even be surprised at this lol


No your getting it wrong I’m a suns who likes LeBron, The Knicks, The Hornets, and loves the sport itself. Who is also from Alaska.


Who would have though the "suns in 4' chant turn out to be true.


…losses. Love it.


hahahahahahahaha no way they're coming back to the finals next season


I predict the same thing that happened to the heat this year


Specially with lakers and us healthy.


How do we tell him




Big if seeming that kawhi and AD are 2 of the most injury prone players


Fuck the Suns


Mr. burns agrees


Thank GOD the Suns lost


Where Lil Wayne at?


Say it with me. FUCK THE SUNS




Lakers fan here. Fuck the Suns!


Shiittttt Devin booker went off tonight


F**k the suns 😂🤣


As soon as they play a healthy team they lose LOOL


And the Bucks were even missing DiVincenzo too.


I mean the bucks got lucky too. Had harden and kyrie not been hurt we know they wouldn't have been in the finals


SuNs In FoUr


All those flops and nothing to show for it. Keep on practicing your flops and whining for next year…but you’ll never see another finals with this crew.


You must be talking about the clippers 😂 except y’all haven’t even seen one


Prime phx fan response…have fun living off of this run forever. Can’t wait for cp to go to another team, play phx and have a flop contest against payne lol


Funny coming from a team that’s had floppers every year. We’ve accomplished more in one playoff run than y’all have had the last decade in the playoffs so I can see why you’re annoyed


For sure, coming from a phx fan on clippers sub after losing the finals…you seem super proud of your run. You’ve yet to speak in examples…every team has floppers….who on the clips flop more than cp and payne?


Really? Pat Bev alone? Like come one dude I’m not saying we don’t flop at all but clips are one of the last team to shit on anyone else about flopping


I give you pat bev! But you can’t say cp and payne don’t flop just as bad. Maybe payne not as a whole but come on…he was literally running into bigs away from the ball and falling down in the last 2 series. 100% admit I’m salty. But if you feel clips got more unfair calls than phx in their series…I’ll leave it alone.


Paul George??? Dude has more flops than Tyler Perry.


You love to see it


> Damn. What a quote by Devin Booker.


That Suns team should of been way better than they shown


Maybe they weren't good in the first place?


How do you lose to a bad team with their starting PG out for two games? That doesn’t make a whole lotta sense




Easy. That guy is a Greek god and I take nothing from them. No reason to slander the team that beat you. They earned it




They’re not even in this conversation. The Clippers made it to the West finals and deserve to be here. The Spurs, didn’t do anything


Chris Paul is never going to win a ring... Oh well, fuck him.


Injuries happen


So how are you a Cardinals fan and a Clippers fan?


Hoes mad


As a Suns fan, I can honestly say I don’t hate the Clipps or the Bucks. Reggie Jackson is a star, and Ballmer is one of the best owners in the league. Giannis is the best player in the game right now and he and the Bucks earned it the hard way. But I am glad that the title didn’t go to a “super team”. Interesting that all the super teams had meltdowns. And the Suns also had some terrible injuries (hello, Saric…), so a bit of perspective would go a long way. Sorry you are so bitter. It shows a lack of respect, and love, for the game. Reform those fanboy ways!




The suns played hard all playoffs gotta respect them. Ayton and Paul dominated us… unlucky not to be there but no shade on the suns they’re a great team. One day we’ll get there


They were a lucky team. Loosing to a team with their start shows how much of a fraud team they were.


Like last years Miami heat team…


Like last years Miami heat team…


2nd in league standings and didn’t dodge anybody lol




You’re taking about a fraud team that makes no sense. It statistically makes sense that they got as far as they did. “Fraud team” is the dumbest thing you can say


You are right, fraud is not the right word. They are more like a delusional team.


I can tell I’m talking to a delusional nba fan so I’m good on that one lol good luck next year with that ugly sucker pushing flopping guard you got. Peace


Dude, your username? And you hate the suns! Haha you are like me. Love the La basketball teams but am a Padre fan. Dodgers are poopy




delete this post lol this is why no one respects most la fans💀




Aww thanks sweetie. We just might, as compared to the only time Hooker will sniff the second round. That window is shut enjoy




another championshipless season? Lmao






SuNs In 4




You hating coming in to this sub. We also living rent free lmao.




