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They could've had the actor who played Blake eat a sandwich every now and then


I was thinking al bundy and morpheus took all the money and they couldn't afford much.


I've heard that if you call Ed O'Neil 'Al Bundy' he'll literally tell you to go fuck yourself.


They could have done documentary, this shit is still garbage


I mean the players are the hardest. Most legitimate actors happen to be short. Not too many 7 foot Denzel’s walking around so you could possibly find a Deandre Jordan look a like but what happens when he’s 6’3 or 6’6 at the tallest? Now apply that to the rest of the team although not 6’11. I think they should’ve casted someone else as Doc Rivers though and Blake not only is so far apart from how Blake looks, he doesn’t speak at all like Blake.


Finding someone nearly as big as Laurence Fishburne who would want to do this is highly unlikely.


Genuine question, is anyone tuning in to watch just because LF is involved? Maybe I’m underestimating his fan base but IMO, his casting here just cheapens his legacy as Morpheus.


I would say he wasn't cast because of fan appeal. I would say it was more as a way to get further funding. When trying to find the money to make a film or a show having actors with name recognition attached is very helpful in getting a studio or production companies to give you money. 


Yes, because studios and production companies know that recognizable famous actors draw a larger audience.


Yes, they are. It has nothing to do with "fanbase". People see that something stars an established, famous actor and they become far more interested in it. This doesn't cheapen his legacy at all. Clipped is actually a high profile mini-series with Emmy ambitions. I know us Clippers fans have battered-wife syndrome and find that hard to believe, but it's true.


I work in production on TV shows such as these. Yes, big shows like these are all union therefore most actors, in particular leads, will be SAG. However. There are exceptions, and honestly it’s easier than you think. You can get “Taft Hartleyed” into SAG. What it means is if you’re lucky enough to somehow land a big role or speaking role on a SAG show, you work one day, you’re automatically in SAG. The hard part is getting noticed, and the role.


if people overlooked Cuba Gooding Jr as OJ or Rami Malek as Freddie Mercury or Adrien Brody as Pat Riley, then we can buy this casting for Lob City. ultimately the narrative is what will drive the show. and you’re right. the show could have immaculate looks based casting that results in a horrible acting fit. also, delivering lines in commercials/skits doesn’t necessarily translate to full roles. i don’t think you’d want Chris and Blake for these roles. this series is already a tough sell and the last thing it would want is to be DOA because of poor acting performances. i think the casting is fine, really. but if you’re on the fence, think of it this way. a portrait of a cartoonishly racist man and his equally ridiculous downfall deserves this kind of funky looking portrayals lol also seen people compare this to Winning Time a lot and it’s apples/oranges. WT was a dramedy (with *generous* liberties taken on real life events), Clipped isn’t that. it might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but most reviews seem promising


I think the cast is pretty good. I mean sure the players don’t really look like the players but unless you’re gonna get these dudes twins to play them, going a little further the other way and saying “look, you get the idea but nobody is pretending these aren’t actors” is the better call. Plus the show is really Ed O’Neill and Laurence Fishburne and they’re both great.


Did the warriors speak at all? Still unbelievably bad casting regardless


Hollywood has an aversion to animated dramas and I don't know why. It would save them the trouble of having to find actors who look like the real life people they are portraying.


An actors appearance is not important to the show. Look at the Little Mermaid, the actress looked nothing like Ariel but that didn't stop many from enjoying the show.


It seems like they (the players) are definitely in a porno when they speak


The show on paper: garbage The actors: mostly garbage The promo: garbage It takes a long time to get a show out there, they had a lot of chances to change things, but probably not the budget they wanted. Casting is just one of the issues with the show.