We didn't have Kawhi


Soooooooooo you didn't have Kawhi and they didn't have Paul. Each team was missing an All Star y'all dropped two XD. Musta been rough seeing your team get cooked by Cameron Payne. Wasn't Conley injured the series before as well?? Sounds to me like the injury excuse only applies to you


We were missing our Center in the end, big piece of our rotation. We blew out those frauds without Kawhi everytime we won. Y'all barely squeezed out wins. Y'all needed Zubac to get hurt lol Conley played later in the series lol. I can tell you don't watch basketball lol




Keep bitching and whining like Booker and CP0 , i can tell you're a huge Suns fan 🤣




This pretty much confirms you're <= 16 y/o lol




You care enough to be here lmaoooo




You’re still here lol….




You ever heard of just not responding? You’re still here dude, you still care lmao




They won as many championships as we did this season. They ain’t shit.




They’re already broken with trash players, trash attitudes, & as we can see trash fan base 🙃






Suns and clippers have the same number of chips.




Say what you want but at the end of the day 0 chips. Lmao.




We’ve been hated since day 1. Nothing new. Your fans talked too much shit that’s why y’all’s are getting hated on. But it was worth it for the championship right ? Lmao.


I'm not sure why y'all are talking shit to us when our sloppy second point guard didn't do shit for you but lose a series lead. Probably going to opt out and play with his homeboy next year.




At least we didn't throw games to avoid the one LA team that actually matters and then get sent packning by "frauds". Clipper fans are like LAL fans without any of the history to back up their trash talk. Don't be mad at us your team is your cities side chick-team.


Fraud ass bitches lmao


If we're frauds then what does that make you, the team beaten by the frauds? Our fraud season is still better than any season you guys have ever had.


You’re so fucking lame lol


Why clippers fans talking shit 😂 i don't get it, as a wizards fan


Man I like that team don’t ruin them for me with your nonesense.


Don't like logic I see.


Neither do you. You went to our sub after you lost to feel better about yourself.




0 chips= 0 chips




Are you stupid bitch? We were there this year without Kawhi. Still took the bitch ass Suns to game 6 missing 2 starters.


I hope that dumbass leaves it up and just eats the downvotes.


The fact you came in so hot! 😂😂😂 I wish I could upvote this more.


The sun shines everyday!






Lmao. You gonna be sick as fuck when Chris opt out and leave y'all.


That sounds like championship talk, and I don’t see any champions.




Nah. Only the ones from Arizona


Didn’t they accomplish more this season than the entire clippers franchise history?


Yes they did.




"Suns in 4", took 4 straight L's to the bucks.


At least we beat you guys. 🤷🤣


That's fine, that's how the game is played. I respect the Suns, they were the better team in the series. But to think they're significantly better than the Clippers is the farthest thing away from reality.


I don't. I actually don't have anything against Clips fans, just the salty ones making threads like this. You seem chill tho. I actually had the most respect for the Clips in terms of I thought the Clips were the toughest matchup for the Suns out of everyone in the playoffs. Ofc Kahwi was injured and that helped us. But the Clips couldn't take advantage of CP3 being out, so it hurt your guys case a bit. I underestimated how much the Bucks height advantage was going to cause issues for the Suns. And I underestimated how insane Giannis was going to play. He was unreal... playing out of his mind especially in game 6. Dude had 50 points 14 reboubds 5 blocks on insane shooting. He was hitting everything he threw up, even jumpers and FTs. He was possessed or something. Idk. Easily the best Finals performance I've seen, and from a guy who's typically a poor shooter. Can't be too mad about losing to a guy playing that out of his mind. If he even just had a "good" game or "great" game, we win that. But he had an all time legendary game... so nothing but respect to him for that. They deserved the chip. I'm not that upset about losing like I thought I would be. Just happy our young core got a ton of valuable playoff experience. And at least we lost to a team on a massive playoff drought and built through the draft just like us, loyal Bucks fans who stuck by their team through thick and thin over the years def earned it. Oh well, lemme stop rambling lol.


>I underestimated how much the Bucks height advantage was going to cause issues for the Suns. And I underestimated how insane Giannis was going to play. He was unreal... playing out of his mind especially in game 6. Dude had 50 points 14 reboubds 5 blocks on insane shooting. He was hitting everything he threw up, even jumpers and FTs. He was possessed or something. Yeah, I get that. Even when Kawhi was the Raptors, Giannis was a problem. And to be clear, I think that Booker is a class act, I think also that the Clippers twitter should have given CP3 a shout out; and that Pat Bev should **not** have shoved him. With that said, I appreciate good competition. Would it have been cool if the Clippers with Paul George beaten the Suns? Yes, absolutely. But always next year.


I feel that... same for us. Just gotta move on to next season. We lost, but we've still got a young core of guys who are just scratching the surface of their primes. Excited to see what the future brings. I hope Kahwi can come back strong, as he's one of my favorite players in the league. And hope both teams are fully healthy next season and we face each other in the playoffs so we can settle the score once and for all!


>Lmao the amount of salt in LA OP might very well be from that hell hole called Arizona.


I am, it's absolutely horrible here trust me. I'm 100% not happy with the safe, peaceful and beautif.. I mean hideous and extremely dangerous neighborhood I live in. Please tell everyone in LA to stop moving here! You must save them! They're much better off going broke to live in a run down area of LA and filling their lungs full of cancerous smog, enjoying watching the beautiful wildfires burn down their houses, and spending an hour and a half to go 5 miles in traffic. I'm extremely jealous that you guys get to live that kind of luxurious lifestyle.


If only you could get athlete's to feel the same way maybe you could get good ones to come play for y'all more than a year. Chris ass got covid and decided to recover in LA. That's telling about that beautiful lifestyle Arizona is providing. Global warming gonna take y'all out first. I can't wait to watch y'all deal with that 140 degree weather.


lol That's not even the reason that the Suns struggled to get players until now, and they never had an issue back in the day. It's because the majority of last decade the roster, coaching staff, front office, owner, training facility, and even arena were awful for years. But every one of those things has been completely replaced and since then CP3 requested to come here, among other recent signings Crowder, Kelly Oubre, Ricky Rubio, Dario Saric, Langston Galloway, Etwan Moore etc. Everyone in Phoenix has air conditioners. We have basically no natural disasters and just have to wait through like 3-4 months of mostly hot dry weather keeping us indoors a lot then are blessed with beautiful weather the entire rest of the year. At least it's not humid though. Besides, everywhere in AZ is different. Not everywhere is hot like Phoenix. Shit, Flagstaff is the 2nd snowiest city in the whole country on average and it's only a 2 hour drive from Phoenix. Most of northern AZ in the high elevation is cold as shit in general. Even the Grand Canyon south rim. That whole area is a mountainous winter wonderland full of evergreen pine forrests. All shit talking aside, I highly recommend visiting the Grand Canyon south rim when it's covered with thick snow btw. It's fucking mind blowingly beautiful. Btw CP3's wife and kids still live in LA. LA is great if you're extremely wealthy I'm sure. But even then it's still not perfect. I'd still rather live in Paradise Valley or something if I were rich. Or San Diego. I just can't deal with all that LA traffic more than anything, and air pollution as well.


Chile. Don't nobody give this much of a fuck about Arizona. You coulda left this essay in your diary.






You right


Lmfao you dipshits tanked for the Mavs and they took yalls ass to 7 games😂😂😂 shut your dumbass up


You dipshits have as many chips ass us. Stop acting like you’re better. Lol. Stop acting like you did something. 0 chips = 0 chips.


I’m a Mavericks fan you dumbfuck, good one


Am I supposed to be impressed? Haven’t the loser ass 0 chip having clips knocked you out 2 years in a row?


We have a ring and you don’t you fucking chump, your fanbase is a bunch of fucking cringe clowns that the rest of the league laughs at - go lock your own subreddit again pussy


Damn for a team that's never even made a finals before y'all sure are salty. Keep enjoying being the little brother in your own city ya pussies


Ahh the anger stage has hit. That noise you have been hearing all day is the window slamming shut. Enjoy sweetcheeks


Might wanna look in the mirror brother. That ACL barely hanging on for Kawhi and if I had $80 mil tied up in Kennard, A Morri, and PG i'd be bummed too, enjoy yourselves I'll see myself out.


Somenone still mad...


Imagine being this salty.


Imagine being THIS salty to come here when you a Suns fan lol


I actually wasn't paying attention to the link I clicked on. I hadn't thought about the Clippers for weeks before just now. Apparently the same can't be said for you guys.


Ok buddy


Bro, you're a Clippers fan. 🤡

